Trump convicted *today* (now yesterday) by the same sinister people who put him in power and after having the delight to endlessly have restrictions to their criminal enterprises unfettered, as they applauded Trump they railed against him in public spheres. Turning to assaulting me has been their "safety card from the Nazi death squads" protection. I have detailed how the most demonstrative of the J-6 Committee members have all rushed to assault me, the more serious ones in the background have not but yet they remain silent and permissive.//The first few moments of relief are now gone and the hacking into my internet so the creeple from these media agencies who have profited off having me poisoned tortured mutilated abused without end for a few years can profit if I "click" on their video--this is how sick this contract is. It remains "hidden" although so many know about it already. They continue to profess how much they "care" about Democracy and at the exact same time keep hacking their videos--now in disguise under different titles not showing who they are---and if I click on it or it goes into auto-play they get rewarded for having mutilated assaulted allowed rape and torture and yet I watch the crap they crank out as this goes on and on. Just trying to hope that Trump being not glorified into having power once more might mean that this torture and murder would end, but no, it continues the fakes keep hacking their videos and the tortures are never going to stop. The only way would be for them to not be in power any longer--all of them who are attacking me (at the "top" positions but they are all being controlled by their "higher-ups" to whom they must grovel excessively, so it would seem from their crushing oppression they obviously grovel to those higher than they. //They used to hide behind numbers when the Nazis were not in power and now they are just almost out in the open. The "opposing" side is just a mere charade and a farce. //kept him there are proclaiming their "victory" at having "fought Trump" as they continue to profit off the "system" that once was cloaked in mystical esoterism. Now it's all in the open. But the lying enablers of Trump's 4th Reich are claiming they "won" and have put Trump down. A celebration for them, another day of mind control on you (collective).//This post is very disjointed due to hacking and being sick from detox and non-stop drugging and attacks that are without end. It will never end it appears. The culprits are now proclaiming that they have always supported "Democracy" and the "enemy" is now quelled. They actually ENABLED Trump they put Trump in power they profited off Trump's crimes they put Trump in power to continue their own crimes against me to continue to have media promotion for the K-rap they constantly are spewing out about concepts they have stolen from me or are just lying about.//The rest is a mish-mash of me commiserating about how what once was a "secret" system of hidden symbols is now an open rising of the "fascism" that the detractors of Trump actually profited off by working with him to attack me. Now going with whatever flow is most profitable while retaining their "status" as "fighting" for equality and justice, the con job continues but only due to full permission by "society", mostly culled of actual concerned citizens long ago by all the covert death squads. Welcome to KGB America, now a flamboyant demonstrative supporter is being on trial but the "opposite" side is most especially guilty of enabling him. They remain now cheered on for their speeches and movies about how they care about Democracy. I remain shitting out poison they ordered put in my body, fighting to heal fighting to clean the muck they order perpetually onto my clothing and home while I am so paralyzed from their poisoning I can't move most of the time. //So watching the show and seeing even in trying to find accurate information I am hacked so I write on the disinformation/lies and then go into myriad meanderings of what this organization was, is and the significance of numbers. What the Trumpian system has done to my family who have submitted to being denigrated if only to be allowed to live in suburbs alongside Nazi White (trash) America. //So the initial happiness that perhaps Trump being arrested would arrest this murder of me that SHIT from Congress and Whorewood have been flocking to participate in for 14 years and many for over 30 years with full violent assertion that I have zero human rights to defend myself and the death threats and violence is non-stop. They turn around cheering on the conviction of Trump and get applause endlessly. The secret societies are not so secret any longer and their numbers are legion. They are zero. To me, that is their energy-sucking parasitic number. The rest is a mishmash of me ranting but actually going into serious points that I am unable to write of succinctly the mind control is too extreme-please bear with this post it goes in many different directions//**After having posted this, I see that I had only checked Huffpost and not other sources. Other sources claim that there were 34 counts and not 33--regardless, why Huffpost published the number 33 is suspect to me, (now 3 hours later and the Huffpost front page says 34 counts. My internet is perpetually hacked, pages are rewritten, items are deleted and searches for basic terms end -up in about 8 results although Google states there are tens of thousands of results---). But not oddly, the date of sentencing is set for July 11, which is also one of my sister's surgically-extracted birthdates and I find it a bit further down "the rabbit hole" than mere coincidence but it doesn't matter---just making observations. Yes, now Huffpost has the correct number of convictions at 34 but this morning it stated at headline 33. The terrorist 4th Reich bigot pig ape rape org is constantly trying to discredit me, putting false information and blocking my brain and keyboard functioning--plus the lies distributed about me which are repeated until they become just another component of The Big Lie of the 4th Reich. Hacking interference into the personal internet of a target is actually NOT conspiracy theory. So read on, whomever and to whatever void has access---I write only to try to make my personal observations, and the hacking and distortion of information is part of the entire package. Yet that number hacked IS significant in those secret societies after all, as apparently my other sister born on the date of sentencing appears to be significant as t his is no coincidence either, the date. The date will not result in sentencing it will, as usual, be delayed but the number and month are significant to the numerical-oriented "Illuminati"Nazi etc. 4th Reich et al.//and I have not yet gone through all sources to understand if one charge was somehow different..? The theory remains only because a major newspaper (mis)quoted a number that coincides with my "conspiracy theory" which is not a wacked-out theory at all, so please take the following into consideration that I was misguided in my assessment but perhaps the "theory' is still valid and causative and valid (please note I very much like "The Scientific Method" and do not subscribe easily to "conspiracy theories")"--Not ashamed to pose a "conspiracy theory"--but the number 33 is the "highst degree in Freemasonry" and highly symbolic of the leadership of "The Illuminati" or Freemason upper tier (some speculate there are many higher degrees but the standard for the "lower ranks" is the 33 mark of highest adept in the organization. //Trump's original indictment stated 34 counts but the jury only pronounced guilt on 33. This implies, to me, the novice non-Freemason, that the number 33 implies highest approval for this action of "guilty" verdict. //I have said ever since I watched Biden's Inauguration spectacle on the tube that his imagery of the sun rising over the Capital Bldg with the slogan, "Today is a new day" is another symbolic token and wave to "The Illuminati/Freemasonry" just as "The Golden Dawn" fascist Right-Wing Neo-Nazi group in Greece is another. Not blaming Biden as he has been a fully-welcomed cog, yet I am merely noting this number as one less than the original indictment charge of 34 felony counts and wonder why one was omitted, and I refer to only the "symbolism" and not the legal justification used by the jury or judge.//Please note I really don't care that much, just pointing out to the void of this blog-o-sphere that I ponder why this highly significant number has replaced the original 34-count indictment.
"Faith No More--We Care a Lot (Official Music Video)(4K)". UPROXX indi mixtape. February 22, 2024. TRUMP FOUND GUILY ON 33 COUNTS (Huffpost, May 31, 2024). NY Court finds Trump Guilty on all 34 Counts (Bloomberg) ** so much hacking it was nearly impossible to simply copy and paste the last link above--everything blocked. This post will have been rewritten/partially deleted by terrorists who are, now, hammering and pounding in the rooms beneath mind once again (6 years of this going on every year for weeks and months every year, 8 hours per day, day after day, and 6 years of it going on and on. Oh yes, whether the symbolism is correct or not, the conviction of Trump only means a slight shift in visible demonstrative fascist leadership some with a soft fascist lying approach and others with an outright. All declaring endlessly that they are fully bot-a-tized into "Democracy" and it's conventions. Mob Rule, is the only modus operandi they employ in terms of ...