Brain Implant sensations imagined or otherwise (what is that tiny scar on my skull?) & Detox account: not for the timid reader discretion advised //BUTT..scatologists will love this
"Forgotten Company That Built Silicon Valley--TRANSFORMED--Fairchild".
The Marquis de Sade would be titillated if I had taken photos for all the years of detoxifying the stinking black masses of poisons forced upon me by the death squad terrorists. I contemplated, before my camera(s) for all phones were broken before using them--they worked when I bought them, but I believe remote hacking has put the same problem on all including my laptop cam. It is shaky and blurry no matter what I do, every camera.
Despite all this, the detox I thought I should document but decided it would be embarrassing to do so. It would be proof about the covert murder attempts but without actually having any samples, also I contemplated trying to preserve a sample but realizing that all is stolen all is tainted and it would be discrediting for me to make a photo journal of detox poison (all brown black goo in a toilet bowl) day after day. The poisoning never stopped.
Today I eliminated the remnants of a huge "plug" that has been lodged on the right-hand side of my abdomen. More specifically the descending colon area. I don't know if it was lodged behind that area or just stuck in that area, but the plugs at this interior level next to my spine are interconnected to "strings/conduits" of tubes of poisons extending all throughout my back (and everywhere else). I have to "dig" through layers to get to the ("crunchy center") of the hardest poisons lodged probably accumulating in ever-expanding layers serpentine enmeshed into flesh, viscera and lodged into bone structures.
I can feel that it "yanked" on the left-hand side of my skull. I can recount when the first sensation of this type of "pain" began, probably when the layers got to the point of having to extend into all structures of my body to "fill-up" the internal cavities before expanding into layer upon layer in huge "shelf" like "shale" structures.
Over a decade ago, I used a "sports" massage therapist trained in Thai massage to literally stand on my back, which I could not feel. I had no sensation in my back except for the pulling of the hard structure while I struggled to sit upright. Pulling in all directions.
I have heard that scientists have determined that prodding parts of the brain can bring back earlier memories vividly in the subject's compartmentalized memory. The tugging of the hard tubes of poison extending into my brain, and the day I felt this same "pain" in the same exact spot while I now realize that I was being poisoned at the time very strongly. The person in question is a German male who had to get his free promotion by poisoning me into such a state of incognizance that I had absolutely no alert consciousness while he and his partners (Germans) did whatever they did, and also I was put into an artificial state of fake emotions ("positive" where my brain-body continuum should have been in defense mode and comprehending a potential adverse situation--which I could not. Always in such circumstances where a person used drugging/mind control following, of course, the protocols prescribed to them from the expert teams of mind control researched protocols, I was told later on when I tried to get rid of the latched on abuser parasite that I had "allowed it to happen". That is the standard response not only for "mind control" victims but for women in abusive domestic violence situations, just by the way).
This particular "memory" retrieval from the left side of my skull, where perhaps there is a brain implant I know for certain that there is one on my right-hand side, I don't know the exact brain structure completely but the scar is above the cerebral cortex, perhaps they had to insert the cut --now a tiny scar about 1 mm in length---in which they could insert just above the cerebral cortex "wing-shaped" structure so as to insert the chip without cutting into the cortex directly, but pushing it into that area from an above vantage).
On the left side, though, there is a "colic" of my hairline, which was very pronounced when I was a child the hair really has never grown back so there is a little half-egg-shaped area of my hairline where I believe area had been also affected as a baby. I believe the implant was put into my brain around age 2 years). There are photos of me around that age looking not just like a piqued infant but in a near-death drooping daze, very similar to the photos of the apes or monkeys that the Neurolink company had to kill because the apes did not survive the implant process. The looks on their faces was very similar to how I looked at around age 2. Like I had escaped death. M y mother wrote in my "baby book" that I had become very ill around age 1 or 2, so maybe the implant was inserted (on both hemispheres of my brain) at that early age of 1). My father, a Yale-graduate Law School Phi Beta Kappa student had worked not only for "The Italian-American Mafia" upon his elite graduation, he claimed he "could not find any work just fresh out of Yale" in NYC. I seriously doubt this as my grandfather, his father, worked "at the docks" of the Lower East Side and there is at least one account of dealings with the same-said "mafia" from those "on the waterfront" days. I believe my father was indebted and a loan perhaps had been made.
