
Showing posts from May, 2024

Trump convicted *today* (now yesterday) by the same sinister people who put him in power and after having the delight to endlessly have restrictions to their criminal enterprises unfettered, as they applauded Trump they railed against him in public spheres. Turning to assaulting me has been their "safety card from the Nazi death squads" protection. I have detailed how the most demonstrative of the J-6 Committee members have all rushed to assault me, the more serious ones in the background have not but yet they remain silent and permissive.//The first few moments of relief are now gone and the hacking into my internet so the creeple from these media agencies who have profited off having me poisoned tortured mutilated abused without end for a few years can profit if I "click" on their video--this is how sick this contract is. It remains "hidden" although so many know about it already. They continue to profess how much they "care" about Democracy and at the exact same time keep hacking their videos--now in disguise under different titles not showing who they are---and if I click on it or it goes into auto-play they get rewarded for having mutilated assaulted allowed rape and torture and yet I watch the crap they crank out as this goes on and on. Just trying to hope that Trump being not glorified into having power once more might mean that this torture and murder would end, but no, it continues the fakes keep hacking their videos and the tortures are never going to stop. The only way would be for them to not be in power any longer--all of them who are attacking me (at the "top" positions but they are all being controlled by their "higher-ups" to whom they must grovel excessively, so it would seem from their crushing oppression they obviously grovel to those higher than they. //They used to hide behind numbers when the Nazis were not in power and now they are just almost out in the open. The "opposing" side is just a mere charade and a farce. //kept him there are proclaiming their "victory" at having "fought Trump" as they continue to profit off the "system" that once was cloaked in mystical esoterism. Now it's all in the open. But the lying enablers of Trump's 4th Reich are claiming they "won" and have put Trump down. A celebration for them, another day of mind control on you (collective).//This post is very disjointed due to hacking and being sick from detox and non-stop drugging and attacks that are without end. It will never end it appears. The culprits are now proclaiming that they have always supported "Democracy" and the "enemy" is now quelled. They actually ENABLED Trump they put Trump in power they profited off Trump's crimes they put Trump in power to continue their own crimes against me to continue to have media promotion for the K-rap they constantly are spewing out about concepts they have stolen from me or are just lying about.//The rest is a mish-mash of me commiserating about how what once was a "secret" system of hidden symbols is now an open rising of the "fascism" that the detractors of Trump actually profited off by working with him to attack me. Now going with whatever flow is most profitable while retaining their "status" as "fighting" for equality and justice, the con job continues but only due to full permission by "society", mostly culled of actual concerned citizens long ago by all the covert death squads. Welcome to KGB America, now a flamboyant demonstrative supporter is being on trial but the "opposite" side is most especially guilty of enabling him. They remain now cheered on for their speeches and movies about how they care about Democracy. I remain shitting out poison they ordered put in my body, fighting to heal fighting to clean the muck they order perpetually onto my clothing and home while I am so paralyzed from their poisoning I can't move most of the time. //So watching the show and seeing even in trying to find accurate information I am hacked so I write on the disinformation/lies and then go into myriad meanderings of what this organization was, is and the significance of numbers. What the Trumpian system has done to my family who have submitted to being denigrated if only to be allowed to live in suburbs alongside Nazi White (trash) America. //So the initial happiness that perhaps Trump being arrested would arrest this murder of me that SHIT from Congress and Whorewood have been flocking to participate in for 14 years and many for over 30 years with full violent assertion that I have zero human rights to defend myself and the death threats and violence is non-stop. They turn around cheering on the conviction of Trump and get applause endlessly. The secret societies are not so secret any longer and their numbers are legion. They are zero. To me, that is their energy-sucking parasitic number. The rest is a mishmash of me ranting but actually going into serious points that I am unable to write of succinctly the mind control is too extreme-please bear with this post it goes in many different directions//**After having posted this, I see that I had only checked Huffpost and not other sources. Other sources claim that there were 34 counts and not 33--regardless, why Huffpost published the number 33 is suspect to me, (now 3 hours later and the Huffpost front page says 34 counts. My internet is perpetually hacked, pages are rewritten, items are deleted and searches for basic terms end -up in about 8 results although Google states there are tens of thousands of results---). But not oddly, the date of sentencing is set for July 11, which is also one of my sister's surgically-extracted birthdates and I find it a bit further down "the rabbit hole" than mere coincidence but it doesn't matter---just making observations. Yes, now Huffpost has the correct number of convictions at 34 but this morning it stated at headline 33. The terrorist 4th Reich bigot pig ape rape org is constantly trying to discredit me, putting false information and blocking my brain and keyboard functioning--plus the lies distributed about me which are repeated until they become just another component of The Big Lie of the 4th Reich. Hacking interference into the personal internet of a target is actually NOT conspiracy theory. So read on, whomever and to whatever void has access---I write only to try to make my personal observations, and the hacking and distortion of information is part of the entire package. Yet that number hacked IS significant in those secret societies after all, as apparently my other sister born on the date of sentencing appears to be significant as t his is no coincidence either, the date. The date will not result in sentencing it will, as usual, be delayed but the number and month are significant to the numerical-oriented "Illuminati"Nazi etc. 4th Reich et al.//and I have not yet gone through all sources to understand if one charge was somehow different..? The theory remains only because a major newspaper (mis)quoted a number that coincides with my "conspiracy theory" which is not a wacked-out theory at all, so please take the following into consideration that I was misguided in my assessment but perhaps the "theory' is still valid and causative and valid (please note I very much like "The Scientific Method" and do not subscribe easily to "conspiracy theories")"--Not ashamed to pose a "conspiracy theory"--but the number 33 is the "highst degree in Freemasonry" and highly symbolic of the leadership of "The Illuminati" or Freemason upper tier (some speculate there are many higher degrees but the standard for the "lower ranks" is the 33 mark of highest adept in the organization. //Trump's original indictment stated 34 counts but the jury only pronounced guilt on 33. This implies, to me, the novice non-Freemason, that the number 33 implies highest approval for this action of "guilty" verdict. //I have said ever since I watched Biden's Inauguration spectacle on the tube that his imagery of the sun rising over the Capital Bldg with the slogan, "Today is a new day" is another symbolic token and wave to "The Illuminati/Freemasonry" just as "The Golden Dawn" fascist Right-Wing Neo-Nazi group in Greece is another. Not blaming Biden as he has been a fully-welcomed cog, yet I am merely noting this number as one less than the original indictment charge of 34 felony counts and wonder why one was omitted, and I refer to only the "symbolism" and not the legal justification used by the jury or judge.//Please note I really don't care that much, just pointing out to the void of this blog-o-sphere that I ponder why this highly significant number has replaced the original 34-count indictment.

