Showing posts from November, 2023
I know I am breaking down from stress. My body is covered with scars from nightly torture through these mechanical arms absolutely smearing disgusting chemicals on my skin, hair the pigs have tried to knock my teeth out they cut out part of my uterus they have broken my toes they have smeared ssomething like hardening stuff on my nails and poured fungus into my food, hair, vagina and all my living space--every day for years plus poisoning me to death plus rape and abuse and torture and then stealing ideas I rant out under drugging and torture conditions. Years of writing about it has produced almost no result of any defense for my most basic of human rights. Fuck America what a sick shit country and the shit whores who are being forced upon me are typical examples of all that is destroying the country. And yet you all love them, I wish them death and now pray for it night and day;. Every fucking day I have to add another piece of shit who has come to rape and beat and threaten to kill me ONLY BECUASE i AM FIGHTING FOR BASIC CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND EVEN MORE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.//No one stops them. they get invited to the fucking Biden Criminal Family House that is all-white and I mean that fucking bigot Biden who loves blacks loves black Nazis and that's about it.//and broken from poison that shitalina and pig shit pitt ordered put in my body, and now constantly deny. They are so clinging to endlessly exploiting me to death that and forcing me to "submit" to my ideas perpetually stolen from what I write, as they blocked and block my every attempt to communicate, have a career or actually profit off MY OWN IDEAS and my life--as they steal and rob and torture and ask me for ideas--rotten seemingly stupid and blank Farrakhan the broken record of victimization for blacks who are looking for another group to target--for Nazi approval and it's the Jews, oh how this is a grand time for that rotten beast of burden Farrakhan and also Jesse Jackson also is insidious and fully into rape, torture, racism but Farrakhan has been pushed to a near iconic "Minister" level and he's on a God" power-trip that is so low it's similar to the disgusting hate of Johnson. They are ALL so vile and dirty and nasty and filled with power trips and hate and everything they claim with benevolent voices to the public is an absolute scam and decpetion. // I am not just being killed from the poison that they put in me for 12 years along with the shit skanks who poisoned me all my life, but also the stress of death scenes in teleportation nightly, and people yelling insults about my body after they have deformed me and continue to do so. And because I am saying and screaming by now that "you have no right to do this" with smirking pschopathy like the black cops who beat Terry Nichols to death (was that his name? From Tennessee, was beaten to death by 4 black cops on a street corner, he used to be a free spirit on a skateboard, far too happy and free for the miserable victim label that these ministers and reverendds of hate demand out of me to submit and obey being miserable and abused and a sex rape torture victim so their black women can sneer and scoff at me too, looking "down" as they all steal and abuse and rob and rape and laugh and go off to Martha's Vineyard only to promote something as rotten and vile as Kamala Harris into anothe rDemocrat nazi slot with her "Jewish" husband and half Nazi daughter as they all attack me likewise so they can be aloft over Jews as they all laugh while Jews become the real target of another Holocuast and they get to participate and rub shoulders with shitalina dn pig pitt who adore them for threatening my life for defending myself for over 12 years just from their onslaught of this terror technology along with Trump to just replace replace but it's not whites it's maybe light skinned Jews but I look so downtrodden and I'm breaking because Trump has been having me tortured so he can always and endlessly profit off this contract, and he needs the endless approval of the 4th Reich by endlessly having shit pig pit and shitalina and non-stop minorities and vicious and disgusting blacks come to threaten my life for standing up to filthy shit whores who need to create a racist State almost officially sanctioned racism through this technology. The blacks are nearly drooling at the prospect and have been used as the dogs that used to kill black runaway slaves, and they have replaced that death squad activity their mouths are like yapping gaping hounds of hell looking for someone to "replace' them.//Years of begging to get this vile and sick shit off me and for this group of multimillionaires to pool their filthy dirty money together and make their little shit Nazi empire of shit Nazi movies without having to use me as thei rendless punching bag electronic teleportation victim I can't defend mysel fagainst thes fucking pigs like this with every president fully participating and profiting off this. Fuck Biden hope he dies and people refuse to have Kamala and that the Nazi skanks of Congress like Elizabeth Warren are not allowed to demand that her Nazi cronies help to promote her as this "Squad" organizer when she is really a truly nasty Nazi white supreamcist. Hope neither she nor Hillary will have any representative say in any other election, nor the skanks who have attacked me. Truly America is a disgusting place I so never want to be around these people or return to that sick fucked up rotten country. If people can't differentiate the false lying shit of the leaders adn this shit from Whorewood it's not my fault I do not deserve to have my original ideas stolen by shit skanks filled with cliches and narrow-minded empty entitlement Karen paradigms.
