Note from the Underground about the BS-4U Tube: Yesterday more confirmation of the increase in the 4th Reich death squad approval by the expletive minions who control such activities, themselves minions and enslaved (some more well-trained at performing parrot repetition albeit reformulated than others. As I worked for a major State newspaper and saw how the basic news source by-lines were sent to the editors who then instructed the lower-ranking aspiring to simply rehash the same news bylines, the precursor to Chat GPS but not in a hard box formation although very similar to the conduits of the connection to the central organizing central committee to which they owe full allegiance)./Black & Latino (mostly) Minority minions inducted into the lower ranks of the Death Squad units offering their services for a "piece of the pie" in New Jack-Off City 4th Reich, the trade-off to replace the Jews is for Blacks and Latinos to become antisemites, and offer their thug-trained services up as death squad operatives, unabashedly, to the 4th Reich Central Committee from the Dirty South Central up to the Upper Bronx.//--up in the Bronx down to the dictates of the Washington, D.C. Nazi "Democracy" pundits.. //Jewish Nazis "intellectually" analyzing the trials of the "My Fight" 4th Reich trial(s), but LYING about the procedures which means they were paid to promote LLIES and hack the fodder onto my YouTube channel. AS the stark contradiction to what the actual news sources say about the trial instructions (the actual news sources that are established say that there can be a hung jury, the BS-operators, the typically ugly and frumpy "Jewish" minions with their blonde and "Italian-American grim or giggly skank "handlers" make endless "I prosecuted 50 trials and this is my expert opinion analysis" bs are saying the exact opposite to the anchors about how the jury must have unanimity in verdict (MSNBC) vs the ersatz Jewish (but real) Nazis with their Nazi female counterparts saying that half of the jury CAN have a differing verdict from the other half of the jury and it cannot be a "hung" jury. MSNBC states repeatedly that the verdict must be unanimous in order to convict or to exonerate in the trial. Since both are hacking and part of the terrorist team, I must go with the officially-recognized news outlet rather than the "at home" podcast" with the Jewish frump making his comments to the stern or giggly bloondish Nazi woman whom he is endlessly hammering compliments to.//And lastly, another Black "activist" hacking his BS-47 K-rap into my internet and the hacking was incessant. It wasn't what he said (as usual, like all, repeating the words of Malcolm X and/or other books written by other authors, which is the cornerstone of the New Jack-off City induction into the 4th Reich. It is what they OMIT which is the transfer of the brunt of racial violence and discrimination onto the Jews as the main target of the 3rd Reich, now being instituted into the 4th Reich. Jews and Blacks rushing to join. Blacks influenced by k-rap like the Black Nazis of Whorewood who are so famous, and have obtained endless promotions for viciously assaulting me in teleportatioon, are the influencers putting Black Nazism into the BS-4U k-rap-sphere. No mention of Blacks assaulting Jews as part of a racist plan from the hacker Black "activist" who denounces on one hand racism but on the other uses old 60's-70's cliches and then bypasses the actual moment of the present and the forces of transmuting suppressed rage as "victims" onto Jews--. This "program" for a pogrom has been ongoing since i was bused from my "white" neighborhood to the Black neighborhood, to a school that tried to instruct children on racial equality but the principle, a Black woman, assaulted me when the 4th Reich instructed her to do so, and the hate trickled down to the blacks in the school. Now the school has shifted from arts and literature and creative development and racist awareness to robotics and 4th Reich mechanistic conformity training. They dance to rap songs but I can only gauge by the "gatekeepers" of the antisemitism from Whorewood that they are imbibing the same hate replacement theory.

 I can't mention, by name, a single one of them. They will come to torture and abuse and perhaps try to kill me if I so much as write their filthy names and the podcasts that they have co-opted and blocked from my actual youtube feed in order to replace what is actual political analysis that I am searching for.

I look for news analysis of the tantamount crisis in politics and I get only ONE source constantly hacked onto my youtube channels (always the same MSNBC anchors who have violently assaulted me at least verbally and then gone off getting book tours, and promotions without end--all put up as "heroes of Democrazy" as they constantly hack their videos (hacked onto other channels like a knitting channel out of Thailand or a sports channel out of--perhaps Gabon?)

and meanwhile, the obviously hacked political discourse analysis affrontery hacks are outright lying but because I am trying to understand and learn about the process, I listen intently. I am also under mind control every single time I am in front of this laptop so I "believe" at least for a few moments that what the expletives are being paid to push out and hack into my internet feed are accurate. They sound professional, and they appear like the cast of a sitcom who are fighting to preserve Jews from antisemitism. In actuality, they are working for the Nazis, absolutely willingly with full ardor and love for the Nazi women to whom they look for aid and comfort and approval and acceptance.