"Faith No More--We Care a Lot (Official Music Video)(4K)". UPROXX indi mixtape. February 22, 2024.   TRUMP FOUND GUILY ON 33 COUNTS   (Huffpost, May 31, 2024). NY Court finds Trump Guilty on all 34 Counts (Bloomberg) ** so much hacking it was nearly impossible to simply copy and paste the last link above--everything blocked. This post will have been rewritten/partially deleted by terrorists who are, now, hammering and pounding in the rooms beneath mind once again (6 years of this going on every year for weeks and months every year, 8 hours per day, day after day, and 6 years of it going on and on. Oh yes, whether the symbolism is correct or not, the conviction of Trump only means a slight shift in visible demonstrative fascist leadership some with a soft fascist lying approach and others with an outright. All declaring endlessly that they are fully bot-a-tized into "Democracy" and it's conventions. Mob Rule, is the only modus operandi they employ in terms of ...

I wasn't defending you (DeNiro) I was attacking "them" (douglass murray who made a public statement to English Colony Oz-land reporters on, "who does he think he is?"/referring to DeNiro's speech regarding "Democracy". I wrote a comment that DeNiro is commenting on a situation occurring in New York City--his city (my family's city which expletives like the "Italian-American" mafia have attacked and abused and humiliated and assaulted out of their home town only to be attacked in teleportation after having been attacked by this same heinous group in Miami and out of New York--people I never met in NYC, people I only had very quick encounters with trying to avoid them and just trying to make a living as they kept following me around, now I understand creating sabotage and extreme violence against me to endlessly profit off this contract out on me): but I digress and the hacking interference is constant and horrible so hard to concentrate. I wrote a comment to a video saying that DeNiro is making a public statement about something happening in his city and Murray made a statement, "Who does he think he is?" so I wrote back in the comment section after Murray had his lackey Netanyahu, a most vile and disgusting jewish Nazis sexually attack me, and they both had Ratskin violently assault me for saying no and losing my temper--and this same English expletive is assuming more 'control" over America and it's politics. thanks to the Whorewood crowd fully welcoming this interfering British Israelist Nazi of the 4th Reich into exerting the English Crown control over Whorewood and media and politics. So I wrote, "who do you think you are interfering in American politics or business go back to your cesspool in England) and to which DeNiro having to fully support the old Nazi network came to me abusing me, in teleportation of course, accusing me of being a witch responsible for his family member's death because I screamed after about 5 years of non-stop poisoning and torture and sexual assault and the theft of my ideas from this expletive--yelling I hoped he and his family died because of the violence this group of NYC mafia have inflicted upon me family and upon me. I am now his target for being a "witch" who knew what I was doing when I put this curse out and has been threatening me with very culpable violent intimidation as if I am responsible for his family member's addiction--although he (DeNiro) is and has been addicted to torturing me every day for years and the Oscars he has obtained for his violence against me and for torturing me for years as I wrote and said constantly that Trump was going to create a fascist Nazi state as DeNiro attacked me with extremely violent hate and every time I was in the shower or naked it was body shaming and sleazy sick insults about my body which has been injected with silicone smeared with fungus daily for years mutilated and my hair mostly chemically destroyed and gone and etc. But I was attacking this filth English Nazi and not defending DeNiro but I was attacked by Deniro who doesn't want any connection of me in any way, shape or form he and his group have so completely destroyed my image and connection to me. So okay, I wish that the Nazis will burst your goddamn image and that you are shunned and then become a target as you have done to me. I hope your food is poisoned as you have done to me, I hope you are gang stalked to forever as you ordered upon me by the MAGA filth crowds you PUT INTO POWER through your greasy greed and hate and addiction and selfishness. I hope that your addiction to cocaine, which was fueled by your obvious addiction to whatever (alcohol, sex, working, controlling, etc) becomes your imprisonment of failure as you have been laughing about what you and your ilk have done to me for so many years. Your addiction will be turned into whatever you are addicted to being poisoned by the gang stalking groups which you helped to expand through all the years of your Oscars and deals with rotten Scorsese who sent you and Pesce and many others to violently assault me as he and you both went to the Oscars and on and on and on. I hope this for Scorsese as well, but he has never said anything about politics as the Whorewood celebrities are like the sleazy rotten whores who will be paid for any and all administrations, which are almost identical anyway in fascist Nazism. That is why you assumed that what was happening to me was because I must be all the negative stereotypes that you affixed to me to justify your violence. Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. But duh...they don't listen, the pig apes just want everything to go back to their endless allowance to fuck rape torture steal kill rob with full back-patting by the filthy greasy greedy incompetence of the crap from Congress-Whorewood and you just want everything to go back to the time that actually re-inforced the current gang stalking mobs just dying to mob you and stalk you and hack into your phone and block your finances and poison you literally to death. Dumb as hell. What can I expect from any of these creeps? You all worship addicts high on power and corruption.

