The real victims of replacement theory--the Israelis and the Jews and other "minority minions" & Regarding the Ben Shapiro tirade against Candice Owens' statement about Christian Evangelical representative Haley running for President of the United States being the prefect next "President" of Israel & Neo-Nazis marching in the streets of Madison, Wisconsin heading to a Synagogue chanting "There Will Be Blood" (another reference to another movie starring at least one of the terrorist teleporting bigots who has attacked me). Regardless, these two events are being slightly brushed off as mere small events not representative of the main. I have written of these two situations which have much broader endorsement and context for at least 6 years or longer on my endlessly attacked posts by the 4th Reich and the silence and mockery of the rest.//As I have been writing of to endless torture for the past many years, repeatedly, the "random" acts of hate as they are portrayed as, cloaked heavily in disguise, echo the emergence of the 4th Reich genocidal Holocaust revival in the United States and it's appearing in the guise of the Israel-Hamas war explosion of ideological outrage on all sides of the debate.//
"FIGHT: Ben Shapiro ATTACKS Candice Owens on Israel/Palestine; 'Absolutely Disgraceful'". The Hill. November 16, 2023.
"UW students horrified after after neo-Nazis march through Madison". WMTV/News, Weather & Sports. November 19, 2023.
"William Cooper--British Israelism--The 'Christian' Identity". Watchman's Archive. August 4, 2013.
I had first written a mere comment below the first story which was turned into a podcast for the online Congressional site The Hill (not sure if this is an independent outlet or something tied to the actual Congress). It is a free source but I rarely read it because for the past many years so many of the politicians endlessly reported on have come to violate and torture me in teleportation; perhaps that is why they remain in the front page headlines and story captions so often.
The internet WiFi was remotely turned off 4 times within 5 minutes while I was trying to post the comment. This is a "trick" the hackers use often. First they keep the WiFi icon on "connected" on the bottom right of the screen so I can't see that they have turned off the laptop. When I press the Connections icon for the laptop it says that my connection is on. But when I go into BIOS and see the command prompt and do a "ping" command there is no connection.
Once I click on the button to publish the comment on YouTube, the hackers then create a spinning circle that just continues as the connection is lost. What I just wrote is also deleted. That happened and then the WiFi signal turned off. I was about to try to wrangle with the router connection once more and it appeared to turn "on" but that also was a trick. It happened three more times and then I realized that this post and subject is very distressing to the Nazis so I am going to elaborate here, after having elaborated on their efforts to block these concepts from the scant readership I may or may not have now or in the future.
What I wrote as commentary to this horrendous YouTube video as representative of Congress (which I have ranted is a completely antisemitic operation and fully in line with the 4th Reich on all sides of the aisle, in every respect but only outwardly appearing to disagree on the essentials of the 4th Reich program and pogrom and mind control rape and torture. I also could not copy and paste this post clearly because of the black background and white type after having copied and pasted, and then as I began to rewrite I saw the endless rewrites by hackers which are so discrediting. I did not write that all "Blacks" are antisemitic but along with the internet being turned off 4 times in 5 minutes and on again and off again, they also had to change my post to absolutely discredit me. So I embellished and had to add the conditional "Blacks in the Progressive Party" and then I could not add "in my experience" as the antisemitism I have ecnountered that is extremely visible and not just "snobby" hate attacks that appear like snubs but not openly racist, but in teleportation it comes out absolutely and in a most disgusting open way. So, this will be hacked as well, please note that I am referring to the media reps who have gotten through the culling process and are fakes and have complete agenda as prescribed by the 4th Reich controlled opposition machine for the media)--: "Of course Owens has an "ideological prior" and it's very clear in her snide sarcasm regarding the next "president of Israel" being Haley. That was not a neutral position. It's so glaringly obvious. You also are ideologically predisposed and your flimsy "defense" of Owens add more to my observation of how Blacks are fully in line with Nazi ideology, whether from Cornell West or from you or from other "black Nazis" who are prominent in far-Right groups or "far Left" groups such as what you formerly were a huge participant in, the Sanders Campaign. Sanders is not exactly a self-loving Jew either and I have seen Progressives on a huge antisemitic ideological prior campaign of defending Palestinians and calling for Israel to be replaced by the white Christian American leadership and that is what Owens was referring to; that is the white supremacist movement called Christian Identity which claims that the rightful "God's Chosen" are them (aryians and Chrstian Identity and British Israelists). She is endorsing that, which is another rfacet of genocide aimed at Jews and annihilation of the Jews and that they have no claim over Israel but instead the white Evangelical movement does. Your lies are disgusting cloaked as ignorance but it sounds like sheer stupidity.