In The Bronx, their partners are actually offering up their services for the impending death squad units instead of being stuck in the Upper Bronx, and so they ignore the facts of the racist element and instead cheer on the Nazi icon for whom they pledge allegiance. They will go out into the streets and kill Jews upon order who also share The Bronx and then onto Brooklyn aside them. Their businesses can money can be stolen (gang-banger style) and they will be allowed to get off with loopholes that everyone can see are offered to the leader who appears to be getting away with every kind of political and personal crime. This mentality of absolute exoneration I see every day with the Mafia/H-wood/Congress cartel which have been allowed unfettered access to all access Whorewood with no reprimands or legal due process and the feeding frenzy has reached a fever pitch. 

I watched on the BS-4U tube a Senate hearing of the most theatrical performances by the "opposite" side yelling fascistically at the warm sheep smiling and warm-voiced but sometimes stern Jewish Nazi who deferred power too the yelling abuser Nazis who shouted in rage that the United States is at "war" and the Jews and the Democrat "liberals" are responsible.

I recall the sexual assault upon me by the yelling Texan who operated with the yelling South Carolinian and the endless hacking of the son of the 3rd Party (3rd Reich) "alternative" and then the rest are dormant and silent now with their hacking--but they are a contingent that have learned to portray outraged chagrin at the policies and are as theatrical as possible (it could be Game of Thrones for their performances) as to the rage at America spending all that money but in reality--oh no, on boy are they profiting oh the greed and rapacious delight and to blame the Jew for the war--put calculated into that spot as well as the compliant Sheep-smiling counterpart in the Department of Somnolent Justice, a descendent of the Jews who performed the bidding of the Nazis in the concentration camps and thusly they "survived" the Holocaust. How grateful they are for America, a country which funded the death machines in large part of the 3rd Reich, by the way.

Warm sheep smiles and lowering of the voice into warm "like me" tones, defending bleakly with weak baas they quietly explain the policies which the yelling fascist Republicans are demanding an answer to. 

The Jewish Nazis then allow the same exact bigot to attempt rape, hand me over to the most dirty and foul sleazy rotten decrepitude out of Whorewood to rape and beat and poison with hopes they will murder me and they can all profit off it--after they suck a baby out of jme, after they severed part of my uterus out, and more and more and more as I fight for any semblance of Constitutional Rights and Legal and Moral or ethical standards of even the most basic forms of a decent society.

Putting their filthy names and videos out would mean instant teleportation, and unfortunately it will happen anyway and they are all involved anyway.


I was questioned in my deep sleep last night about my family, which I answered honestly, which I would answer honestly anyway if awake. Undoubtedly because I wrote about my family and their attacks upon me, the sleazy greedy strangers came to join in with the whorewood gang and the Mafia squad and the minority minions to join in on the "fun" and get and get and get deals and promotions. Most of my "family" live in California and they are constantly trying to murder me slowly to obtain every promotion possible with their dirty little spawn crap who have been trained that attacking me is the sure path to "success" because their filth parents (my "siblings") have been doing it for half a century and have enough money, but it's never enough.

Like all the minority minions. Oh, I "forgot" to mention that the two "Jewish" men who are descendants of "Holocaust" survivors were put into positions of power regarding the administration of somnolent "Justice" and both have fully opened huge swaths of egress for the Nazis to pour into as many countries as possible, and to allow and enable the Nazis to inflict mass death and death squads with laxity of the administration of justice.

The delay tactic is never assigned to the warm sheep smiles of the "Jewish" man put into power but it's still part of the 4th Reich strategy nevertheless. The warm sheep smiles and submissive behavior of the "Jewish" man in front of the fascist yelling Nazi "Republican" contingent who also yell viciously at the Jewish Nazi social media 4th Reich promoters of hate and dissemination of falsity and they are accused, as the "Jews" were during the 3rd Reich, of disseminating child pornography and for being pedophiles-the same exact template as the Nazis.

Like the warm sheep smiles of the "Jews" in Germany who went along and quietly allowed the Nazis to yell and viciously scream at them in interrogations as they sold off their children, spouses and neighbors in the ghettos, the warm sheep smiles of the "Jews" put into power most violently dump their suppressed rage in the arenas of defenseless and the Jewish targets as they allow all the illegal unconstitutional actions aimed at me to continue indefinitely. Thusly the mind control of the 4th Reich programming and incentive-based program for a pogrom continues unabated.


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