
Showing posts from September, 2024

Notes from the Underground bunker below the Coming Storm: information deletion/blockage/disinformation by Big Daddy/Mommy hacking into my internet and laptop. //The VP debate is ongoing at this moment. I spent 15 minutes searching for the channel and the information about the debate because it was all blocked out. One of the information hacks claimed that the debate was on October 2. As the debate was beginning at 9 pm, I searched on Youtube typing in Walz Vance debate and got ZERO information. Meantime, hackers were blocking the computer system so the cursor was spinning continuously, every function was slowed down at least 20x so I had to wait for over one minute for any page to appear. The disinformation continued as I searched and searched for what time the debate would be, until finally I got onto YouTube for the third time and voila! The debate had already begun and I missed the beginning for at least 10 minutes. I'm not sure if I missed very much indeed but it would have been helpful to have accurate information appearing as it should have been.//Another instance is that I bought a humidifier because the terrorists broke the last one (I believe). The selling info states that essential oils can be poured into the water container. I then performed a search myself and every site showed that pouring essential oil into the water tank is okay for the humidifier. I typed in the question whether special humidifier oil is available and I got the response, online, repeatedly, that using only special humidifier essential oils (diffuser oils, etc) were not going to harm the humidifier. ///I then ordered many bottles (at the cheapest price) from this online ordering (at something like $.20 per piece. Once arrived there was zero scent coming from the humidifier and I noticed that it stopped working as well (upon the third use). I then re-performed the check and asked the samje exact question, whether essential oils were not harmful to humidifiers and I got a list of the exact opposite response using the same search engine and the same question. I believe this is not a fluke algorithm but a deliberate hack, as just now that I could find zero information about the debate I looked on the CBS website and zero information was on the official CBS page about the upcoming time and date (as I wrote, one page showed that the debate would be on October 2 and I had to search for confirmation that it was on Oct 1, with the computer freezing constantly, blocked and not operating due to more malware--also on the keyboard as always 1000% of the time my keyboard is always hacked and slowed down and partially stiffened to the point of it being painful to pound down for more than a few paragraphs at a time, with long pauses in between).//Although most people consider my situation as to have been caused by "me" and that I am to "blame" and they use every pretext every conceived cliche stereotype and they create all kinds of rationale and then reinforce it by the repetitive bots who repeat and obey every edict from the 4th Reich happily. You could not care that information is being blocked, because all you have to do in order to "succeed" is obey and follow orders regardless of how ridiculous and even how obvious the lies are.

##correction---above, I was also misinformed by internet hacking and the debate has not as yet begun. The time difference is throwing me off as well as literally every page not showing debate time--all is being hacked out. Thusly I got a CBS news page showing "live debate" which was just pre-recorded clips of rallies with Vance and Walz both speaking out their roles for cheering crowds.j Suddenly I am getting more recent information, one solid hour after having begun my search. Each and every single page, the Hill, CNN, CBS, Google search showed no time for the debate. All, literally all had been hacked out.  The "live debate" which I finally discovered for the 4th search on YouTube was not the debate nor was it live. All completely hacked lies and misinformation, information deletion=lies. ------------ 30 minutes later: popped-up on my YouTube channel, a commentary by Jeffrey Sachs regarding the current state of lack of awareness, leadership and dangerous policies

Why must I thank non-Americans for helping me instead of having been helped IMMEDIATELY by any American?//Thank you to Baryshnikov and Jonas Nay for their help, which has been painful at times because they also adhere to the protocols of the elders of the Dino regime and attack me while helping me, so the detrimental aspects sometimes outweigh the help--yet, a bit of advice from my dear incubus from Germany has helped to break some of the hard-as-rock poisons latched on my left side, which I have struggled for years to remove and break out and starve out while still being poisoned so it never could conceivably come out. I must also shower much gratitude to Jet Li, Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen, and perhaps, but not sure of Michelle Yeoh, (I think she may not have been involved) but the put the most amazing martial arts videos and practitioners out of China on my YouTube feed which has "blown my mind" and there is NO COMPARISON with American martial artists in what the "typical" martial artist from these videos can do to defy gravity and force, style and power and internal strength. //I have spent the last 3 days in a kind of painful sickness while steal-like poisons have slowly ripped out of the internal cavity of my body--and it's, as usual, leaving me with more and more to remove it is never-ending. I think the Chinese are responsible for having stopped the poisoning. I truly want to express gratitude. Although, the other side is being attacked but still, I feel like throughout all the hell, it has been more than the usual experience of a lifetime to be so lucky to have such professional help albeit the bs factor. Oddly, Americans out of H-wood have not done a single thing to help me in any way to heal or stop the poisoning. //I truly love the America that I grew-up in and I consider myself a Patriot dedicated to keeping the premise alive that freedom for the individual without harming others can live to his or her highest potential if it is in a positive and respectful life-affirming course. To not violate human rights but instead to elevate life and to bring peace and love as much as possible-yet still being able to defend oneself against the ravages of hateful oppressive murderous people and forces. I continue to believe in this concept and that drives me to be tortured non-stop because I truly refuse to help the death cult and take-over of my country by such forces and the dissolution of such a grand concept as what "America" means to so many people. It is in such a precarious state at this time but I have done my best to help to bring the poisons out of the mud, concealed and so I try to be a "truth seeker" exposing what has been so instrumental in the poisoning of my body, my family and my country. Still, why is it that no Americans have helped me to heal?//forgotten honorable mentions to the list of aid--there is an American who has posted boxing videos--Mike Tyson. The square hips and footwork I cannot begin to use at this time (or maybe) because my hips are out of alignment due to the years of people going into my room and putting my spine out of alignment while I was in a deep (Mk ULTRA) teleported unconscious state. I can't do much boxing until I get rid of this poison but in the teleportation I try to fight off and fend off the attackers as I rush at them fists flying. With my tiny arms from muscle retardation and atrophy due to the years of shit pigape whorealina and that crew having my body pummeled with poison rape and the mutilation of my hips by men they partnered with to rape and deform my body (my body is always under attack while I am sleeping, and I collapsed in a sick state 2 days ago so they doused my hands with more extremely damaging chemicals and dug into the already blood-red bulging cuticles where most of the nail has been permanently removed by knives cutting the nails below the root of the nail--which goes on when I collapse from sickness, which happened just a few days ago and the people "helping" me never stop any of that. But, compared to the utter death and poisoning of the Americans of this group and from in general American society ALL MY LIFE literally this is almost a miracle of humanity compared with the expletives from material money-grabbing greed of Americans. The people helping me all come from former or current Communist or Socialist countries, by the way. Because this post also deals with an account of condemnation of Socialism, it's hard for me to state that "Socialism" is indeed so bad that American greed and Capitalism is so much more elegant and refined a concept for political life. I am just stating what William Cooper said below that Socialism is the real reason the Roman Republic "fell" into chaos and tyranny. I would say that "free hand-outs' to the "oligarchy" is the real reason for the endless dehumanization of Americans who are extremely wealthy and extremely murderously self-satiated satisfied and gloating over making people homeless and p**ssing on them if they possibly can (to death).

