They--the Big Brother 4th Reich Global cartel---are trying to force, somehow, a baby out of me (although part of my uterus was severed out while I was in a deep, drugged-up comatose sleep state, a few years ago). //The fact is that I NEVER thought that babies were "cute" or "adorable' and always saw them as alien objects that were foreign to my physiognomy. The one time I babysat a baby, I felt a tinge of fear and slight revulsion at trying to hold it, and could not perform the diaper-changing function but I could play with her a little bit. Otherwise, I babysat another almost baby and I felt more at ease taking a nature walk with it in a baby-pack on my back through the forest. //But KITTENS no problem. I truly am destined to be, if I am not destroyed, a cat lady with at least one cat which would be my child. Otherwise, the thought of a male forced upon me from the 4th Reich would entail the Nazi programming and indoctrination which compounds the disgust of this contract out on me. I would absolutely not want an abuser, disrespectful male domineering over me so the baby would be programmed to hate me and love the abuser, which is the program "they" are trying to force upon me. They probably would have me slowly or horribly killed anyway and the "baby" brought up to be a genetic "experiment" but programmed into Nazi 4th Reich mentality. It doesn't take much to do that anyway as the easiest and lowest principles of humanity are all that are necessary to bring up the baby into a violent and lying con-artist thug. It is the lowest common denominator training, something easily accessible to all human beings it appears.
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