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The internet hell attacks and why it took me 6-7 hours to download 15 drivers from the Dell Support page.
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Firstly the WiFi was turned off very routinely as I was fighting to download. Then, besides every download took almost 20 minutes to download as the connection speed likewise was hacked and slowed down so badly that I had to get up and do other things waiting and waiting and waiting as the hackers blocked the speed of the system. Then I had to pound down on the mouse (a brand new mouse as they broke the last one) and I would click on things and nothing would happen. I would have to click twice, three times in a row finally pounding down on the clicker to get anything to actually happen. ---------- Then, after I downloaded a mere driver file, the hackers would dump 600-800 files on my system while I was downloading. An I had to restart at least 13 of the 15 downloads for drivers and that also is slowed down. Then after the system finally maybe came up with WiFi not turned off, I would have to clear the cache, and then go through the process so every hour I could only downloa...
What the terrorists did to my plants yesterday (photos included). Bought just 3 days ago with a wreath of flowers in a circular design, now dying, half of the plant decimated by terrorists above, below and everywhere around me. All my plants for one year have been killed repeatedly without end.//A hell of internet and hacking and blocks to purchase. The story is so long and I've been telling it for so long. The terrorist org made sure to block my phone number on the delivery service and they claim it can't be undone. They sent me a phone that absolutely didn't work so I returned it but have to take a passport photo because my phone number is blocked from the log-in page, as are emails sent to me upon request for password recovery and this site will not and refuses to answer my endless questions, the same questions, for weeks about how this is not working. They claim not to understand English well and ignore my questions and keep me waiting so long with pauses in the chat that I give up and my brain is under non-stop attack by the remote tech.//I had to download drivers just to try to upload photos from this camera which I have been lied to perpetually about service from the Sims sales people, who just sold me for $10 an increase in memory which does not work! Nothing happens when I try to transfer music files, or the hackers. But downloading drivers took SEVEN HOURS all day today because of so many hacks and blocks. But the last month has seen two expletives teleorting and raping me, a series of bigot blonde Nazi women giggly as they have stolen my ideas, had me mutilated, raped and when I get angry they have scores of black and white Nazis come to rape and beat me. The ugly sinister smile on the faces of pig pitt and shitalina the prostitute ugly skank who has had me dismembered disfigured poisoned to a point of death raped adn beaten and my body scarred with torture abuse and the ideas she has been stealing is non-stop. But the utter death threats from Farrkhan the black fuck creep such an evil ugly disgusting filthy persona so vile and nasty--and they are smirking with delight as he threatens to kill me, shouting that the white pig apes who have stolen my ideas, poisoned and mutilated my body and destroyed my home and killed animals and forced rape adn torture on me nearly non-stop for TWELVE YEARS it is now TWELVE years and before that it was A DECADE of other pieces of shit who are associated with this group--Europigape Nazis and Farrakhan is there to force sex slavery and rape abuse and if I try to fight back he's like the black pig cops who killed Terry Nichols, the black man beaten to death by black Nazi cops who were under order from a white bigot KKK cop who instructed them on exactly what to do to destroy the black man who said "You have no right to do this to me". And that is the story. So endless death threats, endless destructionl and the internet I require to survive in this digital age and for things I need delivered are broken upon arrival, I can't use the items I bought in the stores at about 300% higher price than on the delivery service I am now relying on to save my body from endless threat from cars and people banging into me and attacking me with my very fragile body. The sickness is so disgusting and this is always so sanctioned by an evil US Government regime. I can now state emphatically that the US Government has been a fascist institution for a very long time and it's only coming out now that mind control has reached so many more of the population (thanks to people like Musk and his very racist and nasty ilk). So I see that I am so broken down from poisoning abuse endless sleep disruption from terror imposed upon me by sick and psychopathc SHIT that you all worship as celebrities and politicians who are mentally deranged and absolutely murderously on power trips akin to psychopath terrorist organizations.