God messed with Texas while Texas assumed no one ever could mess with Texas + Global Warming/Nature fights back Hope 4 the Future (psychopathic post humor oh ha ha not funny yes hilarious)

  "Video shows Texas winds moving plane from Dallas airport gate". CBS News. May 30, 2024. "Deadly turbulence on Singapore Airlines: How it Happened/About That". CBS News. May 22, 2024. "Ha Ha Ha (7")". Flipper--Topic. November 22, 2014. Plane-fulls and Plane-fulls full of Nazi pig ape 4th Reich genocidal murder bigots flying on their Holocaust and "Austerity Measure" theft from millions upon millions only to exert Imperialistic Nazism in Thailand, even less friendly in the American arena where it is deadly serious and trending towards mass murder but perhaps as I try to allude to sometimes, there will be a divine intervention as the Government sure as heck will do nothing to stop Nazi invasion and overtake by English (your "friends") and Germans ("they are so nice the problem is only because it's you the dumb scum tell me, the Blacks in particular oh how Nazis love blacks and make them feel that racism was only in America...

They--the Big Brother 4th Reich Global cartel---are trying to force, somehow, a baby out of me (although part of my uterus was severed out while I was in a deep, drugged-up comatose sleep state, a few years ago). //The fact is that I NEVER thought that babies were "cute" or "adorable' and always saw them as alien objects that were foreign to my physiognomy. The one time I babysat a baby, I felt a tinge of fear and slight revulsion at trying to hold it, and could not perform the diaper-changing function but I could play with her a little bit. Otherwise, I babysat another almost baby and I felt more at ease taking a nature walk with it in a baby-pack on my back through the forest. //But KITTENS no problem. I truly am destined to be, if I am not destroyed, a cat lady with at least one cat which would be my child. Otherwise, the thought of a male forced upon me from the 4th Reich would entail the Nazi programming and indoctrination which compounds the disgust of this contract out on me. I would absolutely not want an abuser, disrespectful male domineering over me so the baby would be programmed to hate me and love the abuser, which is the program "they" are trying to force upon me. They probably would have me slowly or horribly killed anyway and the "baby" brought up to be a genetic "experiment" but programmed into Nazi 4th Reich mentality. It doesn't take much to do that anyway as the easiest and lowest principles of humanity are all that are necessary to bring up the baby into a violent and lying con-artist thug. It is the lowest common denominator training, something easily accessible to all human beings it appears.


Bleach Blonde, Bad- Built, brainwashed bollocks butch body-politic. /This concerns the Black Nazi/Jewish/Latino/Asian et al fascists & Not just MTG: When anyone can associate the ever-increasing number of participants in this most egregious mind control torture protocol system afflicting my body, life, finances, health and everything else with the utter visible psychopathic and "unhinged" behavior of people like Trump, MTG, Depp just to name a few of the more notorious who have participated (for years) and have become fanatical disrespecting criminal law-breaking and violent "I can do whatever I want" programmed bots of the 4th Reich--the teleportation accessibility to unfettered access to many types of criminal violence that are just allowed like flowing cornucopia drugs to the really exploiter types grasping for power has proven to inevitably lead to the "gate-keepers" relaying this self-serving breakage of law and Constitutional Rights into increasing violence and destruction and deterioration of decorum, rights, laws, procedures, and any kind of sanctity for the social fabric. It appears that no one can associate this terror programming contract heaped upon me, and the mind control is really being exerted upon the users and abusers and not on me, because this endless hate from people whom I have never harmed but are vicious greed users and exploiters and so hating me as some 'symbol" without any reality behind their violent attacks only proves to me how unworthy they are for leadership positions. Yet it continues unabated and they are still going at me every day, unrestricted, allowed and they continue to be AWARDED for the social programming to destroy the cohesion of the United States. //That people en masse are so programmed towards racism and sexism that they have forced a mold of hate that has nothing to do with me but their own racist prejudices, as excuses to justify their violence upon me (a very flimsy sort of "excuse" as the really just are trying to force racist stereotypes on me to become demoralized and destroyed in every way by every racist remark and act of every kind of violence upon me continuously for over a decade and longer). But still, it would seem that at least some people who are "concerned" bout the rise of this threat to "Demoecrazy" would at some point sort of do a bit of statistical analysis on how many have participated in this attack upon me, and how many have been put into positions of power, how many of those have increased their decrease of respect for law and authenticity of conduct and law-abiding demonstrations of any concern about society except for their own wealth and status attainment.//So MTG has been involved for at least one year in sexually assaulting me and abusing me and her sense of entitlement to break the law has been visibly demonstrated in the past week. I thought that perhaps ANY ONE OR EVEN ONE of the politicians or celebrities involved in this teleportation may, at one point, begin to make the tentative connections between social engineering towards laxity of legal boundaries and personal boundaries as well--with a larger scale of obliterating rule of law and political behavior while Congress is in a Special Session---but they have been PAID AND PROMOTED and given interviews galore the dream they all long for, media interviews handed to them by the rapacious and sinister celebrities who are fully indoctrinated into violent rape and murder by now from over a DECADE of unrestricted violence towards me, trickling down through their violent sleazy movies and fascist Nazi programming therein. Should a high position of authority or status also not include the ability to discern a threat to society and not to indulge in it constantly but to begin to actually THINK AND CARE about the threat assessment for future destruction (that none of them even understands about, how to conduct and how or what to do in terms of any future threat assessment to society if they are allowed to commit most violent crimes in the "private" teleportation sessions and then put into lead political positions. Oh yes... that's right, Trump had access to this system for--now it's going on EIGHT YEARS and people who knew him before he went down that escalator say that now he is unrecognizable. The mind programming is also being exerted upon the participants. The aim is to weaken the United States. Most of the vicious participants are agents of foreign interests and all have a cohort of Euro-land "friends" who sit back smug and really inwardly laughing with delight instructing them on how to behave in most fascist ways in order to destroy the cohesion of the society that they want to rule over. The 4th Reich programming continues, and I remain writing for another day about another very open and public display that AOC, Crockett, Raskin and MTG have performed. ALL of them have joined into the teleportation, by the way. Their performative antics and laxity towards decorum, I believe, are due to access to this programming teleportation terrorism and they have been so rewarded for acting like unprofessional psychopath criminals in the "private" teleportation promotional attacks upon me. //The dire and impending tragedy of the teleportation/MK ULTRA/microchip implant programming not of me but of the violating rapists and abusers who are paid and promoted for the social engineering for the making of psychopathic sociopathy and then promoted into lead positions of power in outright theatrical (clown/circus) performances that shake the foundations of rational politics, turning all into a grasping-for-power and insult-replacement of erudite verbal sparring in politics and in society. it is the segue to actual real violence that instead of rational discussion and debate, insults and a tendency towards bravado will only lead to outright despotism and chaos.//Hopefully what Ms. Crockett retorted to MAGA muck will result in an increase in Dem votes in upcoming election and even perhaps MTG not being seen as the next Trump replicant, mind-programmed fascist flavor of the next Congressional term.//

