"The Engineering of Consent/Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses" (Edward Bernays, the "father" of mind-screw advertising which is what really "rules" America, or controls how you perceive all carefully packaged as it's opposite more germane "decent" postulation://The reverse psychology 4th Reich fascist murder regime operating through the media and into Congress, worming it's way sinuously into the brains of "The American People" all ready to create chaos for some Civil War in order to force a fascist overtake of the country. Done through entertainment media/news and political posturing.//The mass-media 4th Reich Mafia Nazi cartel, very visible to me as I peruse how many are depicting ugly prostitutalina as the major feature for the movie she tortured me for over 15 years to obtain passion, energy and ideas from--this movie propped up by millions pouted into the production, as all the movies by the Nazi fascist murdering actors have been handed for the past 15 years, all slated for top media exposure, all automatically ---meaning rigged elections---slated for top Academy Awards. At least one of the governors of that board, a black "liberal" has violently assaulted me under order from the well-established "anti-semitic" Black "Minister" (from the Orwellian Ministry of Double-Speak mind programming). I fought back, she came when the German ape was violently raping me using sleazy and dehumanizing porn violence upon me while I was drugged into a stupor and also from the systematic terror attack on my finances--after decades of every attack upon me possible. //The Mafia under the Brooklyn mob, who have also gone to the Oscars and profited off every contract worth billions has rushed to endlessly support through their Mafia/Nazi networks each and every movie, and so EVERY NEWSPAPER is featuring ugly prostitutalina on the front f-ing page--the exception is Breitbart and I have not looked throughout the spectrum of repeat 4th Reich Mafia/Nazi rags substituting actual journalism. What is surprising, but I will never know, is that the faux "liberal" MSNBC anchors are not dedicating entire segments of their k-rap "news" Double-Speak fascist Mafia dialogues, that includes the "lesbian" fascist from San Francisco, the white supremacy advocate who uses double speak to write and lecture on how the Nazis almost took power in the United States, making her book as they all do, a template for how it could be done again--but offered in the usual Orwellian Double Speak, a seemingly "hip" analysis of how "bad" it was and how we must "fight" to prevent it the next time. Absolutely enthralled with the ugly lPrositutalina and KKK/Nazi and English Crown/French aristocracy Nazi push for the Nazification and criminality of the United States, why hasn't MSNBC, every anchor, every fired/canceled anchor gone into full Nazi mode dedicating their shows instead to the celebrities and this shit movie about the Nazi plot to make America an "aristocracy" colonized Europigapeland controlled minion vassal State of the 4th Reich and how "wonderful" the so-called "acting" of prostitutalina's fervent desire to outright behave as the ugly sick skank violent sleazy murder Nazi portal of every sleazy darkness possible introduced into American society? Why aren't they just making the news about the movies instead of politics, as it's the cheesy greasy actors who are actually creating the Nazi dynasties like the Trumps and the Obamas, in the hate plantation Nazified Mafia system that has fully taken control? I am not lauding Breitbart but they have not joined the cacophony of the 4th Reich gushing promotion of this dirty shit Nazi whore, probably because the audience of Breitbart does not need to be persuaded into Nazification of America any longer, while the "Liberal" plantation "undecided" vote needs to be cajoled by entertainers promotion fascist Nazis through the subliminal context of reverse social engineering of the "liberal" albeit Nazi and fascist indoctrination via entertainment media (which is MSNBC as they always make stupid jokes, refer to sports or rap songs to break the continuity of the message of concern, they are glib and their glassy eyes shine with mirth because they are mind fuck operators actually laughing at the audience behind their "liberal" pretenses.

* I have not re-read through this post, but I see that the few paragraphs below are far fewer than what I had originally written. This is undoubtedly rewritten, and whatsoever that I write is being culled for any concept this group of thugs and scum can steal to promote themselves as being concerned about "society" for "all".


