"The Coming Storm (Troopers of the 4th Reich)": That is, as Churchill-o-philes are aware, his phrase, or at least a movie with the same title was made regarding that cantankerous albeit much-beloved 'f-u' style leadership, who had foreseen the obvious rise of the 3rd Reich to the resounding silence of the English bigot network, fully "in bed" with fascism and Nazism, as they fully are now and I must bear the brunt of it's fury to obliterate any resistance to it in the form of moi.//While most foul and noxious Roger Waters was violently accosting me yesterday, with the usual prostitutalina the United Nations whore representative of the 4th Reich, to the resounding applause of the Nazi/Mafia-controlled U.S. Congress (in full), the dirty old man began hitting abusing and yelling at me with the |German pig ape rapist sitting in the rows of chairs with his group of fellow filthy pig ape rape apes instructing him on yelling abuse violence and mind control tactics.//After I once more was sitting with this rotten dirty filth creep Waters, who like almost ALL of the "famous personalities" who assault me who have a political stance do, he spoke with PIERS MORGAN a seemingly "balanced and calm" responder of every contrite view and opinion rendered as "diverse discussion" (my phrase) to appear that there is "balanced" journalism in that pernicious form of verbal exchange in the form of "newsworthy talk show" entertainment/entrainment. //So many of the vicious dirty and sleazy people who hit and yell at me in the most violent and fascist versions of imitating brutal 4th Reich modes of intimidation and torture inquisition and colonialization, such as the "I'm black but not a victim" Candice Owens, who just bypassed any discussion and instantly "suckier punched" me from an oblique angle the first moment possible. Her ousting from Daily Wire was as a result of her violence aimed at me so she could have her own show. The rest of the excuse for 'kicking her out" is just window dressing. These lying filth buckets are looking to host their own shows, and are praised by the English-controlled 4th Reich for their brutal repetition of the 4th Reich standards and protocols of the Elders of Fascism and Despotic Tyranny, who created the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and then blamed the Jews as in Rothschilds et al---who now are in bed with the most nasty fascist Nazis of America and without such as dirty lying bigot-image Paris Hilton (years of her inclusion in this contract out on me, her sister married with a Rothschild, a family which it has been said helped to encourage or even finance the Holocaust so that they could control the State of Israel, which is now controlled by the English Crown and the fascist Nazi cartels all over the world; disguised as "Evangelical devout Christians" or their corollary throughout the world.//While filthy sick Roger Waters was slapping yelling and abusing me as dirty stupid as hell Prostitutalina and shit pig pitt sat in the front watching smiling, I got also an audience of the two lead members of the dino team the Rolling Stones. Now elder and aged and craggy, they fully epitomize the types of old dirty Europigape man and their nasty dirty sons who proliferate in "Third World" Nazi paradise zones such as Thailand to get their "free" (in relative terms) slave sucking and cleaning brown girls which they hang onto (as investment partners due to Thai law) and for succor from the dreary drudge of Western women who are probably much more open about wanting their $$ lucre instead of actually finding rotten money-obsessed old men like this sexy or interesting. NO, the brown minorities are much more desperate and latch onto such types with loving adoration. They have now fully discarded the pretense of shunning the dino mentality which the 60's had created--and because they have all stolen the musical styles which, for the most part, are no longer experimental but just copy, they only can play for their endlessly cheering mesmerized crowds who shift from the pop music genre to the dino league of established dino replicators of the alternative movements which they helped to co-opt. So they only play like the old men who have lounges and little Tiki-bars playing their old riffs and songs with credible skill but they are just stiff old men who fully epitomize all that they claimed the represented as the antithesis to back in the 60's and 70's. //Not that I care, but, they are accosting me and physically violent and verbally abusive to the point of interrogation terror tactics, and all done while I am sleeping teleported sick from endlessly non-stop for 15 years and longer shitting out the poison they happily ordered put in my body and food and sprayed as toxic poison on my clothing and furniture--every single day every day for decades--it continues now.//The storm outside is the result of a planet of unbearable life-destroying greed and the need to devour parasitically everything possible so the bigots can suck and drain the planet as quickly and possibly thoroughly of all nature all resources for the continuation of the Nazi plantation society. //The storm has been ongoing for the past 5 days, with wind gusts that have blown a heavy metal multi-gallon pot on the potted plant underneath the washing machine where I keep this one cooking apparatus I have (which has been made scratched, rusted by the filth apes who operate for the pig apes such as these dirty foul multi-billionaires who can't get enough of "more and more and more and more and more". The storm system attacked China so badly that Shanghai is in "ruins" as the reports state, and the extension of the storm system has reached I don't know how many hundreds of miles away in what is the 5th day of non-stop downpouring with rain covering my patio (this is facing an 80-degree hillside incline so rain has NEVER poured for this long in this area and up to inside my room because it is shielded from the brunt of the wind and rain on the side of the building facing the open space on the other side)./ The hacking is now making this so tenuous to get out in any fashion. Obviously hackers will be omitting deleting and rewriting this post after I publish (or before I publish).//the storm is approaching but it's not going to be a wonderful oasis of Nazi wealth and splendor for those who participate. The supply chains and farming lands will be deluged and destroyed. They live on hilltops and mountain ranges as they are probably buying up property to save themselves from the impending storm their greed, avarice and sheer piggary stupidity has helped to manifest. That is the coming storm. The Nazis with Mafia organized crime (partnered with EVERY member of Congress to one extent or another).

