I know I am breaking down from stress. My body is covered with scars from nightly torture through these mechanical arms absolutely smearing disgusting chemicals on my skin, hair the pigs have tried to knock my teeth out they cut out part of my uterus they have broken my toes they have smeared ssomething like hardening stuff on my nails and poured fungus into my food, hair, vagina and all my living space--every day for years plus poisoning me to death plus rape and abuse and torture and then stealing ideas I rant out under drugging and torture conditions. Years of writing about it has produced almost no result of any defense for my most basic of human rights. Fuck America what a sick shit country and the shit whores who are being forced upon me are typical examples of all that is destroying the country. And yet you all love them, I wish them death and now pray for it night and day;. Every fucking day I have to add another piece of shit who has come to rape and beat and threaten to kill me ONLY BECUASE i AM FIGHTING FOR BASIC CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND EVEN MORE BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.//No one stops them. they get invited to the fucking Biden Criminal Family House that is all-white and I mean that fucking bigot Biden who loves blacks loves black Nazis and that's about it.//and broken from poison that shitalina and pig shit pitt ordered put in my body, and now constantly deny. They are so clinging to endlessly exploiting me to death that and forcing me to "submit" to my ideas perpetually stolen from what I write, as they blocked and block my every attempt to communicate, have a career or actually profit off MY OWN IDEAS and my life--as they steal and rob and torture and ask me for ideas--rotten seemingly stupid and blank Farrakhan the broken record of victimization for blacks who are looking for another group to target--for Nazi approval and it's the Jews, oh how this is a grand time for that rotten beast of burden Farrakhan and also Jesse Jackson also is insidious and fully into rape, torture, racism but Farrakhan has been pushed to a near iconic "Minister" level and he's on a God" power-trip that is so low it's similar to the disgusting hate of Johnson. They are ALL so vile and dirty and nasty and filled with power trips and hate and everything they claim with benevolent voices to the public is an absolute scam and decpetion. // I am not just being killed from the poison that they put in me for 12 years along with the shit skanks who poisoned me all my life, but also the stress of death scenes in teleportation nightly, and people yelling insults about my body after they have deformed me and continue to do so. And because I am saying and screaming by now that "you have no right to do this" with smirking pschopathy like the black cops who beat Terry Nichols to death (was that his name? From Tennessee, was beaten to death by 4 black cops on a street corner, he used to be a free spirit on a skateboard, far too happy and free for the miserable victim label that these ministers and reverendds of hate demand out of me to submit and obey being miserable and abused and a sex rape torture victim so their black women can sneer and scoff at me too, looking "down" as they all steal and abuse and rob and rape and laugh and go off to Martha's Vineyard only to promote something as rotten and vile as Kamala Harris into anothe rDemocrat nazi slot with her "Jewish" husband and half Nazi daughter as they all attack me likewise so they can be aloft over Jews as they all laugh while Jews become the real target of another Holocuast and they get to participate and rub shoulders with shitalina dn pig pitt who adore them for threatening my life for defending myself for over 12 years just from their onslaught of this terror technology along with Trump to just replace replace but it's not whites it's maybe light skinned Jews but I look so downtrodden and I'm breaking because Trump has been having me tortured so he can always and endlessly profit off this contract, and he needs the endless approval of the 4th Reich by endlessly having shit pig pit and shitalina and non-stop minorities and vicious and disgusting blacks come to threaten my life for standing up to filthy shit whores who need to create a racist State almost officially sanctioned racism through this technology. The blacks are nearly drooling at the prospect and have been used as the dogs that used to kill black runaway slaves, and they have replaced that death squad activity their mouths are like yapping gaping hounds of hell looking for someone to "replace' them.//Years of begging to get this vile and sick shit off me and for this group of multimillionaires to pool their filthy dirty money together and make their little shit Nazi empire of shit Nazi movies without having to use me as thei rendless punching bag electronic teleportation victim I can't defend mysel fagainst thes fucking pigs like this with every president fully participating and profiting off this. Fuck Biden hope he dies and people refuse to have Kamala and that the Nazi skanks of Congress like Elizabeth Warren are not allowed to demand that her Nazi cronies help to promote her as this "Squad" organizer when she is really a truly nasty Nazi white supreamcist. Hope neither she nor Hillary will have any representative say in any other election, nor the skanks who have attacked me. Truly America is a disgusting place I so never want to be around these people or return to that sick fucked up rotten country. If people can't differentiate the false lying shit of the leaders adn this shit from Whorewood it's not my fault I do not deserve to have my original ideas stolen by shit skanks filled with cliches and narrow-minded empty entitlement Karen paradigms.


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