This statue, the Rain man fountain, sits in the midst of West Side Park in Champaign, Illinois. It is a 10 minute brisk walk from my childhood home on West White Street. I rode and walked and played around near encircling and beyond the park on bicycle walking and playing and going to celebrations, protest marches (Vietnam) and just hanging out. There is a placard on the fountain that I mostly ignored because I had already read the other placards on the fountain so the one featured at the beginning of this video is new to me. It was put there in 1976 I believe on the 4th of July. I was marching in a parade on that day celebrating Independence (I was carrying a marching drum, as one of the three famous soldiers playing flute and drum and holding the flag that used to be very famous as a symbol of the war for independence against England and King George--). To have symbols of native tribes in and around places in Champaign was "normal" but I see that this is more frequently unc

Get Rich or Die Trying---(quoted from 50 Cent). The "social glue" of antisemitism, the social engineering of consent paving the way for absolute Nazification by the "elite" of Poland (also Ukraine) to welcome in the German Nazi 3rd Reich because killing Jews was extremely profitable and had already been a social engineering project for an extremely long time. //Jews had been shipped off from places like Austria to Poland, in what had been called "Galicia" by the Hapsburgs but now is partitioned through the remaining history as being part Poland, part Ukraine and also formerly the USSR, and whatever else I don't know. Jews were essentially kicked out of places like Austria to sling the mud of the "bread basket" of (what is now) Ukraine in order to be the first sacrificial cows for the building of the Hapsburg, and then Hitler's 3td Reich dream of establishing a unified "Fatherland" extending into "The East" incorporating all the proceeds of the highly coveted grain belt farm land funneled into the 3rd Reich (meaning what is now mostly NATO in Euro-land). //I am having a very hard time finding anything online about how many of the non-Jews who were of the aristocracy lineage had been deceived and wiped out as well--online it is impossible. In a documentary about The Occult History of the Third Reich (title) it is made plain and clear that being duped, both the Ukrainians (after the Russian/German invasion during WWII) and the Polish, in particular the upper "elite' had been eliminated--(whether financially, as the Nazis flattened Warsaw destroyed the infrastructure so any wealth contained in that region had been confiscated, sucked dry and/or killed off but the public record online shows nothing--again, I am bereft of real information not having access to EBSCO HOST research database, as I had in grad school to locate a real and serious study of this topic which must surely exist in the 80+ years after this invasion of Poland and the resulting decimation of the Polish economy prior to the ending of the war and then during the Communist takeover)

*(Usurp from article below, the only article I found relating to the search I had made on aristocracy and the Nazi invasion of Poland). "  Faced with this existential dilemma, the ideologues of Polish nationalism chanced on the idea of making antisemitism into “social glue” for the needs of nation-building. Antisemitism had existed as a minor  trend  among Poland-Lithuania’s nobility but had never entered into the Commonwealth’s political mainstream. After all, Jewish converts to Catholicism had been consistently rewarded with the status of  new nobles . But on the contrary, antisemitism was  widespread  among peasants, as fuelled by priests. Nationalists of noble origins could use this visceral  hatred  in order to evoke strong passions and instil political convictions among the peasantry. This “common national enemy” was easier to use for the purposes of national unification than the Austrians, Prussians (Germans) or Russians, because the Jews had no means of defence. So, they c

NEVER DOUBT the murderous military-industrial malicious (mis) use of technology despite the many twinkly "uses" that are hailed by glorious advertising in promos and "established" sources such as Bloomberg (below) of cheery announcers with happy joyful music as the background. //ALWAYS DISTRUST the cheery advertising for "new technology" that will bring aid and comfort to the lack-of-understanding human beings who long for arch-omnipotent potency.//Death-Murder "new" technology--computers communicating with animals through AI rapid learning databases, is being advertised as "cute, fluffy and furry" little animals being communicated with by Artificial Intelligence for that impossible human-animal interaction only for the sole purpose of "understanding" the cute little warm fuzzy "pets" and companions to aid humanoids in better understanding (of what, they do not answer that). Considering the utter LACK OF INTELLIGENCE which is the lowest common denominator of ALL the participants who have attacked me, from the gamut of the goon squad death groups handed drugs, poisons, chemically tweaked filth and muck to spray and douse my everything (home, body, property, etc every single thing on and around me) which is treated to chemically absorb into all fabric and remain at one level or another (it is murder for the lymphatic and endocrine and immune system on a long-term basis). But the other murder propensities of the "lower ranks" of the death squads combined with the upper levels of the death pyramid, which are the coordinating administrators of logistics and output and surveillance, most of whom are "well educated" but lack the intelligence to look beyond their lower animalistic urges for domination and status. Then there are the "upper" tier (and "tier" in German translates to "ANIMAL" , which means that the creators of this word understood the sheer animal force controlling levels and layers, in this context of society--animalistic throughout all).//They want to control, divide and conquer but they, too, are so immersed in their murder apparatus that they can't understand the rebound effect and even if they calculate something called a "risk assessment" they still don't follow-through as the money and animalistic instincts of instant gratification on a primordial, non-rational level, supersedes their animalistic grasping for power at all expense, in a vast expanse of greedy acquisition.//The "selling" of the latest mind screw manipulation to embrace what WILL be used to murder and exploit for nefarious purposes, in wartime zones such animals will be trained to carry explosive devices. The animals will be "loved" just as the Germans "love" Black folk who grasp onto the "Racism is only against YOU!" they point at me scoffing and sneering and joyfully joining into the vicious racist abuse skits to "prove" that the are part of the "elite". How beloved they are as "pets' to the fascist death mongering 4th Reich! Indeed!//Thusly, the cutesy music and the upbeat English narrator belie the death built-into this system for which the inevitable will be the end result.