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All the flowers were poisoned and they fell out while in the full bloom. I placed them in the dirt at the bottom of the caked with dead and dying leaves bushy area that had been full just two days ago, green and growing. Next photo you can barely see that the leaves are brown and sagging downward. This mobile phone camera I am using is so bad and it barely focuses. I spent something like $100 on it assuming that the shelf price would mean that the quality would be good. In fact, this is a cheap and disgusting camera phone from China that is only good for receiving and making calls. I spent another $10 for a memory card which doesn't work, and I can't transfer music files. I spent all this money for nothing. The camera is so out of focus and it's so horrible everything is non-stop discrimination and abuse. The pig apes from shitwood with Farrakhan who is amost disgusting and vile parasitic energy leech, his energy putridity is so foul as well as Jesse Jackson, they are seeth...
My University of Illinois professor step-father, and his terrorist antisemitic jews and haters with their terrorist tykes (their spawn) who all were forced upon me under a mind control program so I was forced to be at their homes and "play" with them to indoctrinate me into believing that they were at the very least, "friends" but more like the children of my step-father as their parents were likewise professors. I was in their classes and we all played together until the hate 4th Reich instructed them to become terrorists (as early as age 9): growing up in Champaign, Illinois (note that the University of Illinois is technically in Urbana,, which is divided by one street and perhaps the "Boneyard Creek" in certain areas).//Two of the really active terrorists who are now living with prominent jobs and positions and families have zero information on their personal info sections for Facebook. One of the worst, Yuri Marder, who assaulted me with Rachel Anderson, whose father was sent to England for a Sabbatical around 1973 and returned a completely changed personality as did my forced "best friend" blonde bigot Rachel. They were programmed in England, in other words. Programmed in "gang stalking" terrorism and antisemitism. Yuri, whose parents both had to flee Europe due to literal death from Nazis, were firmly fixed in the 4th Reich death squad hate organization and inflicted programming and hate upon my family. Like so many of the Jewish Nazis I have encountered who are "liberal" but strictly fascist when you really boil it on down to the core and support white supremacy, Yuri is "friends" with another woman who writes on her page that she was and is from Chicago. Not a single one writes on their profiles that they grew up in Champaign as if they are embarrassed. All hail the 4th Reich international power structure and all really viciously assaulted me. Lisa Washburn who has been an editor for NewsNation and PBS Twin Cities was a lesbian rapist in the 6th Grade towards me and abruptly just snubbed me on the 2nd day of 7th Grade when we had to go to a different Middle School. Yuri, she and a host of bigots I had not gone to grade school began a vicious gang stalking campaign against me which all these participated in. Again, not a single one has written an iota of reference to Champaign and claim they come from more Nazi-approved cities like Chicago (a great terrorist wave of attackers moved to Champaign, Lisa Washburn literally stalked me as I was drugged and played her part and really was a lesbian while I had no idea what was happening). Yuri made great actions to attack me on the playground of Howard Elementary school, while I was still at that school attending the 6th Grade (having gone to Washington by bus for the other earlier grades) and both together operated an attack upon me that included the half black Oliver Todd into throwing balls at me violently, or threatening to do so. I had been trained at that point to be so submissive and uncomprehending that I just shied away as he never hit me. Under the mind control drugs I befriended them all. Oh yes, Yuri wrote on his Facebook page about where he was from as being from a town in ENGLAND. All trained by the English 4th Reich fascist organization, along with Rachel Anderson the daughter of another professor (psychology, he was the one who conducted the mind control programming for me as I spent a few years with "sleep overs" with Rachel and I know he was consigned to mind programming into my subconscious while I was in a drugged up sleep state. The mother always fed me and I was always hyped-up from the methamphetamines that have always been inserted into the bloating and hardening poisons so I would be able to move while being slowly glued together into a hard chunk of poison literally glued into tissue and bone.
