ZEITGEST/"Cut down the puppet strings" (using the GERMAN word deliberately as dealing with more hateful German sleazy grabbing and TRAITOR AMERICANS trying to be fascist "overlords" using this mind control system. PERHAPS one day "people" will take my posts as a WARNING for future de-evolutionary "developments" in the course of the meandering into the crevices of the dirty lower realms that America has sunk into, at least spiritually despite claiming so much to the contrary. If ever I discover an AUTHENTIC celebrity or politician in the maelstrom of the feeding frenzy upon my life I will certainly protect that person and not write about him or her. So far I have NEVER discovered a single famous person not a total ....wasteland of lied, pompous posturing and not superior lack of quality.
"Party of the first part: The Devil and Daniel MouHaus". Darkshadows Productions. March 4, 2000.
"Bauhaus--Spirit". The Arkive. July 13, 2022.
is the ZEITGEIST today 4 AmeriKKKa
of the 4th Reich
No SOUL, just an empty HOLE
where there once was some substance
"The Party of the First Part (4th Reich) has sold it's soul to the "Party of the Second Part (The "Devil")"
here is a clip by an English post-punk band which was underground popular in the 80's, at least where I was from during that time.
This morning listening to 70's jazz, out of all sorts of countries now fascistically-inclined. The music popular now worldwide is SYNCRHONIZED like goose-step marching orders. The range of vocal extension ranges from 3-6 notes for most of the "singers" who have no independence or originality, or not very much. Substituti9ng pseudo-religious icons, as these defunct meaningless soulless "celebrities" and politicians all do, it's snowing in Pensacola but they all must obey and go along with more ravaging of NATURE which they are all, in totality, completely alienated from, devoid of content and meaning, as soulless as the death they fully assist.
It amazes me how the Nazis called the monetary genius Jews "rats" when all I see are greedy sleazy disgusting rat ape pigs in teleportation. Soulless meaningless repetitions of copies. LIstening to really classy jazz, really original some of it, McCoy Tyner for example, and how ORIGINAL how much depth how profound what an exquisite instant recognition of range and spontaneity.
The 4th Reich seeks to crush and force into conformity for more rape of nature and the soul of the country and the profit of a few greasy greedy soulless rat ape pig whores. Jews have assimilated into the actual RAT culture of the German and Nazi pig ape 4th Reich cartel.
TRAITORS and destroyers.
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