"Jasmine Crockett Knocks the Karen out of Marjorie Taylor Green". Reese Waters. May 18, 2024. ---------------- This, below, is a most sad and disturbing video for me, personally, to see two (three) yelling, abusive participants in the teleportation hell, rape, poisoning, attempted murder, mutilation and violence that is still ongoing. None of them (Scarborough, Clinton or the blonde cheerleader anchor cheering on rape and torture of me and making snide and sarcastic remarks while the male is yelling fascistically at me as was Clinton when she had her go alongside the mafia, defending racism and rape and every egregious destruction of all human and constitutional rights--all of them--_) to hear and see them seriously with intention of solemnity discussing how righteously sacrocanct they and their positions of defending "women" and in "feminism" and in "fighting to defend Democracy" and everything else is so seriously stated and that the younger ge...

Note from the Underground about the BS-4U Tube: Yesterday more confirmation of the increase in the 4th Reich death squad approval by the expletive minions who control such activities, themselves minions and enslaved (some more well-trained at performing parrot repetition albeit reformulated than others. As I worked for a major State newspaper and saw how the basic news source by-lines were sent to the editors who then instructed the lower-ranking aspiring to simply rehash the same news bylines, the precursor to Chat GPS but not in a hard box formation although very similar to the conduits of the connection to the central organizing central committee to which they owe full allegiance)./Black & Latino (mostly) Minority minions inducted into the lower ranks of the Death Squad units offering their services for a "piece of the pie" in New Jack-Off City 4th Reich, the trade-off to replace the Jews is for Blacks and Latinos to become antisemites, and offer their thug-trained services up as death squad operatives, unabashedly, to the 4th Reich Central Committee from the Dirty South Central up to the Upper Bronx.//--up in the Bronx down to the dictates of the Washington, D.C. Nazi "Democracy" pundits.. //Jewish Nazis "intellectually" analyzing the trials of the "My Fight" 4th Reich trial(s), but LYING about the procedures which means they were paid to promote LLIES and hack the fodder onto my YouTube channel. AS the stark contradiction to what the actual news sources say about the trial instructions (the actual news sources that are established say that there can be a hung jury, the BS-operators, the typically ugly and frumpy "Jewish" minions with their blonde and "Italian-American grim or giggly skank "handlers" make endless "I prosecuted 50 trials and this is my expert opinion analysis" bs are saying the exact opposite to the anchors about how the jury must have unanimity in verdict (MSNBC) vs the ersatz Jewish (but real) Nazis with their Nazi female counterparts saying that half of the jury CAN have a differing verdict from the other half of the jury and it cannot be a "hung" jury. MSNBC states repeatedly that the verdict must be unanimous in order to convict or to exonerate in the trial. Since both are hacking and part of the terrorist team, I must go with the officially-recognized news outlet rather than the "at home" podcast" with the Jewish frump making his comments to the stern or giggly bloondish Nazi woman whom he is endlessly hammering compliments to.//And lastly, another Black "activist" hacking his BS-47 K-rap into my internet and the hacking was incessant. It wasn't what he said (as usual, like all, repeating the words of Malcolm X and/or other books written by other authors, which is the cornerstone of the New Jack-off City induction into the 4th Reich. It is what they OMIT which is the transfer of the brunt of racial violence and discrimination onto the Jews as the main target of the 3rd Reich, now being instituted into the 4th Reich. Jews and Blacks rushing to join. Blacks influenced by k-rap like the Black Nazis of Whorewood who are so famous, and have obtained endless promotions for viciously assaulting me in teleportatioon, are the influencers putting Black Nazism into the BS-4U k-rap-sphere. No mention of Blacks assaulting Jews as part of a racist plan from the hacker Black "activist" who denounces on one hand racism but on the other uses old 60's-70's cliches and then bypasses the actual moment of the present and the forces of transmuting suppressed rage as "victims" onto Jews--. This "program" for a pogrom has been ongoing since i was bused from my "white" neighborhood to the Black neighborhood, to a school that tried to instruct children on racial equality but the principle, a Black woman, assaulted me when the 4th Reich instructed her to do so, and the hate trickled down to the blacks in the school. Now the school has shifted from arts and literature and creative development and racist awareness to robotics and 4th Reich mechanistic conformity training. They dance to rap songs but I can only gauge by the "gatekeepers" of the antisemitism from Whorewood that they are imbibing the same hate replacement theory.