A relative of Sigmund Freud (I believe his nephew, but out of NYC not out of Austria) who was familiar with Sigmund but of a next generation, able to garner some of the more mind-controlling aspects of the subconscious needs and desires which will sway human behavior, is this book which I have not read, and need to read. The poisons and endless drugging of my body make my brain and body, plus non-stop hours per day of violent abuse in the teleportation by ugly prostitutalina bringing in literally HUNDREDS of actors and politicians (combined) to viciously hit, abuse and scream hysterically at me (hillary one of the most hysterical screamers, with Michael Cohen being one of the most egregious yapping cesspools of hate ) but..they are all disgusting and foul. Truly a coven of darkness no one could fathom if they "believe" in the "decency" that these filthy operators all promote and are being promoted for performing (it's all a snake oil sales pitch, greasy as hell and venomous I mean)--.


"Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulation of the Masses". Academy of Ideas. July 13, 2017.

"Edward Bernays--The Engineering of Consent, An Audio Reading of His Essay". Brad Binkley. July 16, 2016.

I have to state that behind it all is the Gotti Family, which has been absolutely handed this contract to viciously inflict torture and violence upon me, their forte, as the government in it's post WWII fascist Nazi indoctrination absolutely has included the "Italian" element of the organized crime that brought down Mussolini, re-established the Mafia partnering with the U .S. government, and then the spread of the blond-ish American strain of Nazism has absolutely merged with the "Italian-American" Mafia criminal element and the media is fully controlled on all sides, from all coasts, from places like Chicago where sleazy creeps were sent to infiltrate and mind control and organized death squad activity against me and my family in "heratland" USA, Champaign, Illinois.

I have to add, as I have done, the partnering with Chicagoan Hillary Clinton as well as Obama and frau and spawn, ugly dirty prostitutalina has created a Broadway play based on my years of writing about Champaign, Illinois and all the culture and etc as dirty foul Trump, the "Make America Great Again" Nazi full devotee of establishing foreign interests to control and rule over people like me--so whenever a Nazi filth shithole from Europigapeland began abusing, having the black Nazis hit me when I responded to their insults and mockery with my self-defense (only verbally) and Trump allowed the filthy minions in this condo to have something like Covid injected into my body, before I was able to understand how to more fully block my front door from the mechanical arms opening all the barriers and locks from the inside (opened from portal panels on all sides of this room) 

but this is only to display that Trump's first interest is white male supremacy with a host of black and Jewish and other "minority" minions joining in, because whether they sense it or not, the narrowing of survival "depends" they believe, in joining this group or else being slated to the upcoming massive murder campaigns that have been plotted for decades. The alignment with fascist Nazism bolstered by the sleazy and most decrepit filthy vileness of the Mafia and their greasy sleazy mentality has created a posturing ape society of blonde Nazis and thuggery "Italian-Americans" and then all the minorities have joined in. Obama helped to pave the way for this upsurge in fascism, handing this technology not only to ugly prostitutalina with her English mother conntected to English aristocracy, but also her KKK Southern lynch mob greasy filthy conniving father, the American. 


The entire media is controlled by this cartel, which is rapidly advancing the interests of the fascist Nazi 3rd Reich in the fully entrenched 4th Reich. 

The media is fully controlled by English, French, German and et al investors--I am still an outside as to the real money behind these filthy endlessly paid in millions scumbag whores of Whroewood who have just been promoted and promoted with MY IDEAS because like all the Nazis, they can only follow orders, they steal ideas from me non-stop and due to their Nazi fascist behaviorisms combined with years of acting coaching to appear as "liberals" with "woke" or whatever else ideology, they are constantly being put on front pages of newspapers for the shit they create stolen from my writings (I refer to the pig apes of t his fascist thug group attacking me without end from Whorewood). As usual while in sleep, barely waking state, the German sick fuck who has been sicced on me by the Mafia, Victoria Gotti in particular with a grim look of destruction for all the years of that group of fucking shit goin to the Oscars and torturing me for hours upon hours every day and poisoning me--they are still fighting to get  more and more--full approval by the 

