Reflections on the topsy-turvy world of American slang colloquialisms which shift like the floating orbs of sci-fi movies: Post hyped-up hell of celebrity/political clawing for power and their Hellscape--inflicted upon me daily and nightly because they haven't clawed enough outta me or the world or enough it's not enough so I experience the absolute hellscape and after hours of struggling to peel off the layers of stress and hate they pour on me (they go off smiling, laughing and feeling free and glamorous turned on and wonderful having dumbed their filth on me and watching me react as a torture victim screaming in rage--they can't get enough of that either. So reflecting now on the many shifting orbs of another term that will soon go out of style in the cosmos of cosmopolitanism because being "woke" is not very hip when you are ravaging the world using all the old world systems of all the "isms" that are descried by the woke you really refer to as gisms: I thought "woke" was something akin to being a "good bloke" but as it turns out, being not racist is anathema to the good blokes who claim that "woke is a joke" and I need a toke of some good ole smoke://The endless, hours and hours, day after day of the horror of celebrity grasping for power and someone to force into gasping for dear life---the drugging and torture has subsided only at nighttime. //and then surveying the issues I see on the u-tube and I realize that I had confused the newer fad word for just being an innocuous fad word--America comes up with words, terms, identities and slang so often I am long behind what came out when I left that country a looong time ago. What is "woke"? I thought it meant not being racist because the first time I heard this term was during the George Floyd protests, worldwide, back in whenever all the days, weeks and months and years of this daily terrorism inflicted upon me happened so I have now lost track of time sort of. Oh yes, 2020. Only three years ago. How long has the term "woke" actually been a "thing"?
"Ball of Confusion (USA Mix)". Love & Rockets--Topic. December 27, 2019.
What was I going to say? I finally got my delivery after they screwed with me and also blasted my brain so I reacted upon cue: annoyed and frustrated because they kept me waiting 3 days with various lying alerts as to the impending status of this delivery, due any moment any time of the day for the past 3 days.
So exhausted from the newest detox which really ripped hard shells of poison embedded into my body that it's too exhausting to walk more than to the lobby and back without feeling absolutely enervated, physically.
Back to the point.
I thought that being "woke" was not supporting white supremacy and not advocating for the killing of black men or women by police, because that is the first time I had heard this newer colloquialism officially stated, on the tube of You-land by some news commentator and socio-political commentators (I think it was on Democracy Now! Which I have stopped watching since October 8, 2023).
What is wrong with not wanting to participate in a blind obedience to racist ideology. I learned a great deal by listening and watching commentary about police brutality and all the exposes of various killings of unarmed people by police. I first realized that killing of unarmed American citizens was by caring intensely about a homeless WHITE male in California by police, who were on CCTV questioning this homeless "mentally ill" man for 45 minutes before two officers, with batons in hand making knowing looks towards one another while they questioned this man as to why he was sleeping on a bench as they had told him to go to some other spot--a homeless shelter. He was telling them about his problems, which they asked him about. While he was talking with his head hung downward, a scraggly beard on his face, brown sandy hair unkempt, the typical backpack bulging with stuff and just wrinkles and debris covering him--the police kept slamming their batons against their thighs, eying one another as if this was a code for the slow turn-on sexual excitement of reaching the climax of cracking his skull open. First, they told him to stand up--I fast-forwarded and finally he stood up. He was peaceful, having expended his energy on the demand from the police to describe his life and his problems--there was audio and I heard them asking him what was going on in his life. After the authentic sad story, he got up because they told him to do so. He stood up, passively, tired, it was the middle of the night. One came at him from behind and one was in front. The one directly behind him slammed the baton into the back of his knees without warning after he had obediently gotten up after they told him to do so. Just in short, it was a slow murder operation but it was intended to be a slow, horrific beating which would leave him crippled and in a coma, which was what happened, until he finally in agony died. While they kept tasering and beating him in his head he shouted out for his father.
But they slammed the baton behind his knees. He jumped forward and began to run away just a little bit obviously it was a reflexive action. That began a spate of slams from batons on both sides into his chest, abdomen, head, legs, arms until they were on top of him beating him ferociously.
I basically stopped the video at that point and then did a further search and discovered the news photo of him in a coma in the hospital, tubes running into his nose. His father made a comment about police brutality. I wrote a post about it and posted it while the terrorists of Whorewood were raping me from behind and from the front, having me attacked from all sides and asking me endless questions about why I didn't like it or them, then continuing with the same brutality repeatedly day after day. And that was back in 2013.
