Trump convicted *today* (now yesterday) by the same sinister people who put him in power and after having the delight to endlessly have restrictions to their criminal enterprises unfettered, as they applauded Trump they railed against him in public spheres. Turning to assaulting me has been their "safety card from the Nazi death squads" protection. I have detailed how the most demonstrative of the J-6 Committee members have all rushed to assault me, the more serious ones in the background have not but yet they remain silent and permissive.//The first few moments of relief are now gone and the hacking into my internet so the creeple from these media agencies who have profited off having me poisoned tortured mutilated abused without end for a few years can profit if I "click" on their video--this is how sick this contract is. It remains "hidden" although so many know about it already. They continue to profess how much they "care" about Democracy and at the exact same time keep hacking their videos--now in disguise under different titles not showing who they are---and if I click on it or it goes into auto-play they get rewarded for having mutilated assaulted allowed rape and torture and yet I watch the crap they crank out as this goes on and on. Just trying to hope that Trump being not glorified into having power once more might mean that this torture and murder would end, but no, it continues the fakes keep hacking their videos and the tortures are never going to stop. The only way would be for them to not be in power any longer--all of them who are attacking me (at the "top" positions but they are all being controlled by their "higher-ups" to whom they must grovel excessively, so it would seem from their crushing oppression they obviously grovel to those higher than they. //They used to hide behind numbers when the Nazis were not in power and now they are just almost out in the open. The "opposing" side is just a mere charade and a farce. //kept him there are proclaiming their "victory" at having "fought Trump" as they continue to profit off the "system" that once was cloaked in mystical esoterism. Now it's all in the open. But the lying enablers of Trump's 4th Reich are claiming they "won" and have put Trump down. A celebration for them, another day of mind control on you (collective).//This post is very disjointed due to hacking and being sick from detox and non-stop drugging and attacks that are without end. It will never end it appears. The culprits are now proclaiming that they have always supported "Democracy" and the "enemy" is now quelled. They actually ENABLED Trump they put Trump in power they profited off Trump's crimes they put Trump in power to continue their own crimes against me to continue to have media promotion for the K-rap they constantly are spewing out about concepts they have stolen from me or are just lying about.//The rest is a mish-mash of me commiserating about how what once was a "secret" system of hidden symbols is now an open rising of the "fascism" that the detractors of Trump actually profited off by working with him to attack me. Now going with whatever flow is most profitable while retaining their "status" as "fighting" for equality and justice, the con job continues but only due to full permission by "society", mostly culled of actual concerned citizens long ago by all the covert death squads. Welcome to KGB America, now a flamboyant demonstrative supporter is being on trial but the "opposite" side is most especially guilty of enabling him. They remain now cheered on for their speeches and movies about how they care about Democracy. I remain shitting out poison they ordered put in my body, fighting to heal fighting to clean the muck they order perpetually onto my clothing and home while I am so paralyzed from their poisoning I can't move most of the time. //So watching the show and seeing even in trying to find accurate information I am hacked so I write on the disinformation/lies and then go into myriad meanderings of what this organization was, is and the significance of numbers. What the Trumpian system has done to my family who have submitted to being denigrated if only to be allowed to live in suburbs alongside Nazi White (trash) America. //So the initial happiness that perhaps Trump being arrested would arrest this murder of me that SHIT from Congress and Whorewood have been flocking to participate in for 14 years and many for over 30 years with full violent assertion that I have zero human rights to defend myself and the death threats and violence is non-stop. They turn around cheering on the conviction of Trump and get applause endlessly. The secret societies are not so secret any longer and their numbers are legion. They are zero. To me, that is their energy-sucking parasitic number. The rest is a mishmash of me ranting but actually going into serious points that I am unable to write of succinctly the mind control is too extreme-please bear with this post it goes in many different directions//**After having posted this, I see that I had only checked Huffpost and not other sources. Other sources claim that there were 34 counts and not 33--regardless, why Huffpost published the number 33 is suspect to me, (now 3 hours later and the Huffpost front page says 34 counts. My internet is perpetually hacked, pages are rewritten, items are deleted and searches for basic terms end -up in about 8 results although Google states there are tens of thousands of results---). But not oddly, the date of sentencing is set for July 11, which is also one of my sister's surgically-extracted birthdates and I find it a bit further down "the rabbit hole" than mere coincidence but it doesn't matter---just making observations. Yes, now Huffpost has the correct number of convictions at 34 but this morning it stated at headline 33. The terrorist 4th Reich bigot pig ape rape org is constantly trying to discredit me, putting false information and blocking my brain and keyboard functioning--plus the lies distributed about me which are repeated until they become just another component of The Big Lie of the 4th Reich. Hacking interference into the personal internet of a target is actually NOT conspiracy theory. So read on, whomever and to whatever void has access---I write only to try to make my personal observations, and the hacking and distortion of information is part of the entire package. Yet that number hacked IS significant in those secret societies after all, as apparently my other sister born on the date of sentencing appears to be significant as t his is no coincidence either, the date. The date will not result in sentencing it will, as usual, be delayed but the number and month are significant to the numerical-oriented "Illuminati"Nazi etc. 4th Reich et al.//and I have not yet gone through all sources to understand if one charge was somehow different..? The theory remains only because a major newspaper (mis)quoted a number that coincides with my "conspiracy theory" which is not a wacked-out theory at all, so please take the following into consideration that I was misguided in my assessment but perhaps the "theory' is still valid and causative and valid (please note I very much like "The Scientific Method" and do not subscribe easily to "conspiracy theories")"--Not ashamed to pose a "conspiracy theory"--but the number 33 is the "highst degree in Freemasonry" and highly symbolic of the leadership of "The Illuminati" or Freemason upper tier (some speculate there are many higher degrees but the standard for the "lower ranks" is the 33 mark of highest adept in the organization. //Trump's original indictment stated 34 counts but the jury only pronounced guilt on 33. This implies, to me, the novice non-Freemason, that the number 33 implies highest approval for this action of "guilty" verdict. //I have said ever since I watched Biden's Inauguration spectacle on the tube that his imagery of the sun rising over the Capital Bldg with the slogan, "Today is a new day" is another symbolic token and wave to "The Illuminati/Freemasonry" just as "The Golden Dawn" fascist Right-Wing Neo-Nazi group in Greece is another. Not blaming Biden as he has been a fully-welcomed cog, yet I am merely noting this number as one less than the original indictment charge of 34 felony counts and wonder why one was omitted, and I refer to only the "symbolism" and not the legal justification used by the jury or judge.//Please note I really don't care that much, just pointing out to the void of this blog-o-sphere that I ponder why this highly significant number has replaced the original 34-count indictment.