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They are all "friends" now on Facebook. Yuri makes zero mention of his childhood in Champaign, on Church Street. His parents were awarded a house in Martha's Vineyard where the "liberal" fascists appear to go as Obama has a mansion there as well (I know this sounds very nasty to say and write but after years of experience as a target and their hacking into my internet searches on YouTube literally quoting things I have just said in teleportation, with increasing violence from a lot of famous "blacks" of celebrity and political persuasion (just the really vocal anti-semites who make their little jabs and hate commentary which is so suggestive to the public). Again I must stress the ubiquitous effect of the English Programming machine for antisemitic British Israelism and the general chagrin of Jews becoming independent of Europigapeland programming to be perpetual victims on lowest rank slated for extermination if they don't know their "place...
The misuse of Brain-computer interface technology being handed as portable and remote torture and brain-altering mind control infliction of violence and subjugation handed endlessly to the planet of the pig apes of the 4th Reich (meaning dumb and sick violent stupid "people") + On the Protocols of the Misery-Making/Crazy-Making of the Elders of antisemitic Zionism. Brain-altering affectation of limbic and nervous system lowering energy to a hate and negative zone, combined with subliminal hate and self-hate hissing sentences repeated while under attack by "mobs" of oreo faction bigots in orchestrated hate skits. Plus, eyeballs are remotely "forced" to "look at" signals, triggers and people glaring with deadly murderous intent while I am in public--from distances away my eyes suddenly shift to something far away as if "forced" as a terrorist is glaring at me with something that looks like a "demonic possession" on their truly malevolent and smirking faces. Their eyes appear to be "black" behind the hue and the look appears to be something similar to a "demonic" mask.
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"America's Book of Secrets: DARPA'S Secret Mind Control Technology/(Season 4)/History". HISTORY. June 11, 2021. Again, I am resorting back to referencing religious mythology about "Demons" because of the truly insidious nature of the people attacking me who quote religious text to amplify their authoritarian and fascist dictatorship approach to moral supremacy which exalts Nazi white supremacy at the core of the lying fabric which isn't too hard to sheer away if you only try to look behind the smiling and placid facade of righteous and moral superiority. -------------------- I felt very vital, alive, beautiful and happy to be in the world in my last shopping spree. It was finally sunny and not pouring rain outside. Flowers which had been drenched by the last 5 months of pouring rain are now blossoming everywhere that hasn't been cemented with new coffee shops and tourist hot spots in this formerly beautiful natural place of Phuket. I have been exer...
The "silent" genocide is happening in and within the United States by it's own government. The focus by the American 4th Reich is on the "genocide" of Palestinians as a diversion from their actual real genocide within their own country (my country, I am more "American" then they are they should all be forced to relocate to Germany and England and Italy and France and etc).//After having listened to reports about the Israeli-conflict with Hamas, I rescind my former fear (based on the initial report of Israeli retribution against civilians in Gaza) but now I have learned a lot more and I rescind my former statement that this is a "genocide". I was unaware of the tactics of Hamas although I had studied this subject over a decade ago while under violent assault by my "fellow Americans" in Beaverton, Oregon in an apartment complex very beautiful but surrounded by active hostile Nazi agents and assaulted non-stop and poisoned and drugged (with intention of murder) with someone with a plasma tv blasting it for hours every day while I was studying in grad school; after reporting this and an old man on my little apartment cul de sac assaulting me by stalking and threats and intimidation while I was drugged so I really can't be held accountable for my actions and reactions, but then followed by teenage boys at the swimming pool hot tub who surrounded me with rape threats and pornographic references and actions of near violence so I had to almost flee this hot tube for reporting the attacks by this ugly white supremacist Nazi creep (with his minion black maintenance worker by his side who bleeted out and allowed all the bigot white supremacists to assault me). I even reported this as a case of racist discrimination to HUD and I was diverted to a terror agent. But I was trying to study the Hamas and Israeli conflict (circa 2005-2006 or 2007) and I just could not gather all the facts and not from memory over a decade later. Farrakhan was as usual threatening me like all the bigots of this MAGA community (I now have seen that is what it was back in those days it was not with a recognizable name). Farrakhan was endlessly scouring my brain and mind for any hint of what he would consider a "Jewish" disposition towards defense against violence and terrorism due to antisemism. Any lack of support for Hamas and Palestinians he absolutely identifies with as being pro