"Of course Owens has an "ideological prior" and it's very clear in her snide sarcasm regarding the next "president of Israel" being Haley. that was not a neutral position. It's so glaringly obvious. You also are ideologically predisposed and your flimsy "defense" of Owens adds more to my observation of how so many "Progressive" Blacks and other minorities are fully in line with antisemitic Nazi ideology, believing that they are revered by the white supremacists as they fully are violent towards Jews for the promotional acceptance that the 4th Reich offers to anyone fulfilling their genocidal next holocaust aspirations. " and at this point I am thoroughly exhausted from over an hour of getting up and turning the router on and off as the hackers turn this connection on and off like they are pressing a button in glee. I am pounding every single key and my hands can't move and my brain is under attack. If you can read the black background with white type above (I think it doesn't process for this format on this blog) then the rest is just more stuffing to this roasted turkey whose "Progressive videos" also were constantly hacked onto my YouTube channel by the black lying Sanders campaign rep who is now a "The Hill" commentator.
I can't pound down any longer, my brain is under so much attack I am dizzy and feel nauseas from the endless swamping electro-magnetic attack on my brain and nervous system. I am going to close here. I think you can get the gist of this you empty void I am writing to readership now or in the future. I am just stating that I have been writing of these buried movements and now they are coming to the surface in veiled references and "small" groups of people marching (but all represent a huge 4th Reich following that is the serpent in the grass waiting for the right time to openly strike in mass unison).
"FIGHT: Ben Shapiro ATTACKS Candice Owens on Israel/Palestine; 'Absolutely Disgraceful'". The Hill. November 16, 2023.
I was as usual sickened by another Progressive and Black person absolutely defending Nazi sympathy for this terror operation but I realize that my personal condemnation is not the one and only reason why people endorse Palestine and so I did not react to that aspect of the reaction by this Black woman who had run alongside Bernie Sanders ( one of my attackers in teleportation albeit not outright violent physically but absolutely endorses antsemitic Nazi violence and rape and torture and abuse and discrimination, as does Cornell West who DID participate in the violence against me and the above-mentioned endorsed and assisted in the violence probably helping to create physical mutilation or torture via the proxy death squad operatives otherwise known so benignly as "gang stalking 'harassment'".
My realization only after trying to understand the various positions of both Shapiro and Owens, because I almost never listen to Owens and have only begun to listen to Shapiro on his H-wood diatribes which I find amusing and very close to my own sentiments and EXPERIENCE (Shapiro stated that he grew up in the H-wood environment so understandably he experienced rabid antisemitism in that very hostile environment) but also, he staunchly defends some of the actual Neo-Nazis who blanket their affiliation by "support of Israel" which so many "Jews" who vote "Republican" believe is their actual ally organization for the protection of "Israel". My so many posts regarding British Israelism/Christian Identity are now confirmed in what Owens so stated as if it were a sarcastic joke. But it was no joke or snide remark it was in reference to the takeover of Israel by the Christian Identity fascist Nazis, and just by the way, in a lecture by William Cooper in his "Hour of the Time" podcast archived about the Oklahoma City Bombing, from his actual research, Timothy Lavay was a follower of the Christian Identity movement which is openly neo-Nazi in ideology and they believe that the country of Israel is their own, actual Promised Land which is why so many Americans fully support Israel but from my private experience of being the perpetual target of racist hate by antisemites from Jews and fascist bigots of all skin colors alike, I can attest that they are rabidly antisemitic and want another holocaust and the funding of Israel as far as this "extreme" religious group is concerned, Jews are evil and they are "good" and they will establish their Testament Promise of their own "Holy Land" in Israel so they pray for their home capital in Jerusalem and that is what Trump began to establish while endlessly slowly murdering me due to his antisemitism and Halley will do the same (kill Jews if possible and establish a white supremacist citadel in Israel claiming they are the rightful descendants and heirs to the "throne" of the Redeemer and the 2nd Coming and Tribulation and ascension will be all theirs as their own legacy and the Jews can go to Hell (with them helping them down in every way possible, including mind control and drugging poisoning and outright genocidal discrimination, which I have experienced without end not just in teleportation but in the actual "real world" when I was not so paralyzed and attempted to understand the situation that no one would openly reveal to me. The lies are so rampant and The Hill is promulgating the deceptions as usual, just as Owens has only hinted at her politically "righteous" belief system and expressing the belief that Jews are not the rightful heirs to Israel it's her white supremacist "conservatives" and also the Black Progressives--operating as the "fake opposition" which is also so rampant).
