Ewe, as in yuck November 21, 2023.//Ewe the Sheeple as in yuck with his nasty dirty minority minions and the protocols of the elders of Zionism/British Israelism/Christian Identity.
The sheep name of this English Crown yuckie f**-a-duckie suckie bloke, so offensive in every way. The sick transition from the YouTube hacking of his foul inner space perturbed=ness forced upon me in this "formulaic" and systematic misuse of technology to import hate, self-hate and racial profiling onto me. The main ingredient of the stink soup of the existence of these sheeple is racial profiling with theimselves in their sheeple coating of wool pulled over everyone's eyes, including their own, is the automatic assumption of their "superiority" as rotten inferior Farrakhan the laothsome evil fake claims that they are--it's his inferiority although as he has fully embraced all the programming they have instilled into their dark alleys of blaxploitation for all these centuries, in the form of outsourcing racism from the British Isles to the faraway merchantile factories of enslavement in the MIddle East.
This putrid rapist teleporting weasel of the loathsome sort brought his minions of brown skin hue from the Middle East to conduct a "DNA Test" online in some video which appeared to be similar to an American type of fun, casual reality tv show entertainment spot on the tube (like a fleck of mucus flung as if it was a fun video intenteded only for fun purposes--how oppositional it really is).
Putting the darkies in their place: that is the absolute intent of the entire operation and what is being aimed at me. The darkies had a mix of Middle East and Jewish ancestsry DNA names associated with their geneology and terms about Judaism I have only heard in brief reference and have never cared to distinguish the differences (Sephardic versus Aszkenazi --sp?). Either category I could not care about. The fixation of the Jewish lineage as far as a racist bigot hate murder group like this is concerned is which of the lost tribes can get "lost" as they take over Israel (the white bigot British Isles, the American Evangelicals, the German Anglikans, et al--the white Nazis split up under seemingly innocuous titles of religious affiliation. Groups who host discussions in their "churches" focusing entirely on political world domination and assessment of strengths and weaknesses in regions they want to devour using their psychopathic charm skill sets to influence and degrade and take over --degrade means rape, plunder rob and kill covertly through organizational and systematic racist hegemonistic genocide according to regional divergences in proclivity to accepting what bs they are going to sling psychologically and militarily using any means possible according to local customs and traditions).
Ewe the rapist sheep controlling the brown sheeple had these brown minions outta London, but not with the "high brow" accents of the real nasty murderous perpetrators like Dumb Whorren Mirrage whose mansion resides very close to Windsor Castle in central (West) London whose first aim is murder and has expressed that--after rape of course for her plastic surgery journey into limelight after years of stagnation in the media whorewood circus deadwood pool of rotational dinosaur entertainment leading into geriatric Alzheimers like the same dinosaur hegemony in Congress they conrol with hate and rancor but disguised in "Democratic" license until they literally drop dead, as Feinstein demonstrated just this past year. McConnell is near comatose but that's okay.
So it is with the Whorewood establishment as well and the English dinosaur league is conducting its genocidal minority minion mind control program upon me now using a rapist creep with a name sounding like a sheep and his minions attacking me in teleportation.
Yes, the creeple underneath the sheeple who are programmed by the dinosaur carnivores named him in the video I happened upon listed on my YouTube channel by "accident" and it was no accident whatsoever. One of the creeps said his DNA tests revealed he had Scottish ancestry just like "Ewe" the sheep pig ape rapist weasel (yes, they gain more animal titles as they progress or should I say digress from humanity in this hate teleportation and torture technotyranny system--reverting back to feudal times but it's all being captured on modern technology for their amusement and training capsules for more pig apes to induce more sheeple to become endless tyrant dinosaurs leading the way for the brownies to follow lovingly, as they wreak th eir inculcated self-loathing upon me or anybody not conforming especially if they are not blondish and as white as possible in appearance.
