Listening to an old recording of Adolf lecturing in a not blathering shouting voice to a congregation of worshippers in a Munich Hall--late 30's or early 40'? Too sick and my brain is under too much attack right now to do more than fight to type and pound every letter out due to hacking interference.//Reminded of the types of "redneck bigots" I encountered very briefly in Germany./Germany only adopts well-spoken and intellectuals to their high offices in most regard in society (in Stuttgart, which is not Munich so I am speaking from a very small perspective on the country)./I hear, in that odd voice, which is a tone and accent I have never heard in Germany but it's probably much more common in the Bavarian region. This was a redneck bigot pounding his fist on the kitchen table with his opinions and put into power for representing this brute "lower class" force of sawed-off shotgun politics. Opinionated and resolved that the male should "have the last word" and really no females allowed to vocalize opinions. Usually the most influential speeches that Hitler made were in Beer Halls, which is like the livingrooms of this class group and political postulating is the active daily discussion for all the people I met. Not like in America where other topics like sports or light jokes are made, but heavy on politics, in Germany. The issue is domination and control. Odd that Hitler focused on the relativism of how absolute control should be administered and how other countries have failed. Seemingly this redneck bigot approach has held the world in it's grip every since. The expletives who teleport me are no "better" than any fist-pounding redneck except that they also have almost no vocalized political opinions they are just sleazy and greedy stealing my ideas and apparently have little or no ideas. Whatever they espouse in public is a script written for them to perform. Maybe Hitler was given scripts as well but he ad hoc'ed his way through his scripted tirades.

"Adolf Hitler--Stalingrad Speech at the Loewenbrau Keller in Munich, 1942". German WWII Preservation. September 24, 2023.

**Correction to the below post--I am so ill from mind control exhaustion as soon as I began to type my body and brain felt like I had just taken a sleeping pill. They blast my brain so I am in a state of near fainting and dizzy sort of lack of clarity and just like I am about to fall asleep. I wrote below that I didn't know when this speech was made. I didn't look at the title of the lecture above. I really don't want to hear what that scumbag Hitler had to say I only gleaned through a bit of it and as I wrote below, from the first second I heard his voice I was brought back to the German equivalent of redneck fist-pounding beer conversations, as this was conducted in a beer hall and that is almost a daily tradition in the Germany I experienced--discussions around beer on politics. Politics and political machivations are hashed out daily in these beer traditions every single day in Germany. They don't mince words and they don't skirt around obvious realities that American seem to want to ignore and paint a shiny beautiful portrait over, along with the celebrity bs shine spin to everything leading the sheeple into a false sense of security and discussing politics for a social gathering is shunned and considered in bad taste (for a large part in the ole US of A-$$).


His accent is almost indecipherable in terms of educated German language, which is called "Ampt Deutsch" to some, meaning "office German" or a higher version of a more sophisticated level of knowledge using words that are not common amongst the plebian class (using a more Marxist approach to the definition now as the issue of Communism was very big at the time of Hitler's speeches).


The first second I heard his voice speaking without shouting in a distortion into a very ancient microphone system, so I really could not understand or hear his words clearly, much less decipher the accent from his Southern Austrian background.

I heard a deep gravelly voice that to me instantly was of a very depressed and probably mentally ill personality. I was around a mentally ill German person who had a nervous breakdown and was hospitalized and given shock treatment and I can hear this depression in the voice of Hitler and it's severe. My opinion of course. Like the formula used by so many or maybe all of the celebrities and politicians assaulting me, the language of being a victim by an oppressor is in play constantly in this speech. Rising up against victimization justifies a retribution, as the storyline goes almost automatically. 


His voice is truly creepy, it was what the fascists needed to justify their onslaught of slaughter. Blaming a mentally deranged person and then disguising his death and then using the legacy to continue the policies through more sophisticated means of mind control programming has worked so perfectly for the 4th Reich.

In Whorewood this formula is played out endlessly with the black nazis putting in jabs of antisemitism just enough to indoctrinate blacks into the 4th Reich, posturlated by extremely affluent blacks who appear financially well-kept (skanks) but are always on a hate trip towards jews, except for those "Jews" condoned by the 4th Reich, who are their "friends".


All playing the victim role, as Hitler has done in this speech. I was busy doing things so not reading the subtitles often enough but I saw and heard enough to understand that Hitler was playing the victim card and that card has been in mind programming for the 4th Reich circulation amongst the "victims" ever since. Trump is playing that card right now with all his trials. Will he trump the trick or will it be revealed as a dud trick and snake oil platform?


In the interim of having to download this other browser from the one I used to type the above, because hacker terrorists have blocked the YouTube function on the other browsers I used for years and suddenly script has blocked all downloading of YouTube for this blog function on both. The hacking into the WiFi system made this downloading so slow that I just waited and waited. The cursor is likewise hacked so I click on a tab and it is deleted instead of switching from one tab to the next.


