In the not-too distant future Whorewood Califonication will be under a full state of Martial Law & I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE FIGHT THE POWER PUBLIC ENEMY: The "tragedy" of people's homes being looted in an emergency situation, the police chief bemoaned into a microphone for cameras. However, the homeless are looted by the City of Los Angeles on a regular basis; all their shoddy belongings are thrown, unceremoniously, in huge dumpsters because they have lost everything in the fires of American "winner take all" society. The "losers" should just die someplace else, unceremoniously, without complaint so the 4th Reich criminal global society admonishes when called to equate their hypocrisy to the actual reality of their actions (always lies and denials of veritas and truth.//

















let this be the end of their disease upon the United States and the world

if anyone be religious let this be a sign of the consumptive death that they bring to the planet with their sleazy pretenses at humanitarian concern

they bring the planet to burn they assume they never will burn with it.

The earth cannot sustain their stupidity ignorance and hate which you project as fantasy sexualized love elite and haute figures

white trash is now oozing with greasy stains but you do nothing to stop the sleaze. Stop the sleaze now let the fire cleanse the putridity out.

They are advocating for absolute endless frenzy of rape of environment culture and power-cartel grasping for power. It translates into government and culture. This is the result. The planet cannot sustain this life-fuck group any longer they have literally sucked the life moisture from the air they use exploit rape with impunity they are deemed "superiority". They endlessly advocate for grasping more and more and more, you glorify a stupid sick sleazy set of whores, what is more. This is the result:

I see and understand now, after years of only speculation, that my body  has been poisoned by State-sponsored death squad groups which comprise the range of the global systematic structure of decision-making as to who gets to live and who gets to die a horrible slow death. The point is horrible and slow. The rest can then be programmed into absolute jovial servitude to the perpetrators. 

I have undergone 6 years of grad school. I was a top athlete I won blue ribbons in swim team I a musician (violin) playing alongside adults in a symphony, not a little school orchestra, at the University of Illinois for adults at the age  of 12. 

Because of antisemitism and racism, I was poisoned into a drugged stupor and unable to...after decades of poisoning after I had been date-raped countless times, always thinking I was in a "relationship" and had no concept that I was being trafficked in a modern techno-terror capacity, and certainly not orchestrated and paid-in-full by the United States government.

Now I see and I am nearly homeless as a result. I have been screamed at by the violent rapist celebrities that I am some "loser" for having succumbed to non-stop poisoning which no one could adjust or overcome. That I have survived the endless spinal fractures this group forced upon me in unconscious state, poisoning for 60 years, and never being told what was happening by a single human being and then screamed at after it all, plus non-stop torture and re-poisoning by millionaire and billionaire celebrites, that I am some "loser" after they have stolen ideas from me because they are bereft in more than a million other ways that are supposed to imply "superiority".


Seeing Los Angeles burn right now. The people left destitute and homeless and the celebrities who assaulted me with intention to murder me, but first to abuse me into old age, paralysis and obtaining multi-millions in awards afterwards. Only a tiny fraction of these have been forced to relocate or move. Otherwise, the government under Biden is promising full payment to the people made homeless and to the help agencies.

The homeless who have been swept up in a fire of genocidal proportion, to which I was supposed to have succumbed (died) a long time ago, have received no mention. The economy which made so many  homeless has not been addressed except that many want more and more instead of having to suffer the consequences of economic policies that most voted for long ago (i.e. the Clinton era of globalization which so many embraced; the Reagan era of deregulation which put Dark Money onto the map and now so much clandestine criminality is rampant that even the Supreme Court is openly corrupt which means that the covert criminality and greed, which I see in teleportation, is a vile nasty corrosion of the country.

I have not received even a single apology from a single politician and they have contributed to pushing me down into death, their intention and their lack of concern is astounding.

They worship the money of the criminal mediocrities who Los Angeles has also worshipped. All they have ever produced was a criminal and pornographic white supremacist mind set of Nazi and Mafia proportion. The Mafia and Nazis have taken control over the denigration of the land, the environment pouring cement over people animals and the land for their endless snorting orgiastic revelry about how "superior" they are with their luxury whore-tels and brothel luxury disco replications of replications of replications.


Not a penny has gone to the life this government and these foul dirty celebrities have wrested and stolen from me. Only death threats and threats to mutilate me to death and then after years of me writing about the egregious crimes and the homelessness and the equivalent of a fire storm going through my body and home each and every day and night, the government still threatens my life by sending politicians to beat abuse smirk tell me that a German Nazi-spewing filth bucket stupid ape cesspool is what I really love and want (so they can profit off forcing me into sex trafficking slavery and murder for their dirty filth promotions).

Ignoring me completely is the rest of Whorewood and Los Angeles. I can't describe the ubiquity of attacks upon me in that region.

I am writing of the discrepancy of the murder divide that controls the mentality of America, the United States (and The Americas it is also rampant in Latin America, or whatever term is politically correct I am using the more outdated term but just to use the term "America")

The "idols" of Los Angeles are a most foul pestilence of humanity plastic-coated parasites who Los Angeles has been "worshipping" for decades (the same creeps repeatedly every year in their cheesy billion dollar awards ceremonies which I never watched and can't watch the stupidity of the dumb commentaries and horrid music and dancing. The only entertaining thing I ever saw on  the Golden Globes was that English dude from The Office who sat making insulting jokes with a drink in one hand on the podium.


