
Showing posts from February, 2024

More of the 4th Reich Nepo-Baby brood claws outstretched to grab a piece of my body, life and this technological-torture, mind programming contract of rape and impoverishment on mem so THEY can be instantly paid in untold amounts after sick and viciously stupid violence imposed upon me through all this tech: and torture, white-trash sponsored hate-ism: Poor-in-memory relatives of "proud to be poor"--no more. Clutching at attacking me like greasy, greedy whore a score of hillbillies clutching, attacking me for the royalties and perhaps a movie deal they can further profit off just for me having posted ONE SINGLE video of a cover of a dolly-the-evil-black-sheep but white supremacist bigot and her sheeple-fold of ravenous pig apes from the country-Western 4th Reich enclaves, cul d' sacs of entitlement and gun-toting killing.

  "Booker T. Washington--Up From Slavery/Read by Ossie Davis(1976)". Reelblack One. November 26, 2018. "Reel Time w. Bill Maher: The South Will Rise Again (March 9, 2012)". LoungerBuddy. March 21, 2012. It was one, single, teeny tiny video I posted on my blocked from all visitors and "friends" one video, in my drugged and "traumatized" state, always put under endless stress for mind control extraction of ideas and so every filth, sleaze and greasy con artist scumbag of Whorewood and Congress can join on in, with huge smiles of the every fake plastic surgery former dinosaur legion welcoming their friends in to get and get and get and get years of profit and promotion out of violently assaulting me in their endless racist proclivities: I posted a cover of the song Jolene, one of a Sisters of Mercy covers, of this dark-themed song by the ever-dark and sinister white bulbous brooding superficially cheery singer from Tennessee country halls of worship...

One of my predictions regarding Israel has come true: I wrote in one of my many blogs/posts on Facebook, at least thrice, that a religious theme park would be built in Israel due to the displacement of Palestinians and the result of the Nazification/British Israelism/Christian Identity movement pushing the conflict on both sides. While i cannot prove the latter half of my claim at this point due to not having resources to research this (not access to research databases and my internet is so hacked I can barely surf the internet, plus I'm completely drugged and sick and paralyzed and poisoned and can't concentrate plus the computer is frozen and blocked most of the time) but...a theme park in East Jerusalem is indeed on the menu after the carnage is not even over. The plans are currently underway, and Palestinians have been kicked out of East Jerusalem to make way.

  When I wrote of the American influence and the Christian backers of the push to Evangelical-ize the Holy Land, I thought the amusement Park theme parks on the Bible or the Holy Roller Christian Identity tourist centers would take place much later than in the middle of the conflict. Yet it's happening as I write this. People have already been kicked out (about 170 families in East Jerusalem to make way for a Biblical Theme Park---which means undoubtedly Jewish roots but focusing on Christianity because the Evangelicals are funding, covertly, terrorism (when I was in Germany I got a sense of this at an Evangelical meeting in a Church, held in Schwabish/German and I was the only English speaker (that I was aware of) and of course, I am not "one of them" but I could connect their discussion of Israel and their many Churches plus how they said openly that the Nazi era was "such a close-knit time when everyone was together and Germany was so much more warm and people wer...

Movie Review after having watched 31 seconds of it (joke): Ambulance Girl, starring Kathy Bates. Review up to 31 seconds into the YouTube channel copy.//Thinking of a word someone made to imitate the word Ketchup. Cat-schlop. The girl in question was about 9 years old. It is one of the two things I can ever remember about her, and the word stuck with me listening to the intro of this movie---

  "Hamburger Holocaust". Byronmusic. May 20, 2022. "Ambulance Girl/FULL MOVIE/2005/Kathy Bates/Inspiring Movie, First Responder". May 22, 2023. First, I'm thinking--why is the movie called "Ambulance Girl" when Kathy Bates may never have been a girl, and the title is a bit off--who is the "girl" in question when the star supposedly is Bates, who I automatically think of in terms of post-menopausal uterine hysteria as her roles, written by men (I assume) are now famous for portraying. -------- But the intro is her (Bates) with some man with a half-10 o'clock unshaven face talking about their romantic tie, which is hash browns in a cafe. I thought instantly of disgust for hash browns and, then, thinking of those bleached ugly white plates at a place like Denny's and fried eggs, slices of tasteless toast, "coffee" that is watery but acrid, and ketchup and hash browns (cat-schlop) and was filled with disgust that I had used to c...

