Ratskin arrives once more to fully support fascist Nazi terrorism and to join in and threaten murder of me for defending myself as he is awarded with another January 6th Documentary about how "Democracy" is his thang and he's a Bottom for Democracy (in the homosexual sense) just waiting for everyone else to be as f**ed as he is--but he will be "on top" of the Bottom because of his Jewish Nazi allegiance to fascist 4th Reich take-over in first the House, then he aspires to join the Senate with the really vicious and grandized white supremacist Nazis of the ilk who have viciously assaulted me and now fervently support a "Dictatorship". Ratskin rushes to threaten to kill me and call me the b-word in repetition for defending myself against death threats by genocidal-spewing filth from Germany and Latvia who are desperately clutching to assaulting me as long as possible for the mediocrity and bs they are barely incapable of cranking out into movie deals handed to them for demonstrations of Nazi allegiance--with Ratskin fully attacking me for being a deterrent to his "Liberal" ascension to "power" and a higher rank in Congress. NOT for his allegiance to "Democracy" but for his fascist Nazi collusion with this filth 4th Reich ever-increasing membership of the fascist Nazi/Mafia group in Whorewood inter-connected to Nazi parties of foreign infiltrating entities (the English Crown for one, and a host of other fascist Nazi agencies who operate as influencers and mind programmers via the media/entertainment/music mind control propaganda machine of controlling both sides of the supposed bipartisan slowly destroyed American CONSTSITUTIONAL REPUBLIC for which it stands but is failing.//Ratskin expects a lovely house in Berlin because the rotten dirty German skanks who are violently assaulting me for having watched movies they only performed roles they could care less about in "real life" as they all do (including the politicians who join in this violent system-for-promotion contract). Ratskin expects a mansion in Berlin now (one of the pig ape skanks from Germany lives there) he expects through her Nazi ":liberal" contacts in Berlin to influence the foreign-Nazi-controlled American media, particularly in Whorewood the greasy spoon of mind programming partnership with Congress--//I am a messenger conveying the concepts of Government take-over by "Socialist" forces, who claimed to be a Messenger, who cited the words of V.I. Lenin (ya know, the leader of the Russian Revolution, who put Stalin in power in order to "cull" about 80 million Jews, activists and anyone not conforming to the "pogrom" into the origination of concentration camps for certain mass extinction, aka "gulags". Lenin shouted out at his death pulpit, "Democracy is indispensable to Socialism". Right NOW this very moment I am dealing with a "Jewish" terrorist (as Lenin also was "Jewish" and had many Jews exterminated and Stalin amplified that fascist antisemitic push by a ten-fold amount, using Jews to isolate and then label, and then send other "bad" jews to their deaths in the precursors to the German Gulags, aka Concentration Camps. This man is coming right now from Congress, as he has been doing for YEARS and approving of virulently outright outspoken "kill Jews" Nazis, in particular those either tethered to Euro's or those from Euro-land (from the East, in a sense, it's much of a distinction in terms of death urges to exterminate Jews and take-over the United States through all the willing greed and grasping of the deregulated American selfish doctrine of wealth accumulation. In Congress, but helping to assault me with DEATH THREATS today and horrible names issued at me for fighting in my defense, telling him in no uncertain terms how brainwashed he is, and finally after more b-word insults from him and threats of me being shot and killed, with immature violent threats at me that junior high school boys would shout at the "minority" female and lavish praise upon the blonde Nazi girls--remember back in junior high the mentality behind all the "Democracy" rhetoric persists as that is the level the 4th Reich wants the targeted minion puppets to remain emotionally and psychically but because they obtain Ivy-League edumucations (sic) they pose in pig-sniffing-the-air postures and threaten me for being able to discount the bs they blather and the hate they spew at me for not helping them to easily obtain more documentaries (this filth creep has obtained since the years of him participating in this Nazi hate scheme against me, as he believes he is "privileged" and I tell him he is a puppet being used, a greasy dumb tool and I have explained how he is being brainwashed and used and programmed and he only threatens me with murder and destruction but listens nevertheless--the Repug dino dirty rapist league of Senators don't even listen they just violently scream--and that is the group this Rep from Maryland is dying to join and get out of the House where his constant distortion of "Democracy" an endless chant and refrain continues. He never talks about "Democracy" in the privacy of the terror unit violence upon me, but rather attacks me and allows the subliminal hate immature juvenile hate words to flow out through the brainwashed sieve of his well-"educated" mind. //It follows that Breitbart has published today some expose of how the CCP of China has sponsored the Pro-Palestinian protests in California (Uber Alles).
