A 1-in-6006 probability. My other "evil" attribute according to the devout who religiously defend the rape contract teleportation drugging torture mutilation sterilization disenfranchisement of myself utterly out of race-based hate discriminatory belief systematic hate: I read tarot. I just experienced what Perplexity kindly calculated for me as a 1-in-6006 probability. I choose the very same card, twice, randomly, for the same question. The very question was extremely specific and the card that first literally flew out of the deck and landed on top of the rest was a picture of the topic I was concerned about . Today, closing my eyes and asking the same question, laying the cards in a semi-curve shape, I randomly chose the very exact same card which directly answered my very stringent question focusing only on 1 topic--the picture on the card displayed exactly my concern and was a confirmation against my fears. It was a pressing and drastic question put to the "cards". I will know the outcome eventually so if the "cards" are "Satanic" as many claim they are, then I will have been "lied to" and false consolation was provided by the "Devil" controlling my seeming superstitiousness.
I have had this experience many times in the past, and for more precision-based tarot deck systems rather than the traditional. My readings were so repetitive that I thought that the subliminal mind control terrorists could somehow "see" through the cards and "forced" me to choose various cards so as to give the same readings, every time exact same cards showed up.
It was then that I began to close my eyes to chose the cards.
Since none of the "pristine" devout will do more than scoff in hate at me in the teleportation joint exercise in torture, rape and mutilation abuse terrorism for mutual profit for a collective hate group, which would be technically defined as such by any agency dealing with terrorism on a grand scale. Unfortunately, none of the officious entities of such appear to be aware that presidents and senators and house reps are all flocking to participate in what is a torture imprisonment system imposed upon civilians in a citizen-setting turned into a non-stop torture apparatus, funded by whatever agencies are designated under whichever title and coordinated at global level with full enthusiastic participation by every community, probably literally around the world.
Some of the members of this group demanded tarot readings from me after sexually assaulting and raping me, claiming that I am "wicked" or "evil" as they demand and yell until I half-heartedly oblige trying to get them to stop the murderous yelling at me using t he voice-to-skull. I can't really give my "all" to any of it, and I gave a "wrong" reading when trying to ascertain, months and months ago, who would "win" the next election. I was under so much abusive scrutiny and observation on a 24/7 basis that I really stopped doing all tarot just to not have my privacy invaded and "false positives" in my most precarious state of concentration, which is impossible under these circumstances and pervasive enervating torturous mind control surveillance/abuse/torture and hate and insults about everything I do, say, think, wear, eat, sleep, etc.
Read into all this what "you" will, if you will
but this kind of random probability is more than likely impossible and with the precise picture of the very question I had in mind also near impossible. The same card, under the traditional Raider-Waite tarot, with the same outcome with the picture of the very question is very, very unusual probably so close to impossible.
I also have gotten the very same card for a reading about a particular terrorist and the same card has appeared not twice, but for years (as the attacks from many of the celebrities and mafia entities and Nazis last for not years but DECADES) and for one of "them" the very same card has appeared at least 6 times over the past decade. So far, the meaning of the card has not come into fruition I can only rely on a false confidence that it will eventually come into manifestation but for now the thing in question is an outright detestation of infestation.
I did not follow the advice of the cards, which for years, over a decade warned me to not write to become reclusive. If I had, I think the world would be a very different place right now. Yet, the seriousness of this situation and the "power brokers" involved have not stirred any kind of reasonable response except for a flock of opportunists rushing to join into the huge cartel of endless promise of endless monopoly power-rigging control.
In having been so desperate for any kind of help from the poisoning and drugging and endless near-death and fighting for my life, I had to disregard the "advice" but for one day again I am writing.
I can't really "read" for other people please do not ask me if you are involved in the teleportation terror exercise in "power" that surrounds me. I first of all have to know that you are not part of a hate campaign and that your intentions are "good" towards life and humanity.
Yet, "they" call me evil for reading tarot cards. They are involved in torture rape mutilation and a process of murder perhaps leading to genocide. But I am "evil" because the Old Testament claims that any one deviating from the Word is working the Will of the Evil one and has to be destroyed (horribly if possible). I consider these books, many of them, to have been written by MEN in councils that were determining a social power cartel agenda, possibly combined into ancient texts and perhaps not.
Power consolidated into one male-dominated central force of the Priest class, no deviations allowed under pain of death. I trust that the precursor to despotism was various political-religious entities and that these prescriptions for social rules were generated not by the "word of God" (or Goddess, if you will allow for matriarchal religions of the Past).
Prophecies were ordained if they kept the faith of the followers chained to a futuristic belief that some promise of a heaven was awarded to those who followed and obeyed the edicts of the "fathers" (or mothers or elders).
These soothsayers and prophets are hailed but for a woman to have such power is denied absolutely upon pain of death (rape being a modern version of the old Testament).
None of them can usher in a single religious policy that respects love and life unless it involves their racist agenda for people of their own group to which they cling for a power financial cartel.
The almost religious worship of the Nazi ideal I have found to be even more dominant than any real religious belief structure dedicated to honoring a spiritual value dissociated from financial gain and personal power, amongst this group and global organization which threatens my life for reading tarot cards, but then demands that I give a reading for them in their more private moments after rape and threatening my life, calling me "evil" and all other kinds of female derogatory terms while clapping the backs of the men and women who have sterilized my body (cut out part of my uterus) broken ripped torn parts of my body on a daily basis through this techno-terror regime of mechanical arm torture---threatening me for reading tarot, fearing that I won't "believe" in the mind control that they are inflicting upon me trying to force me to say that they are great and all the cards tell me is to keep up the power within myself and that eventually I will prevail on some level.
In trying not to react and write, it is impossible when I am too ill to be constantly busy and sit in front of this laptop after detoxing (s**itting) out poisons that these same criminal haters ordered put in my body for decades, years and are laughing about all the mess they made as if it is my failure as a human being.
The cards "told" me that I can't completely get away from the past. I am microchipped I have been told that there is some kind of chip that can geo-locate me anywhere on the planet. But somehow I will prevail. I am warned to "stay away" from writing or any and all "communication" but it is impossible being drugged and tortured for hours every single day alone paralyzed poison I shit out daily that has accumulated into my body in a huge internal shell sick every day and unable to move.
They are now currently threatening to take my money away and I have an interview in a few weeks which could force me into homelessness. After years of t he terrorists making millions of dollars of ideas they have stolen, this is their response for me fighting to stop this every day. I began to search for help after I was DY ING from poisoning after the people behind this celebrity group had been POISONING ME TO DEATH AND RAPING THE POISON INTO MY BODY and WOULD NOT STOP doing this for years. I began to fight for my life and have not stopped.
To begin to try to get any answers, I began in earnest to read tarot. I had done so from an early age but my first tarot reading for another person resulted in a shocking result. I stopped and then in the midst of non-stop death threat and poisoning to death I began again. They are trying to disempower me in all respects. I still cannot use the internet to search for answers or solutions to finding any solidarity or support system because the "good" people of "faith" have blocked all support avenues from me so they can continue unabated to torture extract ideas abuse without end poison drug and rape endlessly day after day night after night.
They are still claiming that they are "good" and I am "evil" for reading tarot cards and for having worked at the Lusty Lady, an establishment which sought to empower the sexuality of women rather than dehumanize subjugate and demean women with male owners who would tell them to please the customer who is "always right" and allow for abuse and etc.
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