Good riddance W-wood: I am in mortal danger if I even watch a trailer from an upcoming movie, an "award-winning" contender for top prize rigged contests, any interview of a celebrity monopolist snake-oil droplet in the ocean of malfeasance and deception. That applies also to watching current news clips, news anchors, and politicians making public displays of shock or even of rational calm (underlying the droplets in the ocean of snake oil grifting).
I watched two of of the upcoming Oscars contenders, and about 20 minutes of another one. All sprinted to join into abuse, harangue, violence, rape, torture, mutilation, and non-stop information extraction so their interviews and their public displays are enhanced while they pay nothing and only contribute to a murder situation that they are all gleefully dancing around like demons at a witch hunt pretending they are above all reproach for the deceptions that they are 2-D cut-outs selling for a mass lying campaign.
There are no movies that could outweigh the cost of another day of abuse and torture for the sake of promotion of any of the hateful 88 million of this organization. No amount of CGI, special effects, costume design, even the script or plot (never conceived-of by any of the terrorists rushing to attack me, which the "fans" have a hard time apparently figuring out that the performers are kinda like just reciting with fake emotion that they dredge up in between their lavish displays of wealth entitlement, amounting to near deification by the loveless public yearning for fake displays of comfort to aid in the bottom dropping out with they all herald as a new Golden Dawn Age of Englightenment.
They all rush to join in. I must watch the news because of the impact of the destruction this organization is causing around the world and I must be aware of the pretentions of the people rushing to surround me with their barbs of accusation that I must have been or done something to "deserve" their exploitative grasping for the endless free lucre that surrounds this hate cartel to which they all gravitate like a bee swarm of drones.
There is no more culture that interests me any way. It appears that ethical standards and intellectualism are "dead" in the realm not only of the celebrity media complex but also in the academic world whereby the same set of lies and distortions are promulgated in order to achieve a semblance of a decent and intelligent "best in the world" country. So many are now alarmed that this is not the case and the spreading panic is rising in and amongst the population who cannot believe in any new Golden Dawn any longer of an age of prosperity, because so many are being shut out. Little do they realize that while they have been glued to entertainment the military industrial complex has been creating murder weapons and anti-protest capabilities, which I have been writing of for years and then gave up just focusing now on the people and their vile actions which has resulted in only more rushing to join in, rather than my intended result of this egregious unsustainable life-destroying technology death squad interface be stopped, but instead it's popularity is growing by the day into all arenas of the planet and society.
There is nothing to watch any longer. The actors who play the roles rushed to obtain information out of me, which has been a 20-year drugging ( to death/poisoning paralysis to death) endeavor of the "A$$-listers" and their mafia Nazi organizers who did the exact same for over 5 years (or much longer) prior to capitalizing on the massive media industry of W-wood and it's affiliates. Pushing for a decent and sane society all the while pursuing death technology of utter control and massive manipulation and destruction of actual freedom for the majority who are beguiled by the mesmerizing process of their own ultimate downfall.
But they rushed to obtain ideas so they can "sell" their performance prior to the rigged 4th Reich media propaganda celluloid awards named after some mystery meat company mash-up (Oscars baloney and Meyer Weiner Schnitzel Nazi prizes--for rape culture prizes at this point in history that is all it amounts to as this contract of raping mutilating disenfranchising me blaming me for all the violence and promoting into unbelievable heights with instant recognition by news entertainment outlets all who participate, on the next day in fact one of the terrorists was just focused on today in a major entertainment venue, interview as being a "victim" the usual victim ploy most of the minions use to sell their justification rationalization for the endless themes that are "selling" like hot cakes--in private they are as vicious and nasty as the enemies they claim they are "fighting" in their public displays of ersatz heroism--totally defunct in the real world absolute cowards on every single level possible relying on tropes, stereotypes and a$$-groveling to placate the 4th Reich power structure to which they literally bow down more to than any religiousness or concept of actual justice and equality or fight against "evil").