CHRISTIAN bigots of Congress. Here is the polar opposite but exact equal to the sickeningly fake 'woke" "Liberal" sick fucks I have just written about above--the "Christian" sleazy dirty lynch mob scumbags of the Senate and the House, along with their "Jewish" "The Constitution"-spewing criminal dumb scum (behind all their educational flowery rhetoric are dumb scum longing to belong to the plantation "liberal" cartel)  but the Repugs are absolutely nothing different with their "righteous" "Christian" masks and underneath are likewise vicious lying disgusting scum who also make mockery of both religion and State and culture. I could go into that for a while, but the main thrust of the attacks upon me have come from the black, jewish, liberal and Whorewood group all playing the "woke' bs that is endlessly placed upon such a flimsy foundation of bs that the opposite occurs, and people find hate for the "woke" because the joke is that the "woke' movies and propaganda are all a sick joke. Hillary is one of the worst in that regard as she helped to topple all the feminism and liberalism with her endless sleazy support of every blonde Nazi fascist push for her power and that of white supremacy while leading the black plantation pundits like Obama, the alternate side of the Oreo bullshit


30 minutes later

realizing that above, I had gone into a "mind-controlled" rant at the end of the post, or from the first few sentences when the hacking disruption to the keyboard and the excessive brain-confounding strains of technology blasted my cognitive capabilities--the spectrum of electromagnetic energies aimed into my brain, perhaps via the circuit of microchip implants--I know there is one in my brain and one in my throat and a few in my back.

To continue--trying not to curse, as this is not my "normal" speech, the block of keyboard and the absolutely endless violence that has been inflicted upon me, with politicians who all claim some allegiance to various concepts of "American exceptionalism" are just pure sinister lying sleazy aspiring plantation-owning fascist bigots, the blacks, the jews, the whites, it doesn't matter any longer.

I will continue

Dirty ugly stupid but conniving sleazy ugly prostitutalina does not CARE about the plight of the end days of Maria Callas. Her aiim is to promote herself as being an aristocrat and oppressive "rich bitch" as the promulgation of fascist Nazi "feminism" deemed "strong women". "Independent" and obstinate, appears as the main motif of the skankalina performance and the real programming that is being imbued upon the audience being primed by extensive media adulation for this movie--so "Europigapeland"-centric, meaning "class and style" and what you girly girls of the blonde Nazi American branch need to emulate. That truly is the message being sent. Let me tell you how many fascist Nazis there are in the Democrat white supremacy leagues that I have encountered, with the usual black, Jewish and every other race in the usual oreo concentric ration of at least 20-50 brown and blacks to a single white pig ape--all doing the bidding the dirty filth work and the terrorism when minorities are not available in the vicinity. I could write another long story about my experience of having lived in Trump country, Beaverton, Oregon for a little while because it had an indoor swimming pool (this apartment complex situation amongst beautiful, towering pine trees) but they were Repugs, yet I left the "liberal" bastion of Portland due to the endless "Liberal" thugs blonde Nazi creeps all posing as the "radical" and none of them were anything but imitating a style, so they didn't have to conform to the alternative conservative because they wanted more "freedom" to pursue their sleazy self-adulating proclivities without having to excuse their behavior according to the dictates of the Conservatives.


That is just one example. I am digressing now, completely off-point my brain is under attack, please note I am never, NEVER able to write in a cohesive linear capability under this endless egregious mind control attack while I write on every computer and laptop and attempt to make any communication on any form, version or in public.

That is how widespread the terror network truly has become worldwide and HOW MUCH MONEY IS BEING POURED INTO THIS 4TH REICH DEATH SYSTEM


Dirty ugly sick stupid prostitutalina does not CARE about the music of Central Illinois. She has been handed every concept that I have written so she can be portrayed first as a "feminist" (so many movies, including the Andrea Dworkin-derived series of posts I wrote on the book Woman-Hating in which Sleeping Beauty's "witch" them is explored, which I wrote of because this group is constantly berating me for reading tarot cards and calling me various names--I was raped by one of the leading "Christians" from Congress who blasted me for every "sin" that he claims I embrace, but it's truly he who embraces the sin (couldn't get enough of asking me for free tarot readings and paying me with torture in return--).