  "Could AI Unlock the Secrets of Animal Communication?" Bloomberg Originals. September 4, 2024. As I look into the trailer credits, I see that Polanski is not mentioned as the director. Polanski had been working on this film when the Mansion group attacked his domicile and the rest is history. Polanski had to stop  his endeavor and the directing was handed to someone else. I have no idea how far into the film he had gotten. But the now untouchable theme of military-industrial exploitation of animals (dolphins in this case) with little "info" vignettes embedded into the film through dialogue that dolphins have brains roughly the same "size" as humans and the level of human-dolphin communication is 'Under research" by the "experts" who you can trust (?). The audience, unlike what appears to be a significantly much more docile and accepting (brainwashed) public, but back in the "radical" 70's an audience member (a woman with

"The Coming Storm (Troopers of the 4th Reich)": That is, as Churchill-o-philes are aware, his phrase, or at least a movie with the same title was made regarding that cantankerous albeit much-beloved 'f-u' style leadership, who had foreseen the obvious rise of the 3rd Reich to the resounding silence of the English bigot network, fully "in bed" with fascism and Nazism, as they fully are now and I must bear the brunt of it's fury to obliterate any resistance to it in the form of moi.//While most foul and noxious Roger Waters was violently accosting me yesterday, with the usual prostitutalina the United Nations whore representative of the 4th Reich, to the resounding applause of the Nazi/Mafia-controlled U.S. Congress (in full), the dirty old man began hitting abusing and yelling at me with the |German pig ape rapist sitting in the rows of chairs with his group of fellow filthy pig ape rape apes instructing him on yelling abuse violence and mind control tactics.//After I once more was sitting with this rotten dirty filth creep Waters, who like almost ALL of the "famous personalities" who assault me who have a political stance do, he spoke with PIERS MORGAN a seemingly "balanced and calm" responder of every contrite view and opinion rendered as "diverse discussion" (my phrase) to appear that there is "balanced" journalism in that pernicious form of verbal exchange in the form of "newsworthy talk show" entertainment/entrainment. //So many of the vicious dirty and sleazy people who hit and yell at me in the most violent and fascist versions of imitating brutal 4th Reich modes of intimidation and torture inquisition and colonialization, such as the "I'm black but not a victim" Candice Owens, who just bypassed any discussion and instantly "suckier punched" me from an oblique angle the first moment possible. Her ousting from Daily Wire was as a result of her violence aimed at me so she could have her own show. The rest of the excuse for 'kicking her out" is just window dressing. These lying filth buckets are looking to host their own shows, and are praised by the English-controlled 4th Reich for their brutal repetition of the 4th Reich standards and protocols of the Elders of Fascism and Despotic Tyranny, who created the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and then blamed the Jews as in Rothschilds et al---who now are in bed with the most nasty fascist Nazis of America and without such as dirty lying bigot-image Paris Hilton (years of her inclusion in this contract out on me, her sister married with a Rothschild, a family which it has been said helped to encourage or even finance the Holocaust so that they could control the State of Israel, which is now controlled by the English Crown and the fascist Nazi cartels all over the world; disguised as "Evangelical devout Christians" or their corollary throughout the world.//While filthy sick Roger Waters was slapping yelling and abusing me as dirty stupid as hell Prostitutalina and shit pig pitt sat in the front watching smiling, I got also an audience of the two lead members of the dino team the Rolling Stones. Now elder and aged and craggy, they fully epitomize the types of old dirty Europigape man and their nasty dirty sons who proliferate in "Third World" Nazi paradise zones such as Thailand to get their "free" (in relative terms) slave sucking and cleaning brown girls which they hang onto (as investment partners due to Thai law) and for succor from the dreary drudge of Western women who are probably much more open about wanting their $$ lucre instead of actually finding rotten money-obsessed old men like this sexy or interesting. NO, the brown minorities are much more desperate and latch onto such types with loving adoration. They have now fully discarded the pretense of shunning the dino mentality which the 60's had created--and because they have all stolen the musical styles which, for the most part, are no longer experimental but just copy, they only can play for their endlessly cheering mesmerized crowds who shift from the pop music genre to the dino league of established dino replicators of the alternative movements which they helped to co-opt. So they only play like the old men who have lounges and little Tiki-bars playing their old riffs and songs with credible skill but they are just stiff old men who fully epitomize all that they claimed the represented as the antithesis to back in the 60's and 70's. //Not that I care, but, they are accosting me and physically violent and verbally abusive to the point of interrogation terror tactics, and all done while I am sleeping teleported sick from endlessly non-stop for 15 years and longer shitting out the poison they happily ordered put in my body and food and sprayed as toxic poison on my clothing and furniture--every single day every day for decades--it continues now.//The storm outside is the result of a planet of unbearable life-destroying greed and the need to devour parasitically everything possible so the bigots can suck and drain the planet as quickly and possibly thoroughly of all nature all resources for the continuation of the Nazi plantation society. //The storm has been ongoing for the past 5 days, with wind gusts that have blown a heavy metal multi-gallon pot on the potted plant underneath the washing machine where I keep this one cooking apparatus I have (which has been made scratched, rusted by the filth apes who operate for the pig apes such as these dirty foul multi-billionaires who can't get enough of "more and more and more and more and more". The storm system attacked China so badly that Shanghai is in "ruins" as the reports state, and the extension of the storm system has reached I don't know how many hundreds of miles away in what is the 5th day of non-stop downpouring with rain covering my patio (this is facing an 80-degree hillside incline so rain has NEVER poured for this long in this area and up to inside my room because it is shielded from the brunt of the wind and rain on the side of the building facing the open space on the other side)./ The hacking is now making this so tenuous to get out in any fashion. Obviously hackers will be omitting deleting and rewriting this post after I publish (or before I publish).//the storm is approaching but it's not going to be a wonderful oasis of Nazi wealth and splendor for those who participate. The supply chains and farming lands will be deluged and destroyed. They live on hilltops and mountain ranges as they are probably buying up property to save themselves from the impending storm their greed, avarice and sheer piggary stupidity has helped to manifest. That is the coming storm. The Nazis with Mafia organized crime (partnered with EVERY member of Congress to one extent or another).

