Why must I thank non-Americans for helping me instead of having been helped IMMEDIATELY by any American?//Thank you to Baryshnikov and Jonas Nay for their help, which has been painful at times because they also adhere to the protocols of the elders of the Dino regime and attack me while helping me, so the detrimental aspects sometimes outweigh the help--yet, a bit of advice from my dear incubus from Germany has helped to break some of the hard-as-rock poisons latched on my left side, which I have struggled for years to remove and break out and starve out while still being poisoned so it never could conceivably come out. I must also shower much gratitude to Jet Li, Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen, and perhaps, but not sure of Michelle Yeoh, (I think she may not have been involved) but the put the most amazing martial arts videos and practitioners out of China on my YouTube feed which has "blown my mind" and there is NO COMPARISON with American martial artists in what the "typical" martial artist from these videos can do to defy gravity and force, style and power and internal strength. //I have spent the last 3 days in a kind of painful sickness while steal-like poisons have slowly ripped out of the internal cavity of my body--and it's, as usual, leaving me with more and more to remove it is never-ending. I think the Chinese are responsible for having stopped the poisoning. I truly want to express gratitude. Although, the other side is being attacked but still, I feel like throughout all the hell, it has been more than the usual experience of a lifetime to be so lucky to have such professional help albeit the bs factor. Oddly, Americans out of H-wood have not done a single thing to help me in any way to heal or stop the poisoning. //I truly love the America that I grew-up in and I consider myself a Patriot dedicated to keeping the premise alive that freedom for the individual without harming others can live to his or her highest potential if it is in a positive and respectful life-affirming course. To not violate human rights but instead to elevate life and to bring peace and love as much as possible-yet still being able to defend oneself against the ravages of hateful oppressive murderous people and forces. I continue to believe in this concept and that drives me to be tortured non-stop because I truly refuse to help the death cult and take-over of my country by such forces and the dissolution of such a grand concept as what "America" means to so many people. It is in such a precarious state at this time but I have done my best to help to bring the poisons out of the mud, concealed and so I try to be a "truth seeker" exposing what has been so instrumental in the poisoning of my body, my family and my country. Still, why is it that no Americans have helped me to heal?//forgotten honorable mentions to the list of aid--there is an American who has posted boxing videos--Mike Tyson. The square hips and footwork I cannot begin to use at this time (or maybe) because my hips are out of alignment due to the years of people going into my room and putting my spine out of alignment while I was in a deep (Mk ULTRA) teleported unconscious state. I can't do much boxing until I get rid of this poison but in the teleportation I try to fight off and fend off the attackers as I rush at them fists flying. With my tiny arms from muscle retardation and atrophy due to the years of shit pigape whorealina and that crew having my body pummeled with poison rape and the mutilation of my hips by men they partnered with to rape and deform my body (my body is always under attack while I am sleeping, and I collapsed in a sick state 2 days ago so they doused my hands with more extremely damaging chemicals and dug into the already blood-red bulging cuticles where most of the nail has been permanently removed by knives cutting the nails below the root of the nail--which goes on when I collapse from sickness, which happened just a few days ago and the people "helping" me never stop any of that. But, compared to the utter death and poisoning of the Americans of this group and from in general American society ALL MY LIFE literally this is almost a miracle of humanity compared with the expletives from material money-grabbing greed of Americans. The people helping me all come from former or current Communist or Socialist countries, by the way. Because this post also deals with an account of condemnation of Socialism, it's hard for me to state that "Socialism" is indeed so bad that American greed and Capitalism is so much more elegant and refined a concept for political life. I am just stating what William Cooper said below that Socialism is the real reason the Roman Republic "fell" into chaos and tyranny. I would say that "free hand-outs' to the "oligarchy" is the real reason for the endless dehumanization of Americans who are extremely wealthy and extremely murderously self-satiated satisfied and gloating over making people homeless and p**ssing on them if they possibly can (to death).

This statue, the Rain man fountain, sits in the midst of West Side Park in Champaign, Illinois. It is a 10 minute brisk walk from my childhood home on West White Street. I rode and walked and played around near encircling and beyond the park on bicycle walking and playing and going to celebrations, protest marches (Vietnam) and just hanging out.

