NEVER DOUBT the murderous military-industrial malicious (mis) use of technology despite the many twinkly "uses" that are hailed by glorious advertising in promos and "established" sources such as Bloomberg (below) of cheery announcers with happy joyful music as the background. //ALWAYS DISTRUST the cheery advertising for "new technology" that will bring aid and comfort to the lack-of-understanding human beings who long for arch-omnipotent potency.//Death-Murder "new" technology--computers communicating with animals through AI rapid learning databases, is being advertised as "cute, fluffy and furry" little animals being communicated with by Artificial Intelligence for that impossible human-animal interaction only for the sole purpose of "understanding" the cute little warm fuzzy "pets" and companions to aid humanoids in better understanding (of what, they do not answer that). Considering the utter LACK OF INTELLIGENCE which is the lowest common denominator of ALL the participants who have attacked me, from the gamut of the goon squad death groups handed drugs, poisons, chemically tweaked filth and muck to spray and douse my everything (home, body, property, etc every single thing on and around me) which is treated to chemically absorb into all fabric and remain at one level or another (it is murder for the lymphatic and endocrine and immune system on a long-term basis). But the other murder propensities of the "lower ranks" of the death squads combined with the upper levels of the death pyramid, which are the coordinating administrators of logistics and output and surveillance, most of whom are "well educated" but lack the intelligence to look beyond their lower animalistic urges for domination and status. Then there are the "upper" tier (and "tier" in German translates to "ANIMAL" , which means that the creators of this word understood the sheer animal force controlling levels and layers, in this context of society--animalistic throughout all).//They want to control, divide and conquer but they, too, are so immersed in their murder apparatus that they can't understand the rebound effect and even if they calculate something called a "risk assessment" they still don't follow-through as the money and animalistic instincts of instant gratification on a primordial, non-rational level, supersedes their animalistic grasping for power at all expense, in a vast expanse of greedy acquisition.//The "selling" of the latest mind screw manipulation to embrace what WILL be used to murder and exploit for nefarious purposes, in wartime zones such animals will be trained to carry explosive devices. The animals will be "loved" just as the Germans "love" Black folk who grasp onto the "Racism is only against YOU!" they point at me scoffing and sneering and joyfully joining into the vicious racist abuse skits to "prove" that the are part of the "elite". How beloved they are as "pets' to the fascist death mongering 4th Reich! Indeed!//Thusly, the cutesy music and the upbeat English narrator belie the death built-into this system for which the inevitable will be the end result.

 "Could AI Unlock the Secrets of Animal Communication?" Bloomberg Originals. September 4, 2024.

As I look into the trailer credits, I see that Polanski is not mentioned as the director. Polanski had been working on this film when the Mansion group attacked his domicile and the rest is history. Polanski had to stop  his endeavor and the directing was handed to someone else. I have no idea how far into the film he had gotten. But the now untouchable theme of military-industrial exploitation of animals (dolphins in this case) with little "info" vignettes embedded into the film through dialogue that dolphins have brains roughly the same "size" as humans and the level of human-dolphin communication is 'Under research" by the "experts" who you can trust (?). The audience, unlike what appears to be a significantly much more docile and accepting (brainwashed) public, but back in the "radical" 70's an audience member (a woman with "dark" hair but still "white") asked angrily, "what about military application" and is retorted with "I know nothing about military application" in a shrug with sweat beads on his brow (George C. Scott). Now, I think the compliance brainwashing technology on human beings has created a blanket, "awe, how cute" instant response. Any critical questioning is regarded as being "too woke" or something like "radical liberal" in nature unless it deals with the power of the 4th Reich white supremacy league (personal opinion). 

"1973 The Day of the Dolphin Official Trailer 1 Embassy Pictures". Klokline Cinema. September 30, 2019.

I hate to advertise this person as he has fully joined into attacking me although I had complimented his artwork, which is great but of a dark hue, changed from the Socialist narrative to an almost quirky capitalist review but in the scheme of teleportation self-preservation of his work is the main item on the menu, being me. The animals rush to devour me after I make any post, under severe drugging, complimenting them or just clicking on their photos or movies. In particular, when I 'like' their movies, they still rape abuse slap and then mutilate my body when I don't "like" being drugged raped slapped put on my knees made a spectacle after years of physical torture and abuse the "outlet' they provide me is sexual abuse and violence. 