"Faith No More--We Care a Lot (Official Music Video)(4K)". UPROXX indi mixtape. February 22, 2024.


TRUMP FOUND GUILY ON 33 COUNTS (Huffpost, May 31, 2024).

NY Court finds Trump Guilty on all 34 Counts (Bloomberg)

**so much hacking it was nearly impossible to simply copy and paste the last link above--everything blocked. This post will have been rewritten/partially deleted by terrorists who are, now, hammering and pounding in the rooms beneath mind once again (6 years of this going on every year for weeks and months every year, 8 hours per day, day after day, and 6 years of it going on and on. Oh yes, whether the symbolism is correct or not, the conviction of Trump only means a slight shift in visible demonstrative fascist leadership some with a soft fascist lying approach and others with an outright. All declaring endlessly that they are fully bot-a-tized into "Democracy" and it's conventions. Mob Rule, is the only modus operandi they employ in terms of "Democracy". This will not change whichever corruptician is in power but at least try to swing the gauge into something actually representative of the human race sans genocide and white/black/Jewish/Latino et al supremacy and get rid of the 4th Reich and it's death squad mind control "gang stalking" apparatus if you don't want to be gang stalked and/or assassinated if you "dare" to make a public statement contrary to a fascist undertaking that will undermine your already thuggery combination of power cartels which will be over-ridden by the techno-tyranny of these unscrupulous expletive "leaders" you elected under false pretenses, all lying continuously (oh how the Democrats are extremely guilty of this).

I think of such highly significant numerical "messages"--if you will---to underscore the import of approval and that the "highest" decree has ordained such an action and that the down-take will proceed--is because I was born "prematurely" three weeks earlier on a highly significant date numerically (13) which does correspond to Freemasonry and symbolism of the usual councils of 12 plus one leader (12 houses and one leader, 12 tribes and one messiah, 12 Disciples and one messiah, and 12 months but one sun ruling them all, and the symbolic representation of 12+1=13 continues.)

I was forced to be born on the 13th day of a month. The month was March. That number corresponds to 3 in the calendar. 3 equates to the highly significant three levels of initiation into Freemasonry/Illuminati.

In addition my exact moment of extraction/birth was at 12:57--which, if combined mathematically, equals the number 33.