The image, in succession two in one year, of ugly sick shitalina and the influence of fascist Nazism on the Heartland, which already began long ago as an influx of crap from Chicago came to move into my neighborhood, many out of Chicago followed me around the hood as I was walking to school--imitating my "hippie" clothing (not really hippie but hipster really, bell-bottom jeans, studded belts, broad-rimmed hats, etc etc my style not in congruence with the conservative "white" neighborhood I lived in--but loved anyway. Followed and then under mind control attacked. This began once Ford tooko office, yet another unelected tyrant who also helped to cover-up the Kennedy Assassination (a member of the Warren Commission of lies and obfuscation of fact).

But I believe one movie showing ugly and stupid sick prostitutalina's honoring of Central Illinois is another fascist take-over to complete the total immersion in Nazification of the entire country, apparently seeming like an honoring of the culture. The aim of the Nazis has been to overtake, dismantled, destroy the farming communities (see "Farm Aid" concert featuring Bob Dylan and others during the catastrophic era of the Reagan Administration, being so touted by movies about Reagan totally bypassing how communities of farmers in Illinois were "replaced" by corporate interests. Farm Aid was held in Champaign, Illinois at the Stadium). All but forgotten now, never mentioned in all the "rock n roll" movie mentions that are controlled by the 4th Reich media machinery.

Yes, what was happening in Illinois was a take-over of the former working class farmers and intellectuals were also under MURDER attack for the former activism against the war effort Also Illinois in that area had been maverick in art, culture and intellectualism. My grade school to which I was bussed as highly artistically-included with Civil Rights and activism featured. When Ford took over in 1975 and the Church Committee relegated mind control MK ULTRA to the covert black-ops section, "all hell broke loose" in Champaign. The teachers who taught Shakespeare to 9 year-olds (my class in 4th grade) were fired. The teachers that were sent in would have use do an experiment in opening the dictionary to any letter so designated by the teacher--such as, "you open the dictionary to the letter U" and if you (it was me she was forcing this "exercise" in futility upon) got a Y area of the dictionary, I was scolded. The blonde pig ape "friend" of mine whose father had done the mind control brainwashing upon me when I perpetually "slept over" at her house because my parents forced this upon me, was given the assignment of opening the dictionary to the letter s, not difficult at all and probably this was yet another Nazi-organized stalking exercise and the S-section had been marked by a turned-down page--I suspect. I mean, that was the class I was put in when the shift to terrorist Nazi programming began and Ford and then the awful peanut farmer took office, posing as a humanitarian, the gang stalking viciously began. I am really digressing but all was posing as "liberal" including the blonde pig ape creep whose parents were like the epitome of "liberal" activism but were actually working for the government in this mind control terrorism Nazi genocidal system of destroying people and their opportunities and only the "good" minorities fully adoring the filthy Nazi white supremacists were "allowed" to live without being microchipped and paralyzed with bloating poison.


So, the programming in a one-two bs oreo sandwich bs mind programming deal for sick and stupid ugly shitalina this year has been to aim mention, along with Hillary the shit skank bs operator, on Broadway, both appearing for the awards both slated automatically to be awarded in the rigged contest that is not contest--millions and billions poured into both of them as the blonde Nazi fascists posing as the "feminists" and thusly bypassing actual equality of women to have a chance in the market. Only for them and the "good" minions like Michelle Obama viciously having me attacks so white pig ape culture can feel "safe" and Trump is the epitome of this deception and Oreo Plantation system as well.

to generate a more fascist control over the Midwest, lulling in the "on the fence" "liberals" back to the plantation of the Liberal bs machine, and also to show the ugly prostitutalina is part of America but all that she truly imbibes is the Nazi plot to make a 2-class system of slaves and masters. Thusly co-opting the middle class in this way, with blonde Nazi ambition, she has served to mind control through this seeming praise of the MidWest but in actuality because I know her sickness and what has been endlessly funneled through these endless rotation of celebrity monopoly scumbags is the programming for the 4th Reich Every movie is another mind control straw heaped upon society so eventually all affiliation with any form of what "America" has meant in terms of people not being confined and oppressed is gone. But seeming as the opposite--reverse psychology.