Otherwise, as the term "woke" progressed, I then learned about this "Progressive Party" and it seemed like a reaction to the George Floyd killings, except that Bernie Sanders had instead begun this movement but I didn't know exactly the term for it, because I was so engrossed in fighting off the rapists from whorewood the white supremacists who were engulfing my life with poisoning and torture that I could barely understand the news and I was trying to understand what was happening to me from left, behind, around every corner and on every side with beatings, rape, abuse and torture.
The "woke" group never bothered to care about my plight, certainly not in Whorewood or in the news media.
So I had no idea what "woke" really meant at that time as no one cared about the racism being committed daily upon me and is still ongoing by the celebrities who are supposed to represent "woke" to some degree.
I never thought of them as a "joke" however I thought of them as an abysmal sickness slope downward of society into a raging cesspool abyss and that was 10 years ago, now they have no more names they are not human subhiuman and the situation has gone far beyond any sort of "joke" (but not for "them". "They" make jokes daily with smirking glee about how they are able to get away with all this and still represent "woke" for whatever that means).
I then learned that the "woke" group was antisemitic as Hell and are fully in favor of me being raped, tortured, poisoned drugged and mutilated by their "friends" in whorewood.
I got Bernie Sanders the "woke" Progressive to join in with the giggles and shit laughs of Hillary and then because I didn't do what they expected, which I really didn't understand anyway because they never said anything outright, they began more mutilation of my body through their terror network and I am still being mutilated every night while sleeping and am trying to mitigate the utter damage--and when Cornell West came teleporting me with a sadistic huge gap-toothed grin masturbating grinning ear-to-ear and I assumed it was because he was so antisemitic and hateful and so ready for the white man to rape and beat me instead of his "sisters' in his "woke" "progressive" movement, instead of them.
Never having had a single conversation with him, but the time I said that Oprah was a sell-out slave representative for her years of her "woke" commentary while assisting in rape, torture, poisoning and mutilation of me, but I called her an Aunt Jemima because I was enraged from the 2 years she had gladly partaken of this contract, and I said this in rage, under so much stress from by that time years and years of daily rape, abuse and torture because of the bigot white trash Nazi cartel which has usurped the term "woke" to make their "woke" movies
and then assaulted by all the "woke" Blacks of whorewood insulting threatening and making antisemitic comments and yelling that racism is due to ME and they are assaulting me for "WHAT YOU DID TO BLACK PEOPLE" but thereafter, obtaining endless wards, show red carpet displays without end and etc etc etc somehow, because they are so "woke" LGBTQ plus/minus something
minus something indeed
Now, I hear all the castration of the term "woke' from DeSantis to some English bloke who is putting his videos constantly on my Youtube always tearing down this term "woke" but just commenting on situations where the "woke" crowd help guilty criminals get out of legal repercussions for their crimes because they feel guilty for Imperialism and thusly they are really just dumb and a joke.
and so, while I am sitting herre writing about torture, rape and violence from English and white blokes, those who condemn woke also never do a damn thing about the good ole boy blokes who are torturing me and are vying, like the "woke" jokes, to get their contract of endless free awards by hacking, stalking and participating in this "woke" contract out on me. Because it's about making people wake up to how they really don't want me to have a chance in society and they really need to wake up and not allow people like me to have a chance to compete--so they really need to support the people who are torturing me in my sleep so I can never have a decent, I mean NEVER have sleep which one needs in order to live without torture and violence and health deterioration. They keep me awake so they can crank out ideas about being "woke" from my sleep state, while the rest sleep through my endless pleas to please stop this torture because it's so fascist and corrupt and their sleep state of apathy has made me yearn to hope that "woke" may mean someone actually wakes up and understands that there is an actual crime going on here and not a joke. That the ramifications of this situation upon me have produced much deficit in America and it's Republic and the Constitution.
Still, nothing wakes up the anti-woke from their slumber of complacency. They are comfortable. They really secretly love having women like me beaten and raped, deprived of health care, beging for torture to be stopped as they hack their anti-woke bloke stuff on my youtube channel for me to realize that there is really something "wrong" with me for wanting justice and protection from a criminal enterprise chock full of blokes hitting those power and corruption entitlement tokes on the bong of their gong gonads. Women gently massaging those balls with rape cheerleading and minorities flocking to also partake. Woke seems to be another sales gimmick like selling snake oil at yet another psycho clown circus show entertainment slang festival. I mean to write, Woke and the anti-woke seem to be the snake and the oil coming together as one unified Love & Rockets Ball of Confusion. /Contusion. The original Ball of Confusion. When woke was not a guess but the terms were set straight and clearly (old school):
"The Temptations--Ball of Confusion (Live)". The Temptations. November 19, 2019.
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