More of the 4th Reich Nepo-Baby brood claws outstretched to grab a piece of my body, life and this technological-torture, mind programming contract of rape and impoverishment on mem so THEY can be instantly paid in untold amounts after sick and viciously stupid violence imposed upon me through all this tech: and torture, white-trash sponsored hate-ism: Poor-in-memory relatives of "proud to be poor"--no more. Clutching at attacking me like greasy, greedy whore a score of hillbillies clutching, attacking me for the royalties and perhaps a movie deal they can further profit off just for me having posted ONE SINGLE video of a cover of a dolly-the-evil-black-sheep but white supremacist bigot and her sheeple-fold of ravenous pig apes from the country-Western 4th Reich enclaves, cul d' sacs of entitlement and gun-toting killing.

 "Booker T. Washington--Up From Slavery/Read by Ossie Davis(1976)". Reelblack One. November 26, 2018.

"Reel Time w. Bill Maher: The South Will Rise Again (March 9, 2012)". LoungerBuddy. March 21, 2012.

It was one, single, teeny tiny video I posted on my blocked from all visitors and "friends" one video, in my drugged and "traumatized" state, always put under endless stress for mind control extraction of ideas and so every filth, sleaze and greasy con artist scumbag of Whorewood and Congress can join on in, with huge smiles of the every fake plastic surgery former dinosaur legion welcoming their friends in to get and get and get and get years of profit and promotion out of violently assaulting me in their endless racist proclivities: I posted a cover of the song Jolene, one of a Sisters of Mercy covers, of this dark-themed song by the ever-dark and sinister white bulbous brooding superficially cheery singer from Tennessee country halls of worship for the next blonde Nazi Jesus a la "America" and coming from "poor" but so proud and happy to have been poor.

Never more, quoth the raven, black on the hearth of the burning pyre of a million corpses of rotting fruit hung from crooked trees amongst the moss drapery of Southern Burning Crosses.

Clutching at me furiously, a host of "Proud to have my daddy work all night in a coal factory and then slave all day in a corn field" songs from this singer I never liked, as usual I usually never like any of the creeple teleporting or profiting off this contract, and it's very disappointing when I do like the very small percent of them when they do participate: but the theme which was so popular before Ray-gun came along to officiate the transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the Southern body politic for the rise in white supremacy in the guise of Christian tyranny--songs that were so popular about  mommy patching clothing threadbare and so poor but so happy to be doing so....becuz they all had luv, they sang, they are so luving...

like Hell

Rushing to clutch at me, the nepo-baby next generation poured videos of this woman who I knew to be dead, but I was so drugged (I am drugged into a near drugged stupor which, aided by the WiFi and other tech blasted into my brain, culminates by end of evening into the usual posting and reaching out to humanity to try to redirect all the hate I write of in the morning, fresh from insertions of drugs, violence to my body via mechanical arms, and endless sick and violent hateful skits while in deep sleep with a never-ending legion of sick and foul parasitic creeple who are the people you all rely on. A world of miserable and desperate sick and needy parasites who can't stand to have just normal wealth status of comfort but demand the luxury they see in all the magazines of the formerly "poor" or working class scumbag icons of filth in the media, now luxuriating in mansions and with a ton of plastic surgery, they are the epitome of "success" that the "losers" want to emulate.


Finally seeing far too many of the videos of this now-dead singer, I realized this was a hacking operation and an attempt to gain from me simply clicking on the dumb videos. I switched immediately to another dead performer who I actually like, and was surprised that his talent has never been so heralded as Elvis, who I never thought to be deserving of the high status although he was concentrated and focused and was exceptional in his performances, the musical genius of the other performer from that Rockabilly genre, a bit of an outcast and probably a bit frowned upon by the 4th Reich in some way

has been a bit neglected but was a far superior musician and artist and was not a sick drugged up sleaze that Elvis was--another "icon" that dirty little boys grasp because they can't stand to appreciate the luv that is around them-like all their country singers shout about, just more prosyletism like so many of their church joyous jumping jamboree's which conceal political machinations. So sheepish

and this morning, upon opening Huffpost, there was an article by the either hackers or the ever-ready Huffpost to include every single terrorist attacking me for their promotion as possible (last I checked, Huffpost was run by a Europigapeland female--).

The CHILDREN of the fascist Nazi 4th Reich, or those who have access to the royalties, are grasping under the "warm and friendly" viciousness of Dolly the Sheeple country so cuddly a vermin to get and get and get and get for free by dispensing with HATE AND HATE AND HYATE AND HATE in a vicious racist attack upon me.

Not to exclude the inheritors of the Prince estate in that as well, and his friends who have also participated.

Noting that a lecture by Booker T. Washington from a "Black Reel" type (worded) site on Facerbook, and the written text of what Washington had written about how the Black Slaves, as he was born into and was freed from, but not so much after all

the Blacks worried about their dear masters. They loved and cared more about their masters, the white supremacists, than they ever cared about themselves. 

I discovered this to be true with the ever-grasping and hateful antisemite Farrakhan, who now endorses Trump

is on the same train as the white supremacists from the South who really are ready for a Cross-burning ascension into more plantations but now with huge wealth estates.

This hate contract will bring them all into a happy collision, with Jews now as the New Black enslaved but actually murdered for their money

in collaboration.