Reflections on the topsy-turvy world of American slang colloquialisms which shift like the floating orbs of sci-fi movies: Post hyped-up hell of celebrity/political clawing for power and their Hellscape--inflicted upon me daily and nightly because they haven't clawed enough outta me or the world or enough it's not enough so I experience the absolute hellscape and after hours of struggling to peel off the layers of stress and hate they pour on me (they go off smiling, laughing and feeling free and glamorous turned on and wonderful having dumbed their filth on me and watching me react as a torture victim screaming in rage--they can't get enough of that either. So reflecting now on the many shifting orbs of another term that will soon go out of style in the cosmos of cosmopolitanism because being "woke" is not very hip when you are ravaging the world using all the old world systems of all the "isms" that are descried by the woke you really refer to as gisms: I thought "woke" was something akin to being a "good bloke" but as it turns out, being not racist is anathema to the good blokes who claim that "woke is a joke" and I need a toke of some good ole smoke://The endless, hours and hours, day after day of the horror of celebrity grasping for power and someone to force into gasping for dear life---the drugging and torture has subsided only at nighttime. //and then surveying the issues I see on the u-tube and I realize that I had confused the newer fad word for just being an innocuous fad word--America comes up with words, terms, identities and slang so often I am long behind what came out when I left that country a looong time ago. What is "woke"? I thought it meant not being racist because the first time I heard this term was during the George Floyd protests, worldwide, back in whenever all the days, weeks and months and years of this daily terrorism inflicted upon me happened so I have now lost track of time sort of. Oh yes, 2020. Only three years ago. How long has the term "woke" actually been a "thing"?

  "Ball of Confusion (USA Mix)". Love & Rockets--Topic. December 27, 2019. What was I going to say? I finally got my delivery after they screwed with me and also blasted my brain so I reacted upon cue: annoyed and frustrated because they kept me waiting 3 days with various lying alerts as to the impending status of this delivery, due any moment any time of the day for the past 3 days. So exhausted from the newest detox which really ripped hard shells of poison embedded into my body that it's too exhausting to walk more than to the lobby and back without feeling absolutely enervated, physically. Back to the point. I thought that being "woke" was not supporting white supremacy and not advocating for the killing of black men or women by police, because that is the first time I had heard this newer colloquialism officially stated, on the tube of You-land by some news commentator and socio-political commentators (I think it was on Democracy Now! Which I have stop...

If La Moux (my precious cat) were returned to me, alive, the f-ers from Whorewood must be required to pay for me to live in a decent place where I can keep her, as i can't here in this tiny unit where I can't use any of the storage space so the entire room is a total mess. No room for a cat, no room for me. Everything unhealthy and she is very old. Please make the pig apes return my cat and pay me for a home, in my name, and to get the wealthy millionaire/billionaire parasites off me. All the creeps who have profited in millions out of this contract forced to pay some percent of their total earnings--or truly, all. I can't even get redress in any court of law and risk prosecution for trying to claim the crimes committed endlessly against me. It is sickening to see the Republican groomers of child sex trafficking blasting Zuckerberg for content on Meta he cannot help, and for whatever else is going on, I could not understand as they kept yelling and interrupting every fragment of a sentence the victims of racism at the Hearings were trying to say. This is the exact same thing as my sentences being half-deleted and re-pasted together by the terrorist hackers. All silencing, targeting, Nazi atrocity precursors to another Holocaust. The Jews just sit there blank and smiling as they always do, waiting for the murder to be heaped upon me and not htem because they have allowed me to be the victim. The same patterns from WWII are being repeated. None of these movies out of Whorewood depict the traitor Jews but it's a compilation of all the Jews who have come to participate in attacking me: Bloomberg, Shapiro, and many others--some I am a bit hesitant to mention because they do some good but the others are purely, I mean 100% out for approval of Nazi culture and nearly worship it and protect it like the "house slaves" that they truly are.//but, I want my cat back. That this is just being a stepping-stone for promotion for every greedy and sleazy stupid scumbag in Whoreood is unbelievable yet it's happening, with NO RESISTANCE from anybody except me, apparently.