To add another point that was pushed out of my short-term memory by the insidious tech blasting my brain constantly as I fight to type on the hacked keyboard:

The farmers of Central Illinois, and all-throughout the farming communities, many of which under your much-touted Reagan era of openly worshipped greed in the deregulation-era, so the Nazis just love Reagan and how he let loose endless printing of money to increase the National Debt by more than all former presidents combined, which the bs blathering of the Trump administration has then broken the record of in 4 years, more than the 8  years of the Regan era explosion of debt, Trump has even out-paced that

The war against the "middle class" and the loss of farms and the mortgage crisis are never mentioned any longer, but I remember the newspaper articles and how farmers were bemoaning the policies where they lost their entire farms they had in their families for generations. This is also never mentioned any longer because of the Obamas and the Clintons and their ilk just sucking out as much money as possible in those "Yuppie" years, which preceded the "hippie" years that the Clintons had engaged in, becoming criminal Wall Street entrepreneurs in the process and then relaying that greed principle through all these Reagan-ear skanks of Whorewood and their younger generation skank wives (i.e. prostitutalin and pig ape pitt the shit pair)

Farm Aid was an attempt at musical activism to stop the plundering and destruction of the Middle Classes. The slogan for the Kraploa campaign is for "The Middle Class" because of the plot to create a two-tiered economic system, as I wrote above, a Feudal-based society of ultra multi-billionaires in plantations with their serf slaves prostituted enslaved and loving their "masters" for getting them out of poverty. I see this every single day in Thailand and I know that this is not a mere conjecture on my part.

Krapola's first "meme" of outreach was for "black girls' as suggested by plantation aunt jemima oprah many years ago, and so that was her first targeted audience for shifting from voting for Trump to voting for her dirty "brown" nose.

now it's the "middle class" which is a farce as their real objective i s plantation society for blacks included. The DNC was termed a "party" atmosphere with almost no policy and endless "joy" themes of fodder for "the sheeple" to indulge in. 

Having been teleported to the black nazi caucus for years, I see only the desire for wealth accumulation by nosing up to the white supremacy Nazi plot to turn America into a vassal aristocrat-ruled territory of the Europigapeland 4th Reich.

Oh, by the way, the newspapers are heralding that the "Far Right" has won elections in Germany, the most since WWII they say in Huffpost today.

Blacks are fully in line with the Germans, as i have written before. I was told that "Germans are not racist" by so many Blacks who participate but mostly, "The problem is you they love me" which is the "replacement" theory of the black Nazis--that they are put up a peg on the feeding frenzy order and Jews are put back on concentration camp status. Only the most white-enabling "good" Jews are allowed to be at the DNC to blather about The Constitution and Democracy because they were groomed for that role so long ago. In teleportation they are STUPID AND SICK AS ALL HELL and truly imbibe the slave mentality of the victims needing to partake of the Big House plantation instead of being out in the concentration camp ghettos.

Dirty ugly prostitutalina has even adopted some of these to demonstrate, like all that ugly stupid pig ape does, that her double-speak is fully in programming mode, and the "good" minorities are "allowed" to play subservient roles to the little blonde pig ape spawn they had because that is the only one being pushed foward as the nepo-baby of the entire lot of the brown and black little window dressing props for the "liberal" facade you all are reading about every year from this disgusting group of fascist bigots of the Dem-o-rat side and the CHristianity of the lynch mob murdering bigoted "Repug" side.

They are all truly programmed by advertising experts with much psychological research on human programming behind them all.


