Notes from the Underground bunker below the Coming Storm: information deletion/blockage/disinformation by Big Daddy/Mommy hacking into my internet and laptop. //The VP debate is ongoing at this moment. I spent 15 minutes searching for the channel and the information about the debate because it was all blocked out. One of the information hacks claimed that the debate was on October 2. As the debate was beginning at 9 pm, I searched on Youtube typing in Walz Vance debate and got ZERO information. Meantime, hackers were blocking the computer system so the cursor was spinning continuously, every function was slowed down at least 20x so I had to wait for over one minute for any page to appear. The disinformation continued as I searched and searched for what time the debate would be, until finally I got onto YouTube for the third time and voila! The debate had already begun and I missed the beginning for at least 10 minutes. I'm not sure if I missed very much indeed but it would have been helpful to have accurate information appearing as it should have been.//Another instance is that I bought a humidifier because the terrorists broke the last one (I believe). The selling info states that essential oils can be poured into the water container. I then performed a search myself and every site showed that pouring essential oil into the water tank is okay for the humidifier. I typed in the question whether special humidifier oil is available and I got the response, online, repeatedly, that using only special humidifier essential oils (diffuser oils, etc) were not going to harm the humidifier. ///I then ordered many bottles (at the cheapest price) from this online ordering (at something like $.20 per piece. Once arrived there was zero scent coming from the humidifier and I noticed that it stopped working as well (upon the third use). I then re-performed the check and asked the samje exact question, whether essential oils were not harmful to humidifiers and I got a list of the exact opposite response using the same search engine and the same question. I believe this is not a fluke algorithm but a deliberate hack, as just now that I could find zero information about the debate I looked on the CBS website and zero information was on the official CBS page about the upcoming time and date (as I wrote, one page showed that the debate would be on October 2 and I had to search for confirmation that it was on Oct 1, with the computer freezing constantly, blocked and not operating due to more malware--also on the keyboard as always 1000% of the time my keyboard is always hacked and slowed down and partially stiffened to the point of it being painful to pound down for more than a few paragraphs at a time, with long pauses in between).//Although most people consider my situation as to have been caused by "me" and that I am to "blame" and they use every pretext every conceived cliche stereotype and they create all kinds of rationale and then reinforce it by the repetitive bots who repeat and obey every edict from the 4th Reich happily. You could not care that information is being blocked, because all you have to do in order to "succeed" is obey and follow orders regardless of how ridiculous and even how obvious the lies are.

##correction---above, I was also misinformed by internet hacking and the debate has not as yet begun. The time difference is throwing me off as well as literally every page not showing debate time--all is being hacked out. Thusly I got a CBS news page showing "live debate" which was just pre-recorded clips of rallies with Vance and Walz both speaking out their roles for cheering crowds.j

Suddenly I am getting more recent information, one solid hour after having begun my search. Each and every single page, the Hill, CNN, CBS, Google search showed no time for the debate. All, literally all had been hacked out. 

The "live debate" which I finally discovered for the 4th search on YouTube was not the debate nor was it live. All completely hacked lies and misinformation, information deletion=lies.

30 minutes later: popped-up on my YouTube channel, a commentary by Jeffrey Sachs regarding the current state of lack of awareness, leadership and dangerous policies potentially leading to nuclear war and other planned-for economies (last sentiment my addition).
What Sachs re-confirms from my endless daily series of posts after hours of abuse from the celebrities and politicians who are CREATING THE MESS the world is now engulfed in, their portfolios having exploded with wealth accumulation and corresponding egotistical psychopathy and callous murder intent to get more and more. As one of them stated for an interview, the more he gains from hurting others, the more he loves hurting others as the addiction is a never-ending spiral of constant pain/award with more and more stimulation to feed that empty monster they all truly are centrifugally connected to, seemingly from the umbilical cords which are directly connected to their dependence on Big Mommy and Daddy feeding them intravenously through non-stop torture and exploitation scenarios for which they all get more and more stimulation. The cords are connected to their brains which sit squarely just below their genital region. (Again, all the latter commentary is my addition to the "children" that Sachs mentions. I wrote about "them" being children many months ago. That sentiment was drowned or obscured by daily rantings and writings on my part but the idea is not mine singularly.

I also recently wrote that they are addicted to this contract and without it they could never "win" or succeed, get elected and you can look down and up the list of participants I have been writing of for years and compare their previous performances to what they are now placed specifically in as top positions for having demonstrated a lack of intellect a lack of being able to research to be able to care to follow and obey the most sinister of murderous contracts, as expressed by not just "antisemitism" heaped upon me (by Jews and Nazis of white supremacy hue alike and also any other skin color is welcomed as long as they follow in the 4th Reich protocols, which is a more techno-tyrannical version of the 3rd Reich with genocidal aspirations still intact--the same targets and the same targeted countries are still in operational mode by the 4th Reich which no one will eve begin to assess because the remunerations are so huge from the 4th Reich for the chain of fools obeying and loving the abuser.

No adults in the room, only A-lister A-dolts (not worthy of the A-list title but they are adept at modeling posturing, most of them are former models you could put an AI mannequin in their place with AI mouth and physical gestures and get the same quotient and perhaps more expressive and capable at that).


"Jeffrey Sachs & Mohammad Marandi Israel ELIMINATES Nasrallah in War on Lebanon, is Iran next?" Danny Haiphong. September 30, 2024.


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