(Celebrity Insurrectionists applauded on the Red Carpet of bloody fascism approval) +The loss or restoration of what is called "Democracy" which some associate with Freedoms as expressed in the Constitution and in the Bill of Rights, entails the RIGHT and necessity TO MAKE JUDGMENT (not assumption, not biased opinion but JUDGMENT so as to preserve freedom and peace and cut down infiltrator traitors, if evidence and observation back the judgement/i.e. The Scientific Method of fact-finding and observation and formulating patterns and clear-cut backed analyses:

  "DC appeals court UNANIMOUSLY rules Donald Trump CAN be prosecuted for his Democracy-busting crimes". Glenn Kirschner. February 7, 2024. "...JUDGEMENT in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and honor any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under The United States: but the Party convicted must nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial and Judgment and Punishment, according to Law." (The Impeachment Judgment Clause, U.S. Constitution). U.S. CONST. art. I, & 3, cl, 7. The judgment is, or should be, directed at ALL the participants of this Insurrection against the sovereignty of the United States, which I know to be extremely Left-Hand covertly done by subtle mind programming out of H-wood and it's political allies in Congress for brainwashing purposes. Unfortunately, JUDGMENT is not being extended into this realm because lying snake oil slingers have been put into power, and their ...

The violent rhetoric associated with the "Jew-baiting" contest of barely subliminal genocidal Nazi hate spewed at Zuckerberg. Terms used to question Zuckerberg are, : "unleashes on".."grills"...."Forces Zuckerberg to apologize"..."Mr. Zuckerberg, so you belive you have a Constitutional Right to lie to Congress?".."Josh Hawley gets applauded" etc etc. The language conveys a beating, a burning, that Zuckerberg is an endemic liar, that he has blood on his hands regarding the death of children...that the audience applauds this grilling, roasting, forcing an apology to the cheering audience--these are the headlines of the Forbes channel on Youtube, their videos. Each one transmits a complete story-line that truly re-affirms Nazi programming conditioning that Hitler and Goebbels used. Jewish men are child defilers, They are lairs. They are child sex offenders (they tacitly place the blame for child sexploitation on Zuckerberg, only him). IN fact, Jews are child murderers. That was one of the first selling points of the Nazis to really take over Jewish businesses, homes, and then their lives in mass murder, now termed genocide. The YELLING is profuse. I was viciously yelled at by greasy and nasty Graham, a most SLEAZY and dirty propagator of future child rape and molestation in the teleportation "paradise" for sex offenders he is fully endorsing, especially when it comes to Jews. He had prostitutalina strip for him and then two weeks later pig shit pitt obtained a $40 million mansion in Carmel, not a coincidence as the poisoning and mutilation and rape and torture increased in the form of most disgusting and sleazy sick Baryishnikov, who succeeded in the terror contract right after Graham. I could go further on Graham, but the outright fascist yelling is what was thrust at Zuckerberg who sat silently, without any preparation for defense seemingly he just mumbled and stuttered throughout the entire Nazi procedure of yelling and "roasting grilling and accusations of being a child molestation helper liar" following with the "yes or no" yelling in violent fascist Nazi style that Hawley flung at Zuckerberg, timidly sitting with terror in his "Jewish" programmed stance of bowing and apologizing with a host of Nazis sitting in the background looking like an assistant lynch mob. There was Klobuchar who also joined into teleporting me, as well as Ted Cruz who made motions to rape me after I cheered on Jeffries when he was close to becoming House Speaker, way back last year of another year of endless violence that these same scum fascioNazi terrorist