  I can't mention, by name, a single one of them. They will come to torture and abuse and perhaps try to kill me if I so much as write their filthy names and the podcasts that they have co-opted and blocked from my actual youtube feed in order to replace what is actual political analysis that I am searching for. I look for news analysis of the tantamount crisis in politics and I get only ONE source constantly hacked onto my youtube channels (always the same MSNBC anchors who have violently assaulted me at least verbally and then gone off getting book tours, and promotions without end--all put up as "heroes of Democrazy" as they constantly hack their videos (hacked onto other channels like a knitting channel out of Thailand or a sports channel out of--perhaps Gabon?) and meanwhile, the obviously hacked political discourse analysis affrontery hacks are outright lying but because I am trying to understand and learn about the process, I listen intently. I am also under mind c...

Past memories of date-rape terrorist attackers---and the other extreme violent acts that "they" get away with and are promoted for having performed. One of them, who, when I "broke up" with him, I was suddenly put into a severe accident which changed my body and life ---who used drugs on me, described abusing other "girlfriends' to the point that they regressed into fetal positions--and I can attest that I was absolutely drugged non-consensually by the 4th Reich, the microchip implant mind control, and a web of terrorists constantly surrounding me instructing me to just be with him (susceptible to suggestion absolutely under the effects afore-mentioned). //I am unsure as to which person or groups I had been hanging with had arranged for a very serious accident, but it wasn't an "accident" per se, it was my body being brutally attacked while in the deep sleep state and it fractured and seriously harmed my spine so I am now literally "disabled" from this attack and I believe it was from this sinister (American) but "Jewish" male (I think he is "half" and half "german" and had a lot of Euro-p-a friends in San Francisco). I have written of this situation many times, but all I can state is that in the sickness from all the decades of people like him, who have gone on from having almost nothing to soaring with awards and deals after they brutalize and drug and poison and assault me, and so....he was arrested for homicide in the theater he had leased out for his "art" projects--and the woman around 15 years his junior had overdosed while he "fell asleep" next to her. He was released due to lack of evidence. The woman, ironically, the articles claim she was an "Oakland" resident but other articles and her eulogy stated that she was from Champaign, Illinois--the place I grew up and of course this expletive knew because I told him many times. ///He now lives comfortably in Los Angeles according to last social media posts---has been applauded and awarded. When he first attacked me, he had been sleeping in someone's garage and after he began assaulting me he was handed a huge area in Candlestick Park in a huge warehouse next to an "artist" from Austria--and one of his blondish female "partners" lived in Paris, and etc. I was absolutely drugged but he wrote poetry and I wanted a career in writing and his verbal elasticity was something I wanted an awareness of. not realizing the psychopathy and the contract out on me. Because I "left" him like a domestic violence abuser, and like so many of the "Jewish" men obsessed with the 4th Reich, he committed I believe this act of permanently fracturing my spine and causing me to have to fight literally for my life while health care was not available, I was sent away by all clinics and that is how I moved to Germany. //The criminal is just living it up in Los Angeles. I guess the atmosphere of that city suits his psychopathy perfectly and his antisemitic half "jewishness" if awarded for his white supremacy allegiance. He looks now pretty well-off and in a 3-piece fashion suit--with a following for whatever he does. The woman he undoubtedly tried to date-rape because she probably was just interested in sharing in the theater he was trying to open- (she was a partner in the investment) was drugged so badly because his only prime concern is for Europigape women to have any power, and an American from Champaign was to be drugged and raped, probably with a tinge of resentment towards me for getting away from his endless clutching, like 'they" all do, for as long as possible (30 years, no problem for any of them to go on and on). So I look and just hope that some day this death squad system will be exposed so expletives like him and the rest are NOT PROMOTED ANY LONGER. I have zero doubt that he murdered this woman 1/3 his age only because of his sickness due to the supply of mind control and date-rape drugs he has been handed for attacking me, and then looking for victims elsewhere. Btw, t he woman he murdered but go off on due to "lack of evidence" was a blonde woman so the violence is not restricted to anyone not looking 4th Reich bs plastic created.

  I try to warn people that continuing to allow this technology, drugging and death squad and law enforcement collusion is a death zone of terrorism State-sponsored that can afflict and destroy and rape and murder ANYBODY even a blonde-haired and green/blue-eyed light-skinned woman, which is what died due to the sleaze power-grasping need to control women and to have power and who could not stand to see a women on his economic standing. So he poisoned her and assumed that, like me, she would just drop into a deep sleep, he could abuse and mind program and rape her and she would wake up not knowing what had happened but would be afflicted and programmed anyway.  But instead, she was a very novice drug target whose system could not cope with the disgusting poisons that are poured into my body every day and all my life so my immune system, while the apes who assault me every day are killing me by the endless screaming hate yelling disgust physical fights that are now every single...