genocide--and the "Jews" who are "good" are always making huge public statements about concern for the Palestinians far outweighing concern about Israelis (i.e. Chomsky who has fully participated and profited off attacking in a collateral and literal sense since first in my class I took with his as guest prof in 1988, and then from 2015 until now under the Trump tyranny) and from NYC comes Farrakhan implementing something like Sharia law upon me but with Nazi antisemitism. From the weeks and really it's been more than a few years of Farrkhan's inclusion in threats and death threats and rape and racism aimed at me, my initial assessment out of being really brainwashed by so much of the "Jewish" media is now altered due to factual reporting and not one-sided reporting on the issue and I really "forgot" that Hamas uses their own people as human shields.//I do not consider the situation a genocide any longer but I do consider Farrakhan and the A-list terrorists from H-wood to be genocidal and fascist terrorists as well as many members of the U.S. Dem and Rep Party who hold high positions in Congress, including both Biden and Trump and their offshoot administrators of the jockeying position for power grabbing and graft and genocidal power-grabbing for control. Add Hillary Clinton and her faux feminism to that as that is her main selling snake oil approach to her and her bigot fascist Nazi group "for women" ascending to "power" while fully endorsing mutilation and rape of me. // I consider the United States Government in Congress to be a terrorist organization aiming it's murder not just on foreign lands of interest for acquisition but upon it's own citizens. People are openly acknowledging that Trump's 2025 plan to put immigrants in the U.S. some of whom may be legal into concentration camp settings as being an authoritarian fascist demolition of Democracy, but they still are not educated on the duplicity of the Democrats who are also pushing for an internal genocide against people like me whom they dislike and want to steal and rob ideas from or anythign possible and then exterminate (vernichtung). So the genocide is really happening to me but Farrakhan is trying to intimidate and threaten me to care about Palestinians who he considers his political brothers and sisters as victims of racial oppression. Fully endorsing white supremacy when it comes to rape and mutilation and poisoning and drugging and theft of ideas from me for years and years he's fully into that which also has been combined with genocidal hate commentary endlessly aimed at me by the Nazi fascist celebrities but most notably out of England (and Germany and France) but the English are most vocally obnoxious and disgusting about it.//The genocide I really understand to be going on is against me and an internal death squad operation aimed at anything outside of the control mechanism--which controls both sides of the Congress so there is essentially no difference at the core of their behavioral practice and mentality despite all their exterior superficial extolling of their particular graft aims and power grabbing distortions of fact for their endless monopoly on power, fighting only against the "other side" to see which side of the same coin will get access to the most loot to steal and plunder. Genocide against Americans is coming into fruition with Elon Musks brain implants for one example that no one is caring about and/or making any commentary on.
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Listening to an old recording of Adolf lecturing in a not blathering shouting voice to a congregation of worshippers in a Munich Hall--late 30's or early 40'? Too sick and my brain is under too much attack right now to do more than fight to type and pound every letter out due to hacking interference.//Reminded of the types of "redneck bigots" I encountered very briefly in Germany./Germany only adopts well-spoken and intellectuals to their high offices in most regard in society (in Stuttgart, which is not Munich so I am speaking from a very small perspective on the country)./I hear, in that odd voice, which is a tone and accent I have never heard in Germany but it's probably much more common in the Bavarian region. This was a redneck bigot pounding his fist on the kitchen table with his opinions and put into power for representing this brute "lower class" force of sawed-off shotgun politics. Opinionated and resolved that the male should "have the last word" and really no females allowed to vocalize opinions. Usually the most influential speeches that Hitler made were in Beer Halls, which is like the livingrooms of this class group and political postulating is the active daily discussion for all the people I met. Not like in America where other topics like sports or light jokes are made, but heavy on politics, in Germany. The issue is domination and control. Odd that Hitler focused on the relativism of how absolute control should be administered and how other countries have failed. Seemingly this redneck bigot approach has held the world in it's grip every since. The expletives who teleport me are no "better" than any fist-pounding redneck except that they also have almost no vocalized political opinions they are just sleazy and greedy stealing my ideas and apparently have little or no ideas. Whatever they espouse in public is a script written for them to perform. Maybe Hitler was given scripts as well but he ad hoc'ed his way through his scripted tirades.