incompetents in Congress have fully supported. THey are supporting child molestation and human trafficking, but it's being done surreptitiously through teleportation that is being ignored and silenced so it's never being challenged in any way, whatsoever. So coveted is the "right" to rape and molest, especially "minorities' and the utter violent murderous genocidal hate these expletive politicians have for Jews I know all-too-well it's disgusting, they are foul. I write this to detail the situation not to condemn Zuckerberg, but he played his role in the antisemitism by just bowing down as Jews always do, thusly accepting the abuse and humiliation, apologizing like a beaten-down mentally-enslaved pawn, just hoping that he will continue to have his wealth and status. Zuckerberg has completely participated in this contract out on me and fully goes along with it. I can't defend him, I am only pointing out the various perspectives that no one else is revealing as they, unlike me, have not lived in Germany for 5-6 years speaking German and living only around Germans so I understand the mentality of Nazism much more than any of most of you ever can. But I am castigated nevertheless as embracing Nazism and genocide is now The American Way. But I continue://.An analysis of what I correlate as another fascist Nazi interrogation/yelling psy-ops campaign of antisemitism in Congress, aimed at the trembling, visibly intimidated, unable to answer succinctly and unprepared Harvard-educated "Jewish" men who are hated, hated for having so much money for having created a global social media platform. //Not questioned was the good ole boy Elon Musk who fully supports the fascist 4th Reich techno-terror wave of pre-genocidal conditioning, the terror agent out of South Africa who has fully partnered with genocidal Nazi-spewing celebrities of all races and skin colors but he's not under the "ya odor nein" yelling intimidation tactics of the Senators who have fully participated in teleportation Nazi fascist /Mafai terrorism aimed at me, ostensibly only for the reason that I do not want to continue the "programming" that "Jews" are demanded to embrace--being insulted, humiliated, treated with condescending hate and then hated because they don't fight back. All conditions as precursors to the final genocide the 4th Reich is plotting and I experience DAILY from the filth of Whorewood, all ensconced in fascist Nazi overtake of the government and society, one gyrating Nazi skank performer (black and white and Latino) after the next celebrity psychopath swagger after the next Senator or Rep from Congress. The line-up of Senators grilling Zuckerberg is like a list of the expletives who have joined in the terror team to rape, torture, poison, mutilate and laugh and giggle, all obtaining exoneration for their crimes and promotions and whatever else the 4th Reich hands them for just being sick and disgusting parasites instead of responsible human beings doing their sworn duty for a country founded on a principle of elevating humanity out of the dregs of human degradation of enslavement to a small coterie of corrupted slime parasitic "overlords".

  **Belated correction to the post below. Under "mind control" influence my memory was stymied and I "forgot" the name of the Insurrection group--The Oath Keepers, who were so influenced by Game of Thrones and the "Oath Keeper" was one of the "pure" characters defending country and honor, respectively as the matron of protecting Country, according to a mythological fantasy. I had written The Proud Boys because that was the most publicized group, with it's minority minion "brown" Latino leader fighting for white power to kill Jews--but the Oathkeepers were a semi-"religious" group using literal Game of Thrones terms, even on stand Stuart Rhodes said, verbatim quoting from GOT script, "By all the Gods" he said on stand. This type of oath to country and spiritual pursuit of holy war, is almost a replica of the oaths that the SS took to the Fatherland and to the "purity" of the Germanic heritage and the nee...