There is a placard on the fountain that I mostly ignored because I had already read the other placards on the fountain so the one featured at the beginning of this video is new to me. It was put there in 1976 I believe on the 4th of July. I was marching in a parade on that day celebrating Independence (I was carrying a marching drum, as one of the three famous soldiers playing flute and drum and holding the flag that used to be very famous as a symbol of the war for independence against England and King George--). To have symbols of native tribes in and around places in Champaign was "normal" but I see that this is more frequently uncommon around America. The fountain shows a respect for Nature and for the original inhabitants of that area, which also has been diminished to some extent and in particular by the removal for "woke" purposes of Chief Illiniwek during the Fighting Illini games (football, basketball). Along with this trip down memory lane is the sentiment that the cohesion that I had experienced growing up was shattered by the onslaught of president Ford's immersion into MK ULTRA and "gang stalking" activity which shot up instantly after Nixon resigned and the Church Committee "revealed" MK ULTRA, putting it into covert funding and Black ops domain. Now a complete State-sponsored highly genocidal racist policy, the look at this fountain and the memories of what Champaign, and America, had been at one point (not so long after President Kennedy had been assassinated--)--the heinous crimes of the politicians and the celebrities is still immersed in silencing protection the vicious murderous mentality is being promoted and projected as being a "winning" strategy. It is deemed inconceivable to have patriotic values other than accumulating money and power for abuse and oppression against helpless citizens not fully supporting the 4th Reich. The ultra-wealthy dirty trashy foul k-rap out of Whorewood who have been PAID in full to millions by the rotten and corrupt politicians--presidents spanning for over 15 years in a non-stop tirade of them a parade of lying scammers and rouge elements praised endlessly for their bombastic speeches and platitudes--which appears to be a mandatory requirement for any higher position in Whorewood and in Congress and trickling on down. That they are told that with their money, not paying taxes if they can be protected by their cronies in the White House, that Nazi style they can poison rape and steal all and anything they want for me fighting in defense of myself according to all the precepts and actual laws of the United States, and then to be teleported to be threatened with murder for defending myself by every lying performative bigot on all sides of the "aisle" and for my ideas my cat my property to be DAILY (meaning my body and property) destroyed poisoned mutilated my ideas stolen and the filthy stupid meaningless crap whores are told they are exemplary constantly with not just no blocks to prevent worsening despotism but more incentives and a dearth of Europigapes dedicated to finishing what Hitler could not accomlish...rushing in with welcome by this filthy stupid dirty crowd of sleazy trashy performers you all know because they never get out of the monopoly loop--ever--decades and decades and decades. Now vying to completely control the brainwashing mind control tech as the highest controllers in the more-influential-than-Congress role as entertainer bs slingers and liars emphasizing that becoming as Haute Europigape fascist and worshipping Nazi blonde culture is more important than the U.S. Constitution or law. Their posturing bs in front of cameras is belied by the subtle innuendos and subliminal iconography embedded in their appearances and their personal appearances and the movies themselves, always with some little twist to skew the concept into racism, sexism and pornographic rape culture at precisely calculated moments while the rest is just filler (the content of the "movies").


"Statue of Rain man Westside Park Champaign, Il". Thaddeus ThaTruth Brown. September 25, 2017.

"Chief Illiniwek Scott Christensen 1983". Stephen Douglas. March 5, 2009.

"Chief Illiniwek Last Dance: TV version". Jeremy Jones. February 23, 2007.

 "Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud...hatch out". C Stewart. October 1, 2012.

"Chomsky: US now a Totalitarian culture which has never existed in my lifetime". oopsimath. September 12, 2024.


Some people I have listened to as of late, such as William Cooper and then more current discussions as to the end of the Republic of Rome, and the onslaught of despotic forces. Some try to equate the American current situation to the "Fall of Rome" and the dissolution of the Roman Republic into the chaos of the tyrannical despotism and autocracy of Caligula and Nero. The series I Claudius is of this slow yet increasing decline in moral, ethical and to some extent there is slight mention of financial decline.

