Andrew Yang cites a prediction that the Repubs will win the senate (nov 2024). I find it so hard to believe the lowering standards of decency and decorum that have prevailed. //Scaramucci says that Trump 2025 plans on eliminating the Central Bank (?) or ...could he mean shifting the power structure away from a Federal Reserve or exactly how can this be accomplished?//I would love to say that if the Central Bank were eliminated then there would be an audit for the first time of the controlling entity governing the U.S. financial scene, but alas one must now assume the worst and hope that the usual will prevail--a "normal" standard that brought America to this point in history. But maintaining a National Debt that is a catastrophe on the endless brink of total collapse indefinitely sounds more reassuring than any ;plan the 4th Reich may have for "solving" the problem. That would mean more money shifted to them, rather than anything else. Those who partake of the death squad mind programming system and love it even if it is murdering them, with full devotion, will then be able to "enjoy" the benefits of the financial "plan" instead of the financial near-collapse that we currently "enjoy". (ha ha this is of course sardonic "humor" in a humorless situation).
"Trump Would Be An Orange Wrecking Ball For Business, Says Anthony Scaramucci". Fortune Magazine. May 18, 2024.
All I know is that the "experts" predicting upcoming monumental paradigm shifts that many are terrified of is only the inevitable result of the apathy that so many "in power' have amply demonstrated for all the years of my understanding of how much terrorism is being fully implemented by this power structure that they, too, fully partook of assuming, as I wrote for so many years, it would never affect them until it was far too gone for rectification.
And now, as I fight endlessly to get DISGUSTING sickening creeps off me who have access to this death technology, no one remains doing nothing as nothing is no one and it's just nowhere.
That is the mentality that has been ruling amongst all the parties and expectations of endless profit for the next quarter for your plans of the future and to ignore people being shut out while you rake in more.
AS I see it, that has been the prevailing paradigm mentality since Reagan took power, which means it was only just below the surface before Reagan even cast his name in the mix for president.
Scaramucci is of course now targeting me for his input into the terror situation. He is extremely easy to listen to in terms of his analysis of business and political models. I am not even a neophyte in these arenas of power, I have been so bereft of money and opportunity for making and earning and since I am not a window shopper I just have not focused on money since---why if I am blocked from all financial opportunities so the people 'in power" can have illicit discrimination using this system which they all cling to in delight and cling onto attacking me forever, for their endless benefit and my loss and slow murder. I fight every day to get the hard poison out of my broken down, mutilated body that the greed sleaze of the filth of America put in, and the filth of all the other countries I ran to because the program was to have me killed with internal poisoning with no diagnosis. So the filth from Whorewood, after I spent YEARS fighting to get out of America, just continued the murder poisoning whie I was sleeping, having it inserted into my bladder, covertly poisoning my food and making it literally impossible for me to earn enough money to live in any place where the walls and doors are solid enough for terrorists not to insert mechanical arms and break through and poison and rape and mutilate me endlessly.
The discussions by those who have profited off my demise is an area of life that eventually irks me so much for the knowledge that these are the people who were "|supposed" to be in control and my poisoning and torture is in large part due to their demands that there not be people like me in competition with them with any chance to succeed.
My years and years of writing about most egregious torture beatings rape and poisoning mutilation and lack of money to buy healing food--all throughout the Trump years of near death he kept me nearly starving, cut off my money supply, pushed the dollar to extremely low levels, had my money stolen IN MY ROOM FROM MY PURSES AND BAGS WHILE I WAS SEEPING so I lost constantly most of my money but was so drugged I could not count. He had me raped and my body mutilated and he's been continuing that even after Biden won (or it's Biden, as both are attacking me)
What to expect from either of them? Well, if Trump wins a lot of people are going to be killed through covert death squads and the money saved by pulling out of the Ukraine war will be diverted to the people who are around Trump. Tax breaks will continue unabated and death squads will be more well-funded.
and if Biden wins a lot of people will be massacred in war while Biden's friends will profit off it and members of Congress spouting endless lines about Democracy will screw and rob and endorse more rape and robbery of people like me.