Secondly, Neo-Nazis openly marching in Madison, Wisconsin and ending their long and winding road genocidal encouragement for the rest of the closet Nazis of Wisconsin and the world to emulate, ending that march in front of a Synagogue, all the while chanting "Death to Jews". disguised as the movie of the same name, "There Will Be Blood". As a personal reference to this quote and the actors involved in the antisemitism that has been deadly heaped upon me for over a decade in front of everyone but in the closet Nazi arena of Whorewood--The reference to the movie There Will Be Blood but also as if the main character in the movie, the dark-haired capitalist who killed the pseudo Christian Priest was the "Jew" and the Priest the "good" but sometimes not pure Christians. Not coincidentally, the actor who played the fake priest participated with yelling hate at me many years ago in teleportation and was immediately seen in the front rows of the round tables placed in front of the cameras for the Golden Globes; and he participated in attacking me as so many have done just shortly prior to the awards season and this has been recurring for years as this season is a hell for me from the celebrities who get in line to demonstrate their antisemitism and hate aimed at me--the person who doesn't practice the religion or dictates of the religious edicts but I am labeled as every hate cliche in an attempt to put me into not my own life choice category but theirs in their hate. The "good" Jews who do obey them and all the cliches and bow and scrape before this mass of hate are not attacked as viciously and they likewise come to attack me. I am digressing but this same actor then played Steven Spielberg's "father" character for that biopic that was so insulting to "Jews" that I could not watch it after a few moments.)
Anyway----I went to high school from 1979-1982 in the wealthy (or it was at the time I lived there) suburb of Milwaukee called Glendale. The very same high school that O-rah attended just about 5 years prior to my Nickel-bag experience there (people called it "Nickle-bag high" when pot was $5 for a baggie of pot which would now cost about $50. Anyway, digressing again. It was a reputable school with an extremely vigorous curriculum of putting high school students in classes with accelerated college-level instruction. Some of it was post-grad studies that I experienced in grad school at that same level. I know Oprah dropped out but all the while, she still claims she was poor growing up. No one poor and black gets to be "popular" in that school and in that time unless they display money and a Black Nazi attitude. I wrote extensively about being drugged and poisoned in that school and an outcast because I was fighting my Nazi stepmother who made outright antisemitic comments while my drugged father sat stupefied and smiling (he was a Yale graduate Phi Beta Kappa or something of that level, top of his class always from grade school to Law School).
He never learned self-defense though against racism and was trained to follow and obey his worst enemies whom he married (bigot Barbie maggots like the expletives of Whorewood I am fighting and being disfigured and tortured and abused by constantly).
Wisconsin has a huge huge Nazi underground which is now emerging in this "small 20-something member" march. Every one person in that march represents at least 1,000 fascist underground Nazis. Oprah represents those Nazis as well, and my high school Nicolet was replete with Jewish Nazis (and I know this, my father was close to some "Jews" and I was "forced" to hang with some of these wealthy "Jews" who follow all the rules and go to synagogue but absolutely attacked me when I was fighting to not be poisoned and not be abused by this step-mother as I felt absolutely sick and my body bloated up and I now know she was essentially poisoning me to death with bloating/hardening poisons and mind control drugging. My father died of "cancer" but I KNOW the Nazi Barbie maggot robbers he married who stole as much of his money as possible while insulting him constantly and me and my family members were murdering him slowly at the same time.