Last night another "awards" ceremony packed with the rigged "winners" of State-sponsored terrorism inflicted upon me, in this covert rape, torture, racism and sexist travesty dynasty monopoly oligarchy, et al.//The hippie who hacked her music videos onto my social media endlessly daily for circa 6 months, sporadically and almost randomly for a few years intertwined with the initial onslaught; the "flower" blonde "positivity" singer with a vocal range of about maybe one octave. I recall her hacked video onto my social media the day I wrote for the 150th time about how my precious cat-child La Moux has been stolen and she is very old and I so dearly love her as a soul mate--and the "positivity" flower rape cheerleader who hacked her videos and stories onto my every, single, day news page search (on national news outlets) and every single music video for almost two years straight on every page, for the first two years, then for the next eight years non-stop until I began writing day-after-day about this. Now a national sensation and coveted and never questioned. Won, the rigged 4th Reich poop-music genre category for best rape cheerleader blonde bigot Nazi pretending to be a nice and cuddly Democrat--but she posted videos about her cat and has used her cat as some national "cute" attention-getting prop--and when I wrote bewailing that my soul mate cat has been stolen by the rapacious evil and sleazy sick white trash contingent of her Whorewood domain, she responded by hacking videos about her cats at home waiting for her, and this was not random algorithm from that hateful and vile sleaze--but "winning" all the rigged 4th Reich contests and political endorsements ever since, and I would believe at least 80% of the current Republican conspiracy theories about the political machinations intertwined with this football goon sports thing--just another mechanism constructed for a political regime endorsement in collusion with brain-mapping mind control Whorewood./ Then there is the metal band who likewise hacked their songs about fighting "master" controllers killing the helpless fighting for the State under control--fully supporting State sponsored terrorism and getting their crusty image re-invented and then awarded. Then there's the black Nazi who is bemoaning that his partner Nazi genocidal antisemitic wife did not "win" as usual but received so many "awards" (top prize goes to the blonde Nazi and not to Black Nazis, even if you believe you have been fully accepted oh dumb scum minion but paid in billions and billions of dollars and awards for your stunt of making outright Nazi concentration camp remarks in front of a German who had raped me while I was fighting to get him off me. Oh dumb scum, you will never win when blonde Nazi bigot is vying for top position and has also proven her Nazi affiliation because it's only intended for "THEM" and you are a dumb scum prop used and then given 2nd place by rote.//The list is longer but you can get the idea. Each and every one has the typical 4th Reich "fighting against/for" some issue and politically-charged "freedom" exploit sexploitation "cause". Absolutely sleazy, fake, lying sleazy ignorant and grasping. Oh, I forgot to mention the endlessly awarded black "lesbian" who stole Ideas I had written on Facebook (years ago, maybe 8 years ago) and turned them into her dance/music and short flick presentation of her, as a black feminist lesbian, fighting a techno-terror dictatorship, exactly almost verbatim stealing my ideas. Has not stopped being awarded, invites to the Met Gala, Oscar nominations now a Grammy. The list goes on and on, just from this one awards season for this one year. And every award for every category for film, music and fortunately I don't know about theater because I am so out of the loop of information and fixated mostly on the celluloid aspect of this terror situation. I thought I would add this today. WHERE WILL IT END? HOW WILL THIS SICK CONTRACT OUT ON ME EVER END WHEN WILL IT EVER BE STOPPED? I can't even listen to most of the music being awarded I consider it and most of the performers just sleazy and uninteresting and I thought that long before I realized what plight I have been forced into. //The situation of putting corrupt creeps into lead awards categories and positions in all aspects of society has proven to not bring much success to society, but it does still generate a lot of money and cheers from the people who can't wait for a dictatorship on day #1, No contestants any longer and nocontest

**hacking has made it impossible to get anything more done than a few sentences and barely managing to download and paste this video. It took over 5 minutes to try to get the video to just come up so I could click on "download". The freezing of the system is non-stop. I didn't bother to write the title or credits for the vid which I normally do--just copied and tried to paste the lyrics, which also took a  lot of time. Joy Division Day of the Lords (lyrics)   "Day Of The Lords" This is the room, the start of it all, No portrait so fine, only sheets on the wall, I've seen the nights, filled with bloodsport and pain, And the bodies obtained, the bodies obtained. Where will it end? Where will it end? Where will it end? Where will it end? These are your friends from childhood, through youth, Who goaded you on, demanded more proof, Withdrawal pain is hard, it can do you right in, So distorted and thin, distorted and thin. Where will it end? Where will it end? Whe...