Thus, after this video whick I clicked off abruptly but I had to "see" what geneology some of these creeps had for this video--as they all had South London accents or East Side accents and were chirpy elated that they were being noticed by the white supremacist whom they defer to and attack me as viciously as they are allowed (murderous all, programmed to be, lovingly bowing to the white pig apes and in this case yuck Ewe the sheep who has been told he's a wolf and "superior" but has to use all this violence in order to conduct a behavior modification torture system upon me because I only see yuck when I see him).
the teleportation skit was of white blondish probably British yuckies attacking me with faint little smiles on their rotten faces. I "mirror" the smiles and this is one of the very annoying "mind control" systems that is being forced upon me. II noticed it's horrible effect at the store two weeks ago while I was shopping and one of the terrorist minions who was handed a "uniform" for the store has attacked me with stupid and sick statements while shopping as she lied and was annoying and clung to me. I INSTANTLY smile as they flash a huge smile into my face, like an autonomous reaction that I absolutely cannot control. Like the phrases and sentences that come pouring out in this wakintg state in public, I am inundated with eletromagnetic energy--my brain and body respond within a fraction of a SECOND so I have no time to adjust or block this "impulse" being subliminally and autonomously injected into my brain's hardwire core so the reaction is instantaneous. I smile instantly and only realize after a few seconds what has happened. I say things that are not of my vocabulary instantly they pour out as if I am a puppet manipulated by electrical conductivity which ALL human beings are under these circumstances. There isno way I can block this without the most expert meditation control over my body and even then, I would like to see if one of the meditation pro's could ever negate raw electrical imput forced into the brain with a microchip implant in the brain forcing the signal so the blocks that one has naturally are bypassed.
The weakest parasite scumbag can exploit anyone in that situation. And so, ikn teleportation this effect is heightened to an nth degree as I meander through the labyrinths of hate and abuse tht the expletives force upon me. After this video it was people who looked like washed out white as in England or Scottland pale and lacking the type of skin coloration that one in most of AMerica is accustomed to--and the brownine minions servicing them by abusing me and bowing literally to the creeps who are playing me in ways that are stupid but significant in terms of a discriminatory action.
I could go into detail but it was some male who appeared to look exactly like one of the minions in the video that was forced upon me or I clicked on under mind control "suggestion" and it looked "interesting". This is the video I refered to above where they mentioned this violent and ugly sinister actor by name because they were shown that they had 3% Scottish DNA so they only referenced his name--Ewe the Sheep yuuck I would say--Ewe is the phonetics in America for something yucky, like Euoooh I don't know how to spell it. I have not seen it in writing. Ew or eooh but it means disgusting. Sheep and influencing black and brown minions to be lower than sheep and bahhing in awe for the white bigot as they have been trained for generations until they literally bow in subservience to them, as they did in this teleportation skit, giving me hate glances and literally bowing to the whtie bigot ugly sheep looking skank who had just discriminated against me while I stood smiling placidly becuaes I did not understand what was happening, my brain blanked out, I was in deep sleep, teleported and the pig apes are told they are "superior" as inferior waste products of racdism like Farrakhan and Whoopie reveal antisemitism in little doses or great hints of violence and then commit violence against me in the arena for the new disgusting "Christian" component of Congress who is absoluely an evil and lying perpetrator and KKK fascist Nazi slug looking to push anything down just like the English variety of programming as they are all in collusion with this technology that can integrate every hate organization and minority minion group which have been trained to Kill Jews for their entire lives.
I was subjected to this, but the integration of hacking videos onto my Youtube, which means mind programming via the media which will be put in their greasy and dirty stupid and sick paws and hooves for the next how many decades as they all are handed "power" until they drop in the dinosaur phase of their worthless and so overpaid "lives" creating a vacuum of self-empowerment and installing instead their racist hierarchies using media and all these brain-mapping technologies--Elon Musk now completely exposed as being antisemitic has been placed in an authoritarian position of implanting more brain implants and computer interface technologies.
Not that any of you are concerned however.
