Snow White 2025 is shriveling the gonads of the 4th Reich syndicated control system critical review system. I KNOW that there are entire streams of terrorist minions who go out and support or attack various people, events and then they are told to support or castigate various venues, movies and people chosen or "cancelled". //Although I KNOW there is a centralized command structure, it appears that there are divisions from within that probably are created to give the inauthentic perspective of a multi-cultural diversity. //The numbers of "hate" thumbs down for the trailer, in my perspective from all my life of seeing how these terrorist networks operate and the hateful comments and the DEATH THREATS aimed at Rachel Zegler for espousing what would be "feminist" analysis--of t hat film. The HATE the sheer hate from the 4th Reich critics is astounding. It is therefore too much of a threat, I surmise, to their hateful system and that two Jewish women are portrayed as being the most "beautiful" in a Germanic Fairy Tale world as an upside down oreo presentation to the general plantation system is too shocking as well. The Jewish Snow White, as Dun as Shakespeare's lover in one of his sonnets--==also is a bit akin to the old school 70's jewish feminist activists who claimed that finding a career and not being stuck in solitary confinement to domestic suppression is far superior a goal for women to attain. The endless filming of blondish Nazi skanks with dyed hair or dark make-up and hair coverings to play the "dark" woman, has always been accepted no matter how CGI the weird characters are and how films depict castration complexes in the Nazi women. All acceptable when blonde skank performer plays that role. Absolute death threats to Rachel Zegler for her commentary about how she didn't like the sexist older version (the Prince was a stalker, she claimed, and for this she received death threats from the 4th Reich, which is what the pig apes form Whorewood yell at me if I, under truth serum mind control effect, offer any alternative perspective and criticism, which I usually do). //I plan on watching this movie, as a matter of fact perhaps just for the sake of seeing exactly how empowering it is for the Jewish lead women actors and how the white pig ape culture is shriveling up in terror. The racist aspect of the HATE-driven critiques of this film are omitted absolutely. The "anti-woke' culture has cancelled any critical analysis along race and hate lines so that the lead is not "white as white supremacy" was acceptable when spoken out loud by the "Jewish" Ben Shapiro--supporting of all white supremacy possible, including fervently supporting the outrigtt genocidal bigots from Whorwood who have helped him to promote his white supremacy version of Snow White, according to the comfort food display that the "good" American people who fully partake with great violence and utter murderous hate the acts of sabotage of my life, for the same reasons they are sending out death threats to the lead star, Rachel Zegler. That she is outspoken against the prevailing norm and the white Nazi 4th Reich norms of the very racist Walt Disney and his productions is too startling in reality for the "good" American people. //Did anyone know, as I have heard told from a reliable source, that Walt Disney REFUSED TO HIRE BLACK PEOPLE at his Disneyland theme park in Annaheim, way back in the good old days when segregation was an unspoken reality whether legally not allowed or not. //Three times the entire page froze in the midst of writing this and it actually was more like 6 times, but I just can't count any longer the endless freezing while I am typing these ideas. It's too hard to get them out clearly. //Yes, the 4th Reich is giving the signal to all it's death squad bigots, which includes so many "brown and black" minions to "hate" this movie, avoid it, make no mention of it. It is being so tainted with mostly males and many black women saying it's just an ugly woman ("brown" Latino, not "beautiful" not a blonde white supremacist with dyed black hair, they mean--so brainwashed they are into white supremacy iconography--I get this every day in Whorewood which is the bastion of white supremacy programming and duplicity. This is extended to the politicians--make no doubt about it. The DNC was one of the worst presentations of lying fake BS. It was cheered on. Everyone heard what fantasy projection they wanted to hear from the most disgusting example of lying rot that Obama is, with his endless "positive" messages long-trained in speeches because in private he's a sleazy dirty SOB full of conceit and longing to belong to the white supremacy "elite" club. That movie is never shown, and his fantasy projections along with Hillary and Krapola are just met with standing ovations. But a true original theme is met with HATE from the 4th Reich. I also do not like Greta Gerwig, and I had used the sentences containing "deconstruction of the patriarchy" just at the time that she stole my idea about the feminist Barbie plot. I would have made a different movie if I were not drugged into a stupor and paralysis and my keyboard and computer not incessantly hacked to a frozen nothing---the movie I would have written probably would have received death threats too--so I must watch this Disney movie--and also not for Gal Gadot as she has been part of the internet stalking triggering upon me, but just to see this topsy-turvy film that is so threatened the males making their hate commentary are just sounding shrill at this point in their mockery they sound pretty near castrated. //I suggest that the German expletive constantly abusing and raping me is likewise looking for ideas for his throng of Germanic fellow haters to steal from me, as this has been a trend for over 15 years from this group. They are so mainstream Nazi mentality and so conformist, I think that is also part of his entire "thing" of endlessly attacking me, plus the fact that he appears to be desperately clutching onto being close to the pig ape cartel of Whorewood for obvious reasons. Even with the "woke" movies that the 4th Reich Nazis hate in America and around the world, America has proven repeatedly throughout the years since the Nazis fell that they fell and can't get back up again to claim they are "supeior" and it's obvious they are not. Yet, I think he's trying to get ideas from me as I scream my "woke" ideas about how sick and sleazy and Nazi and how the Obamas and the Asians are just drooling over servicing and serving the Germanic Nazi bigot with slavish smiles and absolute obsequious devotion and viciously attacking me f or approval. Very deadly and sick. The immigrants are also brainwashed into colonialist and Nazi subservient mentality and they are not going to "vote Democrat" they are going to be really stupid and violent minions performing the murder acts upon the targets when the 4th Reich doesn't have to conceal their genocidal aspirations with Europigapes rushing to take over the United States as the "silent partners" with their death squads of brown and black minions. Obama is absolutely one of those, coming from a colonized background from his Kenyan father, not far from the Imperium of the Roman Empire and the Europigape cartels and Nazi and fascist groups and the wars and the slave trade. No, the whole thing is so odious. But at least I can have a little laugh with the Snow White 2025 as I hope it will actually make some of the pig apes lose their penises out of sheer terror who "hate" this move but they cannot state any concrete reasons in all the 4th Reich commentaries, --they cite so many extraneous reasons but not the kernel of the reality and truth--it's turns racism upside down, it turns white male and female supremacy upside down, and they can't stand it. They want to kill the outspoken advocate, the lead Jewish actor Zegler. These are the genocidal 4th Reich bigots who will help to storm the Capitol if Trump loses in November.
**its taken me over one hour to type the above. The page froze completely in mid-sentence at least 6 times throughout. I had to get up and pace and wait to finish typing. The page froze for a few seconds at least 25 times other than the times the entire computer froze.
Backspacing, not able to type, etc
could not get my ideas out straight. It's all probably redacted by hackers after publishing (I edit while I type, everything is mostly perfect except for omitting commas sometimes as the pounding down of every key makes putting in commas so difficult--I press a comma and one of the keys next to it appears and some function pops up if I get to that area of the keyboard with my fingers pounding and pounding.
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