What the terrorists did to my plants yesterday (photos included). Bought just 3 days ago with a wreath of flowers in a circular design, now dying, half of the plant decimated by terrorists above, below and everywhere around me. All my plants for one year have been killed repeatedly without end.//A hell of internet and hacking and blocks to purchase. The story is so long and I've been telling it for so long. The terrorist org made sure to block my phone number on the delivery service and they claim it can't be undone. They sent me a phone that absolutely didn't work so I returned it but have to take a passport photo because my phone number is blocked from the log-in page, as are emails sent to me upon request for password recovery and this site will not and refuses to answer my endless questions, the same questions, for weeks about how this is not working. They claim not to understand English well and ignore my questions and keep me waiting so long with pauses in the chat that I give up and my brain is under non-stop attack by the remote tech.//I had to download drivers just to try to upload photos from this camera which I have been lied to perpetually about service from the Sims sales people, who just sold me for $10 an increase in memory which does not work! Nothing happens when I try to transfer music files, or the hackers. But downloading drivers took SEVEN HOURS all day today because of so many hacks and blocks. But the last month has seen two expletives teleorting and raping me, a series of bigot blonde Nazi women giggly as they have stolen my ideas, had me mutilated, raped and when I get angry they have scores of black and white Nazis come to rape and beat me. The ugly sinister smile on the faces of pig pitt and shitalina the prostitute ugly skank who has had me dismembered disfigured poisoned to a point of death raped adn beaten and my body scarred with torture abuse and the ideas she has been stealing is non-stop. But the utter death threats from Farrkhan the black fuck creep such an evil ugly disgusting filthy persona so vile and nasty--and they are smirking with delight as he threatens to kill me, shouting that the white pig apes who have stolen my ideas, poisoned and mutilated my body and destroyed my home and killed animals and forced rape adn torture on me nearly non-stop for TWELVE YEARS it is now TWELVE years and before that it was A DECADE of other pieces of shit who are associated with this group--Europigape Nazis and Farrakhan is there to force sex slavery and rape abuse and if I try to fight back he's like the black pig cops who killed Terry Nichols, the black man beaten to death by black Nazi cops who were under order from a white bigot KKK cop who instructed them on exactly what to do to destroy the black man who said "You have no right to do this to me". And that is the story. So endless death threats, endless destructionl and the internet I require to survive in this digital age and for things I need delivered are broken upon arrival, I can't use the items I bought in the stores at about 300% higher price than on the delivery service I am now relying on to save my body from endless threat from cars and people banging into me and attacking me with my very fragile body. The sickness is so disgusting and this is always so sanctioned by an evil US Government regime. I can now state emphatically that the US Government has been a fascist institution for a very long time and it's only coming out now that mind control has reached so many more of the population (thanks to people like Musk and his very racist and nasty ilk). So I see that I am so broken down from poisoning abuse endless sleep disruption from terror imposed upon me by sick and psychopathc SHIT that you all worship as celebrities and politicians who are mentally deranged and absolutely murderously on power trips akin to psychopath terrorist organizations.

All the flowers were poisoned and they fell out while in the full bloom. I placed them in the dirt at the bottom of the caked with dead and dying leaves bushy area that had been full just two days ago, green and growing. Next photo you can barely see that the leaves are brown and sagging downward.

