The White Lotus (tv show fodder for the wealthy and the wanna be's): The fantasy Island "reinvent yourself" the tv show advertises about a tourist hotel spa luxury "best hotel in the world" (4th Reich clientele hosted by 4th Reich minion/Euro-pa-land plantation society) in Thailand. The trailer shows more Sex and the City girly blonde entitled exploring the "freedom" of going across the planet to "escape" the limitations of polluted and franchised and controlled America, and all the structured resorts of Europ-a-land are just nothing new any longer. It is now "vogue" to go to Thailand due to this tv show.
"Thai resort island Phuket grapples with growing garbage crisis"
For real-world not fantasy: the result is uncontrollable levels of water waste from hotels spanning the beaches, raw sewage piped into the Andaman Sea (the "pristine beaches with white sand" you see in tourist brochures) across the little moats of the beach area are some huge metal corrugated pipes leading from the beachfront rows of hotels, just a small example---) the less tourist areas (if there are any left) are now facing what had formerly been stunning views of mountains, replaced by mountains of garbage that tiny island cannot possibly incinerate quickly enuf=1,000 tons/day). See article below.
The plantation-controlled society of the Phuket Tourist Authority is setting-up the further unrestrained construction for more tourist venues by plowing, bulldozing and cementing of the last pristine tract of level land in Phuket near the airport for MORE tourism to pile-up into the tiny island--a "world class" gambling center, a "world class" convention center, and hotels where there have been the last few grazing animals (cows) and crops and fields and trees---yet, despite the crisis of not having enough resources or land or landfill to incinerate or remove all the existing tourist trash including the ever-increasing spate of hotels and more moving into this area, the plans to build more and more are ever-present.
IT is a global zeitgeist: exploit all until the entire system collapses--only until every bit of rape-able land and water has been squeezed out of sustainable eco-system sustainability will people have to stop trying to have plantation colonies worldwide developing the land using resources like it's all manna from heaven sent for Sex & the City blonde bigots to enjoy as the little smiling brownies serve with slavish pleasure at their expense (it is their home, after all--they are helping to pollute and destroy for the directives of their 4th Reich Euro-pa-land controllers) the exact same is ongoing in the United States with every 4th Reich American striving to emulate the old colonialism now refurbished under a smiling luxury plantation haute leisure luxury facade.
Death. IT is death piling up onto death, tonnes of garbage tons of greedy sleazy selfish pleasure exploits no concern about anything but selfish ends--as a collective.
Paradise must be ravaged until it dies in a bloated excess of trash accumulation. This has happened on South Beach, including the Europigapeland take-over of business. I try to explain this to the people who are unfamiliar with that domain as I am, but their partners who beckoned in the Europigape Nazi and Mafia cartels, the celebrity scum, have all profited have remained "relevant in Whoreood" and thusly they appear to have only succeeded in every way possible, and everyone piles into the same little incentivje-based greed cartel ever-expanding on a global basis. Within this endless greed death contract out on me entails blindness to consequences and instant gratification and endless stupid grasping for the incentives handed to the ever-grasping sleazy violent bigoted oreo minions who love their exploiters they call their "friends and partners". No historical lessons ever having been learned from centuries of colonialization and exploitation. The usurpers are always welcomed in to take over with garlands and flowers. They leave a wake of death and despair and now in modern times it's catastrophic environmental trash, which is what these expletives have always been but now it has manifested in the infestation of their callous contempt for reality and life and in concern for humanity and nature.
So watch your greasy stupid tv shows and let the bigot ignoramus Nazi Mafia "poor victim"-based formulaic mediocrity of mind programming celluloid mind control tv movie news k-rap guide you into your luxury plantation fantasy love island resort "new life" Nazi make-over (notice the racism of the stupid tv show obviously blondes being served by smiling brownies that no critic will EVER mention as all are blank and stupid when it comes to analyzing actual real-life consequences and meanings of these trashy stupid tv shows, actors and the lies they are always projecting).
South Beach is now sinking, the buildings that the 4th Reich built along the coast, tearing down the building moratorium of building past a certain height, in order to pack more sexual-excitement tourists into a tiny beach zone area, the buildings are sinking the coral reefs are dying or dead the sand is so polluted and the shores must be shored up due to sand erosion due to human activity--the hurricanes will not be shouldered by the insurance companies and every year the hurricanes, whether they be human-created climate disaster or not, are tearing up the entire cities and threatening life and property in ever-increasing frenzy. Snow in Pensacola historically this year. But KEEP BUILING KEEP ON PUSHING FOR LUXURY PLANTATION 4TH REICH MOSTLY WHITE ENTITLEMENT PLANTATION SOCIETIES AROUND THEPLANET. Instead of destroyed Florida, the sleazy selfish of America are going to flock to polluted, over-crowded and increasingly greedy controlled 4th Reich Thailand to pollute have orgies because the promise is of a "new life" (but they show the same Sex and the City blond-ish types exploring the "freedom" of their new sexuality") but it's just producing TOO MUCH TRASH and obviously just having luxury and some massages and yoga classes instructed by smiling servants not highly paid hoping for tips will not ensure your spiritual bliss or higher standing against the backdrop of the greed and selfish sleaze that the next sleazy 4th Reich tv show is promoting (obviously the companies sponsoring this show have stakes in Thailand---and they are NOT Thai I can assure you--they have to partner with Thais by law, obviously).
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