Not animals but "celebrities" espousing every charitable notion possible that the United Nations is selling for "Humanity"; backed by the Imperialistic genocidal English and German societies and French International Monetary Policies, all dedicated to brining peace on Earth with the same quirky happy English voice telling you that fluffy furry animals are the same as the wonderfully humane politicians and celebrities, formerly known as "feminist" icons for their orchestrated "roles" in movies glamorized sexuality displayed with plastic surgery repetition for years and years. Their programming as liars and deceivers is never mentioned by any critic anywhere. The performing politicians align with them all. Happy fluffy furry displays of cute puppies and kittens are bandied about in various politically-correct spewed-out fodder for the "animals" of the tiers to feed off. 


All technology of this sophistication will be used, I don't surmise I don't make a guess, it is 100% probable and is already in manifestation as there are weapons websites noting how insects and flying animals and cam recorders disguised as various cockroaches and rodents and actual rodents and insects which can carry anything from cameras as spy gear, all trained by mechanical brain-tech interface to animals fluffy and furry containing deadly biotoxins to infest the "owners" or integrate with feral populations in order to contaminate an entire area. And etc.

Roman Polanski made a film, or was in the near end stage of a film which I watched with dismay when it came out, not aware of who he was, only that he was an "important" directed and I had watched Rosemary's Baby (this was at around when I was 7 years old, I think it had shown on tv I watched in on the tube in my basement on prime time tv). But, DAY OF THE DOLFIN is exactly covering this same theme. It was so depressing to me that this cute and fun and loving, trusting animal was used to bomb some yacht on a political mission. It was lovingly trained, and happily danced on water for the feeders and controllers. In the end, it was a pawn sacrificed without remorse, or not much I don't recall how the movie really ended I only was so dismayed it shocked my entire body system that a cute animal could be used so cruelly. I never thought the same would be done to human beings. 


20 minutes later: after the WiFi was blocked while the router showed that all signals were operating, and I had walked away from the laptop to spray cleaning fluid in the stinking zone of terror attack behind my toilet, sprayed last night while I was teleported to the filthy sick dirty German scumbag ape rape creep who I told NO to screaming from the first day to the current one--now how many infernal weeks of this grasping "me first" German pig ape scum Mama's boy who is being bolstered by United Nations/KKK Nazi/Mafia and the English Crown forces backing ugly sick prostitutalina with pig shit pitt sitting next to her constantly working as a team. Behind dirty ugly prostitutalina is her daddy the Nazi KKK agent who is still being featured by "conservatives" fully supporting every agenda aligned with what Democrats are calling the "dictatorial emerging state" (they don't even put it in those terms, they use blank easy to comprehend statements about "Trump is a dictator" but never mention the actors of other forces which have created this movement. The daddy of stupid trashalina is one of the biggest forces which has put Trump into power through this infernal teleportation death technology they never will relinquish and the United Nations is now in a summit highlighting in the back room schmoozing post-orgy parties how wonderful this tech is, how they can have stupid shit and filth like prostitutalina so stupidly fascist and racist and rape enabling rotten, become the "symbol" of anti fascist all "activist" behavior while fully IMPLEMENTING IN REAL LIFE TIME a total dictatorial techno-terror murder apparatus.

The German sick filth asked me under the endless drugging of my body in this torture room which no one will get me out of, they block my internet and all my financial earnings and if possible steal and rob all my money and resources constantly and destroy all I manage to buy and poison my food on a continuous basis (meaning constantly non-stop poisoning and drugging also murder).

The German pig ape asked me for the 60th time in 2 months (or more, it's every single day he asks this) if I "like" him or "love' him and I scream no as he punches me in the face. I fight back screaming pig and I try to kill him. He's a huge piece of muscle-bound pig ape meat trained in wrestling and violence and being bolstered by ugly stupid shitalina in the continuation of what his dirty nasty mommy told him with his daddy's endless prostitute experience of using women--glorifying in Nazi blonde women and abusing and destroying the rest if possible (as a generalized statement, a few exceptions and you will find the occasional interracial marriage of a German male with a black women, even out of Africa I saw one single time in the 6 years I lived in Germany but of course, that is not the general population nor have I seen the gamut of these types of relationships in Stuttgart even, only from personal observation. In short, it is not a common sight. White women with American black soldiers, now that was much more often as the ratio of males to females in the barracks is proportionate to the white German male to black female I had observed.

