The Trump "Envoys to Hollywood" & the in-coming administration resembling (has BECOME) an Orwellian dystopian Communist Totalitarian State with the "Envoys" of rape, bigot and 4th Reich put into "eyes and ears" of the surveillance State that has been ongoing with full permission of all of the top members of Congress on all "sides" of the one-sided Oreo Plantation system that is hailed as a "Democracy"--formerly termed a "Constitutional Republic" now a sham scam. Some claim it is turning into an "oligarchy" which is what Biden referenced to the "system" he fervently supported for his past 4 years, implementing in reality but always concealing the lie the issuance of insane sleazy sick criminals disguised as heroes into ever top position. Not merely the sleaze and lying filth mediocrities of Whorewood engaged in this never-ending torture protocol sucking my life force, ideas, sexuality and then mutilating trashing my home body property finances and laughing for years about literally half my life fighting for justice and to protect myself to no avail from any of the Biden Team. Nor the Obama team fully immersed in this contract sneering with hate expectation that they are entitled along with their Nazi-spewing rape trash of Whorewood who are still attacking me because of the Oscars, and once that is finished the next year the mediocrity dirty ignoramus highly unintellectual and meaningless filth must produce through this Nazi Mafia network, the talents of top producers and artisans more crap meaningless movies depicting them as saviors of society. Main themes: Black disenfranchisement and blonde Nazi "feminism" disguised as universal (some black and other women who only conform to rape culture of this heinous criminal entity--put into political position to assist in the Communist surveillance and death squad KGB/Stasi system, all working in a slime-machine of cooperation. The media also included as performative scumbags, in large part also fully engaged in protecting the deception machine--they too require a monopoly of information and they too want to crush any opposition to their empire of lying bs and hypocrisy. The "Communism" I refer to is the political-entertainment-news media collusion of information-sharing for total control of the minds and emotions of the public, but notably to crush any "real" opposition and install only the most perfidious fakes possible, doing in reality the exact opposite of all they are paid in MULTI-MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to display antagonism against in the theatrical productions that is all that the government and the "arts and culture" have amounted to for so long.

 In order to truly "back-up" my statement about government control over the arts, censorship and even arrest, detainment or being shuffled to a concentration camp for creating art that is "too controversial"--and let's not forget the Nazis and the Italian Fascists in this regard---to stifle freedom of thought is the main point and to install, according to the by-now mythology of American Freedom "Democracy" of "the People" they have installed not fake "liberals" but openly racist and bigoted "conservatives" to be the "eyes and ears" of Hollywood. 

A slight tiny little condemnation extremely milk  toast was presented as a tiny weeny wiener compliment disguised as a little bitty criticism or questioning of this policy in an op-ed 3 paragraph snippet posted online for the dubiously "liberal" MSNBC conduit of false pretenses to be part of an "opposition" to total fascist 4th Reich overtake of America.

The "American Model" has to remain configured along the endlessly deteriorated demarcations of American Constitutional mentality of protecting rights. The "rights" in these movies are usually aimed at the oppressed (blacks fighting for justice, the endless theme of the pig ape shitalina team of bigots, rapist racist and scumbag lascivious meaningless stupidity who have assaulted me with torture, mutilation and racist Nazi-spewing white supremacists, mostly from fascist Europigapeland for over 15 years with the full cheers of rotten Whorewood fully complimenting the lies and deception, proving that rotten depository of bigot Nazi Mafia k-rap has been put into every lead position in that entity for at least the past 3 decades. For the past 8 years they got "rid" of Weinstein and for the past 4 Spielberg, thusly reducing all "Jewish" influence in dirty Whorewood and paring it down to "them" "winning" every top award for ideas they tortured and stole from my writings derived out of non-stop torture--over a decade ago by then and I stopped writing my creative concepts and now focus on trying to detail the reality which is promptly ignored, the politicians rush to join in and get more nominations and awards for their fascist Nazi proclivities the Jewish and minorities most eager to join in and be promoted into the 4th Reich.


The research I would have to detail to make this more fundamental to the topic regarding Communist censorship is something that is extremely impossible for me to do under strenuous conditions of hacking and brain-alteration mind control technology.

right now I am typing at a much earlier time than usual so the schedule of the scum minions working for the pig ape shit whores of Whorewood are stuffing their dirty bodies with breakfast and whatever else the rotten scum paid in full by the United States government, tricking down to the shit slime of Whorewood and then to the dirty filth minions surrounding me.