In addition to all the "liberal" and "feminist" pretentions of ugly prostitutalina with rapist bully near-murdering pig pitt-ape, the husband endlessly also feeding off the trough of the contract for piggery plantation society a la 4th Reich Amerikkka

is an uglification mind programming of me. To instill this in me, the ugly brood has undergone over 15 years of poisoning and mutilation, financial deprivation of all resources including food and even safe drinking water, and non-stop spraying of fungus, mold and toxins in my food, clothing, hair, into my body plus hardening and mind control drugs and poisons with non-stop 10+ hours of deadly abuse, which in culmination is murder and even on short-term basis is murder or serious decline in health and beauty and at the very least, sleep deprivation along with it all combined

and then the scores of "feminist" and "not-Nazi" Europigapes who yell viciously that ugly prostitutalina is more "beautiful" as the daily abuse and poisoning and mutilation continues--for over  FIFTEEN YEARS but it was happening before even dirty ugly shitalina and pig ape pitt were openly participating, but they were attacking me as far back as 2003--(this is a long story and so "implausible" it puts me at further risk by trying to describe the schizophrenic forms of discrediting by thus, if I try to explain to anybody how this 'system" operates I will be labeled so I just leave it as, they and many of those attacking me still currently, concurrently, have gone on and on as far back as 1985, and even earlier.

They have these filthy foul German, English and French-based American men "proving" to their fascist benefactors for their lead roles, along with their equally enthused blonde(ish) or black-but-wanna be elite Nazi blacks, Jews, Latinos, Asians et all that they are completely worshipping blonde Nazi iconography. They laugh as I detail that I have been poisoned and mutilated by this group of shit--and when they began to really "control" the abuse aimed at me, from what I know it was 2013 (but they were part of the overarching contract as far back as 2003, but not directly involved because the English sick f*** who handed them to concept of torturing me to obtain ideas to promote as their own, which he had been doing for years, was then turned into dirty fascist bigot shitalina being able to inflict the most violent racist attacks upon my health and body and hair skin eyes etc for years and years and years and years it has not stoped. The pig ape pieces of shit who all gain from the attendance, the black Nazis posing as activists (fighting for their allotment in the 4th Reich for perpetually pushing antisemitism--the list of those increases and it depends not upon whether they are "with" Trump or the other "side" which is just the same thing as far as plantation racism goes).

Endlessly having me assaulted where I am yelling in hate and fury for hours and hours and hours as the shit group is constantly yelling that ugly prostitutalina is more beautiful than me, as the torture and mutilation and poisoning never stops, thus I am stuck with a never-ending fight to merely heal from the poisoning as my skin hair my face has literally been pulled downwards by the microchip implants and tears were forced out of my eyes every day for about 4 hours per day, for 4 years (or more hours than 4). Tears welling up, tears pouring out. My lips and cheeks pulled downward and I could feel it--a hot burning sensation as my lips were pulled down--

how long ugly sick shitalina has been involved in the disfiguration of my body I don't know, but when the Depp-shit pig pitt and ugly prostitutalina group took over the teleportation and mutilation aspect, with endless movies (stupid dumb meaningless movies) they starred in, before they began to steal my ideas, while at the same time, this English monarchy-connected sick fuck Danny Moynihan (his father one of the Royal Family portrait painters)

stealing my ideas perpetually and they would hack the finished product onto my hacked cable channel and then onto my internet because I had to stop all cable tv viewing, while totally prostrate from poisoning that made me so ill I could not even begin to stretch. The poisons they poured into my body so fully made it impossible to even move or stretch in any direction, the hard poisons have latched onto all vertebrae and bones.

So the next propaganda abuse mind fuck situation that has been ongoing (longer than ugly prostitutalina has been involved, but it increased EXPONENTIALLY once this Whorewood group, whose every identity relies on how much plastic surgery they can obtain to enforce a Nazi iconographic image).

The disgusting and putrid German ape piece of shit, this filthy creep who has partnered with the Mafia Gottis and Deniro and Pesce but co-starred with Keitel--the Jewish Nazi, the "good" Jew

fully handing this filthy thug to brutally rape and abuse me, he is using every psychological and sexual and physical means of destroying me, as far as he can take it (the physical violence has has used in front of the pig whores of Whorewood who have undoubtedly handed him much money and promotional status for his violent rape--that is ugly prostitutalina who has been bathed in violence uopn me so she can feel elevated, as all parasitic leeches do and it's never ending.