  The hammering and pounding continues for the 4th month in a row in a room just below mine. This will continue until the deluge of white trash rash of pig apes resumes utter hate and torture and mutilation and filth attacks upon my body and home with the full gleeful participation of the dirty brown and black scumbag filthy minions who are mental slaves to the 4th Reich, and literal ones as well. The white trash are also slaves to it as well but they can't recognize it because they all get everything handed to them for almost free and they can't complain but don't analyze anything. These are the rotten filthy Europigape trash who are working with absolutely blank and stupid sick Prostitutalina who has been stealing ideas from me for over 15 years because they always just get everything that is stolen handed to them by the equally sick and stupid politicians who get millions and hundreds of millions for their efforts to suck out drain and emulate fascist Nazism. You can cou

Krapola-Rump debate topic of the devouring of animals. The beloved pets of housed Americans and the association with domestic leisure being corrupted and threatened as symbol of the Immigrant "crime' waves. //NO mention of the wild and unhoused people, animals and land that is being devoured by real estate luxury plantation 4th Reich "Vultures" (that is a real estate term for those who devour the foreclosures of those who cannot pay for mortgages any longer---which happens exponentially every time there is a financial bubble burst in the economy and also constantly with Inflation, etc etc all the variables). No mention of the animals that will be extinct by the proposal Harris (I mean, oops, Krapola) makes regarding the building of thousands of new homes to suit the needs of the income-earning masses displaced by the enlargement of the AMERICAN 4TH REICH PLANTATION SYSTEM which has been emerging since Ray-gu proposed that Greed was as All-American Apple-Pie-Jesus endorsed as the Deregulation that he, and successive leaders inflicted upon the working class and poor. Now facing homelessness but not with any voice and not concerned about this very much the two candidates were focused on the pets of the diminishing working class rather than the wildlife and the homeless who are being swept into a heap for the eventual pyre of sacrifice to the Oreo Plantation system. //My cat was stolen by this 4th Reich hate group, to wit, none of the candidates and presidents and leaders could care less about. My cat was my "family" and having her stolen because I was constantly telling Johnny Depp--yes, so many years ago, in 2013 or 2014, to stop teleporting and raping me and then torturing me afterwards so he, his girlfriend and daughter, his band his movie roles et al could endlessly be furnished with non-stop promotions as the pounding of poison into my body was murder and the torture a corollary to the murder by poisoning, the jolting of my body thusly embedding the poisons more deeply into my body, and then torturing me so all my nervous system and body was under life-threatening stress plus non-stop poisoning AND mutilation AND abuse withtout end. It had already been ongoing in this fashion for 3 years prior to the forced Depp inclusion in this terror contract (I had only written two sentences on a Facebook page, which I had never done for any celebrity but I was under extreme drugging and paralysis and also a sense of desperation to get the Italian man who has worked for Stallone--the manager of his and Steven Tyler's nightclub in Miami Beach called Bar None--(and Tyler's bandmates formed this band H-wood vampires after having begun the endless assault upon me--the band members of Aerosmith). This is not an aside, only the situation is so long-dragged-out and tenuously interwoven between terrorist perpetrators... to "punish" me they tortured my cat and hacked a photo of her having been thrown in the swimming pool for the "resort" I was living in (Arysa Resort) while she was in sheer terror, her lower jaw jutting out in fear and swimming for her life as the minions threw her in the pool as she fought to breathe--they had begun remotely attacking her lungs for about 3 days so she was heaving for breath for 3 days to weaken her--and they have done this to me to the point that it was nearly a heart attack--I believe this is done through "microwave" technology as I have read on gang stalking websites.//That was in 2013 or 2014. She has been waiting for me to return and pick her up from the rotation of rapists who have abused and exploited me, each one threatening to kill her as I beg for her to be returned. They get lead roles millions of dollars but they have to keep my cat as hostage while she is dying (or already dead). //All of this happily sanctioned by Trump for all the years he has been involved in this, grinning endlessly as I was poisoned and tortured. Supported in full by Harris. (I mean, respectively, Rump & Krapola). //Absolutely ordained by the trash of Taylor Swift who has been involved in this since her shot to global fame, as all of them, feeding off abuse and participating and being thrust as some demi-celebrity. She was around in 2014 as well with her incessant hacking which lasted for the next 14 years--I kept writing about it until about 6 months ago it stopped for the first time in over 10 years. When I would write about my cat, she would hack videos and photos of herself with her cat(s) in mockery. //They all want me to be a childless cat lady even if I am forced to have a "baby" with a rapist hater who is a detestable swine (just using the animal motif). //When Krapola discusses the building of massive cheap housing structures on an already dying planet from the lack of top soil to the lack of clean air and water to the mass population to the fight to keep abortion (to lessen the population, at least people should stop trying to decimate the poor and think of the consequences of more over-population upon the resources of the planet, already in dire devastation catastrophe for the environment). The animals and the spirit of nature so completely absent even when the skank Swift (please give her one in the a$$) with her cat is still a mockery of my most beautiful and INNOCENT CAT who has had her ribs crushed been thrown in a swimming pool they forced her to heave for air gasping to breathe for 3 days then stole her to "punish" me for not being able to handle poison being pumped via rape into my body by huge unnatural life-fuck scumbag men who at least one of which is a Nazi hormone growth spawn--literally his brother is much shorter this is not a fluke and I have seen people in Miami and elsewhere suddenly shoot up in height due to hormone "therapy" to increase their height and make them more "Nazi" monster huge to conform to the 4th Reich imposing tyrannical stance.//The ultra wealthy who are fully into the 4th Reich for plantation master-slave living, it is extremely open and honest in places like Thailand, but disguised as the DNC display of sheer nonsensical bs if you know these creeple on a terror schemata which I have been subjected to. For Krapola to have mentioned even slightly that price reductions for the proposals of endless wealth disparity for luxury ultra wealthy "democrats" and Republicans" should be threatened with lowering prices due to government price restrictions (so "Communist' the detractors would state) and thusly to save the lives of animals on the brink of extinction due to over-development of the planet. And this I see constantly with the building of huge luxury estates for the 4th Reich Nazi bigot cartels with tons of little brown construction workers carrying huge pails of water to douse the sand to build the cement--being shipped back to their corrugated temporary structures with dirt floors and almost no furniture with open spaces absolutely ghetto 3rd World, coming out of Myanmar/Burma--building for almost no pay huge luxury estates and hotel mansions for the extremely racist and despotic Nazi/Mafia expletives who rush to attack me with brutality and hate--as is happening now in the teleportation with one of the Nazi generation 4th Reichsters who they are all globbing onto, the "hippie-era' enthusiasts of "freedom" for "women" and et al they love the violence the oppression the rape and the abuse and humiliation. These types of mansions, which the pig apes of |Whorewood have been handed by the Nazi gangs here in Thailand, are just huge luxury plantations. I see animals being swept away and gone forever. This area used to care and tend for homeless animals and you see nothing any longer. I took care of cats being deprived of their habitats due to non-stop construction on all sides, both by the terrorists using noise attacks to make my personal life after having been poisoned another part of the Hell they wish to force upon me (their hell that they imbibe but have so much money to pay for plastic surgery and etc). They love killing animals. They gouged the eye out of one of the kittens I was feeding when they killed the mother cat I began to feed so she could nurse her kittens. The other kitty (two kittens, one starving mother cat, which came to me after my cat was stolen because the animals saw how I loved my cat and so I agreed to take care of them)--the mother was killed, the female kitten was mutilated with one of her eyes gouged out, the male kitten was injected with feline leukemia and they slashed a huge gouge into his neck to fully poison and infect him. They then broke his spine and left him dying in front of my little room where I was being nightly raped by people breaking in opening the tiles in the shower area of this horrific stinking room which they forced me into. All of that was arranged by shit filth pig pitt and ugly prostitutalina and it was not much earlier when I saw a cartoon version of pig pitt's voice being used in a cartoon movie about animals being chased into extermination by development and "fighting back" but to make his dirty nasty pig Nazi point, he had not only the cats brutalized and killed but they also beat a pet frog I had living under a bucket, which would come out like a pet dog and greet me at night when I was coming home from shopping--it came out, and just stood at the front of the stairs leading to my room until I said hello and greeted it, then it hopped away. Literally it was like a pet dog. But they bashed it using their typical brown minority minions who will perform any act of violence and filth in order to live in the "big master's house" and it's all about plantation life and the killing of everything in order to provide every sleazy and greasy rotten Europigape with a plantation and this has also been carried-over to the American version of the same. The Democrats are now fully indoctrinating the country into this, as the Obamas and the Krapola's get their own promise of more and more and more mansions and plantations and "lov" from German Nazi fucks w hile they brutally and eagerly and joyfully hand me over to torture, rape and mutilation. Animals are killed non-stop in every way by all of these pig apes. THey have no concern about animals, The pets of the constituents they care about as much as they care about donor funding.