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"Adolf Hitler--Stalingrad Speech at the Loewenbrau Keller in Munich, 1942". German WWII Preservation. September 24, 2023. **Correction to the below post--I am so ill from mind control exhaustion as soon as I began to type my body and brain felt like I had just taken a sleeping pill. They blast my brain so I am in a state of near fainting and dizzy sort of lack of clarity and just like I am about to fall asleep. I wrote below that I didn't know when this speech was made. I didn't look at the title of the lecture above. I really don't want to hear what that scumbag Hitler had to say I only gleaned through a bit of it and as I wrote below, from the first second I heard his voice I was brought back to the German equivalent of redneck fist-pounding beer conversations, as this was conducted in a beer hall and that is almost a daily tradition in the Germany I experienced--discussions around beer on politics. Politics and political machivations are hashed out daily in the...
Ewe, as in yuck November 21, 2023.//Ewe the Sheeple as in yuck with his nasty dirty minority minions and the protocols of the elders of Zionism/British Israelism/Christian Identity.
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The sheep name of this English Crown yuckie f**-a-duckie suckie bloke, so offensive in every way. The sick transition from the YouTube hacking of his foul inner space perturbed=ness forced upon me in this "formulaic" and systematic misuse of technology to import hate, self-hate and racial profiling onto me. The main ingredient of the stink soup of the existence of these sheeple is racial profiling with theimselves in their sheeple coating of wool pulled over everyone's eyes, including their own, is the automatic assumption of their "superiority" as rotten inferior Farrakhan the laothsome evil fake claims that they are--it's his inferiority although as he has fully embraced all the programming they have instilled into their dark alleys of blaxploitation for all these centuries, in the form of outsourcing racism from the British Isles to the faraway merchantile factories of enslavement in the MIddle East. This putrid rapist teleporting weasel of the loathsom...
The real victims of replacement theory--the Israelis and the Jews and other "minority minions" & Regarding the Ben Shapiro tirade against Candice Owens' statement about Christian Evangelical representative Haley running for President of the United States being the prefect next "President" of Israel & Neo-Nazis marching in the streets of Madison, Wisconsin heading to a Synagogue chanting "There Will Be Blood" (another reference to another movie starring at least one of the terrorist teleporting bigots who has attacked me). Regardless, these two events are being slightly brushed off as mere small events not representative of the main. I have written of these two situations which have much broader endorsement and context for at least 6 years or longer on my endlessly attacked posts by the 4th Reich and the silence and mockery of the rest.//As I have been writing of to endless torture for the past many years, repeatedly, the "random" acts of hate as they are portrayed as, cloaked heavily in disguise, echo the emergence of the 4th Reich genocidal Holocaust revival in the United States and it's appearing in the guise of the Israel-Hamas war explosion of ideological outrage on all sides of the debate.//
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#1: "FIGHT: Ben Shapiro ATTACKS Candice Owens on Israel/Palestine; 'Absolutely Disgraceful'". The Hill. November 16, 2023. #2: "UW students horrified after after neo-Nazis march through Madison". WMTV/News, Weather & Sports. November 19, 2023. #3: "William Cooper--British Israelism--The 'Christian' Identity". Watchman's Archive. August 4, 2013. I had first written a mere comment below the first story which was turned into a podcast for the online Congressional site The Hill (not sure if this is an independent outlet or something tied to the actual Congress). It is a free source but I rarely read it because for the past many years so many of the politicians endlessly reported on have come to violate and torture me in teleportation; perhaps that is why they remain in the front page headlines and story captions so often. The internet WiFi was remotely turned off 4 times within 5 minutes while I was trying to post the comment. This is...