To continue, as my brain is under so much attack and I can feel my heart being killed by remote tech to cause heart fluttering and palpitations and it's leading to a heart attack I feel sure. But in addition to the "Havana Syndrome" sorts of effects of dizziness and inability to think clearly--I "remembered" other ideas that are truly blocked from my consciousness while all these other attacks are going on non-stop.

The German man I knew who had this mental breakdown had an Austrian father who would only eat, he claimed, Austrian food or German food. Only ate on German or Austrian plates and only watched German tv and blah blah. The German mother, according to this depressed man who had this breakdown, was abused regularly by the father (from Austria, similar to the family background of poor little victim Adolf). The mother clung to him in love, an inculcated domestic violence situation that the dinos are yearning to return as the bigot skanks from Whorewood play the role of domestic violence enforcer for the racist rape and murder culture of Whorewood and American Nazism, as they get promoted into their cherished upper roles as directors and producers and get their own studios and most of them then GET DIVORCED from the men who are abusing me for their own promotions. The Nazi system, really in a brainwashing system of incentive-based trauma on all levels. Even the perpetrators are victims, as Adolf was from his father and his mother "loved" the father (undoubtedly had no support system and was left without any chance to survive outside of the violent abusive marriage and thusly died an early death).


This same German man whose father was a staunch Austrian with tradition and Nazi ties obtained a lot out of the contract out on me. I could go into detail, but probably also like Adolf this German man was a cocaine addict or on methamphetamines, as many of the Nazis used for their hyped-up war experiences (it is documented from the Luftwaffe on long flights to keep the pilots awake for extended flying bombing excursions and other warfare surveillance and strategic purposes).


This man from Germany with the Austrian father and abused and battered mommy who he clung to (the son) like an infantile, and I saw that this sort of "bonding" was also a tradition. Abusing women in the sexual realm and hating them afterwards for being "whores" was also quite common. People call it "tradition" I would refer to this trend as being "dysfunctional" and that is another factor in building violent Nazis=victimization. Victimization in a general social engineering sense, and the purity of the abused and home-bound mommy putting a slice of cake on top of the laundry of her little boy's underwear up until he's older than 40 years, sometimes even replacing the wife in the household of her dear little boy grown manchild violent and yearning to create a constant wheel of victimization.p


In Nazi Whorewood, every murder I see is always as the result of some egregiously stupid act of unconscionable insult or injury to the righteous brutal murderer of the "pest" who has insulted or abused him/her. (by the way, while writing this analysis the hacker terrorists, undoubtedly Nazi sympathizers, began hacking so badly that the art page popped up and my cursor began to weave a yellow line as I tried to click off the attack. Pages are popping up while I'm typing on this application for a word program, etc).


Supposedly the Germans have gone through a modification of the old Nazi structure and women are more "independent". However I can attest with 100% accuracy that like the blonde women of Whoredom and Whorewood, after they steal my ideas about Feminism which all the shitholes have done to me for all these years out of Whorewood and beyond, they are only too keen to see me beaten and raped and disfigured mutilated bloated sagging body parts partially bald from chemical disfigurement they laugh about now and make jokes out of and etc. I saw this in  Germany with blonde blue-eyed German creepy women who I worked with at Berlitz who used Muslim men as stepping stones for their power-over racism over the "dark" women. They would extol the wonder of the dark Muslim men betraying their wives and buying them lavish beautiful rings and objects while their wives languished at home, abused and betrayed and neglected. One of the "Evangelical" skanks I worked with who then began a campaign of slander against me by the predisposed new boss who replaced the very positive and supportive boss who hired me, who all began this lying gossip and snub campaign aimed at me and drugged and poisoned me while I was working as well so when I was too drowsy and drugged up and acting in strange ways they could then blame me, which they did. But this woman called herself a very staunch Evangelical and took me to her Nazi meeting in the name of a religious meeting conference. Only politics was discussed and that was the first time I heard the phrase that had been uttered by President Bush Sr, "The New World Order". The Germans only delved into this phrase and what it meant for their political situation and the global political situation en toto. Trust me, I have never heard a single utterance about Jesus, God or ethical religious views from any of the Evangelicals I met in Stuttgart. The one and prevailing discussion was on power politics, whether in the sexual arena or in non-physical fights with others they wanted power over (very, very common on a daily basis as Germans call their society the elbow-society, meaning pushing everyone else around like hitting with your elbow as McCarthy was just accused of in the buildings of Congress to one of his opponents, just that and exactly like that. The Germans--I met where were keen power brokers on all levels of sexual and financial and political, and almost all are intertwined in all three-- call their entire society an elbow society).


Yes, the Schadenfreude of having the dark minority woman abused, betrayed and the blonde Nazi woman hopes the dark woman is abused and beaten as well. Her delight. That is what I confront from the Whorewood group every day, plus the rotten dumb scum are torturing me to obtain ideas from something like what Andrea Dworkin wrote of and lectured about, which they steal as their own concept as "feminsits"--in particular I can name all the English Crown skank pieces of shit who do this on a regular basis (there is another one very involved in modeling and she has gained endless applause in that area just like the spawn of the actors have also done in the modeling Nazi 4th Reich for posturing to become an "actor" celebrity.



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