I have to go so far back in history hoping that if I am so ill, which I am every single day, the poisons I detox the fractured vertebrae in my body the hard shell of poison I fight to rid my body of day-after-day (the process of it accumulating was of being so drugged and incapacitated and "pain-killed" suffused I had no idea that underneath the bulging mass of poisons with cellulite on top, with everyone around me lying and deceiving me all my life, I had no concept that underneath was a hard shell of poison I assumed it had something to do with the 3 major back surgeries they forced upon me --another long story--and right now, because I have been fighting for my life for over 15 years to stop the poisoning (murder attempts by your wonderful celebrities all laughing about my body being huge swollen deformed as they were murdering me laughing about it and then going to the fake meat awards year after year for the ideas they tortured and stole out of me--which they did again yesterday with the newest pack of exploiters vying for the fake meat awards rape culture prize this year---and when I finally became embittered after the initial helpful and kind explanation I gave under drugging wore off and I realized I was being sucked dry once more, only to be tortured without end afterwards without even a thank you by the leeches, I told them to do their own research and stopped talking with bitter disdain--to be tortured that night upon falling asleep by one of the "singer/actors" who screeched some sick demonic wailing just as I was at the threshold of sleep--they then forced my larynx to shut off so I made horrid sounds in deep sleep waking myself up--etc etc for just trying to pry the parasites off me and saying no--today they are all heralded in the media as being victims of persecution and also of heroes fighting for their poor other victim "class").
I watched their movie about 2 weeks ago, thinking that nothing would happen but of course it did. I am always extremely drugged up unable to comprehend the absolute evil of this organization because it is beyond my scope of belief system; while they continuously call me "evil" and every other horrid name possible in the screeching echoes of their demonic wailing to get more and more and more and more out of torturing abusing and using me (to death and they are glad about it, any attempt to defend myself is met with deadly violence they are now threatening to take my money away, the subpoverty they forced me into by poisoning and fracturing my body while I was unconscious and unable to defend myself and always lied to by every single person around me all my life--participating in this completely everyone everywhere with almost no exceptions.)
What movies can they possibly make that are not fake sentimentality portraying soulless "evil" hateful "entitled" abusers as the "heroes" anyway?\
but I have to watch the news because of the endless procession of the power brokers who also rush to attack me, for watching the news. Yet I must watch the news because I have to understand the nature of the violence being perpetratred against me and how to discern how badly some of them lie compared with the others.
If I watch any movie and the stars or directors are dead, it is certain that the royalty family members will shower my internet with videos of the deceased only to get me to click so they can join in.
Movies which are grainy black and white with long-deceased actors and directors PERHAPS I will have a chance to not be attacked any longer. I have a pile of books and literature I need to read, and yet the sickly drugging is so heavy on brain function and ability to concentrate that I am stuck in pain sickness and enervated by the endless yelling abuse hate and torture of the endless life-sucking parasitic leeches endlessly assaulting me for their personal gain--as a collective of "heroes" of society--that I am completely drained in every single aspect my body is sucked dry of vitality.
This is far beyond the limitations of humanity and the human "choice" factor has been wiped away by this tech which forces violent and abusive nasty people who see a free murder situation rape and torture and they are like pent-up rabid animals who can't wait to unleash all their hate and violence upon someone creating and using any excuse or rationale and using mind control to force the target to repeat various sentences and then attack the person for having said it. The hypnosis is injected a rational and fair use of the sentence being used as the "bait" so the target is unaware that lurking behind the seemingly innocent question or statement is an orchestrated response of chagrin and violence from the agent sent to attack.
For example, I was instructed in the deep sleep teleportation to ask a "minority" female who was offering me a "service" as she was dressed as a "maid" in a "hotel" situation (again, always I am "Homeless" and they are threatening to take my money away right now, at this time for having fought against murder and mutilation and my life being destroyed--told that I have zero human rights repeatedly by ALL political commentators and entities controlling the highest levers or who are the controlled being told what to say and do--the latter seems more probable they all comply the result is mansions for them all they do not waiver in following orders implicitly).
This minority dressed as a maid offered to take my luggage somewhere, and in the deep unconscious "edit" state I was told to ask her if she had a car. It was an innocuously framed response by the hypnotists and I repeated it. The "minority" woman behaved like it was an offense that because she is a "brown" woman and I asked her if she had a car (In the instant "wake-up" state of the edit deep sleep mind control hypnosis "skit" they forced upon me) and she began to assault me for implying that as a minority female she was poor and disenfranchised.