I was reminded of Islamic terror "honor killings" of women--brown women as they call themselves such as the downpressor fake AOC refers to herself---the killing of family members who are too beautiful, independent and proud to submit to the confines of forced marriages and being kept under wrap so they aren't stoned to death or killed by brothers or fathers for disobedience. This deadly violence was hinted at me by Farrakhan who confuses my outward appearance for his oppressed class of women in their diaspora and showers praise upon the white bigot pig apes who are skanks, purely prostituted dumb scum who are racist and vile in every sense of the concept and yet these rotten dirty women are exempt from hate crimes against "women of color" in their "honor killings" and instead are revered and bowed down to. I know from perswonal experience not just from the filth of Whorewood the skank women who have stolen my writings on so many concepts and are revered in the media for their superficial Nazi iconography appearance, which they obtain from a slew of facial reconstsruction plastic surgery modifications and endless upkeep in the clinics as they order endless poisoning and mutilation and claim I am so ugly and they are the epitome. Bolstered endlessly by the brown and blakc minions Farrakhan coming at me with this honor killing violence exuding from his greasy pores as he is using literal white supremacy programming to quash everything about me, as they have Whoopie this whte supremacist pillar of conformity to authority endlessly slewing and slinging women's empowerment to a mostly white 4th Reich audience (with any skin color possible, which she is fully incorporated into) but using every kind of violence possible to destroy my sense of woth in her every action towards me. J ust like her character in The Color Purple, her aim is to "beat her" in response to her "uppidyness" and so she acted according to her programming to support white supremacy. Endless years of her starring in this rotten talk show just like Oprah's angle of bs has given all of them, like Farrkhan, a pillar on Speaker's Corner to spew the rhetoric of false dissemination of indepencence from the Empire while fully paying all the dues for the white boy's club which has expanded to so many countries that there are multi-skin-toned minions preforming their own regional programming roles.
I have to see the central operating principle almost every day in teleportation. The utterly disgusting examples of groveling black and brown sheep to the Ewe yuck of the British Empire imposing that structure of hate, implemented by media icons like Farrakhan, Oprah and Whoopie with violence upon me to conform to the honor killing strata while they get to schmooze with the white boys and their prostitution girls in the parties and lavish mansions of Whorewood. Add the most loathsome misuse of Christianity and religion in the form of the House Speaker who exemplifies this but modified for American "Christiandom" to exert the same sort of honor killing imposed by programming upon Jews or any other minority group slated for destruction but first to have "their own" destroy from within.
My family has conducted a campaign of honor killing upon me. Maybe they have "Islamic" DNA and so this comes naturally to them but behind that DNA test is English and British Imperialism and Europigape programming and it's not DNA and not cultural identity it's mind fuck programming for self-hate and to kill others who are brown or black or not part of the white disapora of hate programmed to love being abused and used and manipulated and exploited and then loving the abuser for it. That is the programming, put simply.
The bigot dumb scum prostitutionalizas of whorewood were also programmed into that systematic mind screw accetance and are cheerleading around this contract pitted against me so the onus of the burden can be placed like in the old colonialist times upon the poisoned backs of people like me systmatically drugged and poisoned and mutilated and tortured and raped and my original ideas stolen by these boring and meaningless loveless energy-draining parasitic life fuck operators like Ewe the Sheep--coming out of Scottland I'm sure he's been programmed into denigration and obedience towards England as well. This applies also to the white sheeple pig ape parasites like him who shovel the S** upon whatever lower "class" of skin color possible. Thus in the lower economic levels of london he's got his brown lackies from The East End or South London with their street accents, "know wha I mean?". Dumb scum but smiling with huge grins because they are being employed by their "masters" instead of relegated to silent sucking in dark corners of the pubs for the enjoyment of power release by the filth like Ewe the disgusting rape bigot from the British Isles, who probably has a bit of DNA coming from the MIddle East, he's so fixated upon conquering it with his displays of Jewish Jesus but lacking all the "Good" just a brooding kinda empty portrayal because he really has no bloody concept of what "Good" really means.
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