Newsweek Magazine on my s***-list. Why the "news" is always so distressing when I see it on my mind-programming laptop tube. It's not due to the endless political and global catastrophe which I believe has always been pre-planned for this automatic traumatizing of the global population outside of the comfort of those who create the stress and death for their eventual overtake of all (mass genocide in various stealth forms). Yes, it sounds like conspiracy theory. Today, as usual, another magazine is honoring one of the pig ape filth buckets who has "blossomed" from the plastic surgery it obtained and the years it has bulbously sat in the background waiting for it's 'TURN" to abuse, insult, and sic a gang of rapist fascist celebrities. Because this rotten hateful skank bigot from Tennessee, so "beloved" of the Nazi cartel for her sheepish voice, yes Dolly the bigot filth parasitic blonde Nazi "country" parasite who is featured now endlessly in magazines like "news" week. It is repulsive to endlessly see the virus of the 4th Reich spread in the media entertainment with all these plastic surgery blonde fascist filth pieces of shit who have assaulted me. With huge glowing smiles, their former geriatric droopy faces are glowing from the stress release of having tortured me--the filthy pig apes get a boost of vitality from pouring their hate and filth on me. Refreshed and feeling high on power, they are exalted by the shit entertainment media, put in movies, starring and their former mask faces which could not adapt to the extreme plastic surgery as they are all in their 70's or 80's, are refreshed by tearing at me for months and years. Dumb Whorren Mirrage who has participated or stolen my ideas along with Maggot Robbie; all glowing with delight because their careers have gone into outer orbit of fame and money and lead roles and awards without end. They viciously attack me until they are high on it, fully programmed into torture, murder and genocide. You dumb sheeple out there had better understand that you are not immune from parasitic shit like these filthy scum parasites who will reach out for more and more people to feed off energetically and then murder for money, Nazi style but using high-developed tech. You still applaud this filth because you all believe that you will be immune as this is only the usual antisemitism or hate directed at only me, and that you will never be afflicted.

For all you pop-musick fans of all the Nazi fascist performers I mentioned below, or eazy-listening, mind-numbing "happy" fascist musick, you will cringe when you click on this video, so I will happily include the lyrics. I didn't actually know the lyrics to this song and I may have heard it, but I know the name of the band because I listen to archived music shows on a station that has been co-opted by the 4th Reich so now only the most mundane horrid "alternative" fodder posing as being underground is being played--it's so awful they destroyed the beautiful music station.  "They" meaning the 4th Reich. The song ties in symbolically as well as directly to the theme of this post, which is thusly why I include it. Aptly so.


"Icons of Filth--Fucked Up State" (lyrics).

Icons of Filth --Fucked Up State

Life ain’t no fun in this fucked up state
Where they teach you to love in a world of hate
This world they run and treat as their own
Using politics, religion, the queen on her throne

Give us lies and hide the truth
We never doubt so we don’t find the proof
Time to doubt stand face-to-face
They’ve stolen our world, now they run the place

We don’t want your fascist state
We don’t want your world of hate
We don’t want your lies and cons
We don’t want to tag along
We don’t want dividing lines
We don’t want set times
We don’t want your death-work nor its pay
We don’t want to do as you say
We don’t want bright-coloured bribes
We don’t want your fucking lies
We don’t want your politics
We don’t want your violent kicks
We don’t want your nuclear power
We don’t want your doomsday hour
We don’t want to live in fear
We don’t want polluted air
We don’t want the atomic risk
We don’t have to live like this!

"Fucked Up State". Icons of Filth-topic. December 9, 2021.