Again I was rendered unconscious, it was a black state but it was a lull, a black moment of unconscious break, I was again forced in front of her, and I was told under hypnosis, while teleported in deep sleep state, to ask her this same question again if she had a car in which to drive me some place else--she again responded as if I had greatly offended her, made a huge reaction of how insulting and bad I was, and all was a complete construct. I began yelling in rage at her saying that it was an innocent question, after more than 15 years of this going on every single night without end, one begins to scream in rage and the giggles and laughs of the rapists and cheerleaders was on their faces which they are also torturing me for saying are not "beautiful 'as they are hideous to me--
and that is how they are screwing people over, forcing mind control into their brains using subliminals and then using these forced hypnotic messages as fake rationale to commit egregious violence, discrimination or blame upon that person. Thusly the witch hunt mentality is spreading so far and wide that people are charged with energy by it and they can't wait to target more and more and more (innocent) people blaming the innocent for what they "did or said" which was forced using mind control subliminals drugging and all usually under extreme continuous sustained deadly duress.
So I cannot watch any more tv shows or movies which are newer than at least 50 years old at this point. What is there to watch anyway? I can't even watch the tv sitcoms that my (great) Uncle wrote or produced due to the actors who remain as landmarks in W-wood who rush to attack me alongside their fascist Nazi "friends" while they are relegated to play the "liberal anti-racist" pundits for political iconic representation around every election time, endorsing the candidates that will continue the monopolies that they all rely on handed to them by the fascist Nazi 4th Reich Mafia cartel(s).
This year's contenders for the mystery meat rigged Oscars awards include a black green-face conscript into the Nazi occult circle of white supremacy, versus a large-nosed not-Jew playing a holocaust victim to have non-Jews Jews be included into the Nazi 4th Reich fold if they just willingly play along with being misrepresented; plus a half-non-Jew playing an intellectual genius musician who is blank but seemingly unbelievably is thrust into the Oscars light year-after-year for devoid performances (p.s. all mentioned above and then after have joined in one form or another into the fray of attacking me for the granting of promotions by the white supremacy Nazi genocidal regime controlling all the houses and congressional back door portals of power)\
and then there is the Nazi occult transgender theme of including Latinos into the Nazi paradigm, going through the more traditional route of mysticism combined with sexuality skewed, according to some (but grasped wholeheartedly by some of it's most devout opponents, all done in the dark alleys of the back rooms of teleportation mind control free-for-all sadistic entry into the portals of the power vacuum of intelligent life)
then other contenders whose movies I have not watched, and according to the protocols of the elders of Nazism they "can't" join in, I guess, because I have not watched their movies. The scheme is to make me appear schizophrenic in claiming that I watch a tv show or movie and the celebrities or politicians suddenly teleport and rape and torture me in my deep sleep state; obviously I must be "crazy" and thusly I can't watch any more of the bs they crank out---I realize the actors have no concept whatsoever of what they are really putting out but pretending they do--the controllers know it's all programming but even keep the ignorant celebrities in the dark, only instructing them to behave in the most violent sadistic Nazi racist ways possible (even moreso if they are black, latino or jewish, in particular Jewish)
what else
another non-jew being put into the front line for playing a victim of the holocaust, thus actually deny actual Jews the actual reality of being honored for having been glorified victims and transferring that glorified victim role to a Nazi conscript of the 4th Reich (they all are conscripts of the 4th Reich regardless of outward affiliation to the contrary)
and the rest go in a similar fashion: each and every movie has a sadistic Nazi conscript that has viciously attacked me or joined into the "game" in one form or another. If I so much as watch a trailer I could be tortured (to death) by the greedy and lascivious celebrities vying for top abuser Nazi position in the ranking. The smug glee of the black green-face Nazi was like watching a smiling Nazi conscript proud of behaving like a white supremacist and having been championed for it. I had to blurt out that it's just another Aunt Jemima, obviously Oprah-endorsed and sanctified into the ceremony of black Nazi induction.
And you can see why I am so unpopular with this group of violent rapists idea-stealing parasitic filth and scum who are championed by equally lying deceitful politicians who are sponsoring all this so the United States can project, upon it's genocidal Democrat regimes alongside it's partnering Republican more outright colonialist genocidal regime endless war regimes that it "cares" a lot about humanity.
Jews given the hate treatement in Nazi-whorewood unless they absolutely "kiss the ring" of the Nazi filth they lavish praise upon as they denigrate and laugh openly about the torture ongoing non-stop abuse rape poisoning and drugging of me into hysterics every day to the cheers of the entire country, it seems to be the situation as it is endemic and over-arching.
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