I will find out when I die and traverse that great Black Lake of Chiron---or was that Styx? Yes, the river boat over the black sea, river, to that forlorn shore. Or that bright YouTube podcast paradise that so many are touting. This is connected to the mind control due to one actor having blasted me for not "believing" that wonderful paradise awaits people who go to the other side. Despite "research" to the contrary.

 One point I could not get into the yelling attack situation in teleportation with the two actors, one was physically assaulting me (constantly) and the other, yelled "You'r wrong!" when I said that his favorite end-time belief system I do not subscribe to. 

One reason I could not get in the heat of the attack was that I had listened to a fantastic account of the mind control origin used by the Afghanistani "Assassins", a sect from around the First Crusade and even earlier where entire schools of mystical training in places like Cairo and the outlying regions in the Middle East were almost as elite, I think, as Beverly Hills A-list celebrity status, in those times.

One way the Assassins originator, as the origins of "secret societies" it is claimed was derived by the Templars and the Crusaders in their travels in Jerusalem and the Middle East areas. The Assassins were, as their name denotes, the name preceded the title of killers, (also derived from the word "Hashish" as I believe much drugging was used in the mind control operations of inducting devotees willing to happily sacrifice their lives for the cause of the leader. Drugs, apparently, was one of the most potent forms of mind control and Hash was the compound used in large quantity for the purpose, alcohol and other drugs also --including sexual titillation and suggestion if one obeys in the afterlife one indulges in virgins and everything wonderful never offered in the harsh struggles of the plain soldier for the sake of an elite oligharch or Totalitarian despotic murder regime, using assassination as the primary means of "coercion".

The methodology used by the leader, who had built a palace in a place called "Shangri-la" I believe it had been called, an impassable palace constructed right in the middle of two mountain ranges, impassable except by going directly through the castle.

To make it a bit shorter, the ignorant and uneducated "peasants" looking for the "good life" were sent to be inducted by promises of wine, luxury and beautiful surroundings if they obeyed implicitly every command, dictatorial style.

The leader, I should look up his name but I am stuck with an internet going out constantly and fighting to pound letters out--but, he had created an "after-life" fantasy mythology by constructing a most elaborate and deadly ruse upon the unschooled sheep herding farm boys surrounding the palace grounds, in the fields and cottages and whatever they lived in, far below. 

The fantasy was that if a person sacrificed his life for the sake of the leader, then that person would ascend to a paradise of luxury beyond his comprehension. IN order to achieve this fantasy like a H-wood CGI movie script, but in the time span of probably 2,000 years ago or more, the leader had his obedient servants dig a hole in the floor of the palace dining area where shows and presentations were made, especially designed for the mind control operations to induce the boys to join in the ranks of the "elite" forces, willing to die for the sake of going to paradise. This mind control has worked so well that it is still a motivating factor and "martyrs" are promised quite a lot of pure virgins in the afterlife if they die fighting or commit suicide in battle for the sake of the leader.

They had other boys, told that they were going to play a big joke on the other boys, unsuspecting and hopeful of being welcomed into the wealthy palace and it's lifestyle

the duplicity boys would stand on a lower level and have this "hole" in the ground, with a silver plate and flowers surrounding his head, so his head was at floor level, appearing to be severed. The head would talk about the after-life, in detail about the women the wine the food the satin the silk the leisure and the joy and welcome that the afterlife brought to those who died in the service of their cherished leader. 

The astonished "other" boys, targeted for induction into the cult/sect, would stare astonished at the seemingly "severed" heads at floor level, blood strewn around their heads and flowers covering up the hole and the secure structure keeping the boy's head at some crooked angle but he was just alive, standing on a ledge, playing a "role" in a production. It was "psy-ops" and it was performed on people who basically only knew the lives of sheep and farming and or nothing else.

The leader, then, after the boys were enthused about the afterlife which the duplicity boys had offered as part of a "ruse" or "sales pitch" actually then were killed, their actually severed heads put on plates once more but this time the actual severed joint was visible. The boys who had also been severely drugged up, believed that these had been actual deceased people coming "back" to bring news of joy and delight in the afterlife, and the sect of suicidal Shiite Muslims remains as deadly and suicidal as before, so some say (I am not up on the region, but so far, no one has fully been able to conquer Afghanistan despite efforts by the Russians and the Americans for something up to 30 or 40 years of "fighting" and never winning.


That is not the only reason I do not find the accounts of NDE's very plausible despite the officious support of researches and people who swear that this has been their experience.

However, my rationale for having skepticism I will only confine to the old story of the cult of the Assassins, which includes mind control, drugging and the fantasy that if one sacrifices one's life for the good of the wealthy and the elite, a wonderful life of never-ending joy awaits one in the afterlife.

How successful that ploy has been for millennia as State-sponsored mind control upon the population to "keep it in line".


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