My father eventually worked for a military contract company ---Fairchild and he was working there when I was born. This is government business in high military-grade technology--or it was, now replaced by other famous firms. **as an aside, there is a shot of this same company my father worked for in the Stanley Kubrick film, The Shining", in the scene I believe where the little boy is throwing darts in a little rec room, and the ghost "twins" appear haunting him. On the wall where the little girls are standing is a "Monarch" poster with that word printed largely behind the girls (Project Monarch is associated with MK ULTRA mind control, which is what I was or am an unfortunate subject of experimentation of---now part of an insidious social engineering contract for whatever you want to call it, I label it the 4th Reich).
But along that wall, or in another shot is also the name of this company Fairchild but I cannot remember the exact name. The internet is so badly hacked and if I lose this page parts could be deleted or erased.
Also, Kubrick's A Space Odyssey (2001) has a little clip of the AI computer HAL 9000 which has been programmed to kill the inhabitants of the mission if HAL deems that he has lost control or the mission is jeopardized (for the programming programmer, losing control is tantamount to a mission fail).
Urbana, Illinois is mentioned as the city where HAL was first programmed, which is the twin city of the town I grew up in, my step-father a professor at the University of Illinois in Urbana. He walked from our West side house to the campus in Urbana almost every day with his Seeing Eye dog so the distance was not more than 2 miles or so.
No movie has ever made mention of this poisoning and the stealth structure of the way the poison hardens makes it appear, is poisoned at developmental stages, that the body is just not shapely it would appear like a sort of "square" shape. People thought I was a boy from behind because the poisons enlarged my rib cage and my waist was just expanded. The poisons did not especially harden to the point that I could feel a huge hard shape. I believe a hardening agent was included in the endless doctor office visits I did in the latter stages of my belief that I had some unknown origin cause of becoming "large" perhaps from thyroid problems or from the surgeries that were forced upon me. The hard poisons lift up the adipose tissue (aka "cellulite" but just the normal bouncy layers of protection that are of "fat" content not necessarily "cellulite" but it appears as such because the poisons don't just harden they remain bloated in something akin to "cottege cheese" cellulite the longer the poisons compress and become compacted. The poisons are like a glue lubricant when they pour out, and of course, they suffocate my intestines.
If people ever watch Andrea Dworkin lecture, her body resembles perfectly a body so poisoned with retention of the hard poisons and liquid goo above the hardened structures. She died from an "unknown" cause, because she never was analyzed for poison content. The chemical structure of the poison is probably closely linked to a combination of some polymer type structure but because it embeds into natural flesh and the lymphatic system, it could also be identified as natural biological substances, tissue and etc.
My father worked as a corporate attorney for Fairchild (Military-industrial complex giants back in 1964) at one of the NY headquarters. We lived in Forest Hills, outside of Manhattan, so it was a fine and dandy set-up for my family. My mother left with me at age 1, and headed for Champaign, Illinois to become involved in the anti-Vietnam War movement also my mother was arrested outside of Chanute Air Force base protesting the military war effort. She never once told me why she left my father in a romantic rendezvous with my step-father but I suggest that the brain implant was one of the reasons and selling me out to being experimented upon may have been a factor. My mother later on was drugged, poisoned and then mind controlled and threatened highly incentivized with the benefits of having her own law firm and embraced the mind control apparatus even while it was also poisoning her to death. She made the compromise willingly--it is very reminiscent of Aldous Husley's Brave New World in which one woman settles into being drugged and watching her mind control tube just doing nothing but watching tv, very similar to how mind control operates just through the use of television upon the masses).
One of those "stories" I would write now that I can put the pieces together and have some semblance of my brain functioning returned into a more alert state, the more I detox this awful poison.
Two days ago a huge "plug" came out, and for the past two days pieces that have been embedded all along my spine and wrapped around it have finally come out. It takes days for poisons to slowly unlatch their serpentine gloed/cemented course out of my spine and body after initially cracking and thusly trying to break off the poison which was intended to internally suffocate me into paralysis and then slow murder/death.
The smell of this vile stuff is very similar to nasty rubber, the compound that hardened does resemble some waterproof rubber-turned-to ossified stone-like rock-like obstruction. The tied-in remnants latched to this hardened plug, and the terrorists injected hardening agents into my body both when I used to see doctors and then they would inject it into my body while breaking into my home night after night, also raping me putting my hips and spine out of alignment. I would wake up limping and crooked my hips literally out of alignment, the stink of semen and stinking fungus came out as I urinated and I was stuck laying or sitting in bed watching movies and the youtube because I was not in control any longer and was not able to move. Thusly ideas were tortured out of me and I was repeatedly teleported and raped by your loving kindness celebrities who are held up as icons of charity and benevolence. One of the worst sex trafficking abusers has now produced a movie about fighting sex trafficking. As the hero, of course.