The hate of these celebrities and  politicians is something I have never  understood or seen in my life, but it surrounded me constantly through the fake smiles of people gleefully pouring poison and drugs into my food and drinks so they could exploit me and then blame me for what they did afterwards as if it had been my choice. I have lived in a drugged daze unable to resist, at points, the suggestions of people trying to truly destroy me, for most of my life as a result of what this government has done to my body and life, all my life. And then they denied me health care while providing me with Medicaid.


and now, the idols of a city which is supposed to represent "art" in America has foisted the thieves of my ideas, with full permission and gaiety of the Whorewood establishment full-on cheers and promotions for the most violent and disgusting abusers of me, absolute applause for being the most disguised racist abusers leading to promoting genocide into the mass population, which they have done and it now is clear in the actions of the public and the general population as well.

The sick, by any standards of humanity, sick as hell sick sleazy disgusting filth bucket scumbags of Whorewood have colluded with the equally disgusting politicians to endlessly attack me so they can vent their stress of competition out on me, their old age and their sexual problems and every and all other insecurities just dumping hate and torture and violence upon me in most visibly sick and deformed mutilated mentally ill ways that are congratulated by all the presidents living today and all society. Los Angeles continues to shower them with applause and more awards. They represent Los Angeles, a sickness of hate and deception abuse racism rape culture and sexism but most importantly a Nazi Mafia regime of totalitarianism. Their egoistic demand that I have no right to defend myself against rape and attempted murder and the politicians rushing to viciously assault sexually harass rape and punch and beat me alongside the criminal scumbag performative pig ape trashy whores.

I am ranting now. 15 years of it ongoing. 

The fires INDEED ARE A BYPRODUCT OF THEIR HATE. Their hate fuels the fires of conspicuous consumption because of the actual real self-hate that these celebrity plastic fruit-brained scum really feel about their bodies, which are chiseled from years of training and bypass surgeries and renovations to every structure possible as time elapses. 

And for me having higher intelligence but not being a Nazi idiot savant I am called a "loser" after they deny me health care block my income steal my cat have me gang raped for over 15 years taking a contract of perpetual rape from 2 Nazi Europigapes (English Nazi Imperialist Colonialist and an Italian 4th Reich overt Nazi anti-American antisemite)

this is what Whorewood loves as they keep foisting them up as the idols. The hate they harbor has been vented upon me for all the years of suppressing their actual real emotions and the stiflement of their actual insecurities for posturing repression of self-doubt. Screaming "loser" at me and insults about my body which they defile poison and mutilate on a continuous daily and nightly basis (poisoning)

deflecting their misery upon me and laughing as I scream in rage after the 15th year of daily torture to get the fuc** off me day after day, smiling with deadly ugly fat-lipped sadistic smiles looking at one another "isn't this fun?" and then being awarded without end for my ideas w hich the Nazis can't begin to formulate anything but cliches, selfish sleazy repeats of repeats, and formulas. They must destroy me for being able to compete and win.


And thusly, the government is paying out just as it has been doing for 15 years: paying millions and billions of dollars into the Nazi 4th Reich Mafia cesspool that Whorewood is and these foul most ignorant and really stupid celebrities who are clever at lying, blathering hate and hate and mentally ill mind games while I am drugged teleported asleep and et c etc. Nothing superior about that inferiority abounds.

The government is now pouring billions into the same region which produced the lavish "me first" mentality the "consume and be someone" fear-driven self-loathing that fuels their GDP of useless and worthless meaningless crap which funds t he economy, upon which they tax the beasts of burden and have them shipped deadly drugs into their ghettos and then calling them "losers" are working on destroying their homes. Those who fall through the cracks due to the POLICIES of this group of criminals are once more callously called the "losers" and left in homeless encampments to die in the streets. Their belongings are routinely pried off the tent communities with forklifts and dumpster trucks all their belongings thrown away they are left to wander and not get arrested for sleeping in public. 

More billions spent to treat the abusers the users who create a system where victims of a genocidal push for luxury plantation concentration camp USA is being constructed under the burning pyre of the 3rd Reich now being rebuilt as the 4th Reich, renamed under various policy disguises.  Hollywood is one of the tenants of the 4th Reich.




ARTHUR BROWN FIRE 1968 (*i WAS ONLY 4 years old but rockin' out to this '45 on my older sister's little teenie record player back in the summer of '68 --she was out going to Rolling Stones concerts --that was '69 probably). Now she's a California Uber Alles Nazi soccer mom a viciously programmed 4th reich minion. Livin the shopping mall existence in ole Sunnyvale with her two blondie children who are trying to exploit me like their mommy and grandmommy did as well. Total enemies, they have imbibed the California nightmare of suburban worship of Whorewood and the consumption culture of genocidal racism disguised as backyard barbecue wealthy white 4th Reich, so vicious towards me it's deadly for me to have any contact whatsoever. They have fueled these same fires of consumption as well absorbing the run-off of sleazy racist genocidal life-fuck Whorewood as well.


have some cocktails with your snorted-out cocaine addict celebrities now hooked on the dope of sleazy sick torture using modern technology


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