(Breitbart Article below quote):
"A report reveals that key radical left-wing organizations central in the current anti-Israel and anti-America protest movement are significantly funded and influenced by a network tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which seeks to advance a “revolutionary, anti-government, anti-capitalist agenda,” threatening U.S. internal stability."
Major Report Uncovers CCP-Linked Influence Behind Left-Wing Anti-Israel Protests in U.S.j
The report in question, I have not read about it's validity and which organization funded the "research" and analysis, so this could so very easily be a piece of propaganda. Regardless, there may be some kernel of truth in it, and from what I have seen, the endless yapping about Democracy to obtain promotions and to "fight fascism and Government take-over", for the J-6 committee and then resulting documentaries have been focused on the egregious affrontery performance of this same teleportation terrorist fully supporting the same bucket of nazi fascists in Whorewood who PUT TRUMP INTO POWER and through that very same network inter-=connected to control over which people and which celluloid products will be interviewed by the major networks, and which documentaries will be allowed to be put into the celluloid-sphere by the terrorists posing as "Democracy" advocates endlessly performing like CLOWNS with fake syrupy voices but threatening me violently with murder for defending myself against the German pig ape skanks who just made concentration camp death threats at me because I was listening to German-language Mozart opera (Magic Flute) and thus, because it is in German the German ape whore skanks had any justification to assault me with death threats about concentration camps, along with the dirty Latvian rapist scum who had been poisoning me (to death) and then endlessly body-shaming me alongside the filth from shitwood who had been dooin the same (poisoning me to death while I fought and begged for help and no one answered, this greasy scum "Jewish" man I mean dumb infantile pig ape came to assault me giggling and laughing with one of the J-6 committee members (dicki-head) and then another time when Netanyahu had been abusing, sexually harassing me under the orders of the English Nazi fascist claiming he is a "friend" to Israel but instead holds the Sword of Damocles over the collective heads on the chopping block of endless antisemitism as "protectors"--basically Mafia thug style to "protect" but in the mean times stealing and inserting self-hate and fear and loathing into the Jews who bow like Netanyahu has done and continues to do. And yet ANOTHER Jew from the J-6 Committee came to glare in hate and urge more violence upon me because the "system" of their promotion into power once more is tied to this contract, in some way and to their advocacy of "other Jews" who are "bitches and deserve it" being tortured, raped because they said NO and the warm piss sheep smiles of the filthy dirty "Jews" who are filthy and dirty for their collusion is the same grease principle that Lenin was put into power too promote until they got an absolutely dictatorial mass-murdering State-apparatus of surveillance, murder, death squads, absolutely no freedom and the dirty greasy Jews who helped put this system in place became targets of Nazi persecution and Nazi mafia rules much of Russia although Putin descries it and lies about it.
For a further elaboration of the concept of Post-Cold War expansion into the United States, please listen to the second half of William Cooper podcast from Hour of the Time, #1087, "Navy Missile? $10,000 Reward".
Hour of the Time podcast #1087, "Navy Missile? $10,000 reward"
More documentaries and interviews are not a prediction but an inevitability in the very near future after his partnership with fascist Nazi murder-spewing shit from Latvia--this ugly sinister most foul and disgusting scumbag who forced himself upon me while I was beginning,; after years of being so ill from poisoning and torture so bloated I could not even stretch and I still cannot after constantly shitting poison out and doing 10-day fasts--upon assault by greasy filth Graham from The Senate that sleazy dirty greasebag handed me over to this crap filth from Latvia, a KGB agent I presume who has been operating as an infiltrating "proponent of Democracy" and always touting how he saved himself by "defecting" from Russia by joining with a corollary to the English Crown in the form of it's Commonwealth partner of Canada. To eventually infiltrate into the United States via New York, with his base of fascist Nazi operations in France. How this grease filth lying crap ugly old man has been enjoying absolute carte blanche to continue to poison and torture me slowly to death with full approval of all of Congress because in exchange the shit like Ratskin get prizes and promotions due to the absolute control of the Euro-control over Whorewood, which has manifested in Trump bringing Euro-controlled KKK and Nazi elements of American society with the desperate for money and power minions like the Latinos and Blacks into fully adhering to doing a Nazi salute and really worshipping the power structure of the 4th Reich.
In contrast, the Democratic side has issued death warrants for the Black Community in their crime bills which Biden and Clinton issued forth as a Fatwa against the Black Community. Working in bipartisan parthership, people are flocking to Nazism as a result.
