The misuse of Brain-computer interface technology being handed as portable and remote torture and brain-altering mind control infliction of violence and subjugation handed endlessly to the planet of the pig apes of the 4th Reich (meaning dumb and sick violent stupid "people") + On the Protocols of the Misery-Making/Crazy-Making of the Elders of antisemitic Zionism. Brain-altering affectation of limbic and nervous system lowering energy to a hate and negative zone, combined with subliminal hate and self-hate hissing sentences repeated while under attack by "mobs" of oreo faction bigots in orchestrated hate skits. Plus, eyeballs are remotely "forced" to "look at" signals, triggers and people glaring with deadly murderous intent while I am in public--from distances away my eyes suddenly shift to something far away as if "forced" as a terrorist is glaring at me with something that looks like a "demonic possession" on their truly malevolent and smirking faces. Their eyes appear to be "black" behind the hue and the look appears to be something similar to a "demonic" mask.
"America's Book of Secrets: DARPA'S Secret Mind Control Technology/(Season 4)/History". HISTORY. June 11, 2021.
Again, I am resorting back to referencing religious mythology about "Demons" because of the truly insidious nature of the people attacking me who quote religious text to amplify their authoritarian and fascist dictatorship approach to moral supremacy which exalts Nazi white supremacy at the core of the lying fabric which isn't too hard to sheer away if you only try to look behind the smiling and placid facade of righteous and moral superiority.
I felt very vital, alive, beautiful and happy to be in the world in my last shopping spree. It was finally sunny and not pouring rain outside. Flowers which had been drenched by the last 5 months of pouring rain are now blossoming everywhere that hasn't been cemented with new coffee shops and tourist hot spots in this formerly beautiful natural place of Phuket. I have been exercising in excruciating detox to rip out poisons hardened into my flesh for the past 10 months under instruction from one of the greatest dancers in our modern history using the voice-to-skull technology so I can now try to stand up straight instead of being literally pulled downward by hardened labyrinths of poison literally pulling my spine and body into an accordion shape (and much worse internal damage which I don't go into).
My body is still disfigured and really awful from all the violence and mutilation and poisoning and severing of part of my uterus that the Whorewood group ordered inflicted upon me as they mocked how I looked, and my clothing is not a huge bulging block trying to conceal a most horrific hard poison square that the poisons have formed like a shelf into my back--literally).
I was then forced to "look at" stupid sick teeshirts that the black portion of the oreo cookie death squad members were wearing, mostly Thai females. The shirts were so stupid with sentences in English about being "happy and free" but written in "Thinglist" wrong grammar but sort of stupidly writing in 5 words on a teeshirt-so this was no normal teeshirt it had been printed at some shop and then driven courier express to be worn on these women walking directly in front of me as my eyeballs were forced to look--the tech of "mind control" can "force" your eyes to look at something (people attacking me from across the street or across the room or walking into you while you are trying to just focus on your path and suddenly your eyes move without your comprehension of trying to "look")
and they were mocking my great happy mood. Very quickly in this very beautiful shopping mall the hate throng of what I wrote of as hormone-growth Klaus Barbie murderous bigots, some of whom were definitely Europigapeland fascist Nazis but all had the same hair style and the same energy and a similar style of "fashionable" but leisure clothing, all were attacking me in pairs in various parts of this huge shopping complex which spans three buildings on various sides of a huge multi-lane freeway which leads to the airport at a central junction in Phuket Town.
Just to show the atmosphere as I was confronted with them, the white center of the oreo death squad formation and the outlying black clasping outward layers of the minority minions wearing these teeshirts. What they did was, these white bigot models sent by the English skank who is torturing me so I would write more about feminist ideas that an American women (Jewish) wrote of, which English-based skank prostitutalinas have stolen while having me raped and then after having stolen the ideas about women's right to not be raped and sexually abused in a porn atmosphere of male violence towards women entrenched into cultural morays and in Whorewood it's integrated into almost every facet of the entertrainment industry (sic). the white center oreo skanks were smiling with that hormone glistening skin from the excitement of destroying someone's energy so they can feed off hate and misery they force using this tech and surveillance stalking methodology.
I reacted because my brain and body were likewise being assaulted into a "rage" state so I tried to defend myself as she kept walking into my path directly in front of me--this woman with long dark brown hair who kept making the stalking triggering motion of swiping her hair back in a huge gesture which so many of these creeple perform under direction from their higher-ranking sheeple pig apes.
I blocked her finally with my cart and she used this system of making my eyes look at a terror operative from a distance within a fraction of a second without the intention of looking at anything, much less one of them. It was in one of the other buildings but this is a path I take often to get to another part of the mall so I can look at all the promotions to buy food I can't afford at the normal price.