This mobile phone camera I am using is so bad and it barely focuses. I spent something like $100 on it assuming that the shelf price would mean that the quality would be good. In fact, this is a cheap and disgusting camera phone from China that is only good for receiving and making calls. I spent another $10 for a memory card which doesn't work, and I can't transfer music files. I spent all this money for nothing. The camera is so out of focus and it's so horrible everything is non-stop discrimination and abuse. The pig apes from shitwood with Farrakhan who is amost disgusting and vile parasitic energy leech, his energy putridity is so foul as well as Jesse Jackson, they are seething with all the hate of their victim pulpits while shoving that hate upon me and no matter what I say, they are trying to stuff this into my psyche. They are so toxic that I react like I'm going insane and I see shitalina the prostituted ugly skank who has been feeding off torture and violence heaped upon me non-stop as I fight and fight and describe being poisoned to death while NOT A SINGLE PERSON HAS EVER INTERVENED except for one person and he raped and beat me and that is the very best anyone has ever done from this group. 
I see that the Biden Administration is, indeed, a crime family but so are the Obamas and everyone knows about shit Trump that sack of filthy vile destruction and hate and sickness.
They are torturing me non-stop so trump can continue to get favoritism. I think that is how the contract operates. they also need me to write about them, and of course NO ONE ever stops them or protects me, they plan on a lifetime (my life until they finally murder me) of endless promotions for abusing and torturing me so badly I am unrecognizable, as I am right now I cant' even look at myself in the mirror they have been torturing me with poison and rape and abuse and terror for so long I have become so unreconizable to myself. I sit here determined that I will die, then, but not to help these fucking apes and pigs and whores. But to not let Farrkhan that fucking disgusting putridity to get more promotions like the rest of this shit. he's an extremely violent and evil dirty filthy fucker, and this is even more pernicious than some of the white pig apes. The militarized black force he has and his instant back-patting assignment to really assist in the genocide of Jews is very startling because like Hamas, he does not differentiate he only wants to slaughter and no matter what I say he's ready to kill me or anything unless the Jews bow down to him and are abused and willing to be crushed without any fight by the pig apes he adores, his white supremacists. I see this so often with black pieces of shit like him he didn't create this lap dog a$$ groveling situation it was created at the height of the Civil Rights movement as the "left hand path" to actual liberation. Identifying as the violent arm of the Nazis for promotion, that is the most succinct way I can put it.



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I wasn't defending you (DeNiro) I was attacking "them" (douglass murray who made a public statement to English Colony Oz-land reporters on, "who does he think he is?"/referring to DeNiro's speech regarding "Democracy". I wrote a comment that DeNiro is commenting on a situation occurring in New York City--his city (my family's city which expletives like the "Italian-American" mafia have attacked and abused and humiliated and assaulted out of their home town only to be attacked in teleportation after having been attacked by this same heinous group in Miami and out of New York--people I never met in NYC, people I only had very quick encounters with trying to avoid them and just trying to make a living as they kept following me around, now I understand creating sabotage and extreme violence against me to endlessly profit off this contract out on me): but I digress and the hacking interference is constant and horrible so hard to concentrate. 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So I wrote, "who do you think you are interfering in American politics or business go back to your cesspool in England) and to which DeNiro having to fully support the old Nazi network came to me abusing me, in teleportation of course, accusing me of being a witch responsible for his family member's death because I screamed after about 5 years of non-stop poisoning and torture and sexual assault and the theft of my ideas from this expletive--yelling I hoped he and his family died because of the violence this group of NYC mafia have inflicted upon me family and upon me. 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Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. But duh...they don't listen, the pig apes just want everything to go back to their endless allowance to fuck rape torture steal kill rob with full back-patting by the filthy greasy greedy incompetence of the crap from Congress-Whorewood and you just want everything to go back to the time that actually re-inforced the current gang stalking mobs just dying to mob you and stalk you and hack into your phone and block your finances and poison you literally to death. Dumb as hell. What can I expect from any of these creeps? You all worship addicts high on power and corruption.

O.J. did identify with Black activism when he played a role about violent resistance being preferable to peaceful demonstration to KKK activity. Richard Burton as the lead star of the film. He made activist statements (O.J. I am referring to) and "fought the Man" in the film as a rep for Black Rights. The film was made in the 70's. O.J. was married at that time to a Black woman (contentedly, as she claimed there was little friction in the marriage even thought they divorced). This clip from the movie shows O.J. playing a violent extremist/terrorist for Black activism rather than quiet and peaceful protests and lectures. The advocacy of violence as a weapon against racism preferable to any equal justice movement where debate is futile and the system is forever rigged. That is the gist of the clip and the movie is about racism. Like so many, O.J. got brainwashed into trying to live the wealthy elite lifestyle of Brentwood and LA but the violence was sublimated nevertheless and it came out eventually due to the falsity of the stress of appearing like he enjoyed playing the inter-racial good guy role.