Yes, Rambo certainly has had the green light for all his nefarious rape and sex trafficking exploits with this contract out on me, oh boy oh boy he is never made redundant and the themes I have written of are now the movie themes he is coming out with again (they take turns, every year). Statham has hacked his photos and movies onto my channel but has not personally appeared to attack me with all the rest of your "cultural icons" you all worship.
I was made to "forget" to mention because of slowness of internet hacking keyboard stiffness frustration mind control all combined
that the Miami Beach/South Beach days when I lived on 2nd Avenue in the house that Click Models Francis Grill used to own, they allowed me to live there also participating in the mind control operation but also kindly allowing me to pay an unbelievably low price so they could profit (in millions) off the exploitation contract but they were kind as well, the half-horrid and the necessity to participate that so many "minorities" and indeed, non-minorities are likewise now forced to participate in, if you want to have any business or just stave off the upcoming financial crash people are expecting you had better learn to "play the game".
The German who was poisoning me so badly in order to get his greasy dirty nasty exploitation deal out of attacking me, he was a model and I was brainwashed absolutely could not understand threat or malevolence--(which is why this mind control contract is being gobbled up by all the wonderful old men and women who yearn to have free and easy "loving" sex with people they want to exploit and then trash afterwards with contempt--and for whatever other reasons but I am referring to the murderous types, and there really are a lot of those).
The German was associated with Nicola Siervo, who was the manager for Bar None, the bar owned by Stallone and S. Tyler, names I have been writing of for years. Absolutely viciously violent towards me for the past 30 years. The neighbors were "Italian" and "Half Jewish" French with their henchmen Latino who did all the nasty dirty work, the usual configuration.
They attacked me, everyone told me I had "allowed" it to happen. It happened after I kicked the German out of the house, I invited him to stay with me because the white American (gay-supposedly) male was so invasive and nasty (another long story) I asked the Grills to kick him out, and they did because I rennovated the houses and Nathan trashed it, making hideous anti-semitic remarks all the time; they later hired him to work in their Atlanta office because the Nazi Mafia kicked the "jews" out and they were "allowed" to move to Atlanta so the white supremacist Nazis could take over the modeling empire that the "Jewish" Grills had created, they literally created the modeling market on South Beach they were kicked out their concepts stolen but their house was made to nasty and trashed in a hate attack. I cleaned it up and paid out of pocket to renovate it, they let me stay there but they kept the torture going. Stefen this German ape scumbag I was drugged into feeling the woozy drugged affection for, despite his obvious warning signals the drugs kept me in a daze, literally.
The partner of Stallone, which means Stallone (and Tyler always there in the background still there now) had Nicola hire a limosine to pick them up to have free dinner at his little restaurant on Ocean Drive after a few months of vicious attacks upon me, so bad I phoned the police and then took them to court at the Miami courthouse for stalking and harassment (it is still on record).
Rambo is coming out now having directed or produced a movie k-rap about sex trafficking. The reason he is still relevant is due to participating not only in endless murder attempts upon me rape and torture for over 30 years along with Nicola Siervo and the Gottis and now DeNiro and the rest, but because he has been so gratefully received by all the rape cheerleaders and men who yearn to rape steal rob with complete immunity and this technology and all those who participate get some unheard of recognition and highest promotion-now for decades Rambo has been coming out with his movies. Partnering with the English as usual. About the horrible aspects of sex trafficking which is similar to the humanitarian "fights" that people like the rape cheerleaders appear in their public statements about with Biden congratulating them for this "feminist" work, but at the very same time with the "left-hand" path of lies and secrecy and "evil" they are promoting a FAR WORSE torture and rape system using teleportation and voice-to-skull and drugging and mind control.
The contract out on me, in other words.
\I can only hope that the technology is stopped, that people begin to get out of the caves of silence to remain "safe" because the whirlwind of "demonic" frenzy to break all civil laws to destroy all bonds of society just to plunder rape beat and rob people is one of the hottest selling items while the perpetrators have complete control of the "humanitarian" help aspects of the same system as the "fake opposition". A system that abounds. The mind control technology will also enable them to blanket people's scrutiny and self-awareness and boundaries so they will be brainwashed into believing all kinds of droopy sentiments and also deterred and then punished severely or killed if they begin to try to report any of this to anybody who is not part of the hate sleazy system. Who might actually care and then try to stop this egregious attack on humanity. So far, the imbalance of the latter compared to the former is almost at 99-to-1.
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