Because I left and tried to find some kind of sanity, I was attacked by the wealthy Jewish community at Nicolet High School, absolutely ignored and all backs turned at me with vicious insulting hate as I was actually relieved not to be around them any longer. Yet, the expletives I am now dealing with are endlessly trying to force this subservient stereotyping and torture and abuse upon me with every racist cliche they have at their disposal. The blacks are violently antisemitic and almost openly Nazi (Farrakhan is in private for example but he doesn't Sieg Heil as that would shock his Black organization but he fully says that white bigot Nazis are my "superiors" and he is too.) But back to Wisconsin. Oprah was very popular in that school and I was attacked endlessly because I defied an outright Nazi my father had married because even though he was a Yale Law School graduate, the Nazi networks have ensured that anyone who wants to be a "success" who is Jewish or even Black must conform to white supremacy and even intermarry especially if they are Jewish. That is why you will see people like Weinstein with a blonde English bigot who abandoned him immediately after his expose of sexual violence against women (perhaps revenge for all the racism as he believed he was as privileged as shit pig pitt who rapes and abuses me with shitalina his "feminst" wife and his other wife and they are all aligned with the "good" subservient minority minions who play their roles like Oprah.
So, Nazis are coming out. The cloaked expression of Candice Owens as white Christians "replacing" Jews in Israel is much more sinister than the "Replacement Theory" that the bigots use as their platform turning their own lies onto the real victims.
*Correction to the above. After having walked away from the laptop, my brain began to nominally function on a more "normal" level as I remembered that the ratio of Neo-Nazi marchers in the above clip, which was quoted as being something like a 20-member open hate march, and I wrote that each of the 20 had something like 1,000 closeted death squad fascist Neo-Nazis behind them just in Wisconsin. Once I got off this seat and began to think more clearly, I realized that just 20,000 Nazis in the State of Wisconsin is a dire miscalculation and that the ratio is more like 1,000-to-one or higher. There is little distinction in that calculation to Illinois or to Michigan or to Minnesota, all places I have been to, lived in or am very familiar with as Nazi recruit places with endless underground groups vowing to rid their areas of Jews, Blacks, etc but of course a few "token" "good" subordinates will be able to remain. They are put into iconographic positions, i.e. in Whorewood (see reference to my high school Nicolet above).
Written 10 minutes later: completely "dizzy" from the remote attacks on my brain and nervous system from the endless struggle to pound out every letter and word and backspace and think clearly for the very long time it required to restart the WiFi router and system and etc.
I keep having to recalculate the ratio of neo-Nazis marching in Madison and the closet Nazis in that State (just that State, not including the massive numbers in the other States I also wrote of which I have lived in or experienced great masses of Nazis out of).
The ratio is more like 10,000 closet Nazis to each neo marching in that clip above, as a rough conservative underestimate. Although there is a huge swing to the Democrat or Progressive Party in Wisconsin in recent years, the base core of that State is extremely wedged in the crevice of Nazi philosophy. Rachel Maddow wrote of the Michigan Nazi Party and that region has had a sizable number of Nazi recruits ever since LONG before Father Couchlin (sp?) began his hate diatribe and Henry Ford slinged out his hate newspaper which Hitler globbed onto as his rationale and backing ideological campaign. Oh no, they use these movements are disguises for very long-standing policy (generation learning).
In Wisconsin now, if the "Progressive" Party has leverage in State politics for abortion and etc, that does not mean that there are rabid genocidal supporters of the Nazi cause within the ranks, similar to the video I wrote of above from this Black female Progressive commentator who is fully aligned with Nazi programming but "on the far left" as she is called. It's all completely distortion and deception, as usual. As usual the perpetrators turn the progam and pogram they are so carefully programming into the public around on the victim with things like "The Replacement Theory" but with all the subterfuge and lies, they are actually working on replacing Jews in Israel with their representatives. I am so burdened by hacking and the attack on my motor skills I as I type (I can normally type faster than 100 wpm an I am relegated to pounding every key and backspacing and then having to constantly retype and then correct what hackers are inserting and deleting--which is too cumbersome because my brain is under a fog of attack so I am dizzy, sick and nauseas I can't think I can't function I am just pounding and fighting to get words out the keyboard is as stiff as a cement block that I am trying to pound down on.
Correction, written over one hour after the last addition above: Timothy McVeigh. I believe that is his actual name spelling. I "remembered" this while sitting on my bed about 5 feet from this laptop while cutting my fingernails. It was locked in my compartmentalized memory component and was not accessible during the endless brain-swamping while I write on this blog or am in any public capacity where others can access my attempt to communicate or behave in a social setting. I am always being "manipulated" so I cannot "remember" or act in any way similar to my actual thoughts or belief-system.
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