Summation of the Krapola-Rump "debate": In the 3rd Party option does Sanity and some semblance of connection to the actual American People exist in political dialogue. Otherwise, if not under non-stop surveillance even of my own thoughts, to which I am constantly being tortured for "thinking" something some ignoramus pig ape doesn't "like" as they revel in the ease by which they can inflict DEATH upon anyone they can't stand to see have a chance to compete--while having to steal ideas because they are so sick and stupid intrinsically due to their endless conformity to authoritarian rule and tyrannical despotism--literally, not hypothetically. While I am in a state of "desperate" hope for change--at least seminally the 3rd Party Option appears to be the only option in Stein. This is for my personal stance as a human being on this planet and as a United States citizen--the rights of both concepts constantly violated by the leaders of both Parties in the debate on a non-stop cycle of 15 years or more for their personal gain, and the shit filth of the celebrity Whorewood scumbag cesspool so endlessly championed by the lack of actual belief in superior ethics, morals and talent by the brainwashed and endlessly lowering in analytic perspective American population. ---of course she has "no chance" but this is a chance for the peeps to reconsider the duopoly of the tyranny of the one-party 4th Reich and it's grip on media and the political spectrum. Americans must consider a gigantic leap away from the former and encrusted Dem-Rep system. Corroded through-and-through.

"Jill Stein Live Debate Response". Jill Stein. September 11, 2024. It was almost a nauseating tertiary response within my entrails to hear Krapola so blithely yap out how "women need to have a choice for their bodies and not have the Government control what they do with their bodies"...(general paraphrase--pls note my brain is always under "mind control" every time I fight to type these posts. Krapola  hinges part of her campaign success on the United States forcing MY BODY to be tortured, raped by greedy sick sleazy stupid rotten celebrities and politicians alike so the "real" control power will hand them automatic assumption to power, in what is now a feeding frenzy of every scumbag possible to inflict as much hate upon me as possible so they can "prove" how much in line they are with fascist Nazi/Mafia torture methodology and genocidal antisemitism (Jews rush to join in as well) and....whatever else. She "hugged" me in tele

