THIS IS N OT (the one and only variable of) THE MISOGYNY OF HIPI-HOP (and hip hop is a more honest approach to the hate for people who are vulnerable, in this case, it often is women because the law still does not protect women as much as they protect men...generalization be damned I am referiring to my situation in which non-stop sick fucks are raping and abusing me because they just need the empowerment in order to promote themselves as being competent fascists in a fascist social engineering program using modern covert mind programming and mass mob violence tech interface protocols: What P-Diddy did to his "woe-man" is what Raskin, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Trump, Depp family inc., pig pitt & shitalina, their 300+ partners in attacking me out of the Whorewood conglomeration and 500,000 or more from the global terror network in over 10 years, and the list is endless. Every day I am assaulted with the same entitlement of celebrity untouchable violence that Diddy performed almost naked, in a hotel elevator lobby area, just a town wrapped loosely around his body, understanding at some level that in modern times hotels have surveillance cameras and his instinct was that he was untouchable. There are of course, people who commit domestic violence and assault in hotels but I associate this behavior as a "learned" entitlement expectation embedded from decades of the allowance to commit violence against women (or anybody else): Every day I am attacked almost in the same way, or much worse. Poisoning is a form of murder and the impact keeps the poisoned victim dying slowly in a bed, as they have been doin to me. They have beat and raped me without end for defending myself against antisemitic remarks--now I'm being beaten by Ratskin for fighting against shit who are making Nazi antisemitic commentary and viciously violently assaulting me for their favoritism aimed at him; then immediately put on camera for MSNBC and other networks who also are hacking into my internet and teleporting me and threatening me and yelling fascistically and now someone defending white supremacy and Nazism is being endlessly touted for his well-healed vocabulary-packed commentary which, if you just LISTEN to the tone of his voice, is a squeaky and whiny voice tainted with the muck of the MAGA if you just listen to how ugly and sinister his voice is. I am focusing on him because he is coming at me and every day that he attacks me within a few hours he appears on tv in the same-day interview series and it's hacked into my system. Otherwise, the more than decade of constant torture and abuse from celebrities and their smug psychopathy combined with the even more malevolent determination that politicians in Congress are even MORE entitled too pursue a tchno-tyrannical doctrine of enslavement that bears no evidence and the pig apes are gone wild---. What Diddy did was almost tame compared to the filthy violence of this group which has been handed awards and leadership position in Congress, the president's office, the vice presidents office, leadership for "black" women, leadership for 'abused women (some of the most psychopathic and violent of the women have been awarded these titles by the United Nations, and by the presidents who want society to return to the good ond dino days when they could sexually harass and abuse and it was no problem the women just got fired and then beaten nearly to death by their brotherhood husbands and fathers and MOTHERS as well, then shunned from society. The good ole days they are striving to return to society.
"This is (NOT MERELY) the misogyny of hip hop..." (quote obtained from the interview in video below)
Real Time w/Bill Maher. May 18, 2024.
There is a story by Nathanial Hawthorne but I can't remember the title--or could it be Hemmingway? It's a short story of a collection about a woman in the South (or was it Faulkner who wrote it?) and this black woman was being beaten daily by her alcoholic husband. She tried to fight back. The white share-croppers and the society just ignored her and admonished her to be "good" and work it out for herself.
Because she then had to work overtime into late at night just to try to survive in The South during Jim Crow times, she had to walk to her cottage which she could barely obtain after leaving an extremely violent and abusive husband who was fully protected by the White men who ordained that black men could beat the self-hate onto their black wives and there would be no penalty or justice for the women. They needed their black men to have someone to beat to hell so as to vent their oppression hell onto someone absolutely unprotected by law.
The story ends with the dread sensation of utter terror of this woman walking home after something like a 12-hour work shift picking cotton or something menial and then knowing that her husband, who had made various enraged promises that he would "get her" one day from behind--had to walk home in the moonlight along a desolate road terrified by every shadow.
The story had no resolution other than her walking in terror out of the necessity to survive the economic hardship and the utter lack of legal protection and the mass condemnation of society for not doing her 'duty" by remaining a "good wife" who "must have done something to deserve it".
I heard such excuses by the Latino community in Miami when I first became aware that I was being stalked but had no idea of "gang stalking" and mind control (which is a polite set of terms to describe death goon squads, which some gang stalking sites call "an army of losers" which in my opinion is what most of the crap attacking me really are, even if they are top fashion models their behavior is so low and disgusting they obviously have no higher elevation or actual real talent other than appearing like the Nazi image that they were simply born with, otherwise nothing unique or superior in any way.
So Diddy is caught on tape when he assumed that he would be able to get away with all his crimes.
I am listening now to some 'expert" on black rappers, a professor and not a single reference to celebrity so far. The mention is of misogyny and the abuse of women. That our society is embroiled with abuse towards women as the underlying factor in the behavior of Diddy.
As I wrote above, there are instances undoubtedly of men chasing women in hotel lobbies almost naked and beating them, but I just connect the celebrity cesspool of Whorewood as the main training ground for both men and women to lose their humanity and then to sell it off as a paradigm onto the rest of society.
The feminist; movement being absolutely co-opted and turned into it's obverse by the women who are the "me too" K-rap media frenzy--who laugh with delight as they have me raped in front of them as "punishment' for not immediatey allowing them to poison me to death while stealling my ideas and stealing my cat and participating with fascist Nazism so America is turned into a vassal Nazi State failed and broken with fascists taking over all top real estate and positions across the country. A few scumbag celebrities and politicians and their shit families and "Churches" gaining enormously and the rest they only wish a mass extermination upon so they can continue to suck out and drain and use and abuse without the hinderance of worrying about climate changge because so many will be killed off.