I also was conceived of in the pentagonal structure of the U.S. Capital structure on July 4th. My mother claims it was an accident and that it was a party "surprise" but my father was a graduate of Yale Law School and unlike me, extremely conformist, was pledged to many fraternal organizations such as the various "Phi Beta Kappa" or (whatever?) fraternities. My extended family on his side have enjoyed limited wealth and success (I say limited only because they are constrained to follow orders, subjugate either themselves or sacrifice people like me to the 4th Reich/Illuminati Party)

and so, because also my father was a corporate lawyer at the time of my conception and birth working for a highly advanced military-industrial weapons firm (Right now my brain is blocked---I know it and will "remember" once I walk away from this laptop) but he was placed in a significant position involving government and military contracts. His mother was very close to her sister who was married to a multi-millionaire who lived it up on Long Island in a mansion on the Long Island Sound, a pier and yacht and golfing green and swimming pool and  horse stable included. The point was to endlessly support this lifestyle and my father did what he could to support his family, in exchange for the endless pressure put upon him to conform and succeed and supplant their position. Please let me explain how little they truly cared about my father or my family and how eager they were to placate the white Nazi "handlers" who controlled them all and are torturing me endlessly to consciously continue this 4th Reich organization by my permission (for this particular contract).


I was "supposed" to have been a "boy" and at the time there was no ultrasound to determine the fetus's gender, so because I kicked like my brothers (the girls were very passive and not kicking) my mother assumed I would be a boy.

Because I was born a female they had me sold off as a sex slave microchipped torture victim sacrifice of Jews out of New York to feed the insatiable Nazi death machine.


when I see that Trump was charged on 33 rather than the original 34 I instantly think of how the numerical "messaging" does thread throughout the 4th Reich/Illuminati/Freemason organization.


It really will make no actual difference if Trump is imprisoned or if he loses the election, because the structure will remain the same and fascism and Nazis are still working through the fake opposition in the Democrat Party and only barely hidden in the Republican Party at this time they work together to install either a soft or hard version of outright fascism and despotism. They can wait and wait and continue to promote false advertising that "Democracy won today" all they want I am not fooled. 


Although, I suggest highly that the next political figure who is truly a despot that I suggest needs to be removed is Netanyahu, who is a most compliant "puppet" of the English Crown which has "enjoyed" millennia of conquest/Imperialism/genocide has funded Nazis has organized mass destruction and has learned throughout the centuries a most gilded approach to suave lying and measured dictatorial edicts comprised of calm and practiced rhetorical sophestry.


"EHUD BARAK: GOV'T SHOWS 'SIGNS OF FASCISM' , MASS 'NON-VIOLENT' REVOLT MAY BE NEEDED/Referencing Netanyahu, former PM says those currently on criminal trial have joined forces with 'racist messianics to bring down democracy' in Israel".


**and of course, now I "remember" that my father worked for Fairchild --was it a firm, company, not sure of the exact business title that company held at the time. It helped military contracts for the Vietnam war-machine. My father "sold" me off while he was working for that company to be mind programmed and microchip implanted with MK ULTRA so in the future, ever uneducated parasite could exploit me with only the merest whim of pushing a button. In exchange, the ultra-wealth, always on a tenuous approval rating from Big Bro Nazi, was established for my uncle and aunt as they monitored the destruction of my life, my family and kept their status. I know this to be an absolute reality amongst the Jewish diaspora and offering up certain individuals for sacrifice, especially if they conform to the older "darker haired and swarthy" types of complexion, in an absolute racist differentiation for the 4th Reich approval Nazification and white supremacy 4th Reich colorization scheme--so, I have had to look up as many aspects of this nefarious hate crime sinister organization as possible and numerical symbolism is one of the more "covert" forms of stealth "communication" as to approval ratings of any "action" taken for serious actions or sybmolic birth dates. They "believe" in an esoteric gematria system as well, so that birth dates coincide with various "spiritual" date significances. 
thi9s has been a trend since fortunes were told and Emperors ruled over Rome and Egypt and undoubtedly far earlier in history.

The worship of "The Sun" is as old and pagan as the endless rotational edicts of power and actions taken which are always following such symbols such as the degrees of initiation into Freemasonry and The Illuminati (created far earlier than in the 17th Century as some historians claim regarding Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria).

**hacking is now pretty bad and my brain is being once more thwarted--very hard to think and type.

This may sound rambling but I am fighting to type and think and succinctly render some kind of statement regarding thousands of years of secret society gematria symbolism and how politics at higher levels in formed.
And of course, I have only listened to such lectures and not conducted a peer-reviewed study on this subject and it is dubious whether such serious attempts at research have proven to be extensive beyond certain basic "safe" point in history
this post has been completely haphazard due to the hacking interference so the title got buried behind the sentences trying to correct the misinformation I received--I mean disinformation, I mean hacking lies and obfuscation.