The greasy self-hating and what looks like a greasy bag of self-hating c hips, Ratskin, is so loathsome and such a fully mind programmed clown puppet being used to constantly perform a B-list performance about "Democracy" like a dumb clown endlessly for documentaries and interviews. His fake happy voice really should remind people of the double golden arches instead of a serious intelligent person determined to pursue following the LAW AND CONSTITUTION.
He loathed teaching the Constitution and learned to abhor it and hate it, I can make a well-assessed guess as to his motivations to get out of teaching and a lower salary into a wonderland of Nazi approval and endless prizes and living in Germany and oh, what a beautiful Democracy for the greasy clown who has proven to be the spiritual partner of Cohen when he was the nasty violent "bulldog" for Trump, yelling fascistically to bring down any opposition. The fascism of Jewish Nazis is absolutely violent and vile. Most of the Jewish Nazis I have ever met, ;including from my f-ing family, are at the forefront of "liberal" marches, protests and protestations of devout adherence to justice and equality. The hate and violence they redirect at me, as something like conveyors of the hate they have absorbed and learned to stifle as the allotment that is a socialized and inevitable social contract--and...they are like transmitters of fascism and Nazism.
So greasy filthy Ratskin has come once more to have skits of killing me by shooting, calling me a bitch, as I explained to him under mind control hypnosis drugged up force in the teleportation where every direction I turned I had to see this greasy filth scum and I could not stop talking, the brain-control over these functions is like a vice and with no SUPPORT or anyone supporting me I remain unable to fight the technology and divert my attention to block them out. I blast music and podcasts such as the Cooper dialogues (one posted above) and usually I post the podcasta about the crap group who are assaulting ;me so I can comment on documented treason by Congress and by society in favor of a 4th Reich. This is not "conspiracy" but DOCUMENTED AND SOURCED information.
They continue as I explicate extremely well while the supposed "edumacated" "leaders" ignore every kind of discussion and just only focus on the awards they will get and finally, as always happens every single day,; after hours and hours while I am putting away the layers of clothing and items I must wind around my head, feet, hands, arms and anything possible to stop the destruction of my fingers, toes, hair, face, gum tissue and it's all sprayed and stinking while I am sleeping by their teams operating as proxies in the rooms next to mine while they teleport me in deep sleep.
I am putting away the clothing, endlessly spraying fabric softener as a source of less expensive "perfume" to block out the greasy filth that is sprayed every single night with stinking foul, greasy substances that almost never come out. It is a lot of money spent to block out these stinking substances and I really don't have money because I must pay for all the actual real items they break every month as well as the price increases in everything on top of all that, as the pig apes attacking me are paid in MILLIONS to inflict this as a prototype of the massive extermination they plan on issuing as soon as the Nazis come to full power and the dominos will fall.
Greasy filth Ratskin has been assautling me for over 3-4 years (since the beginning of the televised J-6 Committee Hearings it began as he laughed, giggled and mocked my body and me after YEARS of hardening poison poured and injected into my body every day which I am still shitting out on a daily basis. I spend 2 hours minimum every morning putting items away, cleaning the items that stink too much to just spray with bleach water and perfumed fabric softener--some of the items stink of mold and rotten substances. While they are hanging out to dry they are sprayed again, and again so I am just constantly cleaning.
Filthy dirty Ratskin not only fully approves of this but is attacking me for fighting in my defense, protecting the shit Nazis who have raped, beaten and made Nazi concentration remarks aimed at me because I am "bad".
I can assure you that Ratskin is a fullly approved-of member of his local Jewish Community Center and is a welcome member of his Synagogue when he occasionally appears to gather the endorsement of AIPAC.
I have had almost zero contact with Jews or the diaspora. Any contact I may have had was with secular terrorists of the 4th Reich and I was mind programmed and drugged and isolated and thusly the person offering friendship was welcomed. I can't express how much you are lead into deadly relationships because you ability to assess danger is muted or even gone, completely. You appear to be functioning but are still unaware of the actual reality of threat because your brain is being partially constrained, constantly. The targeting includes a non-stop 24/7, 360-degree attack, drugging and mind control system.
"Hitler's Jewish Soldiers". Mark Felton Productions. August 23, 2021.
"Was Hitler Part-Jewish?" Mark Felton Productions. April 15, 2023.
|"Joker Finds Out He's Adopted". Gunk Opps. January 6, 2020.
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