The German pig ape is constantly comparing me to her and then demanding I be his passed-around sex slave torture victim where "it will be so much fun", and, "you won't be able to get away" hate aimed at me along with punching me in the face, in the breasts, raping me constantly and me drugged up on laced Kratom leaves to stop the pain so I can bend and clean the years of stinking muck permanently solidified into every inch and cranny of my living space, and then inside my body as well.

I am now off of Kratom and the violence on all levels was amplified also exponentially while I was in this pain-relief mode--desperately needing to be able to lessen the pain of endlessly shitting poison out with hard rock-solid poison I am fighting every single day--since 2011--to get out of my spine and back--it is inches thick in layers embedded like a turtle shell in my body--sticking out of my back. 

Shitalina the ugly prostituted skank "darling" of the 4th Reich and dirty dumb scum piggy pitt laughed, mocked me having to rush to urinate sewage water that was injected into my bladder while in a deep sleep being put into homeless situations and rape and torture in deep sleep teleportation. It was murder. I wrote that I am being murdered every day for over 6 years while one politician rat whore ape after the next rushed to join in. The yelling screaming Senators and Hillary and the latest was Obama, who brought the German to fuck me to death they hope because I was furious that fucking Obama had been partnering for over 15 years or longer to profit off this contract--committing through his office in partnership with shit hillary endless torture similar to Guantanamo but worse--even much worse than the tortures at Guantanamo.

This propensity towards more and ever-increasing psychopathic torture and murder is being championed non-stop by the "elite' of shit hole America and it was put into their minds and hearts by the shit of Europigapeland, who they nearly literally bow down to  in reverence and if I fight back against anything similar to an Austrian or German I get death threats from the shit like Pelosi, a most dirty and lying ugly sick thing who was stealing from the Covid relief funds by participating with the ugly sick thug terminator, former governor of california and threatening my life for having "rejected" dirty thug ugly arnold the skank rotten Nazi parasite upon America.

Now the German sick fuck who is constantly, day after day assaulting me and every day I am screaming in increasing hate that I hope he dies that he is ugly sick stupid that h e's a fucking pig--after a few MONTHS of saying no, politely please stop, no I don't want this, being punched beaten threatened constantly with the thug group watching on sitting on their brains cheering him on. He looks absolutely changed since the first day he arrived, very glowing with all the "love and adoration" from ugly shitalina for his job of sexual abuse, humiliation and mind programming because the pigs had the kratom leaves laced with even more potent drugs so the combo made me pliant and not able to defend myself with completely strength while I was raped in sleep mode and very sick and ill--I had begun exercising in new ways I had developed, cracking some of the hard shell in my back that ugly prostitutalina laughed about and inflicted and ordered to be poured and injected into my food and body for over 15 years

and so, I reacted and could not control my need for human contact and any kind of loving touch--under severe opioid drugging laced with whatever else they ordered their nasty minions to pour on the leaves, and then they also had me drugged with mind control drugs while I was shitting out fermented old drugs that I had finally cracked out of the hard shell of my body

in much pain, needing pain relief

and now, this filthy pig is going on and on  under the direction of the Gottis, the Mafia, ugly prostitutalin is always there lavishing money prizes and deals handed from the Europigapeland cartel of fascist Nazism developing all strategies to appear as if they are not Nazis.


