Master-Minority Minion attack coming out of the elevator (yesterday at the 1st floor of this empty building--terrorism torture/surveillance investment made by the billionaires who have teleported me and financed this torture-for-profit scheme.
It is always so ubiquitous and always unnerving in the ferocity of the brown/black/Jewish/Latino/Black/white poor/ et al minions who violently and with insanity in their hormone-drugged black or intense eyes---rush frenetically at me like crazed cockroaches zig-zagging at me at any and all entrances possible. My body is remotely attacked by the terror interface with the microchip implant series extending from my brain, embedded into the hard layers of poison cemented into my back, spine, brain, feet, all limbs intestines and of course, the expletives can't stop poisoning me because for me to be active, have any sort of life, would mean they can't extract ideas from my years of study and their years of profligate excess (using a euphemism)
The WHORES can't stop poisoning me. but to accentuate the extent of this death system that has encompassed every single thing on the planet it seems, I was affronted while getting out of the elevator with a Thai woman rushing cockroach zig-zag with electrified black eyes filled with deadly hate rushing at me instantly as my body jerked spasmatically due to the network of nodes and implants along my nervous system. I jolted, I felt a sudden inextricable sense of dread and threat--I had to stop just to stop the jolting movement forced upon me and the sense of threat (they can alter mood, nervous system, implant thoughts and shock the nervous system like electric shock all simultaneously and at junctures of space like elevators, doorways, in shopping aisles at the junction of a main aisle they come rushing with mobile phones out or someone next to them looking down at their phone as the relaying of the circuit is sent into my body at the precise, vector-analysis software green light.
A blonde white pig ape from Russia or Euro-land perhaps--doesn't matter but of the Nazi 4th Reich endless stream of extremely violent, usually hormone growth pig apes from the former Axis powers and allies of the Nazi machine (even if they professed they were in opposition)
and looking down at her mobile confidently and calmly obviously relaying the energy pulses into my body to shock me. All I could do as the door opened and I was about to get out, this wild-eyed hateful and violent-looking, on the verge of wanting to kill me desperate for Nazi approval Thai creep rushed at me zig-zagging as I tried to move in one direction she zagged directly in front of me so all I could do was stop before she ran directly into me. I had to look checking around the elevator doorway corner to see what other crap was out-of-sight, and sure enough it was a filth Nazi blonde creep looking down very confidently into her phone, smug, turned on, glowing with torture and violence hormones as they all are so completely turned on by this violent torture and mob attack protected torture apparatus all relayed by mobile phones and microchip implant interface and TONS OF DESPERATE HATEFUL BLACK AND BROWN AND JEWISH AND LATINO AND ASIAN AND POOR WHITES WHO so eagerly join in.
Returning to my room, more stinking filth was sprayed on my bed sheets, and many other items and then they were sprayed after I cleaned them wile I was sleeping. So endless cleaning just to not have to live in stinking filth.
In addition, the endless block of the internet and the hours I spend daily just trying to restore internet function is eating up at least 50 percent of my energy I have in reserve from nightly torture via teleportation and morning torture via teleportation as the energy leefches suck and abuse and steal and rob--this morning it was the usual shit from the House of Reps--they are a mess and a stinking mass of lying violent bigots all wanting to get into the Senate so they can sit back and instruct the lower chambers like the bigot Nazi with her dirty minority minion mentioned above.
The blonde Nazi from the House was with her very violent minority minion who I have referred to endlessly for the past few weeks--a most vile and repugnant pair--she's the "calm" but hysterical minion trying to gain more and more power within the fascist 4th Reich in political terms, and the other is the brainwashed sycophant violently assaulting me to defend Nazi control to which he owes his career. The sacrifices he has made outweigh any other consideration and attacking me is one of the biggest promotional tools for Jewish scumbag nazis in order to gain recognition and be put into "leadership" position.
My writing about them does nothing to stop it as everyone reading this is fully committed to this system.
But it is still disgusting and nevertheless no one else is really writing about it that I am aware of. All are blocked, censored, their posts and depictions are deleted and then studied by the filth from Whorewood on what ideas to steal to promote their technology fear movies but they are actually promoting torture, crime and murder and rape.
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