Not going into statistics, but the denigration, humiliation abuse sexual violence has been thoroughly embedded into the little pig brain of the little German boy who is now a violent scumbag with pornographic hate aimed at me. It is practiced and he has been programmed and trained in porn all his dirty filthy pig shit life. Shitalina, who is probably now at the United Nations summit, has understood these mechanisms as she has grown up with displaying white supremacy and female vicious competition to not be a sex slave abused but to force that upon others if possible. Thusly the torture contract out on me is also like a "dream come true" for rottten shitalina who has a coterie of adopted little brown and black minions who appear like limp biscuits surrounding her with lavish adoration like they cling to her. I have seen this same power dynamic in Phuket with huge billboards of a white blonde male and a Thai female--both ostensibly in their 20's, sitting in white cotton flowing clothing, by a sparkling poolside. The white male (europigapeland in appearance even from the back, they look very similar the hair styles and body share in this Europigapeland district of Phuket is unmistakable). the Thai woman is leaning like a sick puppy on his side, slouched over in a sheer look of exhausted gratitude while he is erect and postured up in determined strength. It was a huge billboard advertising a newly build box-structure "glamor luxury" condo that has, like so many, cut into the ecosystem of this region. The Thai wooden houses are no longer in this area and are deemed unfashionably "old school" but also steel and concrete do not necessitate as much upkeep against termites and other problems with wood rot, etc (I suppose) but steal and concrete is the new "luxury" and white males with little brown girly girls or women servicing them as partners or "wives" is the standard. Please note that investing in Thai property requires, or the last I heard, a more than 50% stake by a Thai investor.**** Do the math, need I explain this?


But the same power master-slave dynamic appears with every photo of dirty shitalina and  her brown and black minions adoptees. Compounding this, is her absolutely loving ingratiating loving embraces of every Europigapeland vicious stupid pig especially from Germany who violently rapes and sexually abuses me while I am unconsciously drugged in deep sleep teleportation or a drugged sleeping nascent waking state--so drugged with the continuous drugging so I am in a daze and incapable of resistance and so ill I can't fight the human need for any kind of positive stimulation under all this torture, pain of poisons ripping out of my body constantly as ugly shitalina has kept me poisoned and laughed about it. The Italian shit pig, good friends with dirty Stallone, had told me that he wanted me so drugged and poisoned that he wanted me in a coma to be teleported in that comatose state, hospitalized, so he could rape and slowly kill me in that manner and then the scientists could make their dirty Nazi observations about how this could be possible.

Dirty ugly shitalina the prostitute has made sure that I am so belittled so abused so poisoned so mutilated and under so much deadly threat constantly as I click on movies in a drugged state, the Germanic sick pig apes rush to torture me. This German rotten dirty creep I was hitting and trying to kill but it's like a matchstick muscle layer on my emaciated arms and body racked with hard poisons along the entire spine dealing with a pig-fed scumbag muscle-bound violent creep fed on genocidal Nazi programming his entire pig ape life by his filthy parents in Nazi Germany (only now showing it's real propensity which had been completely disguised).

So, the "reality check" of this new addition is that I wrote, unpolitically uncorrect---was that "blacks are the pets" of Germans. This was written in a state of rage but sublimated while I was writing above about the animal AI Communication "wonderful" "New" advancement in the dearth of darth vader politics of experimentation and computer-interface technology (AI just being one of the asides of this).

I was distraught but I can't list by now HOW MANY BLACK f-ers beginning with Orpah (only in the context of this teleportation) have come to viciously violently assault me after torturing me to obtain ideas for one-two years and then ambling off with awards, prizes and being featured non-stop (the rappers from Death Row Records, being prime examples of dirty thuglife hate and racism reversals and adhering to white supremacy absolutely)

and it goes on and on. Because I was accosted for the past two days by TWO NEW Black additions smug and "entitled" I wrote of Blacks but it's really ALL of the minority minions who are "pets" of the German scum shit Nazi 4th Reich. When I lived in Germany, as I was on the waning side of believing the false pretenses of warmth and overtures of friendliness, in particular once Clinton withdrew a significant number of American troops from the Barracks and Nazism raised up almost instantly. Swastikas appeared spray-painted almost under every subway entrance in black on the walls of major underpass walkways and bridges. People began to shift and become more openly nasty (I mean German pig apes). The attacks on Black soldiers remaining were more visible (but only vocally as the pretense that Germans are Not racist" was still in the curve cycle but on a downward trajectory from the post WWII occupation theater that the Germans portrayed. 

I had told people that I felt like a "pet" being used by Germans as their waning falsities were turning into sour nastiness and I was, the last week of my stay back in 1995, followed by skinheads when I walked down the street.

