Get Rich or Die Trying---(quoted from 50 Cent). The "social glue" of antisemitism, the social engineering of consent paving the way for absolute Nazification by the "elite" of Poland (also Ukraine) to welcome in the German Nazi 3rd Reich because killing Jews was extremely profitable and had already been a social engineering project for an extremely long time. //Jews had been shipped off from places like Austria to Poland, in what had been called "Galicia" by the Hapsburgs but now is partitioned through the remaining history as being part Poland, part Ukraine and also formerly the USSR, and whatever else I don't know. Jews were essentially kicked out of places like Austria to sling the mud of the "bread basket" of (what is now) Ukraine in order to be the first sacrificial cows for the building of the Hapsburg, and then Hitler's 3td Reich dream of establishing a unified "Fatherland" extending into "The East" incorporating all the proceeds of the highly coveted grain belt farm land funneled into the 3rd Reich (meaning what is now mostly NATO in Euro-land). //I am having a very hard time finding anything online about how many of the non-Jews who were of the aristocracy lineage had been deceived and wiped out as well--online it is impossible. In a documentary about The Occult History of the Third Reich (title) it is made plain and clear that being duped, both the Ukrainians (after the Russian/German invasion during WWII) and the Polish, in particular the upper "elite' had been eliminated--(whether financially, as the Nazis flattened Warsaw destroyed the infrastructure so any wealth contained in that region had been confiscated, sucked dry and/or killed off but the public record online shows nothing--again, I am bereft of real information not having access to EBSCO HOST research database, as I had in grad school to locate a real and serious study of this topic which must surely exist in the 80+ years after this invasion of Poland and the resulting decimation of the Polish economy prior to the ending of the war and then during the Communist takeover)

*(Usurp from article below, the only article I found relating to the search I had made on aristocracy and the Nazi invasion of Poland).

Faced with this existential dilemma, the ideologues of Polish nationalism chanced on the idea of making antisemitism into “social glue” for the needs of nation-building. Antisemitism had existed as a minor trend among Poland-Lithuania’s nobility but had never entered into the Commonwealth’s political mainstream. After all, Jewish converts to Catholicism had been consistently rewarded with the status of new nobles. But on the contrary, antisemitism was widespread among peasants, as fuelled by priests. Nationalists of noble origins could use this visceral hatred in order to evoke strong passions and instil political convictions among the peasantry. This “common national enemy” was easier to use for the purposes of national unification than the Austrians, Prussians (Germans) or Russians, because the Jews had no means of defence. So, they constituted an “ideal object” of generalized hatred."

Antisemitism: the foundation of the Polish nation?


This documentary contains the information about the pact made between the Nazis and the Polish aristocracy and how the aristocracy had been duped, lied-to as many countries had been by the Nazis, and then eventually destroyed leaving only the Nazis and an impoverished class--just as is happening NOW in the United States. I believe this Nazi plan is ongoing by the "elite' of America as well. I believe further that the aim to destroy the elite of America once the German 4th Reich along with it's NATO and other bigot partners will result in the take-over of "elite" Euro invasion. I have personally witnessed this in Miami South Beach, and many of the terrorists who are American who partnered with the 4th Reich Euros are continuing to rush to attack me to make-up for what the Nazis stole from them using their clout with the Nazis of Florida to usurp and take all over. Instead of "learning" they only continue to attack ME in order to get favor from the Nazi league, only to continue the overtake of America. I am trying my best to try to transmit this to this greedy bunch of rapist abusers from America whose only goal is to attack me to get more and more awards and money from the 4th Reich and it's really to no avail. They are implacably determined to get more and more without end in any way possible. The end result of the take-over of America by fascist Nazis is overset by the fake posturing "Haute" culture of the warm smiling vultures coming to exploit the lack of self-confidence by the Americans who are likewise becoming so desperate for survival.

**This doc (below) may not include all 4 parts of the series I listened to on Hour of the Time. I have not watched this doc to the end, but in the podcast series the mention of the Polish aristocracy having been deceived on the pretext of antisemitism shared wealth extermination of the Jews was used to dupe the Poles into submitting their power, thusly leading to their own demise so the 3rd Reich could assume the top power position and the rest in 'slavery" and poverty. Rich and Poor, in other words. The state of America now being advertised by "leaders" who are welcoming in Nazis who have been trained all their lives to emulate and continue the struggle to infiltrate and take over and destroy the United States (from within, their strategy currently is). **hacking very bad, don't know how much of this will be deleted and rewritten...?

"The Occult History of the Third Reich (1991)--SWESUB". Jacko TV. August 26, 2021.

I was grilled this morning by the much more benevolent person named Mike Tyson asking me in another interrogation (but done without great malice) why the money being offered as the incentive is worth less than what I had/have to say about the German man, the rapist who is  offering I expect a huge bonus to all who partner with him in this plot to force rapist abuser bigot men into exploiting using abusing and dehumanizing putting me into sex trafficking poisoning drugging and then...probably the worst case scenario depending on the level of murderous psychopathy and sadism of the personality. 