However, I can't negate to include all the rotten older types who had been in the vanguard of the underground movement like rotten Lydia Lunch, another antisemite parasite who has fed off this contract, but has not been handed all-expenses paid plastic surgery so her saggy jowls are an indictment of her nasty and fake disposition. Formerly she appeared youthful and defiant and sounded hip, but it was all stolen property and conceptual art thievery. She assaulted me physically after I began to fight Maggot Robber. How people defend the blonde English plant into American society and "love" this ugly rotten "evil" creep but I was assaulted for defending myself by this "feminist" "anti-violence against 'women'" skank poseur Lydia Lunch. I am now cursing like a discredited person, it's because of the subliminals constantly pumping through my subconscious while I write. I don't think in these terms and I don't speak in these terms. I was tortured while sleeping by the latest addition who also pledged allegiance to the English Crown infiltrators and claimed he was "with" them, smiling faintly. He has since begun a smear campaign against me, using the tech to force words out of me. As I wrote above, this is electronic current being aimed at the target and it's impossible for the human body to counteract as the evolution of the human species is not capable and has not evolved to deal with this technology that has been developed, probably within the last 100 years. I mean, Tesla had invented Wireless technology and I believe it was before the year 1900, or early in the 20th Century. Even Einstein was over-awed at the inventions of Tesla (too bad Elon Musk has stolen that genius title because he's another miscreant using tech to advance white supremacy rape culture violence and genocide).

No worries for your sheeple, go listen to rotten dolly the sheep bleat out another "I'm just so merry and positive and that is the secret to my youth" bs that rotten parasite blathers out in her rotten interviews.

The blonde pig apes who have assaulted me and then gone into a skyrocket ascending into top awards, lead roles, magazine interviews, their crap they crank out endlessly applauded. Taylor Swift has been hacking her fucking face on my internet every single fucking day since 2013. Her "fame" has skyrocketed. Her rotten fucking face is endlessly hacked into my every major free news source non-stop without fail every day for at least a decade. Her "advice" on how to torment and torture me has undoubtedly been a leading force in the destruction of my body and home. That piece of shit is just another blonde fucking fascist bigot who has been put into lead position in the media undeservedly because she is no talented artist. I would suggest that the public can't understand what top quality is and the music I hear coming from the "Gen Z" radio hosts of WNYU, which was formerly an "underground" and "alternative" music source is now like the mainstream songs of pop-the-bubble that couldn't "make it" to the big circus top because the performers perhaps weren't hateful fascist bigots willing to participate in fascist Nazi protocols. Because only those who fully comply, and the filth like Dolly the piece of sheep shit are fully enthused, that ugly dirty plastic surgery icon of american bigotry, who has glowed from the now years of torturing me, is something that exudes the hormonal high from having tortured and watched me raped and beaten with me writing in hysteria every single fucking day that I am being murdered as she fed off it, just like Taylor Swift, just like "Lady" Gaga,  just like Beyonce who like the black fucks out there aligned with the Nazi 4th Reich, along with "anti-racist" Jayz--made genocidal holocaust death statements at me in front of the German pig ape cohort of shit Tarantino one of the propagators of 4th Reich fascism disguised as "cool" dumb movies (really only pushing violence, like Scorsese, whose latest movie is not an expose of a violent murderous inter-racial marriage but a TEMPLATE as all these rotten movies and performers are, for how you can make violence and covert fascism appealing for the following to enlarge in the "cult" of dumb and dumber, hate movies with no meaning except for pushing fascist Nazism. All the movies with Maggot Robber feature this English commonwealth skank partner of the expansion of not only the 4th Reich but of the English Imperialist acquisition of buying into and out America. Tarantino has put that filthy piece of stupid evil hateful crap into lead roles glorifying a fascist Nazi blonde imagery in movies which were obtained by stealing themes I wrote of and turning them absolutely around into glorification of violence and of Nazi lead characters ostensibly portraying righteous roles but always uplifting Nazi iconography in extremely subtle, or not so subtle, ways). 

The list of shit, my shit list, is very long. Today it's goddamn Newsweek.

Please excuse my ranting and cursing. I am in a heavy metal mood as the song I was just listening to

no, that is not the "excuse" this is being pumped into my subconscious, they always do this. They pump curses into my subconscious and then delete what I was thinking of. If you think that hacking into the brain is impossible where a person can be puppeted into repeating subliminal commands and words, then you are ignoring the harsh reality of malevolent actors being put into lead positions in media, corporate politics and etc (all aspects of social life and interpersonal life have been co-opted, or should I say polluted by this hate organization and it's pernicious technology). 

To call it pernicious is to negate the seriousness that no one is taking into account. That is become mediocrity have been put into power who have no discernment or foresight. They are fully capable of spewing out eloquent vocabulary in front of their committees and at their professional locations if they are put into lead roles. Otherwise they are like the plastic fruit or empty calorie food products that appear genuine and glowy happy like Dolly the rotten corroded dirty Nazi sheep but a vicious wolf of the 4th Reich, as they all are.