When I see the glowy-eyed dewy "love" Blacks, in particular Americans have, the males mostly, for Germans and I know for sure that white blondish German women are offered as "honey pot" venus flytraps for the black men to venture into--and talk about a whoring society they truly are pornographic and dirty to the core (a huge generalization, based on my 5-6 years of experience living and speaking in Germany around only Germans for most of the time (never living near Americans, in fact the entire time).

But they wanted me to be a kind of "symbol" that "they" are not racist and are not Nazi any longer. They do plan on discarding any puppets and pawns, by the way, as I noticed the longer I stayed in that despicable country--the German sick pig ape fuck is now really  pounding it into my head what a shithole place it truly is, in terms of racist Nazism and genocidal power grabbing ape piggery. Personal opinion, of course. The rest of you can be tricked and beguiled by the practiced art of deception they crank out constantly, especially to Americans. These dirty "I'm of German heritage" dumb shit like ugly sick  prostitutalina who identifies herself as being "part German" is only a grabby whore who needs to get more and more by latching onto any deception and lie. That she is "really German" alleviates any moral discretion as now the tactics of Nazism are so "part of her heritage" that partnering with an ENEMY OF THE COUNTRY is never considered in her absolutely stupid and blank "mind" or lack thereof. The same applies to the pig ape politicians like John Kennedy who is so immersed and saturated in white supremacy and racist hate and in the pawn-overtake of the "Good" minority minions and this type of program is probably not even originally created by the Germans and even perhaps by Americans themselves, as much of the initial German racial theories of Eugenics, for example, were derived from the writings of Americans such as Henry Ford. But perhaps Ford was only taking direction from Europigapes in publishing these hate tomes and magazines following instruction so the Germans could push these ideas through by claiming they did not create them in the first place That is the type of duplicity they operate upon.

That is to say, it' s not just blacks who are animals being used by the pig ape Nazis (French are very influential in using Americans but are truly enemies of America) but the list is long of enemies who are embraced by the short-sighted greed of American "leaders' or lack thereof. They are the puppets and pawns being used.

Brainwashing and mind control is being intricately pushed upon the entrenched celebrities because they have achieved almost perfect mind control stasis and the 4th Reich can't afford to constantly program the white trash animals they installed into celebrity and political power. That is the same thing as AI animal-human communication, but just on a slightly different programming level.

The whites being programmed and used like stupid prostitutalina and pig ape shit only need money flung in front of their pig snouts to motivate them to usher in every dictatorial hate-mongering bigot, black and white, into power (Jewish asian et al). But the programming has been installed and dirty shitalina has been "traumatized" and pig ape pitt has interviewed on this topic that he had to "tame" her down from her self-inflicted harm and S&M and drug addiction and etc. This is in the public record, by the way. Now that dirty ugly sick addict is pushing her filth and violence traumatization onto me constantly. Using the excuse that she is "of German heritage" she and the Nazi pig ape scumbag creep are just like best buds at this point of mutual greed and lust for power and sexual violence and torture and in instant promotions.

But it's the same thing as programming an animal. But the blacks are a huge disproportionate demographic which has constantly, literally all my life, attacked me for the sake of white Nazi supremacy approval. It is the same thing as training a pet to attack someone else. 

The application contained in the clip above only to me portends more death technology put in the hands of extremely greedy and sick stupid people put into power who will use it for only the worst most disgusting power-grabbing and murder purposes. It will be sold off as a wonderful pet and animal enhancement to the public. This type of advertising is the same as the black and white songs with celebrities like Paul McCartney who is one of the worst Hippie fakes possible in that regard (his real motto after his mind control conversion by the CIA or FBI or whatever M5 was "live and let die" and that is  his true motto. Animalistic and only the strong survive--which is the main motto of the Nazis).


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Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. 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O.J. did identify with Black activism when he played a role about violent resistance being preferable to peaceful demonstration to KKK activity. Richard Burton as the lead star of the film. He made activist statements (O.J. I am referring to) and "fought the Man" in the film as a rep for Black Rights. The film was made in the 70's. O.J. was married at that time to a Black woman (contentedly, as she claimed there was little friction in the marriage even thought they divorced). This clip from the movie shows O.J. playing a violent extremist/terrorist for Black activism rather than quiet and peaceful protests and lectures. The advocacy of violence as a weapon against racism preferable to any equal justice movement where debate is futile and the system is forever rigged. That is the gist of the clip and the movie is about racism. Like so many, O.J. got brainwashed into trying to live the wealthy elite lifestyle of Brentwood and LA but the violence was sublimated nevertheless and it came out eventually due to the falsity of the stress of appearing like he enjoyed playing the inter-racial good guy role.