The spying apparatus of the Stalin-era and Nazi era are in full effect in the United States, as well as any other genocidal regime. It is being disguised in the enormity of it's influence through these shoddy stupid movies portraying blacks being oppressed but finding a way through (pit ape shit pitt's movies, endlessly on this theme, mostly he wants to screw the black and latino men in his closeted gay life, I suggest)

otherwise, the faux feminism of the Nazis which stupid dirty ugly sick shitalina presents, now for over 10 years of torturing me to steal ideas so this stupid ugly dirty life sucking parasite who has fed off my body's energy fed off torture fed off being awarded fed off being the centrifugal force between the Europigapeland Nazi Mafia Monarchy and fascist 4th Reich performers, their supposedly "superior" cultures unable to produce anything of high regard unless it conforms to American standards because as Nazi countries their destruction of their independent artists was accomplished under genocidal and then post-genocidal regimes (the covert death squads are in high-gear in America and in Europigapeland) a system none of the politicians have ever endeavored to expose or stop.


All of these "systems" were openly developed under Stalin and Hitler and Mao of China, now performed by actors and acting politicians using old chestnut themes, platitudes in their political speeches, stealing themes and words from long dead presidents (Biden stole a speech made by Abraham Lincoln when he spoke to his constituency from Delaware, about "If I die before I return" blah blah which is what Lincoln had stated--) and endless stolen phrases and trying to appear as if they "care" but when it comes down the bottom of the low-down level that they all truly are, the hate and death is still concealed under blanket protection from the most tyrannical State apparatus that is being conceived currently in the "open". 


And these systems are derived from Communist and Socialist systems. Power emanating from a central point, rights have been stripped away for the central control committee, disguised under the "American patriot movement" which is a farce and a death squad operation along with the "liberal" types who also fully are viciously murderous. I have seen them "all" in my course of running from city-to-city all across the United States in their global seamless operation.


The "eyes and ears" of Whorewood means entirely ORWELLIAN CONTROL and you can be sure that covert murders and rapes will be done endlessly using the teleportation, non-consensual microchip implantation through "procedures" and also through, I have read, even blood sampling or injections at doctors' offices using "nanotechnology"--

people the old dino rape Nazi Mafia scum, shit and filth all want to rape or those who are "uppidy" will be microchipped or nano-particles or drugged and then raped and slowly murdered, once their finances are confiscated through rip-off scams, identity theft fully orchestrated by the political Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich machine(s) working through every conduit of "power" especially in finance and business.


I urge people of Hollywood who want an actual top talent and reasonably questioning artistic take on art and culture to not allow this overtake by fascist Nazi scum through these rotten dinos of whorewood and their filthy spawn children grandchildren, who are not going to make Hollywood great again, they are going to install lying sleazy greasy shit like this German sick fuck ugly dirty parasite who they have all clamored around to get the most vicious and brutal power thuggery plus all the Holocaust money and gold backing this mediocre sleazy dirty rape scum bigot into their group so they can totally overwhelm Whorewood with brutality, wrapped around technology disguised by all their fake emotional displays of egalitarianism which is just rape gism and absolute dirty foul parasitic culture feeding off sex  trafficking rape and murder. They portray murderers all the time, this is part of their "righteous" "revenge" plots they are training the "Patriots" of America and the "victim" narrative is the continuous theme justifying violence and murder for the thuggery to help raise the criminals into power.

The absolute control of the mind and conformity to authority--leading to blank mediocrity and really banality is all that this group is creating.

The sinking to the lowest, easiest level of wealth accumulation has become the dominant theme n American society so that violent greasy dirty lying thug scumbags have been put into the mind programming industry, with their blathering bs scripts they repeat--can't say that Gibson is non-intellectual but he's certainly not engaged in protecting against sex trafficking--he rushed to attack me in the teleportation instantly prior to his movie about sex trafficking was rushed around the planet through the rape culture conduits of sensationalism.

They can't rape dirty Nazis but certainly the genocidal Nazi and Mafia regime can rape people like me. I can't detail how many "Minorities" who are listed as part of the victim class rush to openly make violent gestures at me for their inclusion into this dinosaur dirty group. They are all promoted.

They will never question the surveillance tyranny which they have absolutely helped put into power.

The next time you begin to feel that your life is under surveillance,  you can just go shopping on the Oprah channel and write her a personal note of thanks and gratitude that she has "rescued" you. And there are many others you can send your "thanks" to for the Totalitarian Communist surveillance death squad culture with "Patriots" turned into the Nazi Gestapo death squads of  yore.

The ones who make the most demonstrative gestures against all oppression and methods of human indignities you can make a general estimation of the percent of the bs they are actually promoting and ration of bs is equivalent to how much they are secretly furthering the exact cause they make the most waves in public and publicity displays they are against. Outgoing Biden has been a continuous liar throughout the 4 years, put into power by  Elizabeth Warren who created "The Squad" of "minorities" with performative AOC, a "favorite" amongst the "liberals" but as I wrote above, the complete deception is just a continuous line-up of agents who are being trained into performance by Whorewood. The politicians are trained into theatrical speech-oration by the Whorewood teams, by the way.


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