 The hammering and pounding continues for the 4th month in a row in a room just below mine. This will continue until the deluge of white trash rash of pig apes resumes utter hate and torture and mutilation and filth attacks upon my body and home with the full gleeful participation of the dirty brown and black scumbag filthy minions who are mental slaves to the 4th Reich, and literal ones as well. The white trash are also slaves to it as well but they can't recognize it because they all get everything handed to them for almost free and they can't complain but don't analyze anything. These are the rotten filthy Europigape trash who are working with absolutely blank and stupid sick Prostitutalina who has been stealing ideas from me for over 15 years because they always just get everything that is stolen handed to them by the equally sick and stupid politicians who get millions and hundreds of millions for their efforts to suck out drain and emulate fascist Nazism. You can count Hillary and the Obamas and then Oprah and now K-ala into that list.

The storm is here. Things are being destroyed. But the machine for consumption continues. Phuket is planning to construct a new convention center on the last pristine bit of land near the airport which is lovely and peaceful. They also want to build an entire system of a sport dome and convention center. They plan on encouraging more millions of tourists in billions of dollars worth of income for the greedy slaves of Phuket and Thailand. 

Yet, another bridge just collapsed due to the rain in Rawai a few days ago. Two weeks ago or last week, 19 people were killed (mostly the extremely impoverished and slave-labor paid Rohinga from Myanmar who live in and lie in mud and flimsy tin and tree limb open-air "housing" while they are crammed to every single space possible in tiny little city buses (no windows so you see people slammed so tightly together that they can't move in a little open-air bus while they are being transported to their temporary mud and stick homes where they can make their ramen noodles and perhaps they can afford some meat and go to the market and buy some very cheap items and then work for 6 days a week and 10-12 hours a day, then working at night as well selling whatever possible for many of them just to try to get a bit more)

So, they are ignored completely. There are zero human rights groups working to defend them. There had been one American who made public displays of concern about the Northern Tribes of Thailand who are discriminated against because of their native ways and dress, not becoming "modernized and the women as sexy as possible as white as possible is a death knell for them in Thai terms". The Thais claim that the Myanmar and the Rohingya, who work in the sun as the slave labor, are so "brown and dark" while the Thais are so "white and pure" as they used to flaunt Swastikas in public displays until the international media performed investigations and provided photos of Thais wearing Swastikas and playing Hitler music and there are many Hitler themes in Thailand (now underground).


But in AMERIKKKA, there is no such display in the media the personalities I am forced to encounter are as sleazy and stupid as the rotten Thai prostitutes who eagerly assault me for approval from the Nazi 4th Reich. Stupid ugly prostitutalina is never designated as being a cheasy and greasy sick prostituted scum because she has had so much plastic surgery to modify her eyes face and body to appear as a Nazi iconographic personality with endless coaching to appear as Europigape as possible. Millions and millions of dollars have already been poured into that sick and filthy skank and MY IDEAS have bolstered her stupid skank image so she appears to hany any intelligence outside of avoiding taxes and how to lie and manipulate sleazy dirty stupid men and women who are completely brainwashed. Pitt the shit pig is akin and they sit together watching as piece of sleazy greasy shit filth rape beat and attack me. Dirty stupid ugly prostitutalina then goes off to the United Nations also stealing ideas about women's rights and the fight against rape culture and abuse towards women which she has sat listening to as I screamed all this information and all these concepts out and wrote about it for over 15 years. To the full participation of every single leading Democrat in "power" all featured heavily in the latest stupid show on Earth the DNC convention.


Another English actor, I don't know his name but I recognize his face, hacked a video onto my YouTube page (as a "short") only with the title, "That has got to hurt" but I didn't click on it because he holds no fascination for me and I was looking for other information. The same "message" appeared constantly. This was while the German sleaze filth parasite was raping and beating me, then dirty ugly Prostitutalina encouraged sick and dirty Waters to do the same he just slapped me constantly until I finally got the energy to defend myself--always very sick from detox from the decades of poisoning but the huge increase from ugly prostitutalina so her stupidity can be augmented by my ideas. Both ugly and stupid sick Shitalina and (of course pig ape pitt) and the English filth Waters (who has created situations of Jewish Nazis assaulting me with his coordination and his endless rise in influence so that by now he's endlessly interviewed by the Nazi crap of Piers Morgan, whose every "friend" he interviews viciously assaults me like Rosanne Barr, a most foul-mouthed and dumb skank of the 4th Reich yapping endlessly about being "jewish" and like Ben Shapiro her partner in that "conservative" K-rap they crank out, fully dedicated to white supremacy English-controlled "Israel" and that legion of fascism. They assault me and so the English are very thrilled and enthralled with the assault. Like ugly sick and stupid prostitutalina, Waters fully advocates the United Nations. He said in the Morgan interview that his deceased father was a Communist. He is now a fascist disguised by his 60's and 70's persona, now openly defunct but the 4th Reich dirty old dino men and women legion I see every day in Thailand as they suck and drain and obtain and obtain and need "more and more and more and more". 