William Cooper in Hour of the Time series equates the fall of the Republic into a more chaotic tyrannical state with how the Roman leaders assumed the mantel of Socialism--defined in various other terms, that is. The need for free hand-outs combined with an increase in debt, debasement of the currency, and then the necessity for more slaves and more and more with the wealthy expecting free handouts, Cooper ascribes to the destruction of the formerly resolute and ethical Augustus era of Emperor rulership.

I will simply state that in honor of people I grew up with in Illinois who told stories to us little children at the summer camp I attended, Indian Acres, of Indian Tribes, there was a Totem Pole in the middle of the expanse of grass and teepees. But there also was an American flag which we saluted and stood in a circle around reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The owner, a fair-haired and bright twinkly-blued eyed man (Mr. Kringle) was especially kindly towards me and was a staunch supporter of racial equity and very firmly against racism that I was aware of. I can't say the same for his children who eventually sold off this camp to people who took down the teepees and the native Indian tribe descriptions, which hung in the main lobby of the club house. He emphasized respect for America for the Flag for the country and it's promise of equality and freedom and taught us all this as a staple of understanding. 

As a huge influencer of mine, he really brought on a respect for America which has made me a sort of surprise "patriot" which some seem to not understand as they only equate patriotism with white supremacy and racism. 


Mr. Kringle and many others of his age group were always extremely supporting and kindly towards me and loving and made sure I was very much supported in school and in all that I did. The next generation not so much and now the 4th Reich has completely taken over the country.

I still remain fighting for the "old school" belief system that I attribute to the old system that also tutored Abraham Lincoln in Illinois, not so far away from where I grew up (Lincoln had traveled to my area--Urbana--to plead a law case) and this old school fight against racism was still prevalent in my town (Champaign) but it did not remain so. Mass media and the COINTELPRO program and MK ULTRA and the "Me me me generation" and mass marketing and brainwashing for a uniformity and more broad mass communication has lead to that old style seeming to be very much lost. The old camp I attended now has a "cowboy" day instead of honoring the native tribes of Illinois.


This is not especially an "anti-socialism" post today, but to recount the decades of "supply-side" economics which I believe has lead to catastrophe on so many levels of society--in which the wealthy get FREE HAND OUTS in various forms from tax breaks ( no tax indeed for the most wealthy, which is a "free handout" and a blemish on the concept of a free market economy as the money doesn't "trickle down" it only gets spewed away on luxury items, as studies have shown)

but, not an economist I shall try to render this opinion which is also just that:

the greed and focus on money-only and the utter devastation of so many lives under these policies which do entail free handouts for the wealthy compared to the brunt of the burden of taxes being forced on the lower levels of society. The sheer marring of America due to the homelessness and destruction of so many lives, which leaves the people 'in power" not only undaunted but drooling for more blood in fact they want more and more of it not less.

So prone to killing off the people they never want to see "replace" them, extending to the most famous of the Progressives in Congress. 

I have been excluded from all rights health care earning money and much more. 

That is what America has become to me, towards me.

I fight to do my best to make-up for the years of a drugged up daze in which I lived no being concerned with politics because I was duped by the drug cartel of the media spewing out endless "we are a nation of FREE people we care we support Democracy" and the movies with all the terrorist haters I have dealt with and for decades they monopolized the movie and entertainment industry in the same way that the dinos in Congress have done. I see that murder and absolute dehumanization and the drooling resolute greed to obtain more to have slaves, actually. In keeping what Cooper detailed about the decline in the Roman Republic leading to despotism to outright tyranny to murder and prostitution slaves debt endless war endless conquest and luxury for the upper wealth to a degree of deplorable excess.

It is so similar in nature to what I have experienced. To endlessly have to scream after hours of interrogation that the leaders should be at least respectful of human lives for which they have taken oaths to protect is meaningless. The celebrities who constantly crank out deception about humanitarianism scoff and sneer contemptuously and support outright murder policy for anyone who doesn't give them instant gratification as they destroy and plunder with all this technology that is being further "developed" with more and more of these death and murder systems being integrated into society (American, but worldwide as well).



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