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I wasn't defending you (DeNiro) I was attacking "them" (douglass murray who made a public statement to English Colony Oz-land reporters on, "who does he think he is?"/referring to DeNiro's speech regarding "Democracy". I wrote a comment that DeNiro is commenting on a situation occurring in New York City--his city (my family's city which expletives like the "Italian-American" mafia have attacked and abused and humiliated and assaulted out of their home town only to be attacked in teleportation after having been attacked by this same heinous group in Miami and out of New York--people I never met in NYC, people I only had very quick encounters with trying to avoid them and just trying to make a living as they kept following me around, now I understand creating sabotage and extreme violence against me to endlessly profit off this contract out on me): but I digress and the hacking interference is constant and horrible so hard to concentrate. I wrote a comment to a video saying that DeNiro is making a public statement about something happening in his city and Murray made a statement, "Who does he think he is?" so I wrote back in the comment section after Murray had his lackey Netanyahu, a most vile and disgusting jewish Nazis sexually attack me, and they both had Ratskin violently assault me for saying no and losing my temper--and this same English expletive is assuming more 'control" over America and it's politics. thanks to the Whorewood crowd fully welcoming this interfering British Israelist Nazi of the 4th Reich into exerting the English Crown control over Whorewood and media and politics. So I wrote, "who do you think you are interfering in American politics or business go back to your cesspool in England) and to which DeNiro having to fully support the old Nazi network came to me abusing me, in teleportation of course, accusing me of being a witch responsible for his family member's death because I screamed after about 5 years of non-stop poisoning and torture and sexual assault and the theft of my ideas from this expletive--yelling I hoped he and his family died because of the violence this group of NYC mafia have inflicted upon me family and upon me. I am now his target for being a "witch" who knew what I was doing when I put this curse out and has been threatening me with very culpable violent intimidation as if I am responsible for his family member's addiction--although he (DeNiro) is and has been addicted to torturing me every day for years and the Oscars he has obtained for his violence against me and for torturing me for years as I wrote and said constantly that Trump was going to create a fascist Nazi state as DeNiro attacked me with extremely violent hate and every time I was in the shower or naked it was body shaming and sleazy sick insults about my body which has been injected with silicone smeared with fungus daily for years mutilated and my hair mostly chemically destroyed and gone and etc. But I was attacking this filth English Nazi and not defending DeNiro but I was attacked by Deniro who doesn't want any connection of me in any way, shape or form he and his group have so completely destroyed my image and connection to me. So okay, I wish that the Nazis will burst your goddamn image and that you are shunned and then become a target as you have done to me. I hope your food is poisoned as you have done to me, I hope you are gang stalked to forever as you ordered upon me by the MAGA filth crowds you PUT INTO POWER through your greasy greed and hate and addiction and selfishness. I hope that your addiction to cocaine, which was fueled by your obvious addiction to whatever (alcohol, sex, working, controlling, etc) becomes your imprisonment of failure as you have been laughing about what you and your ilk have done to me for so many years. Your addiction will be turned into whatever you are addicted to being poisoned by the gang stalking groups which you helped to expand through all the years of your Oscars and deals with rotten Scorsese who sent you and Pesce and many others to violently assault me as he and you both went to the Oscars and on and on and on. I hope this for Scorsese as well, but he has never said anything about politics as the Whorewood celebrities are like the sleazy rotten whores who will be paid for any and all administrations, which are almost identical anyway in fascist Nazism. That is why you assumed that what was happening to me was because I must be all the negative stereotypes that you affixed to me to justify your violence. Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. But duh...they don't listen, the pig apes just want everything to go back to their endless allowance to fuck rape torture steal kill rob with full back-patting by the filthy greasy greedy incompetence of the crap from Congress-Whorewood and you just want everything to go back to the time that actually re-inforced the current gang stalking mobs just dying to mob you and stalk you and hack into your phone and block your finances and poison you literally to death. Dumb as hell. What can I expect from any of these creeps? You all worship addicts high on power and corruption.

O.J. did identify with Black activism when he played a role about violent resistance being preferable to peaceful demonstration to KKK activity. Richard Burton as the lead star of the film. He made activist statements (O.J. I am referring to) and "fought the Man" in the film as a rep for Black Rights. The film was made in the 70's. O.J. was married at that time to a Black woman (contentedly, as she claimed there was little friction in the marriage even thought they divorced). This clip from the movie shows O.J. playing a violent extremist/terrorist for Black activism rather than quiet and peaceful protests and lectures. The advocacy of violence as a weapon against racism preferable to any equal justice movement where debate is futile and the system is forever rigged. That is the gist of the clip and the movie is about racism. Like so many, O.J. got brainwashed into trying to live the wealthy elite lifestyle of Brentwood and LA but the violence was sublimated nevertheless and it came out eventually due to the falsity of the stress of appearing like he enjoyed playing the inter-racial good guy role.