Andrew Yang cites a prediction that the Repubs will win the senate (nov 2024). I find it so hard to believe the lowering standards of decency and decorum that have prevailed. //Scaramucci says that Trump 2025 plans on eliminating the Central Bank (?) or ...could he mean shifting the power structure away from a Federal Reserve or exactly how can this be accomplished?//I would love to say that if the Central Bank were eliminated then there would be an audit for the first time of the controlling entity governing the U.S. financial scene, but alas one must now assume the worst and hope that the usual will prevail--a "normal" standard that brought America to this point in history. But maintaining a National Debt that is a catastrophe on the endless brink of total collapse indefinitely sounds more reassuring than any ;plan the 4th Reich may have for "solving" the problem. That would mean more money shifted to them, rather than anything else. Those who partake of the death squad mind programming system and love it even if it is murdering them, with full devotion, will then be able to "enjoy" the benefits of the financial "plan" instead of the financial near-collapse that we currently "enjoy". (ha ha this is of course sardonic "humor" in a humorless situation).

"Trump Would Be An Orange Wrecking Ball For Business, Says Anthony Scaramucci". Fortune Magazine. May 18, 2024.   All I know is that the "experts" predicting upcoming monumental paradigm shifts that many are terrified of is only the inevitable result of the apathy that so many "in power' have amply demonstrated for all the years of my understanding of how much terrorism is being fully implemented by this power structure that they, too, fully partook of assuming, as I wrote for so many years, it would never affect them until it was far too gone for rectification. And now, as I fight endlessly to get DISGUSTING sickening creeps off me who have access to this death technology, no one remains doing nothing as nothing is no one and it's just nowhere. That is the mentality that has been ruling amongst all the parties and expectations of endless profit for the next quarter for your plans of the future and to ignore people being shut out while you rake in more....

Another "notable" participant in the MAGA "Democracy" filth Ratskin/MTG partnership, sitting in the rows of chairs, was Mr. life-fuck Neurolink himself--asking me, after years of having people like RFK, Jr. to sexually assault me in order to gain approval for his "Independent" campaign (not anything independent about him whatsoever) and Musk asked me, "Why do you think my neurolink brain implant didn't work?" and under torture and violence conditions (meaning literal physical violence which Ratskin is very prone to, he is a Jewish Nazi and psycho scum to such a disgusting degree but still you all love his whining about Democracy complete with a soundtrack for infants backing up his fantasy lectures with his dumb warm sheep urine smile of Jewish passive-murderously aggressive self-hating "please like me" appearance--disgusting. But after MTG and dirty Rat-skin attacked me and it became a physical fight, as is happening now constantly every single day after more than 13 years of this same group endlessly pounding into me and raping beating poisoning torturing teleporting while in the shower while sleeping and freshly drugged upon wakin with every kind of stupid sick insult and death threat and Nazi hate slur, with Musk sending people to abuse me, teleporting me, and...oh yes, trying to have me killed with Amber Heard back when the incident between years of Depp rape with Heard forced upon me--as I fought to get them off me, Heard with Musk tried to have me killed in multiple car accidents that I barely survived at the last minute while driving (with semi-paralysis due to the non-stop poisoning they all laugh about and mock how deformed I am and how their plastic surgery is so "superior") and so this same person, Musk, asked me why I thought the brain implant in his subject's brain did not pan-out. In the torture arena of violence which I had just fought with MTG-after being brutalized by Ratskin multiple times because he is a violent and sleazy sick scum absolutely a Jewish Nazi who, like Netanyahu, I suspect really wanted the darker Jewish people to be killed and only the most light ones surviving and being released--I think their Jewish Nazi supremacy white KKK/fascist mentality is of that variety of absolute rottenness and I have seen it and heard it endlessly for all my life.//I told him that he was part of a death cult and that none of his brain implants would not work because he is f rom a life-fuck group. I told him that he has to learn to care about humanity so he can have the love of people in order to actually nurture something as invasive as a brain implant. AS these pig ape scumbags who are promoted into highest position are unaware of the forces of life and only can grab, rape, beat and lie and pretend and steal ideas-they have no clue as the life fuck operation continue to your applause.

THIS IS N OT (the one and only variable of) THE MISOGYNY OF HIPI-HOP (and hip hop is a more honest approach to the hate for people who are vulnerable, in this case, it often is women because the law still does not protect women as much as they protect men...generalization be damned I am referiring to my situation in which non-stop sick fucks are raping and abusing me because they just need the empowerment in order to promote themselves as being competent fascists in a fascist social engineering program using modern covert mind programming and mass mob violence tech interface protocols: What P-Diddy did to his "woe-man" is what Raskin, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Trump, Depp family inc., pig pitt & shitalina, their 300+ partners in attacking me out of the Whorewood conglomeration and 500,000 or more from the global terror network in over 10 years, and the list is endless. Every day I am assaulted with the same entitlement of celebrity untouchable violence that Diddy performed almost naked, in a hotel elevator lobby area, just a town wrapped loosely around his body, understanding at some level that in modern times hotels have surveillance cameras and his instinct was that he was untouchable. There are of course, people who commit domestic violence and assault in hotels but I associate this behavior as a "learned" entitlement expectation embedded from decades of the allowance to commit violence against women (or anybody else): Every day I am attacked almost in the same way, or much worse. Poisoning is a form of murder and the impact keeps the poisoned victim dying slowly in a bed, as they have been doin to me. They have beat and raped me without end for defending myself against antisemitic remarks--now I'm being beaten by Ratskin for fighting against shit who are making Nazi antisemitic commentary and viciously violently assaulting me for their favoritism aimed at him; then immediately put on camera for MSNBC and other networks who also are hacking into my internet and teleporting me and threatening me and yelling fascistically and now someone defending white supremacy and Nazism is being endlessly touted for his well-healed vocabulary-packed commentary which, if you just LISTEN to the tone of his voice, is a squeaky and whiny voice tainted with the muck of the MAGA if you just listen to how ugly and sinister his voice is. I am focusing on him because he is coming at me and every day that he attacks me within a few hours he appears on tv in the same-day interview series and it's hacked into my system. Otherwise, the more than decade of constant torture and abuse from celebrities and their smug psychopathy combined with the even more malevolent determination that politicians in Congress are even MORE entitled too pursue a tchno-tyrannical doctrine of enslavement that bears no evidence and the pig apes are gone wild---. What Diddy did was almost tame compared to the filthy violence of this group which has been handed awards and leadership position in Congress, the president's office, the vice presidents office, leadership for "black" women, leadership for 'abused women (some of the most psychopathic and violent of the women have been awarded these titles by the United Nations, and by the presidents who want society to return to the good ond dino days when they could sexually harass and abuse and it was no problem the women just got fired and then beaten nearly to death by their brotherhood husbands and fathers and MOTHERS as well, then shunned from society. The good ole days they are striving to return to society.