If Trump eradicates the Central Bank/Federal Reserve, does that mean that all the trillions of dollars in debt that he has accrued through his wealth-only policies will just vanish like the empty promises of those who curtail as part of their endorsement campaign promises: yes, keep people like me tortured, poisoned, bed-ridden, broken down, crying into the internet for longer than a decade for fucking help and for someone to stop this as no one ever does. THAT is what both dino fascist groups want to see, and many more victims just like this.
What will the future of the economy be? The people who have allowed death squads to proliferate are going to continue to benefit from the "system" that both candidates endorse and use for their promotional benefit to be awarded with campaign donations for their help in making people like me completely blocked from all and almost everything.
Meanwhile, the 4th Reich is going to install a murder regime so the financial problems will be wiped out by the mass murder of billions or millions of more people and their property and money and everything else they have worked for will be stolen and used just as the Nazis did in the 3rd Reich to fund ultra wealth states controlling the rest of the poor world and making it poorer and poorer.
More plantation systems will be built on the mass graves (symbolically now) and plantation master-slave life as it has existed throughout history will replace the Constitutional Republic of America which may become an historical anomaly to the massive historical lineage of one brutal death squad regime after the next, throughout history.
Climate change issues will also be resolved if massive millions of peoples are just eliminated wholescale. It will benefit the economy due to the money stolen and the land and the free labor (=re-instatement of slavery).
The discussion ends on a "positive" note in that former dire predictions of "gloom" proved to be unfounded and even utopian false positives came out of the predictions of dire demise.
Yet, like the story by Dickens when Marley's Ghost comes to Haunt Scrooge, if the present is an indicator of the future, then many will be dragging around ghostly chains of their iniquities and spiritual and moral crimes in the afterworld where they will be crying in shame for what they didn't do while in material form on the one-and-only planet that is known in this region of the universe.
So far, from my life travels and it has been quite a trip--and it was my intention from a very early age to travel and see the world and I have done it through the terror network keeping me somehow afloot only so more could poison me to death but profit off slowly killing me--\
and from the shape of the nebulous things to come--and I am not a "negative" forecaster--but my thesis above is based on the mentality I have seen living in many countries. In particular Thailand is an investment haven for the 4th Reich and I have seen very clearly the division between racial hierarchy and the plans of creating this same division are the operating principle surrounding me. With almost no exception, EVERYONE participates whether they understand the mass murder implications or not, the desire for a positive society are only intended for people of the panel and for those aligned as willing servants of the plantation system of the Old World but reformatted.
As Scaramucci knows and understands, the penalty for not submitting to the rule of autocracy (i.e. his "11 days of working at the White House) will become not being "fired' but far more dire in consequence.
If things do not change. The expectation that people can ignore this technology should weigh at least somewhat with people like Scaramucci who want to have a "positive" future but don't want a tyrannical despot to CHANGE or alter their former expectations of having the opportunity to be a CEO and have an independent market--as long as people like me are drugged, poisoned, raped, beaten down and then while trying to get up beaten and poisoned to the point of endless begging for my life as it's still never stopped.
He observes my situation without any foreboding while his "positive" analysis for the "future" remains, as long as the threat of Trump replacing his expectation of always having a prime spot on the hierarchy and me always a target to death\all is "positive".
However, what people like this should not underestimate is that this same, exact philosophy (for lack of better term) or just head-in-sand ignorant perspective allowed for the wave of despotic fascism to rise and the market to be controlled by one single source--and that also could be labeled "communism" or "socialism" but Scaramucci uses some other term using a Latin "uni" (I forgot the exact term as I listen to these videos while I am always dealing with the mess that is made in my room--so I can't compete in the market and all is "positive" for the rest of the already well-off.
Now, I do not mean to sound bitter towards Scaramucci, as I enjoy listening to his lectures which I learn something from as I am so outside of the finance and business sector I am an alien in that regard in a foreign country needing to learn the language.
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