I had to "argue" the point in the usual freshly-from-having-been-drugged state while in the throes of the continuous detox process and in pain and weak. Why is welcoming in the comfort of being accepted into the wealthy elite and more money handed for participation in this 4th Reich system less appealing than holding any moral or ethical concern and/or concern about the deleterious effects it may  have on society. I can never argue with any of them the concern I have for my own life, as they have all cloaked me with instant hate memes and cliched racist stereotypes so I have no chance to unravel those, no matter what I say because the cliches and stereotypes are a necessary  mental prop for them to rely on to justify all the violence heaped upon me continuously which they all are paid for in such huge quantities by a malevolent force also controlling the controllers, who are, apparently, not in control to the degree they are made out to be to the public (as in, they have their own controllers telling, dictating these terms and behavioral modification practices which I believe have been likewise used upon them as well).


I tried to state that the Polish "elite" welcomed in the Nazis because of the "Jewish problem" which was undoubtedly a universal Euro term (from East to West, from Russia to the UK and of course extending into America and beyond--now a contagion of social programming around the world this Nazi indoctrination system).

The Poles welcomed in the Nazis and gave almost no real resistance, a show of defense by the most ardent nationalists just in order to give the appearance of trying to quell this invasion. The instantaneous handing over of Jews into ghettos and then to death had been programmed long and instilled long before the German occupation. I found on the mainstream internet only one such article referencing this trend (there may be more, I am indeed hacked constantly information is constantly being blocked from my searches). I read a book while I lived in Germany on this subject as well, I know it referred to the German secret service or some such group --was it called the Abwehr?)

And in the documentary series The Occult History of the Third Reich it is explicitly mentioned as well. 

In other words, BETRAYAL and usurpation and exploitation of racism in order to infiltrate and steal the wealth of the nation, leaving the Poles infinitely demolished, the grandeur very much gone, and money, gold and property and all else transferred into the Swiss Bank accounts of the Nazis--now forthcoming to rebuild Germany in places like Stuttgart (very close to the Swiss Border, in relative terms btw).

It is hard to make this point about how infiltration and deception is used by people determined that money is the DRUG that will make them truly "free" and "happy". Especially when most of the information is blocked from the mainstream search engines. As usual, only the Jewish holocaust is mentioned as being the prime and almost only demographic targeted by the Nazis but this is a deception.

The Ukrainians as well were "promised" that the cruelty of the Russian invasion would be lessened under German invasion and also the visceral hate for "Jews" had likewise been instilled in (all cultures) the Ukrainians and I have read accounts of villages whereby the townsmen took photos of the peasants surrounding a Jewish man (under Nazi control over the country) with a saw halfway through his neck. Of course, they were grinning to High Hell in the photo. Luckily I have not seen this photo but I read about it. I have also dealt with people out of Croatia, not so far removed geographically from that same region--as Croatia was an ally of the Nazis and thusly in the 90's during the Yugoslavian war it was Croatians who were the main immigrants from that "war torn" region who populated the streets. There was no outcry of "stop immigration" at that point as they are purely white and extremely racist. I lived in a dormitory in Unterturkheim, a suburb just outside of main Stuttgart area (very nice place) and one of the women in the dorm, who called herself "snow" (and I think it was not in reference to actual snow or Snow White but more to...the colloquial usage of that word) and her fiance was a black male American from Atlanta, a soldier living in I think it was Robinson Barracks. Snow told me that her parents refused to allow her fiance (I only met him one time in passing, a brief introduction for about 3 minutes I can't remember his name) and she left me her room where she had been living and left me half-opened food which means she poisoned my food--I believe as this was done often by people who "befriended" me). She then was sent to America after having "Helped" me which means her "reward" was to go infiltrate America alongside her Black boyfriend as her goal was to live in America. I seriously doubt she is still married to him and I wonder what she really would say about "America" if asked honestly for an honest answer? I say this because of the seeming fascination and admiration for "America' that Germans all expressed but as the Americans withdrew from the region after the troop withdrawal under Clinton, all that admiration for Black soldiers and for Americans turned rapidly into distasteful comments about America and Americans...).

But yeah, the Germans offer all that you want to hear, the Germans I mean those disposed to following the directives of their parents and in particular their revered grandparents who grew up either during the 3rd Reich (remember I was in Germany 1991-1995 and then 2010-2011) the shift was amazing in the mentality towards America and the increased deadliness of the attacks upon me which were obvious. Huge gang stalking groups followed me around in like waves of hate and nastiness, something that happens now in America--a country fully dedicated to becoming a vassal state of the 4th Reich and like Poland and Ukraine bringing in their warm, smiling "friends" from places like Germany and France and England who "love Blacks" from America--love the music love the boxers love the Democracy love the everything--unless you speak German as I do, overhear the nasty remarks made quietly to their friends and see the shared looks which have no words but absolute meaning--this silent means of communication was rampant whenever I was around Germans and they made nasty hints but disguised it all under "warm smiles" so practiced.