 " This is (NOT MERELY) the misogyny of hip hop..." (quote obtained from the interview in video below) Real Time w/Bill Maher. May 18, 2024. There is a story by Nathanial Hawthorne but I can't remember the title--or could it be Hemmingway? It's a short story of a collection about a woman in the South (or was it Faulkner who wrote it?) and this black woman was being beaten daily by her alcoholic husband. She tried to fight back. The white share-croppers and the society just ignored her and admonished her to be "good" and work it out for herself.  Because she then had to work overtime into late at night just to try to survive in The South during Jim Crow times, she had to walk to her cottage which she could barely obtain after leaving an extremely violent and abusive husband who was fully protected by the White men who ordained that black men could beat the self-hate onto their black wives and there would be no penalty or justice for the women. They needed the...

Master-Minority Minion attack coming out of the elevator (yesterday at the 1st floor of this empty building--terrorism torture/surveillance investment made by the billionaires who have teleported me and financed this torture-for-profit scheme.

  It is always so ubiquitous and always unnerving in the ferocity of the brown/black/Jewish/Latino/Black/white poor/ et al minions who violently and with insanity in their hormone-drugged black or intense eyes---rush frenetically at me like crazed cockroaches zig-zagging at me at any and all entrances possible. My  body is remotely attacked by the terror interface with the microchip implant series extending from my brain, embedded into the hard layers of poison cemented into my back, spine, brain, feet, all limbs intestines and of course, the expletives can't stop poisoning me because for me to be active, have any sort of life, would mean they can't extract ideas from my years of study and their years of profligate excess (using a euphemism) The WHORES can't stop poisoning me. but to accentuate the extent of this death system that has encompassed every single thing on the planet it seems, I was affronted while getting out of the elevator with a Thai woman rushing cockroach ...

I stopped believing almost all that Anderson Cooper poured out in his newscasts long ago after non-stop hacking with his face, next to celebrities, etc. I doubted him long ago, I find his statement to be extremely prejudicial and biased (although of course who isn't prejudicial or biased) but still, for a news clip this is "damning" for public opinion There are many looking for any crack to continue to crank out the 4th Reich "opposite" perspective to the 4th Reich while fully "in bed" within the luxurious sheets while they f** the minds of the public with carefully injected seeds of doubt about veracity of any opposition. Normally they follow the accepted lines of resistance and fact-telling but like any agent provocateur, they inject doubt and hate at the most vulnerable moment of the process of swaying opinion.//(later) Instantly, as soon as I fought to type and think this post out, the WiFi was remotely turned off by terrorist hackers. They have loosened the cable socket in the wall, which is separated from the room on the other side of the wall by a thin removable panel. I know they use panels because while I was sleeping long ago I heard a solid "click" noise coming from one of the huge panels on the same side of the wall where the router is plugged in. I turned on the light and the very same area which this huge metallic click could be heard, a latching type clicking noise of something shutting closed, a cockroach was frozen at the same spot, as it had been put into my room through that panel opening that is latched onto the panel from the other side. So too the socket for the router has been manipulated so it is loose, and the cable I bought at first latched into the socket with a click and remained solidly connected with no juggle-room. But terrorists go into my room every time possible and they broke the plastic latch for the router cable so the cable is loose and can easily be pulled in various directions and out easily as well--so unstable. All plugs (almost) have been so broken I can barely keep the plugs in, and they have crushed sockets as well which were perfect when I left, and crumbling upon return. they can also latch something into the holes of the plugs so I must yank as hard as possible to get something like a night light out of the socket.//In addition, I copied and pasted this post (bellow) from my Facebook page and I know that there were more than three or four paragraphs to what I had oringinally written. I have not gone through to endlessly spend more time retying and editing as that also requires endless fighting with hacker blocks to function and they just delete after I click on publish anyway. So this post is obviously very distorted, half-deleted and restrung together. I checked all I was writing while in the process and there were NO SPELLING OR TYPOS as well. It can be a surety that the post has been absolutely mutilated, like everything else on my body and my home. I also was induced into a ranting hyperbolic state while fighting the endless hacking and the mind control blocks higher calm rationale. **

  FOX NEWS: Anderson Cooper admits he 'absolutely' would have doubts about Michael Cohens testimony if he were on the jury -------------- VS "MSNBC Panel Discussion on Cohen Testimony Cross-Examination by Defense/May 17, 2024" (paraphrased title).   And while I doo not exactly laud other "liberal" platforms of news media especially when the anchors participate in terrorism of me in teleportation and then do not stop the poisoning and murder protocols, much less the anti-Democratic and fascist torture of me in any way, so as to retain their position in the 4th Reich whichever faction is put in power they play all sides and their aim is to retain their power--but nevertheless, at least there is attention to the poignant points of the prosecution as in the paper-trail of evidence. Cooper has simply discounted all in exploiting the singular point of weakness and neglecting other evidentiary points. So glad the jury is not Anderson Cooper and that some types of o...