I write of mass murder as the end result of this mentality. The violence towards women, as this is being hinted at or explained away as motive, is only fractionally correct.
The problem is the apathy towards violence towards women within society and the blaming of the women or the victim.
Instead, our society fully supports the perpetrator who claims that he is a victim of injustice when he is brought to trial for his violence against women.
This is our current paradigm. The celebrity cesspool is being paid in billions to promote the most heinous fakes possible alongside rotten filth like Ratskin and MTG who really are twin clowns operating as a bipolar psycho clown act. They fully endorse violence against women and I have become a symbol so they are just inflicting their systematic racist and emotional hate upon me with cliches that have no bearing on me or who I am--only labels are now placed upon me in the mass frenzy for free endless promotions for endlessly supporting a covert version of what Diddy almost near public, nearly naked, believing in his absolute invincibility.
No, this is not merely misogyny but it is connected
it is a power grab, it is the entitlement of a system of breaking society down for a fascist Nazi world of dominators and victims with no middle ground.
Most foul Ratskin is akin to the black male in the short story I only briefly detailed above--the sense of terror was imparted and I still recall the chills it gave me, much worse than any horror movie because she was always living in fear and no one would help her---the poor black woman slated to be either beaten to death or worked too death or shunned to death by society as a scapegoat for the women the men hate but must deal with, the victim of society there must be one.
I am now so endlessly attacked by so many sick fuckers that I am put into every hate slot they can possibly dredge up from their repressed and hateful mudholes of psychic filth that is at the bottom of their bottom-feeding minds and personality structures (how hackers are blocking key functions now to the point of impossibility of function).
With Ratskin, as with many other Jewish men (in particular) whose ever ambition is to have a blonde and as white-skinned female partner as possible--a showcase of their "power' in society
they are vehemently assaulting me. I have to wonder about the lyrics of P-Diddy and how much racist hate he has sublimated that has come out now publicly as a result.
I suppose that if the interviewee had used the "race card" rather than the "misogyny" card it would have been too "trite" and an old chestnut theme for such modern interviews where the "cliches" of racism are passe by now.
Unfortunately, the embedded racism now has an outlet in the fake racist indignation of fake operatives who have replaced the actual real activists of yore so the sublimination of oppressive tyranny is even more extreme.
In the case of Ratskin he is a blank void determined to have more and more ascensions by assaulting me with some of the most violence i have ever encountered by anybody--as well as the other Jewish just dirty nasty hateful self-hating minions with their blonde femalle partners--in this case it's Raskin with MTG a most dirty pair of lying crap only obsessed with performing roles and then being promoted into the Senate where they can conceal to even more entitlement all the hate they harbor. With rotten MTG the hate is that |minorities' like me can rise into some success and outcompete crap like her if given the chance, which is supposed to be available to me but thank gawd for gang stalking and poisoning she can now as with all the othe rpieces of shit insult me and berate rape abuse torture and continue the mutilation and poisoning with full approval by the highest ranking in the Congress with more applauds, interviews and scum like Ratskin groveling to her for approval as he joins with her to get his own promotion out of teaching, out of a professor salary, out of pretending he cares and going to the Senate where he won't have to try to get elected for 6 years rather than the paltry 2 of having to perform his role of faking "Democracy" which he could really give a flying fart about, at least for the majority of minorities he's all about white supremacy entitlement. And soo, he will not stop VIOLENTLY assaulting me and the hate he is demonstrating and his loathsome behavior and appearance and the sick and ugly stupid things he does in contrast to the seeming erudite language he uses like a PROP for Congress and interviews and his whiney ugly voice when going on about Democracy in musically-supported movie documentaries about his 'fight" for "Democracy".
the violence that Diddy demonstrated in a public place is the same I experience on a DAILY BASIS from the shit and filth of Whorewood and Congress and a multitude of legion stalkers and extremely murderously violent from Europigapeland
and Amerca as well
What Diddy showed was a lack of restraint in a public place, and not only that, but almost naked and brutally nasty
it was not hip hop it was not the endless "Bitch" repeated in hip hop it was white culture awarding men for expressing what the white genocidal fascist men are not 'supposed" to express openly.
The violence towards me is mostly from white pig ape pieces of shit ,and the Jews are pure violence towards me for faavoritism and the blacks are not given access so they punch me or threaten to kill me if II defend myself against the endless racist slurs their white pig ape friends make at me in teleportation and for t heir complicity the black men and women get tours in europigapeland they get houses and mansions in Thailand they get and get and get and go off to awards as presenters because they have not cranked out anything white srpremacy really wants to promote--they can be doorman assistanct in presenting white pig apes and lavishing compliments at them--
and then beat the life out of women they find vulnerablle
because the white pig apes are doing it every day\
some of the vicious Jews who do this get caught and their studios are then replaced by the Nazis
and/or they must flee to Paris where they are mostly ignored and not cherished for their skill
and etc.
And the pig apes who are blathering into cameras about women's rights, democracy and every other warm and fuzzy concept are some of the most vile and filthy of absolute violence, tyranny and mass MURDER. Raping women and abusing them is only a prelude. This is what the celebrity shithole is being promoted for pushing on a subliminal message, conveyed in lyrics and performances and the obviously ridiculous feminist movies which result in white females being told that they are entitled above the other women who must bear the brunt of the hate that these pig scum men have for any vulnerable thing they can beat to death and rape and torture. The men are then promoted for demonstrating this, as filthy Ratskin is. Women in the media are interviewing him even moreso than men.
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