I can't watch any more videos of these people, and just putting a single cover by a band (who also jumped and hacked their stuff on my social media like a plethora of claws grasping at me in all directions, for about one month which I never clicked on, finally learning my lesson but at night, the drugs and stress of endless torture and NO SUPPORT and I am highly susceptible to clicking on a video or posting something alluding to the creeps who are assaulting me, which they jump at to more viciously attack me

which they all do in concert with the performers so highlighted for their hate and not for their luv

the children of the corn field hate legions are no exception to the Nazi spawn of the 4th Reich in partnership with every fascist and corrupted foreign influence around the planet--as they merge specifically to social engineer all those hate values of wealth attainment through nepotism, genocide and holocaust which the Nazis and Europigapeland and even Russia and China so highly profited off that a sole class of genocidal, global "oligarchy" is the new "LUV" new America the old world and keeping others in even worse extremities of poverty is their goal as they rise like the Burning Southern Cross because "The South Will Rise Again"--this time, blacks joining in with killing Jews because so much money will be the result--far more wealth attainment for killing all the Jews than all the blacks in America.


90 minutes later (approx)

teleported to the most rage-filled face of another minority minion of Trump--this one from Congress, the House--a construct of false opposition who has partnered with his, "I'm part German" American comrade from Illinois, both fighting in front of cameras clicking and taping their fiery, theatrical interrogations and speeches about 'Democracy"; all the while, jumping with giggles and mirth, to teleport me with the Nazi 4th Reich celebrity crew you all luv and worship---constantly without question but really understanding what they represent.

His glare of hate was a direct mirror image of my "cousin" from Miami upon the first second I opened the front door of the place I was staying in Kendall with someone I had known in Mpls, who moved to Miami because her Nicaraguan background was much more in solidarity in Miami than in the upper regions of the 4th Reich of American temperature, Minneapolis. Far too chill for her, anyway.

The glare was what she openly displayed the very instant I opened the door, which her preconceived and instructed programmers, the Nazis and Mafia who she and my "uncle" defend in Miami, and famous as criminal defense attorneys (famous for defending Jim Morrison)

but not as well-known openly for defending mafia enterprises in Miami and beyond, as my own father had done as part of that family expectation of the 4th Reich/Mafia cartel inclusion (thusly "allowed" to own property but still be enslaved  in almost every other way, especially in mind programming as Jewish Nazis).

The look came after I had written the above, only briefly mentioning that "Jews" participate in the hate attacks that the Southern lynch mobs, now disguised as Christians playing music--for the purposes of this exploitation contract with Dolly the Sheeple cheery glad to be poor but a millionaire, and since attacking me in partnership over a decade ago, mostly behind the scenes, she's undoubtedly now a billionaire--put into movies and top quality plastic surgery for them all into their death beds!


I don't know which group he was defending or himself but I tried to ignore him but they kept subliminally attacking me so I finally began screaming, as usual, what a traitor he essentially is and should not be in Congress and etc

I think the others of the group were holding him back from physically assaulting me because he really wanted to, I could see clearly.

Defending Trump, in essence but his every public statement is about getting Trump out

or is he defending his wealth attainment and continued media coverage for his false oppositional stance

 and perhaps he has children or relatives who need a media promotion

or just to not be excluded from the power cartel, which is his Big Daddy despite Trump, with or without him

But offensive to me

and threatening

It has been the Jews first who "sold" me into "slavery" just as the Southern divide-and-conquer of the black slaves entailed a division in familial solidarity and cohesion within the community.

It follows with the Jewish community for anyone not playing abject enslaved a$$-groveling worshipper of Nazis and intermarrying, loving, laughing at the victims--even if they are "Jews" as I am labeled but have had almost NOTHING to do with the diaspora for the recognition I had before I could articulate it, even to myself mentally, of their abject poverty in terms of self-determination.

It is a  problem plaguing Israel and the Jewish community to the point that almost 95% of American Jews I have ever met are not just willing but THRILLED to hand me over to be a sacrificial object of Nazi wrath that Jews could ever achieve anything independently of their slavish devotion to enslavement but being allowed gated communities, where they are all neatly bundled together so when the Neo's come to slaughter, they are all in one place. Taught that if they just smile, laugh as I am being raped, poisoned and beaten they will be exempt and even promoted

So like ALL of the famous "Jewish" men who have participated in this contract, he mocked how my body looked as I explained that the pig apes he is laughing with, the outright genocidal Nazi scum he adores, have been poisoning and mutilating me and are still

laughing, he went away then teleported me to his beautiful office in the Capitol Building with a view of the cherry trees blossoming.

A prime location for his affront of protecting human rights and claiming he is of this religious group, representing it as they all do. Fully embracing the hate and violence aimed at me, their wives (often blonde, dyed or otherwise) are not there but are the silent partners for the most part).

This time not smirking and joking but menacing with violent threat, obviously because of the absolute darkness of the aspiring plantation slave owner with her Congressional sheep dog slave working as a huge intimidation and threat bot, fully worshipping blonde Nazism and attacking me with vicious physical threat.

The rascal--as his name really could be a sort of anagram sort of frontwards retake of

or rah-skins as Marjorie Taylor Green has shouted in Congress at him

both an abominable basket of deplorables

happily playing verbal tag in front of cameras played out by Forbes breaking news

 which fully promotes all the vicious anti-semitic attacks upon the Jewish owners of social media platforms, being fascistically yelled at by the Repug members of the Senate who have also attacked me, many in person in teleportation with rape and death threats.

Following the smirking and compliant acceptance of this RAskin rascal who should, like the rest of the dinosaurs, be exposed as the rotten sleazy fakes and fascist lapdogs of the fascists (the Jewish Nazis are the pig-ape aspiring lapdogs, the Senators are pig apes)


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