Good riddance W-wood: I am in mortal danger if I even watch a trailer from an upcoming movie, an "award-winning" contender for top prize rigged contests, any interview of a celebrity monopolist snake-oil droplet in the ocean of malfeasance and deception. That applies also to watching current news clips, news anchors, and politicians making public displays of shock or even of rational calm (underlying the droplets in the ocean of snake oil grifting).
I watched two of of the upcoming Oscars contenders, and about 20 minutes of another one. All sprinted to join into abuse, harangue, violence, rape, torture, mutilation, and non-stop information extraction so their interviews and their public displays are enhanced while they pay nothing and only contribute to a murder situation that they are all gleefully dancing around like demons at a witch hunt pretending they are above all reproach for the deceptions that they are 2-D cut-outs selling for a mass lying campaign. --------- There are no movies that could outweigh the cost of another day of abuse and torture for the sake of promotion of any of the hateful 88 million of this organization. No amount of CGI, special effects, costume design, even the script or plot (never conceived-of by any of the terrorists rushing to attack me, which the "fans" have a hard time apparently figuring out that the performers are kinda like just reciting with fake emotion that they dredge up in betw...