Ratskin arrives once more to fully support fascist Nazi terrorism and to join in and threaten murder of me for defending myself as he is awarded with another January 6th Documentary about how "Democracy" is his thang and he's a Bottom for Democracy (in the homosexual sense) just waiting for everyone else to be as f**ed as he is--but he will be "on top" of the Bottom because of his Jewish Nazi allegiance to fascist 4th Reich take-over in first the House, then he aspires to join the Senate with the really vicious and grandized white supremacist Nazis of the ilk who have viciously assaulted me and now fervently support a "Dictatorship". Ratskin rushes to threaten to kill me and call me the b-word in repetition for defending myself against death threats by genocidal-spewing filth from Germany and Latvia who are desperately clutching to assaulting me as long as possible for the mediocrity and bs they are barely incapable of cranking out into movie deals handed to them for demonstrations of Nazi allegiance--with Ratskin fully attacking me for being a deterrent to his "Liberal" ascension to "power" and a higher rank in Congress. NOT for his allegiance to "Democracy" but for his fascist Nazi collusion with this filth 4th Reich ever-increasing membership of the fascist Nazi/Mafia group in Whorewood inter-connected to Nazi parties of foreign infiltrating entities (the English Crown for one, and a host of other fascist Nazi agencies who operate as influencers and mind programmers via the media/entertainment/music mind control propaganda machine of controlling both sides of the supposed bipartisan slowly destroyed American CONSTSITUTIONAL REPUBLIC for which it stands but is failing.//Ratskin expects a lovely house in Berlin because the rotten dirty German skanks who are violently assaulting me for having watched movies they only performed roles they could care less about in "real life" as they all do (including the politicians who join in this violent system-for-promotion contract). Ratskin expects a mansion in Berlin now (one of the pig ape skanks from Germany lives there) he expects through her Nazi ":liberal" contacts in Berlin to influence the foreign-Nazi-controlled American media, particularly in Whorewood the greasy spoon of mind programming partnership with Congress--//I am a messenger conveying the concepts of Government take-over by "Socialist" forces, who claimed to be a Messenger, who cited the words of V.I. Lenin (ya know, the leader of the Russian Revolution, who put Stalin in power in order to "cull" about 80 million Jews, activists and anyone not conforming to the "pogrom" into the origination of concentration camps for certain mass extinction, aka "gulags". Lenin shouted out at his death pulpit, "Democracy is indispensable to Socialism". Right NOW this very moment I am dealing with a "Jewish" terrorist (as Lenin also was "Jewish" and had many Jews exterminated and Stalin amplified that fascist antisemitic push by a ten-fold amount, using Jews to isolate and then label, and then send other "bad" jews to their deaths in the precursors to the German Gulags, aka Concentration Camps. This man is coming right now from Congress, as he has been doing for YEARS and approving of virulently outright outspoken "kill Jews" Nazis, in particular those either tethered to Euro's or those from Euro-land (from the East, in a sense, it's much of a distinction in terms of death urges to exterminate Jews and take-over the United States through all the willing greed and grasping of the deregulated American selfish doctrine of wealth accumulation. In Congress, but helping to assault me with DEATH THREATS today and horrible names issued at me for fighting in my defense, telling him in no uncertain terms how brainwashed he is, and finally after more b-word insults from him and threats of me being shot and killed, with immature violent threats at me that junior high school boys would shout at the "minority" female and lavish praise upon the blonde Nazi girls--remember back in junior high the mentality behind all the "Democracy" rhetoric persists as that is the level the 4th Reich wants the targeted minion puppets to remain emotionally and psychically but because they obtain Ivy-League edumucations (sic) they pose in pig-sniffing-the-air postures and threaten me for being able to discount the bs they blather and the hate they spew at me for not helping them to easily obtain more documentaries (this filth creep has obtained since the years of him participating in this Nazi hate scheme against me, as he believes he is "privileged" and I tell him he is a puppet being used, a greasy dumb tool and I have explained how he is being brainwashed and used and programmed and he only threatens me with murder and destruction but listens nevertheless--the Repug dino dirty rapist league of Senators don't even listen they just violently scream--and that is the group this Rep from Maryland is dying to join and get out of the House where his constant distortion of "Democracy" an endless chant and refrain continues. He never talks about "Democracy" in the privacy of the terror unit violence upon me, but rather attacks me and allows the subliminal hate immature juvenile hate words to flow out through the brainwashed sieve of his well-"educated" mind. //It follows that Breitbart has published today some expose of how the CCP of China has sponsored the Pro-Palestinian protests in California (Uber Alles).

  (Breitbart Article below quote): "A report reveals that key radical left-wing organizations central in the current anti-Israel and anti-America protest movement are significantly funded and influenced by a network tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which seeks to advance a “revolutionary, anti-government, anti-capitalist agenda,” threatening U.S. internal stability." Major Report Uncovers CCP-Linked Influence Behind Left-Wing Anti-Israel Protests in U.S. j The report in question, I have not read about it's validity and which organization funded the "research" and analysis, so this could so very easily be a piece of propaganda. Regardless, there may be some kernel of truth in it, and from what I have seen, the endless yapping about Democracy to obtain promotions and to "fight fascism and Government take-over", for the J-6 committee and then resulting documentaries have been focused on the egregious affrontery performance of this same teleporta...