Snow White 2025 is shriveling the gonads of the 4th Reich syndicated control system critical review system. I KNOW that there are entire streams of terrorist minions who go out and support or attack various people, events and then they are told to support or castigate various venues, movies and people chosen or "cancelled". //Although I KNOW there is a centralized command structure, it appears that there are divisions from within that probably are created to give the inauthentic perspective of a multi-cultural diversity. //The numbers of "hate" thumbs down for the trailer, in my perspective from all my life of seeing how these terrorist networks operate and the hateful comments and the DEATH THREATS aimed at Rachel Zegler for espousing what would be "feminist" analysis--of t hat film. The HATE the sheer hate from the 4th Reich critics is astounding. It is therefore too much of a threat, I surmise, to their hateful system and that two Jewish women are portrayed as being the most "beautiful" in a Germanic Fairy Tale world as an upside down oreo presentation to the general plantation system is too shocking as well. The Jewish Snow White, as Dun as Shakespeare's lover in one of his sonnets--==also is a bit akin to the old school 70's jewish feminist activists who claimed that finding a career and not being stuck in solitary confinement to domestic suppression is far superior a goal for women to attain. The endless filming of blondish Nazi skanks with dyed hair or dark make-up and hair coverings to play the "dark" woman, has always been accepted no matter how CGI the weird characters are and how films depict castration complexes in the Nazi women. All acceptable when blonde skank performer plays that role. Absolute death threats to Rachel Zegler for her commentary about how she didn't like the sexist older version (the Prince was a stalker, she claimed, and for this she received death threats from the 4th Reich, which is what the pig apes form Whorewood yell at me if I, under truth serum mind control effect, offer any alternative perspective and criticism, which I usually do). //I plan on watching this movie, as a matter of fact perhaps just for the sake of seeing exactly how empowering it is for the Jewish lead women actors and how the white pig ape culture is shriveling up in terror. The racist aspect of the HATE-driven critiques of this film are omitted absolutely. The "anti-woke' culture has cancelled any critical analysis along race and hate lines so that the lead is not "white as white supremacy" was acceptable when spoken out loud by the "Jewish" Ben Shapiro--supporting of all white supremacy possible, including fervently supporting the outrigtt genocidal bigots from Whorwood who have helped him to promote his white supremacy version of Snow White, according to the comfort food display that the "good" American people who fully partake with great violence and utter murderous hate the acts of sabotage of my life, for the same reasons they are sending out death threats to the lead star, Rachel Zegler. That she is outspoken against the prevailing norm and the white Nazi 4th Reich norms of the very racist Walt Disney and his productions is too startling in reality for the "good" American people. //Did anyone know, as I have heard told from a reliable source, that Walt Disney REFUSED TO HIRE BLACK PEOPLE at his Disneyland theme park in Annaheim, way back in the good old days when segregation was an unspoken reality whether legally not allowed or not. //Three times the entire page froze in the midst of writing this and it actually was more like 6 times, but I just can't count any longer the endless freezing while I am typing these ideas. It's too hard to get them out clearly. //Yes, the 4th Reich is giving the signal to all it's death squad bigots, which includes so many "brown and black" minions to "hate" this movie, avoid it, make no mention of it. It is being so tainted with mostly males and many black women saying it's just an ugly woman ("brown" Latino, not "beautiful" not a blonde white supremacist with dyed black hair, they mean--so brainwashed they are into white supremacy iconography--I get this every day in Whorewood which is the bastion of white supremacy programming and duplicity. This is extended to the politicians--make no doubt about it. The DNC was one of the worst presentations of lying fake BS. It was cheered on. Everyone heard what fantasy projection they wanted to hear from the most disgusting example of lying rot that Obama is, with his endless "positive" messages long-trained in speeches because in private he's a sleazy dirty SOB full of conceit and longing to belong to the white supremacy "elite" club. That movie is never shown, and his fantasy projections along with Hillary and Krapola are just met with standing ovations. But a true original theme is met with HATE from the 4th Reich. I also do not like Greta Gerwig, and I had used the sentences containing "deconstruction of the patriarchy" just at the time that she stole my idea about the feminist Barbie plot. I would have made a different movie if I were not drugged into a stupor and paralysis and my keyboard and computer not incessantly hacked to a frozen nothing---the movie I would have written probably would have received death threats too--so I must watch this Disney movie--and also not for Gal Gadot as she has been part of the internet stalking triggering upon me, but just to see this topsy-turvy film that is so threatened the males making their hate commentary are just sounding shrill at this point in their mockery they sound pretty near castrated. //I suggest that the German expletive constantly abusing and raping me is likewise looking for ideas for his throng of Germanic fellow haters to steal from me, as this has been a trend for over 15 years from this group. They are so mainstream Nazi mentality and so conformist, I think that is also part of his entire "thing" of endlessly attacking me, plus the fact that he appears to be desperately clutching onto being close to the pig ape cartel of Whorewood for obvious reasons. Even with the "woke" movies that the 4th Reich Nazis hate in America and around the world, America has proven repeatedly throughout the years since the Nazis fell that they fell and can't get back up again to claim they are "supeior" and it's obvious they are not. Yet, I think he's trying to get ideas from me as I scream my "woke" ideas about how sick and sleazy and Nazi and how the Obamas and the Asians are just drooling over servicing and serving the Germanic Nazi bigot with slavish smiles and absolute obsequious devotion and viciously attacking me f or approval. Very deadly and sick. The immigrants are also brainwashed into colonialist and Nazi subservient mentality and they are not going to "vote Democrat" they are going to be really stupid and violent minions performing the murder acts upon the targets when the 4th Reich doesn't have to conceal their genocidal aspirations with Europigapes rushing to take over the United States as the "silent partners" with their death squads of brown and black minions. Obama is absolutely one of those, coming from a colonized background from his Kenyan father, not far from the Imperium of the Roman Empire and the Europigape cartels and Nazi and fascist groups and the wars and the slave trade. No, the whole thing is so odious. But at least I can have a little laugh with the Snow White 2025 as I hope it will actually make some of the pig apes lose their penises out of sheer terror who "hate" this move but they cannot state any concrete reasons in all the 4th Reich commentaries, --they cite so many extraneous reasons but not the kernel of the reality and truth--it's turns racism upside down, it turns white male and female supremacy upside down, and they can't stand it. They want to kill the outspoken advocate, the lead Jewish actor Zegler. These are the genocidal 4th Reich bigots who will help to storm the Capitol if Trump loses in November.

**its taken me over one hour to type the above. The page froze completely in mid-sentence at least 6 times throughout. I had to get up and pace and wait to finish typing. The page froze for a few seconds at least 25 times other than the times the entire computer froze. Backspacing, not able to type, etc could not get my ideas out straight. It's all probably redacted by hackers after publishing (I edit while I type, everything is mostly perfect except for omitting commas sometimes as the pounding down of every key makes putting in commas so difficult--I press a comma and one of the keys next to it appears and some function pops up if I get to that area of the keyboard with my fingers pounding and pounding.