I cannot find direct evidence for the take-over scheme of the Nazis online. I believe this is intentional to censure this information and to leave only the victimization of Jews as the main component of what the 3rd Reich had done (that also includes a huge portion of Americans. My grandfather tried to fight in the war and was told he was not capable of fighting because he wore glasses. He was one of the top engineers at Westinghouse, was the top student at the only free university in New York City--I'm trying to remember the name of the  University as it has long been since I heard about it--it is not CUNY and maybe Cooper Union? Not sure, but he was the Valedictorian, so he and my grandmother asserted, for a class of something like 500--in engineering). He was one of two graduates accepted to Westinghouse as engineers during the Depression from his class and in general from all applicants. He told me that during the war he was the only one fired and he was the only Jew as well who was "let go" because of "financial" grounds--what is it called now to discriminate like that?)

He believed that he was blocked from acceptance to fight during the war and that he likewise was fired from Westinghouse due to racism---which rose increased exponentially once the Nazi system began to be incorporated into NYC, long before the end of WWII.

This welcoming of the higher offices of American life of Nazis and of the warm, smiling "German" infiltrators into the top echelons of society continues now. 

I can't describe how difficult it is to argue that this is a ploy and will have seriously deadly consequences for people like Mike Tyson because he will benefit instantly and already has. The injection of "free easy money" by just following up on the endless antisemitism of the "black community" which has been touted for decades by the "leaders" who are also "in the pocket" of the 4th Reich has resulted in me being racistically stereotypes and put in boxes, in order to put me and many others into 6-feet-deep boxes if even that is "allowed" under the 4th Reich--and I mean it is deadly in it's import but no one cares. Certainly not the wealthy Jews of America who also receive constantly this injection of millions and billions of dollars for equating supporting white supremacy with their personal gain at all expense without any future ramifications for their lives or that of their children, the country or on society as a whole.

When information about how the "elite" partnered with the Nazis, which would of course reflect likewise upon the "elite' of America partnering with Nazis--much more literature has been written about that, but the 4th Reich has made sure to hand out so much lucre to the participants who are endlessly photographed as being the "winners" of society in rigged contests constantly bolstered by increasingly antisemitic and hateful language and behavior.

Never offset by the record of just invisible places like Poland and Ukraine where the masses of cement Communist Bloc housing has to be replaced anyway so why not just bomb the places and then have the Nazis move in as "helpers" and "friends"?

Not much and in fact nothing is written about this which is accessible online. As for books on the subject, again I need access to a research database and also, unless it is a most secure system like EBSCO HOST I am hacked so I get almost no search results. I can't use the CAT research database because the security for that database is nowhere as secure as the EBSCO HOST.

Thusly, INFORMATION is "privileged" and thusly it is being suppressed and even censured.

To try to tell Mike Tyson whose very first sentence to me was, "They have money, what do you have?" is hard to reply to when all that matters as form of currency legitimacy is money and not concern about how many has been blocked from me in a network of discrimination. That I try to express that the Polish and Ukrainians welcomed in the Germans to get rid of Jews and thusly all could share in the theft of the extreme wealth is not available that I can find online and so I can't make this point.

I urge Mike Tyson to watch "An Occult History of the Third Reich" to hear and see this English-based documentary (I believe it was English) and it has been used by a top researcher I listen to almost every day, William Cooper who was an Intelligence Officer for the Office of Naval Intelligence who used this for a series in his Hour of the Time broadcasts). As a secondary source of information, I do not lightly state that Cooper would not use it if he had not corroborated the information but as to the claim that the Germans happily eradicated the Polish aristocracy which had formerly welcomed him in because they would have a huge pogrom and also a wealth-sharing party afterwards, is mentioned in the documentary but not online anywhere I can find for the "mainstream" search engine cues. It could be embedded into a research paper or a book but trying to find it with the hacking to my system is very impossible for me at this time.

It is the truth however, and it is obvious but no one really thinks about post-war Poland very much in American society. The polish jokes I heard constantly while living in the Midwest were abounding, in the constant battle of the immigrants from Germany and other countries into the region I had grown up (Illinois) and the attempt to quell crush and destroy that country is still ongoing even with the Americans in the Midwest who have never even met a Pole or been to Poland. 

I believe the same protocol system is currently in operation in America and that is one of the reasons I "fight" just succumbing to this system so the most heinous forces can continue to corrupt and manipulate, incentivize and destroy the country and my life (for me, my life is the first priority not the last, as it is with all the terrorists who come to assault me in the teleportation circuit of endless promotion into the 4th Reich).


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