Newsweek Magazine on my s***-list. Why the "news" is always so distressing when I see it on my mind-programming laptop tube. It's not due to the endless political and global catastrophe which I believe has always been pre-planned for this automatic traumatizing of the global population outside of the comfort of those who create the stress and death for their eventual overtake of all (mass genocide in various stealth forms). Yes, it sounds like conspiracy theory. Today, as usual, another magazine is honoring one of the pig ape filth buckets who has "blossomed" from the plastic surgery it obtained and the years it has bulbously sat in the background waiting for it's 'TURN" to abuse, insult, and sic a gang of rapist fascist celebrities. Because this rotten hateful skank bigot from Tennessee, so "beloved" of the Nazi cartel for her sheepish voice, yes Dolly the bigot filth parasitic blonde Nazi "country" parasite who is featured now endlessly in magazines like "news" week. It is repulsive to endlessly see the virus of the 4th Reich spread in the media entertainment with all these plastic surgery blonde fascist filth pieces of shit who have assaulted me. With huge glowing smiles, their former geriatric droopy faces are glowing from the stress release of having tortured me--the filthy pig apes get a boost of vitality from pouring their hate and filth on me. Refreshed and feeling high on power, they are exalted by the shit entertainment media, put in movies, starring and their former mask faces which could not adapt to the extreme plastic surgery as they are all in their 70's or 80's, are refreshed by tearing at me for months and years. Dumb Whorren Mirrage who has participated or stolen my ideas along with Maggot Robbie; all glowing with delight because their careers have gone into outer orbit of fame and money and lead roles and awards without end. They viciously attack me until they are high on it, fully programmed into torture, murder and genocide. You dumb sheeple out there had better understand that you are not immune from parasitic shit like these filthy scum parasites who will reach out for more and more people to feed off energetically and then murder for money, Nazi style but using high-developed tech. You still applaud this filth because you all believe that you will be immune as this is only the usual antisemitism or hate directed at only me, and that you will never be afflicted.
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For all you pop-musick fans of all the Nazi fascist performers I mentioned below, or eazy-listening, mind-numbing "happy" fascist musick, you will cringe when you click on this video, so I will happily include the lyrics. I didn't actually know the lyrics to this song and I may have heard it, but I know the name of the band because I listen to archived music shows on a station that has been co-opted by the 4th Reich so now only the most mundane horrid "alternative" fodder posing as being underground is being played--it's so awful they destroyed the beautiful music station. "They" meaning the 4th Reich. The song ties in symbolically as well as directly to the theme of this post, which is thusly why I include it. Aptly so. =-=========== "Icons of Filth--Fucked Up State" (lyrics). Icons of Filth --Fucked Up State Life ain’t no fun in this fucked up state Where they teach you to love in a world of hate This world they run and treat as thei...
Healing journal journey jamboree jumbo jack-off. Sick like a nausia has swept into my brain and gut and entire body system from a small amount of hard poison coming out this morning.//Every so often, I believe, the poisons that extend into my skull, when the poison breaks off and slowly enlarges and then I work to get it out by a series of healing modalities---I get flashes of memories from many years ago. Right now I'm remembering playing baseball at Howard Elementary School in the baseball diamond in my Farm League team, The Cardinals. I was 2nd base. I can see the metal link fence and the sidewalk and I think it is Church Street. This is a flash of my brain being slightly compressed as the poisons litererally rip out of my body on a micro level (obviously) but like stimulation to the brain, research has shown that memories can resurface with electrical prodding to various parts of the brain during experimentation. Otherwise, once more, I remain unable to move. I had woken up trying to be concise, precise, get a lot of things done. I tried to be brisk and almost businesslike about all the things I wanted to do. After the supplements I take to help heal and the drinks and exercise, a little piece came out from the otherwise huge chink that remains hard as cement literally coating my spine and back (into my skull, into my brain, into my toes, all interconnected). A worse lifelong tortue plus all the hate poured upon me is just, truly sick for me to contemplate how sick "they" have made me, forced upon me.
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But why this particular memory of being in the baseball field on 2nd base and seeing the chain link fence and Church Street (no cars on the road) as if I were there, could see it clearly. I wonder if that baseball diamond still exists in that same place and whether there are more Farm League games held there to this day? I could go into more detail such as I was the only girl on the team and I was accepted. This was one year before the COINTELPRO teams came in to attack my family. It was 1974. I was, however, still being poisoned at that time and people were using tech to affect my motor skills. No excuse, but I understand the symptoms by now and know and realize how long this has been ongoing and how many have participated in this violent stiflement of my life aims and fun and games and serious attempts at living. --------- I am very sick now, I just wante dot express myself in some way. All I can do is sit here unable to basically move much more than putting the food dish...