I could not remember if it was my sister whose b-day is on July 11 or my step-father--one had/has b-day on July 1, and the other on July 11.

I always forgot about birthdays and my step-father as I recall NEVER celebrated his birthday and somehow it just got lost--in my mind. I never once saw him celebrate his birthday--for him every day was a celebration of life. My sister, it's been a long time and the last time I had contact she tried the gang stalking terrorism to inflict more attacks upon me for the profit of her and her family. 
I tried to find the birth and death dates of my step-father, and he should have been mentioned in Wikipedia as he published about 10 books or more during his life but no mention of him almost anywhere. 

I read a farewell obituary from Huffpost from a relative of my Step-father whom I had never heard of. They completely, all the vicious Jewish nazis surrounding my family, obliterated and deleted the entire sequence of my mother (Bette) and me and my siblings in connection to the life in Champaign from 1965-1978. They were all following the MK ULTRA and COINTELPRO program to instill division and chaos. Even decades later one evil woman who was just outright rude and nasty to me as a 10-year old when I asked my mother if I could go out and play with some friends and she said something so creepy--(it was another one of the feminist meetings my mother held for all her upper-middle-class tennis "feminist" wives of professors at the U). She hissed with hate, "What other fantasies do you have?" at me with the most hate and I had never even spoken with her before; I was just ten years old had no connection to this creep (Carol Mizrahi, her name, married of course to a blonde Nazi type so as a Jewish Nazi her hate was even more exaggerated).
And I wrote something adding to all the obliteration of my family--the News Gazette had an obituary that hailed my step-dad's Nazi wife, Phyllis who tortured animals I had grown up with, my cat who I would play with and pet at 1 a.m. while 7 years old, who came running to my room for these petting sessions and playing and loving and that cat was found dead in agonizing pain under the refrigerator once this creep took over for the 4th Reich to reprogram my step-father from being a "liberal" anti-war protestor to a complete mind-controlled Nazi wanna be. He shifted his focus onto exclusively Christian writers and Catholics and his "loving" wife that the Champaign news sources and his "Jewish" friends all hailed (sieg heil, as the "closest" "friends" were refugees from Nazi-occupied Vienna and I have seen on documentaries that obtaining Visas for the U.S. was so restricted that due to the hate and violence this family (the Marders) inflicted upon me and also slying upon their "good friend" and foisted him with this Nazi--I believe they always were agents of Nazis and were "allowed" to survive the Holocaust on condition that they spread antisemitism in the guise as being survivors and Jews. 

And so, I could never discover what birthdays they all have. My sister is so obnoxious and such a lying perpetrator of hate at me and her Nazi blonde husband obviously is behind this. Of course she lives no far from Los Angeles and is a full Nazified Californian "liberal" I suppose--or maybe she openly votes for Trump--I could give a damn by now.

There is more, but one of them, with the birthdate of July 11, has the same date as the trial of reckoning aimed at Trump, his sentencing, which of course he will appeal so whatever that all means I must try to circumvent MSNBC and find reasonable analyses and none from the "liberal" Nazis who continuously plague my internet channels.
If any one could realize the "bitterness" with which I write this and it comes through in tone.
But still, one of the terrorist has been deemed guilty and only about 10 million more left to ravage the world with even worse and more criminal murderous mentalities than trump, all left to continue their political positions in the |Democrat and Republican Party and the Nazi plague from Euro-land is absolutely atrocious (from my years of seeing them shed their fake "not Nazi any longer" facades when they go on vacay to Thailand and have Thai people marching with Swastikas in the streets in order to gain favor with the 4th Reich.
Whatever day, whatever numerical symbolism, right now the numbers are LEGION and the hellscape is still unleashed upon the world, left in quiet submersion of notice of imminent catastrophe to continue the program that Trump only made visible.

30 min later---after all the digressions and brain-blanketing blocks to linear cohesion....had to fight the next sabotage attack on my uti8lities with water pouring out of the kitchen sink--the third faucet I have had to replace but I am sick of the "maintenance' person coming in yelling and shaking his head "NO" yelling at me and "You" yelling and making gestures. very nasty, but also to have to pay for that and the other broken items so I keep trying to find ways to block the endless stream of water--and they turned the water pressure down to a trickle so I cannot use the shower and the bathroom sinks and kitchen sinks--because they have created so much water loss and I am sick of the violence of the yelling just to try to pay for what they broke and they keep breaking--"they" being the landlord, the maintenance man, and the nasty foul Europigapes who are being paid and obtaining free rent to do this to me.
As I was trying to figure out a way to make the stream of water just a few drops, the auto-play on YouTube turned on the usual abuser from MSNBC who routinely hacks their shows onto my channel. The months of them coming to abuse, insult and yell violently as fascists at me and me fighting back as I must do every day with it never ending, no end in sight now that Trump has been convictedno end because every scumbag in Congress must jump to join in the giggles and laughs of sadistic slow torture-to-death upon me and get a media promotion. I also got the J-6 Jewish Nazis who hacked their stuff on my channel
but as I was so engrossed in fighting the person on the other side who, every time I adjust the faucet, they literally turn something and make it begin again although the first few times I had tried it, it stopped the problem.