The United Nations has adopted the Communist Manifesto as it's main thesis for "human rights" (see William Cooper lectures in Hour of the Time, all documented but the documentation has been taken off the internet and perhaps can be found if you invest in paying the administrators of the site, perhaps. The information used to be free and available online so you can look the references up yourself, but no longer. Cooper was shot in the head by the Arizona Police, by the way as his whistleblower status made him an "enemy of the" ...4th Reich).


The Communist Party of Russia "created" the first concentration camps and the slaughter of millions of it's own citizens who were not "minorities' necessarily but anyone opposing the Stalinist Regime. 

I have to add that I had begun to write about the English actor who kept hacking repeatedly "That had to hurt" on my YouTube page and I never clicked-bait on it. I understood the gloating aspect and schadenfreude "joke' this pig ape was making.

However, it didn't necessarily "hurt" as much as confirmed that my years of writing about the overtake of all "alternative" culture by rotten filth white trash old men who had been young, but perhaps their former drug use was part of a constructed mind control plot to have stupid and dumb scum put in the roles of administrator of "fake news" anti-corruption" roles. The ugly sick prostitutalina league and the Obamas and Hillary have also epitomized these roles with alactrity and "charming" persuasion who endlessly "define" what "fighting" the usurpation of culture that the white entitlement regime demands openly in the "opposite" side but they are the worst propagators of this system possible as far as the influencing of the "opposition" to all the 3rd and 4th Reich systems go. (please note is it is extremely nearly impossible to type anything out any longer due to  hacking interference, so as usual my grammar my words which are not as yet hacked and rewritten/partially deleted are not at the fullest extent of my actual capability)----------.


No, this does not "hurt" any longer. I am proud to be an actual "fighter" resisting this bs k-rap group instead of "believing" and being in a dazed stupor of desperate belief for some actual change out of the plantation Nazi and criminal system that they ALL embrace all the "top" leaders and that has trickled down to the civil level on all levels. All opposition was long ago wiped out.

The storm is here, but just not manifest in it's outrage destructive capabilities to the fullest extent yet.

The planet will not sustain it any longer, however. The connection between climate change and the sheer parasitic mentality of domination ensuring control and parasitic leeching of people and the planet is causing the natural response and more destruction is sure to follow.

I was told repeatedly by a German when I lived in Germany that "nature will fight back" and I remember his words now. As much as he was against Nazis he could not escape the force of free month-long vacations, endless health care endless paid holidays and plus the endless money poured into his life for participating in this contract upon me. The pig apes of Whorewood and the Congress-whorewood cannot escape their own greed, their ultimate downfall but the rest of society is being dragged down with it. The stupidity of the prostitutalina group must be bolstered by my ideas, as one of the few microchipped and teleported persons this stupid greed cartel with the equally sinister and lying sick political "class" of classless scumbags, so fully edumucated with lying exfoliations of their dead brain cells emitting platitudes about Democracy, Hope, Joy and Change.

One of the most filthy of these in terms of the worst sell-out is Ratskin, who with his Constitutional legacy of elaborating on Constitutional Law, which that filth parasitic bomb "taught" at colleges and universities and has a "Democracy" camp, was irate that I was listening to William Cooper who denounced the United Nations as a centralized Communist structure dedicated to usurping (as all these pig apes do is usurp and steal, pretend to be righteously defending freedom and human dignity and rights) but he looked at his white trash "masters' the utterly stupid prostitutalina and dirty pig ape pitt "should she be listening to this?" in an act of completely censorship, to violate completely the First Amendment which obviously this lying Jewish bigot Nazi knows about as everyone else does as it is the most oft-listed "right" and has been adopted globally as a right of the planet to have free speech (or abrogated in the dictatorial countries which truly "run" the United Nations as Cooper explains--Russia is a full-fledged member of the UN Security Council just as stupid rotten prostitutalina "represents" women's rights. The right of pig ape white trash to have women like me forced into being slapped beaten and raped repeatedly has been her one and sole function which the white trash and black and brown trash all jeer and cheer on. This is allowing dirty filth old men full approval to beat rape and torture any woman not participating in subordination and oppression and mental slavery to plantation enslavement and that also includes, as I forgot as her name is so odious as she is as well---and so beloved by white trash Nazi America--dirty Ape-rah the icon of "black female empowerment". Always touted by the white wealth male news journals such as Time and Forbes, as are the other trashy "women" who fully engage in this Anti-semitic torture and rape of me by dirty filthy old men and the dirty creep younger men who emulate the dirty old men. All they need to do is age according to nature but they are just filthy old men behind younger skin and hair and feature. 


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Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. 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