She was waiting and I was walking looking straight ahead as she he rushed from the original spot of this first interaction to be sitting facing the direction I was walking in so as to put a menacing violent glare of hate and intimidation at me in this fractional second of my eyes being "instructed" by subliminal tech and microchip internal terrorism of my body as an internal torture mechanism.
I felt throughout my entire body this energy of hate and violence as my energy just sank instantly. I realize now that the tech affected my brain at that instant to really manipulate my energy levels and brainwaves at the ELF frequencies of lower Hertz, thusly changing a happy and joyous state to something of fear, dread and hate. This is so commonly used against me in public spaces, during "high season" when the most genocidal bigot Europigapes and Americans and all their other ilk (mostly white supremacist bigot Nazis perform the most nasty hate and physical attack skits during their "high" tourist season here).
I felt over my entire body something like a "slime" sensation of hate and all kinds of subliminals about denigrating me being bombarded into my subconscious. I kept walking trying to negate it, but at the next spot, on the lower level of this next Tops Supermarket spot because I had to look for specials and things on sale as the first market in the lower level of the other building across one of the huge freeways is a much smaller shop and intended to host a more wealthy clientele so the promotions are mostly not in that shop, but the underground parking area is in that building so I use it and then go through a maze of layers of floors and across the skywalk areas to be pounded attacked by throngs of creeple attacking me using all kinds of covert technologies. Their main intention is to create a hate interior panic and rage impact using brainwave altering (Extremely Low Frequency modulation) attacks in the lower Hertz range. This type of attack has indeed been documented but so far no real information about this in the mainstream news. It has been said that this can be imposed on swaths of the population, which is why I so dread the technologies that Elon Musk has at his disposal for similar types of attacks using broad swaths of tech to influence the Hertz range of brainwave activity in people targeted to "go crazy" and perhaps cause "insurrections" and mass murder panic in the streets.
To continue as this is a "mind controlled" ranting rambling, as usual: once I realized that this creepy woman with her modeling appearance ( I'm not impressed after years of Whorewood torture and sickness and stupidity) but, I realized that this was the same woman I had just left at the lower level in another building. She had "run" to this spot to confront me from the opposite stance sitting in this restaurant only to threaten me with this tech of subliminals and hate sentences pounded into my body and dread and "fear" forced using this tech to alter brain waves into these alternative states without me having this reaction or emotional sphere from my own choice. I tried to negate it, but on the 1st Floor where this much larger super shopping store is--Tops Market--I was confronted as I wrote two days ago by a fascist display of abuse while my brain was put into a semi-unconscious zombified state of incomprehension as I was being yelled at for trying to pay for bread at the bakery line with a host of white supremacist nazi pig apes using tech to blast my brain so I was instantly unable to understand or react. This happens so frequently and as I remove so much of this mind control poison that was intended to suffocate me internally but form a huge bulbous shell of inter-locked poisoned into my bloodstream and nervous system perpetually--I realize how much the tech alone as it's own platform of mind and brain skewing produces these very short-term effects which last only as long as I am in the vicinity of the remote portable tech that so many of these rotten ugly Europigape Nazi creeple have in their bags, handed to them gratis it seems from the likes of the politicians who come to join in with the celebrities to threaten to kill me and rape adn abuse and torture me using these same technologies but much worse as they have more "leverage" with more deadly and sophisticated technologies at hand.
I wrote of this two days ago in my "Hormone-growth Klaus Barbie Nazi" post about the shopping mall so the consequent hour of attacks at this shopping place and my enraged response, something similar to a bull in a bull fighting ring that has been pierced and is slated for death in a mockery duel with someone with a huge concealed murder weapon as I charge finally my body is saturated with this tech after a few hours of abuse at the shopping mall, discrimination and glares of hate from people in the shops I go to (I must search for every single sale and promotion everywhere I can't afford to just shop at one place) and....finally I react under this pressure. But I always begin feeling very happy and determined not to allow rotten and inferior scumbags to alter my emotions or reactions.
As I have written, under newfound realization of how mind control tech operates because I was so drugged and sick for so many DECADES but now I see that without the excessive drugging into every single inch of my body, I still can't block these energy directed weapon attacks on my brainwave levels.
Again, people think this is a most hilarious and fun game to play of abuse and murder. When I feel happy and try to be light and happy or makes jokes or laugh at the pig ape celebrities they are determined to beat, rape and abuse me until I am screaming in rage. Then they get their greasy and filthy dirty promotions handed to them by the administrators of the next wave of the 4th Reich.
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