And so now I can write again but my brain is blanked out by now
Yeah, the system that put Trump into power remains as sick and worldwide sinister as it was yesterday before Trump was convicted. It's just one of the most visible and his throng using the usual lies they have used against me to discredit me. They are now discrediting Justice, but on the other hand, there truly is very little justice anyway so it's not hard for people to distrust the system that they know is rigged (by them and by their opponents, all working together to get as large a piece as possible while retaining a semblance of a balance--which they just want to outright topple by now).
My family and the attacks upon us have been deadly and violent and the people who are responsible have joined to torture, mutilate and support me being poisoned to death, barely surviving now partially paralyzed as they continuously hack my system while my back is turned and I am working on the stinking filth and decay of my property that they are still profiting off and breaking me down every day as much as possible.
because my family submitted and were poisoned and brainwashed to death by people like this. Many of those are now gloating the Trump was convicted yet they firmly remain safe within the terror operation that put Trump into power. Their gripe is that he won and they didn't. I am thinking of another person from Illinois who has been very violently involved in attacking me because, unlike my Step-father and my family in Champaign being targeted and then, under this kind of massive targeting campaign, turning upon me as the scapegoat so they could be "allowed" to live in the white Nazi cul-de-sacs as long as they fully endorse Jewish Nazism and etc.
The creeps are celebrating that Trump is "legally" constrained yet they are guilty and have never been so. The system remains and I have to face being tortured to death endlessly writing about it to a void of incompetence and sleazy ignorant compliance--it appears like this will go on forever. Dates and symbolic numerological messages and codes are irrelevant because the "system" has been so openly revealed by Trump at least to some visible degree and yet it is so coveted and protected that the blame goes to Trump and he is the new scapegoat. He will not be able to survive if he ever exposed this "system" and he still finds refuge within it.

So I was at first a bit not surprised but glad to see Trump convicted, but then I have to realize that he's just one of the vile terrorists out of an entire 535 number in Congress, the one in the Oval Office, and a host of innumerable scum attacking me from around every corner. If the 535 had ever been concerned with real "Democracy" none of this would have ever been allowed to happen.
Hillary is so guilty for having helped to create Trump  as are so many of the standing Democrat politicians, including Biden.

I wrote much, much more than what is appearing in the few paragraphs above. Undoubtedly much deleted and the tattered fragments remaining restrung together. 


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I wasn't defending you (DeNiro) I was attacking "them" (douglass murray who made a public statement to English Colony Oz-land reporters on, "who does he think he is?"/referring to DeNiro's speech regarding "Democracy". I wrote a comment that DeNiro is commenting on a situation occurring in New York City--his city (my family's city which expletives like the "Italian-American" mafia have attacked and abused and humiliated and assaulted out of their home town only to be attacked in teleportation after having been attacked by this same heinous group in Miami and out of New York--people I never met in NYC, people I only had very quick encounters with trying to avoid them and just trying to make a living as they kept following me around, now I understand creating sabotage and extreme violence against me to endlessly profit off this contract out on me): but I digress and the hacking interference is constant and horrible so hard to concentrate. 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So I wrote, "who do you think you are interfering in American politics or business go back to your cesspool in England) and to which DeNiro having to fully support the old Nazi network came to me abusing me, in teleportation of course, accusing me of being a witch responsible for his family member's death because I screamed after about 5 years of non-stop poisoning and torture and sexual assault and the theft of my ideas from this expletive--yelling I hoped he and his family died because of the violence this group of NYC mafia have inflicted upon me family and upon me. 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Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. But duh...they don't listen, the pig apes just want everything to go back to their endless allowance to fuck rape torture steal kill rob with full back-patting by the filthy greasy greedy incompetence of the crap from Congress-Whorewood and you just want everything to go back to the time that actually re-inforced the current gang stalking mobs just dying to mob you and stalk you and hack into your phone and block your finances and poison you literally to death. Dumb as hell. What can I expect from any of these creeps? You all worship addicts high on power and corruption.

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