The Lusty Lady had to be gotten rid of by the 4th Reich "modern feminist" movement controlled by....of course, wealthy white male.Women's freedom, especially of sexuality that is not part of a denigration campaign (i.e. singing and gyrating about your p-valley while fully supporting white Nazi Europigapes who are violent rape racists at the same time for promotion, a condition I have seen from the "queen bee" down on to the "from the block" of gyrating meat factory) cannot be tolerated by the 4th Reich and must be crushed: the erasure of the mentality of sexual liberation, economic parity and empowerment while sponsoring a pimping prostitution of women who fully embrace their "men" beating and raping the women who are a threat to the 4th Reich (white supremacy for the most part, included are "Minorities" but they must all prove their allegiance to attacking anyone who they are told to "hate" which they do automatically and unconditionally):
"JENNIFER WORLEY/Under Nude Management: The Worker Takeover of the Lusty Lady Theater". Labor Solidarity Project. February 7, 2023.
Women who were grad students worked at the San Francisco, now defunct and bought-out by the Forbes celebrity (rape culture coiture) collection of rape enablers
Lusty Lady emphasized FREEDOM of sexuality of male domination, subordination and economic freedom detached from subservience to male and/or female authority. IT was about SAFE (BEHIND glass panels) with any rude behavior met with a bouncer showing the rude boy the door (or rude girl). The "dancer" had the authority NEVER given to the traditional male (rape culture) domination paradigm of all the rest. It's why the Lusty Lady just "had to go" according to the old boy network as Steve Forbes turned it into a pizza joint/restaurant. There were absolutely old school flaws inherent in the "system"--(a racist discrimination suit brought against management by one of the Black performers---the case very hard/impossible to find nowadays online I found it years ago but can't locate it now but it is in some reacord). . The enslaved women of the rape culture throng to violent rape combined with racist entitlement. That, unfortunately was a flaw in the Lusty Lady system but nevertheless, the supposed intent was to free women to explore safely sexuality WITHOUT SHAME OR CONDEMNATION AND NEVER WITH ABUSE. The celebrity hate rape team(s) of endless "victims of racism and sexism" rush to join in laughing gloating and telling me I am guilty of some crime (working at the Lusty Lady for example, out of need for health care actually could not function could not get health care but that is beside the point). They are paid in millions to promote race-based violent rape and torture, mutilation and crushing of sexuality soul and spirit all prostitutes themselves having gone through the couch-casting culture of rape Whorewood and the rape enablers of Congress and of society who are influenced by the aforementioned..
Perhaps they should listen to one of their blonde "brethren" who is bespeaking of the work force for equality, lessening of sexploitation and of that realm in general, a shift in the paradigm of women as sex objects to be exploited, controlled and dominated and then shamed for having sexual impulse, exploiting that very impulse through drugging, brain-altering technology, tweaking the nervous system with microchip implants and then BLAMING the target victim for having such emotions that are hard-wired into the nervous system and brain. The obvious cognitive dissonance of their every accusation using torture technology to inflict violence and torture if the target uses any sort of logic and response to these ridiculous accusations while the criminal assailants are praised and paid in millions for performing acts of "denigration" supposedly upon the innocent target for (in my case) racist reasons for destroying me and anyone like me. They are never called prostitutes and skanks except by me, but the definition truly fits What the Lusty Lady was in effect, was a total reshaping of the woman-hating paradigm that Whorewood in conjunction with their funding partners out of Congress are trying to re-establish, when man could rape and beat a women who is socio-economically disadvantaged (and "they" are going to ensure the economic disparity is a gulf that cannot be breached).
Writing this few set of short paragraphs required more than 20 minutes of waiting while the system was shut down, the computer froze non-stop, trying to click from one tab to the next required 3-5 minutes of waiting for a page to become responsive, and as I fight to pound every key and backspace to rewrite because of malware on the laptop keyboard system, my brain is under attack so I can't formulate my thoughts very explicitly and succinctly, nor in any highly intellectual capacity as non-stop interruptions in my thought and brainwave activity (they must be pummeling my subconscious with phrases, insults and nonsensical terms it's like someone screaming into your inner ear while you are fighting to use a system that is being frozen blocked stuck not-working--trying to not become a ranting commentator while they are also affecting my nervous system plus my brain functioning .....never able to write at my real skill level. Wondering when anyone will stop considering this a rape fun game of torture mutilation rape gang rape and attempted murder endless death threats and everyone sitting like a rotten plum fallen from a tree rotting on the ground oozing with selfishness and collective greed watching me get attacked in this modern system of a witch hunt hate game they all are drooling to get involved with. "they" is all who are in "power' it appears and the endless countless of those who want power, money or anything they can get (free abuse of someone with no legal constraints is like one of the huge incentives as well). All for a campaign of woman-hating to the extreme glorifying pimped-out prostituted women who claim that because they are paid well and "married" they are sanctimoniously redeemed for their cheerleading of rape and woman-hating assault on all levels, which they happily participate in. They castigate me endlessly when I tell them they are just prostituted skanks for supporting rape and torture, they all revert to me having worked at the Lusty Lady when I could not obtain health care, and I discovered a realm of sexual empowerment that these prostituted rape culture haters all are working to completely crush for their promotion as being "feminists" and "I didn't inhale" rapists.
Nota Bene: between the writing of the last sentence of this post, and then trying to open my blog to copy and paste this, the computer froze for 5 minutes, then the WiFi connection was turned off and then on again, and then waiting for a tab to open for another 5 minutes and waiting for my blog to come up--more than 10 minutes to try to open a new tab on this browser to copy and paste. Yesterday It took me over 5 hours to open and download a video due to endless freezing of the laptop and the WiFi being perpetually turned off (while all router lights fully on, the signal showing internet connection "on")---the block of the system right now means that hackers are REWRITING the post above--which I will not re-read or re-edit.
Nota Bene: between the writing of the last sentence of this post, and then trying to open my blog to copy and paste this, the computer froze for 5 minutes, then the WiFi connection was turned off and then on again, and then waiting for a tab to open for another 5 minutes and waiting for my blog to come up--more than 10 minutes to try to open a new tab on this browser to copy and paste. Yesterday It took me over 5 hours to open and download a video due to endless freezing of the laptop and the WiFi being perpetually turned off (while all router lights fully on, the signal showing internet connection "on")---the block of the system right now means that hackers are REWRITING the post above--which I will not re-read or re-edit.
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