Thanks Baryshnikov, but please return my family to me (my cat La Moux). If she is alive, which is almost impossible.//I could write of the impending absolute Nazification and Mafia programming that I am the center of, which they use to obtain ideas to present themselves as not being formulaic hateful greed rapists and carnal xeonphobic porn bigot replicators to the bots of hate in "society". The Nazification of Whorewood is in full swing. The prostituted scum skanks who have tortured me for over 15 years to obtain ideas are in the rotation cycle of the next pig ape being awarded by rote, without question, slated for the top awards after probably 7 years of millions poured into every shot, angle and script and promotion and the money exchanging for top slots for the sluts at the presiding "festivals" controlled strictly by Mafia Nazi American 4th Reich political estate control organization. No..I have only been writing about this for the past decade, it required a few years for me to understand and even then, it required many more years to understand the most abysmal sickness I am dealing with, using MY ideas derived from a love of life and humanity (much lessened as of the last few years due to the killing-off of the beautiful people who once inhabited the landscape and are now pushing up daisies--killed for questioning too much, for thinking too much, and for being against the encroaching surge of Nazi politicians joining with Nazi fascist Mafia theatrics selling "candidates" who are never elected by any of the "people". No, writing about this only ensures more awards for them. No, I will write in thanks to Baryshnikov for stressing endlessly that I must keep my shoulders and head back and upright. I had to literally fight him off from the teleportation interference because I had to focus on other aspects of the stretching, which he was telling me not to do but I had to do them. My own exercises for my healing as been yet another portal of opportunity for the malfeasance of exploitation so I had to fight and fight to get him to stop threate3ning me for doing my own body healing MY way and not his--which was not helping me at the time. But now that a myriad of hard "tubes" interlaced in my spine and back I have managed to rip out and break out with endless sickness, I am now able to put my shoulders back in a way I have not been able to do since I was around 12 years old. The poisons are still latched into my thoracic region, as every other part of my body is likewise suffused with hard tubes literally pulling my head down and forward, my shoulders are in a hunched position sloped downward, my hips have been so maladjusted by terrorists who brkoe into my room, putting my hips and spine out of alignment while poisoning me with hardening poison--all ordered by the shit and filth and scum of Whorewood you perpetually cheer on and on for their violence against me, and the ideas they have stolen, endlessly slated automatically to "win" Oscars year after year, taking turns from ideas they have stolen from me (in large part, this year completely my idea stolen by the stupid ugly sick prostituted agent of the English Imperialist take-over working in conjunction of the German and French Nazi empires, just waiting to "rise again" like the KKK Nazi Mafia of the American "South". Yes, they laughed and giggled as they had me raped, fungus poured all over my body into my body into my food into my furniture into my clothing--day after day. They got rotten "men" so-called to rape adn abuse me, as they are still doing. The creep constantly attacking me got his next minority enslaved programmed minion to absolutely perform every act of slavish devotion, hoping like Obama, with exactly the same obsequious "luv" for the white supremacist, for more and more deals out of the collaboration. I had to fight two of them, and as usual, because I was sick from stress as this group has forced my money to be cut off for over one month with my bank endlessly lying to me as I fought to get my money and this condo stealing my mail and attacking me constantly for every single thing possible--any vulnerability the whores latch onto with vampirish delight to viciously attack me for the problems they forced upon me. //And it goes on and on. But for the first time, I can put my shoulders back at least a lot more than was possible for decades. By the way, the father of this filthy prostituted creep was part of the cartel in Whorewood and England who had some kind of tangential contact with my step-father in a poet and writers conference with James DIckey, the author of Deliverance--way back in 1975 in Atlanta. My father returned with a huge sense of rage and anger but would not tell me why. My parents never told me about the demands of the 4th Reich piggery machine, but something bad happened there and my father changed dramatically afterwards. I believe that the English director, whose daughter married the English "aristocrat" connected to the English Monarchy as the son of the "Royal painter/portrait " personna, and in that time, my eager-to-please minority minion step-father was absolutely in touch with me in London while this creep was making his initial first moves of exploitation-drugging and attempted rape upon the first 20 minutes of me meeting him. A long story, but after my step-father made this huge "change" to his career and his success as being a maverich poet and creative alternative personality suddenly shifted towards assimilation into the 4th Reich (and also, the end of the Vietnam War gave him no pretense for the white bigot 4th Reich cartel to fight so white pig ape men didn't have to fight in Vietnam any longer, and so typically they only wanted to discard him as he had become to powerful in politics and in society--) the aim was also taken at me and my body underwent a shift in the next few years as my obedient parents had me poisoned and drugged so badly that the poisoning was obvious in my body posture. It showed horribly around 1977 and since that time I have not been able to really pull my shoulders back well enough as I am sort of doing now. It is a long story but the filthy spawn of the KKK Nazi white trash who is so endlessly touted by the ultra-M|AGA and etc has been similarly attacking me for over 15 years so her sick stupidity can be augmented by my creative concepts which they blocked from me being able to produce in any fashion, except in a few short and exceedingly impossible paragraphs pounded out, as I am doing right now the keyboard is literally impossible to type on without having to pound as hard as possible and then they inject wrong letters for what I manage to pound out--constantly having to backspace as my brain is under attack. This is n ever stopped, The shit whores are once more slated to automatically be at least nominated if not to "win" for every top award possible. They are off laughing, dancing as I fight the German expletive constantly assaulting me because of the torture and violence, no love no friendship no human contract just sitting paralyzed from poisoning that they never stop every day for over 15 years and longer--as t hey tortuer and abuse and are championed by the most disgusting crap posing as politicians they are pure "evil" and that is no light comparison. So Baryshnikov, you and your daughter your friends and everyone around you has obtained movie roles, deals and you have partnered with them for about 3 years to attack me. CAN'T YOU HAVE MY CAT LA M OUX RETURNED TO ME SO I CAN HAVE ONE SINGLE LOVING BEAUTIFUL THING IN MY LIFE and she is all I have had. I never want a single person from that group, the German man is extremely manipulative and beloved by this group--his absolute violence his pornographic display of hate and abuse towads me while my body is put into the highest sexual "desire" artificially possible, as he slaps abuses insults and he and his friends call me "bitch" while my body is put into almost agonizing sexual desire as he abuses rapes manipulates and now he has another brown minion lavishing love upon him for the promise of inclusivity that the creep probably fears in his dirty little black heart he will never obtain unless he performs every act of rape enabling for the whores of pigapewood that he probably claims he is fighting agaisnt in his movies--and indeed, he is. The movie I saw which was hacked onto my channel was about Los Angeles, it had no major stars in it, and I watched until he began to make some pretenses at acting and then clicked the movie off. I just wanted to watch the martial arts moves I was not interested in the actors or the drama. These types of movies are hacked onto my channel constantly since the Chinese element joined in, yelling about having lost their investments in the flailing Chinese market that is currently making news--and so I must "pay" for their greed and lack of foresight in their investment portfolio failures and whatever else. The Asian creep who joined in with the German sleazy creep who I am constantly telling no to endlessly for over 2 months continues. They sat together attacking me in a circle of thugs as this pig ape forced sexual abuse upon me, then I fought him screaming in hate, then they used the "trick" of forcing the zenith of agonizing sexual "desire" by brain manipulation technology, as I was again (all of this in deep sleep state teleported) while the Asian thug creep yelled "bitch" at me, which is the "ghetto" male response to the gyrating porn version of sexuality that they embrace and any female not going along is a "bitch" and of course, all under the supervision of the filth slated to "win" at the Oscars, fir the 15th year in a row, taking turns all interconnected to the Gotti Mafia, the Obama/Clinton/Harris/Biden/Trump monopoly of criminal fascist programming and organization. This may seem rambling, but it's nearly impossible to pound words out while they are being rewritten and having to backspace and my brain under attack, bypassing short-term memory for the subliminal curses that are being pumped into my brain as I fight to think and type. //I saw that Pamela Anderson is being mentioned as having made a movie that is considered a performance worthy of note. I can't say that Anderson is not involved in this, but she has not personally participated in attacking me in teleportatoin but probably has been an observer sitting in one of those filthy rows of chairs, and my eyesight is also manipulated in teleportatoin so I can't see exactly into the depth-of-field for who is watching gaping like a goon at me while I am screaming ideas for them to steal and raging about how much they are disgusting filth.//But she has hacked for a very long time her photos onto my every social media, and it stopped a few months ago but the duration was for about 6 months or longer, absolutely frequently. That was probably before she obtained the contract to make this film which is being touted by IndiWire today. Considering how talentless the trash filth are who attack me and how much money is used for the exceptional props, sets, design, costume, and especially the advertising and hype and faux mention of grandiosity that the 4th Reich media pours upon every filth stupid bucket participating in the most deadly of attack upon me, for years and years as the creeps who are perpetually being handed top awards at every Oscars ever since they latched onto me for the past 15 years--non-stop one of them after the next artificially inseminated into the oval office egg of the promotional scheme with presidents fully coordinating the rigged awards contests, and vice-versa.//So Baryishnikov, if you truly care about my health, return La Moux to me. I can't stand any person from that group they are life-fucking-sucking vampire death-dealing scum with Nazi aspirations working with the equally fascist and bigoted Mafia cartel--and you all are disgusting leeches on my life force and I want my cat La Moux returned after years and years of shit filth being awarded and warded and being put into the Oval Office (Trump) and every single f-ing candidate attacking me (candidates for president have been pouring into the attack sphere to assault me, their children also automatically obtain positions that they probably are not equipped for, in this congruent nepotism contract for the spawn of the pig apes).