No matter their outward appearance of calm professionalism and their most impressive eloquence, underneath is a rotten core that has been inculcated by incentives and undoubtedly the same brainwashing mind programming that I am being inundated with.


I wrote this yesterday, as I have many times in the many years, on one of my other Vignettes blogs (I think it was #2) that I was in an elevator as I was accosted by a blonde pig ape family from some Eurpigape country--ugly, dirty and nasty. The little girl had some ice cream which fascinated me and I wanted some, that was the highlight. The mother glaring in hate but not staring into my face as the dirty ugly male began asking me 6 times in a row if the elevator was going up or down. I think he had a Scandinavian accent, and his features were of pale but rugged rugby player type. Alcoholic undoubtedly but socially acceptable in all those non-stop alcoholic countries (I am very much against alcohol consumption as a major societal control mechanism as it's a horrific drug and very much a type of enzyme for the slipping of mind control into a person's psyche). However, I literally was "electrified" on a very slight level literally by the electromagnetic pulses generated by the remote tech (or what may have been installed in the elevator beaming down at me--as the entire shopping mall is covered with agents where elevators are part of attack situations--but that is a long story). The stalkers have at least 100 people minimum attacking me per shopping mall experience and they are all "demonic" hate parasites filled with murderous violence, like the celebrity pieces of crap who have at their disposal teleporation to rape and thus seemly to denigrate me, it's never THEY who are deemed scum and low dirty skanks I'm supposed to be in that category after they sexually assault me while I'm sleeping, drugged, and teleported with my brain shocked into an altered state; all at once. 

So, I literally said sentences that never came to my mind, were not my thoughts, and I was under the electric influence of some current and I was absolutely not able to control my actions or words. I had not drunk any alcohol (not for over 12 years, and I never drank excessively, like social one or two, by the way just for all the automatic discrediting pig apes out there who use anything to justify their attacks on me, from calling me racist to an evil demonic bad seed to just a b-word who "deserves" it for not saying yes to ugly filthy white trash pig ape scumbag parasites raping and abusing me and poisoning me with intention to rape and murder me on a stealth level; this is literally what this group is torturing me for and it's being fostered and approved of by the leadership).


So the rotten top tier of the lower rungs of the actual power structure are endlessly being put into lead roles as entertainers and etc.. all the positions where social life trickles down to the personal life.


So I got my rant out this morning. I had sworn to myself to only read non-photo news sources and to try to avoid YouTube because it's literally LIFE THREATENING for me to watch any YouTube video. The sleazy sick creeps have gone to teleport and rape and then torture and attempt to kill me for having watched the fake shit they crank out as they are portrayed as heroic icons of strength, wisdom, and all benevolent aspirations for a planet of love and equality and peace and honest integrity. Or, they play evil characters and are even more beloved than the seeming icons of love and justice.


I am now throwing away a pillow that was polluted by terrorists, under order by those controlling them, with a half-sliced cockroach glued onto the pillow. I must throw it away. The plants they killed lie brown and dead, I just bought them 10 days ago, they were abundant with beautiful flowers. My money is spent on healing from all the torture and poisoning and mutilations, which I cannot heal from unless I have professional help, and in replacing what is constantly being broken. I live on less than $1000 per month. They have forced that upon me as well. Even if I were to find some online financial opportunity, the amount of hacking and blocks makes any kind of financial dealing impossible. Just simply phoning my bank is an ordeal that is insurmountable. My throat is constricted while I speak to anybody, which is extremely rare as people avoid me or only approach me to drug, trick and exploit and that often leads to more slow murder.

but, the dead insect is on this pillow and I have to clean clean clean the stinking filth only so the pig apes can come into my room and spray and distribute junk and filth and sprays of filth and debris and black and brown permanently staining goo, spraying my clothing with fungus and mold and stinking substances perpetually to the point that I have to throw away clothing I have worn once or never at all. 

But this all ties into the hate contract. 

I still can't believe that out of the entire power structure of the United States, plus all the "good" religious entities, I cannot find literally one single person who will defend me or support me out of the entire United States power structure. They certainly pose the opposite in all their speeches and lectures. Like the performers out of Whorewood, all is an illusion.


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