I will find out when I die and traverse that great Black Lake of Chiron---or was that Styx? Yes, the river boat over the black sea, river, to that forlorn shore. Or that bright YouTube podcast paradise that so many are touting. This is connected to the mind control due to one actor having blasted me for not "believing" that wonderful paradise awaits people who go to the other side. Despite "research" to the contrary.

  One point I could not get into the yelling attack situation in teleportation with the two actors, one was physically assaulting me (constantly) and the other, yelled "You'r wrong!" when I said that his favorite end-time belief system I do not subscribe to.  One reason I could not get in the heat of the attack was that I had listened to a fantastic account of the mind control origin used by the Afghanistani "Assassins", a sect from around the First Crusade and even earlier where entire schools of mystical training in places like Cairo and the outlying regions in the Middle East were almost as elite, I think, as Beverly Hills A-list celebrity status, in those times. One way the Assassins originator, as the origins of "secret societies" it is claimed was derived by the Templars and the Crusaders in their travels in Jerusalem and the Middle East areas. The Assassins were, as their name denotes, the name preceded the title of killers, (also derived from t

"The Engineering of Consent/Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses" (Edward Bernays, the "father" of mind-screw advertising which is what really "rules" America, or controls how you perceive all carefully packaged as it's opposite more germane "decent" postulation://The reverse psychology 4th Reich fascist murder regime operating through the media and into Congress, worming it's way sinuously into the brains of "The American People" all ready to create chaos for some Civil War in order to force a fascist overtake of the country. Done through entertainment media/news and political posturing.//The mass-media 4th Reich Mafia Nazi cartel, very visible to me as I peruse how many are depicting ugly prostitutalina as the major feature for the movie she tortured me for over 15 years to obtain passion, energy and ideas from--this movie propped up by millions pouted into the production, as all the movies by the Nazi fascist murdering actors have been handed for the past 15 years, all slated for top media exposure, all automatically ---meaning rigged elections---slated for top Academy Awards. At least one of the governors of that board, a black "liberal" has violently assaulted me under order from the well-established "anti-semitic" Black "Minister" (from the Orwellian Ministry of Double-Speak mind programming). I fought back, she came when the German ape was violently raping me using sleazy and dehumanizing porn violence upon me while I was drugged into a stupor and also from the systematic terror attack on my finances--after decades of every attack upon me possible. //The Mafia under the Brooklyn mob, who have also gone to the Oscars and profited off every contract worth billions has rushed to endlessly support through their Mafia/Nazi networks each and every movie, and so EVERY NEWSPAPER is featuring ugly prostitutalina on the front f-ing page--the exception is Breitbart and I have not looked throughout the spectrum of repeat 4th Reich Mafia/Nazi rags substituting actual journalism. What is surprising, but I will never know, is that the faux "liberal" MSNBC anchors are not dedicating entire segments of their k-rap "news" Double-Speak fascist Mafia dialogues, that includes the "lesbian" fascist from San Francisco, the white supremacy advocate who uses double speak to write and lecture on how the Nazis almost took power in the United States, making her book as they all do, a template for how it could be done again--but offered in the usual Orwellian Double Speak, a seemingly "hip" analysis of how "bad" it was and how we must "fight" to prevent it the next time. Absolutely enthralled with the ugly lPrositutalina and KKK/Nazi and English Crown/French aristocracy Nazi push for the Nazification and criminality of the United States, why hasn't MSNBC, every anchor, every fired/canceled anchor gone into full Nazi mode dedicating their shows instead to the celebrities and this shit movie about the Nazi plot to make America an "aristocracy" colonized Europigapeland controlled minion vassal State of the 4th Reich and how "wonderful" the so-called "acting" of prostitutalina's fervent desire to outright behave as the ugly sick skank violent sleazy murder Nazi portal of every sleazy darkness possible introduced into American society? Why aren't they just making the news about the movies instead of politics, as it's the cheesy greasy actors who are actually creating the Nazi dynasties like the Trumps and the Obamas, in the hate plantation Nazified Mafia system that has fully taken control? I am not lauding Breitbart but they have not joined the cacophony of the 4th Reich gushing promotion of this dirty shit Nazi whore, probably because the audience of Breitbart does not need to be persuaded into Nazification of America any longer, while the "Liberal" plantation "undecided" vote needs to be cajoled by entertainers promotion fascist Nazis through the subliminal context of reverse social engineering of the "liberal" albeit Nazi and fascist indoctrination via entertainment media (which is MSNBC as they always make stupid jokes, refer to sports or rap songs to break the continuity of the message of concern, they are glib and their glassy eyes shine with mirth because they are mind fuck operators actually laughing at the audience behind their "liberal" pretenses.

* I have not re-read through this post, but I see that the few paragraphs below are far fewer than what I had originally written. This is undoubtedly rewritten, and whatsoever that I write is being culled for any concept this group of thugs and scum can steal to promote themselves as being concerned about "society" for "all". ------------ A relative of Sigmund Freud (I believe his nephew, but out of NYC not out of Austria) who was familiar with Sigmund but of a next generation, able to garner some of the more mind-controlling aspects of the subconscious needs and desires which will sway human behavior, is this book which I have not read, and need to read. The poisons and endless drugging of my body make my brain and body, plus non-stop hours per day of violent abuse in the teleportation by ugly prostitutalina bringing in literally HUNDREDS of actors and politicians (combined) to viciously hit, abuse and scream hysterically at me (hillary one of the most hysterical s