One of my predictions regarding Israel has come true: I wrote in one of my many blogs/posts on Facebook, at least thrice, that a religious theme park would be built in Israel due to the displacement of Palestinians and the result of the Nazification/British Israelism/Christian Identity movement pushing the conflict on both sides. While i cannot prove the latter half of my claim at this point due to not having resources to research this (not access to research databases and my internet is so hacked I can barely surf the internet, plus I'm completely drugged and sick and paralyzed and poisoned and can't concentrate plus the computer is frozen and blocked most of the time) but...a theme park in East Jerusalem is indeed on the menu after the carnage is not even over. The plans are currently underway, and Palestinians have been kicked out of East Jerusalem to make way.

 When I wrote of the American influence and the Christian backers of the push to Evangelical-ize the Holy Land, I thought the amusement Park theme parks on the Bible or the Holy Roller Christian Identity tourist centers would take place much later than in the middle of the conflict.

Yet it's happening as I write this. People have already been kicked out (about 170 families in East Jerusalem to make way for a Biblical Theme Park---which means undoubtedly Jewish roots but focusing on Christianity because the Evangelicals are funding, covertly, terrorism (when I was in Germany I got a sense of this at an Evangelical meeting in a Church, held in Schwabish/German and I was the only English speaker (that I was aware of) and of course, I am not "one of them" but I could connect their discussion of Israel and their many Churches plus how they said openly that the Nazi era was "such a close-knit time when everyone was together and Germany was so much more warm and people were more united than now"...a literal translation. Basically, that Nazism was "the Good Old Days". These were 80+ year old German women whose men went to war. It was in an outlying "suburb" of Stuttgart that is NOT a tourist attraction. At the edge of the town, up the hill (I have to look at the Stuttgart map to remember the name of this village/suburb) but there at the edge of the woods (the public space, with walking paths that of course no one walked on and it was always empty). There was a stone monument to the "fallen" during WWII and those displaced. Not a single Jewish person was written on that stone commemorating people who lost their lives during the war. During the "Church" meeting, as usual per the Evangelical "church" meetings I was taken to by literal Neo-Nazis who either were my co-workers (i.e. from South Africa) or in this case, an actual Nazi member 80+ years old. I spoke only in German with her (Schwabish) and I asked her a lot of questions about that time. She was trying to convey something to me and took me to various places, as she held onto my arm and took me into her kitchen and we talked over her hand-picked cherries from her backyard.

I was being severely poisoned (which is murder) at the time, drugged and my body swelled up, but it was so swollen from bloating poisons as it is now).

I gathered that through this Stuttgart Nazi grandma league and all their children and grandchildren, money was being funneled through the German Evangelical Churches in Israel and really promoting whatever terrorism could help divide and conquer (my assessment, considering also the Muslim/German relationships I noted, from the South African extremely blonde/blue-eyed co-worker who was a terrorist "gang stalker" but who also took me around, asked me a lot of questions, and ultimately was a back-stabbing "snitch" to the new replacement for the German woman who had so kindly hired me and was very wonderful, warm and supportive.

But anyway, I gathered that these types of Germans (and with Americans and every other nationality--in my job were also English who, as usual, were extremely nasty, as usual--bigoted almost without reserve. There was also the usual Australian who told me that he would go to the Schwabish Alp for "meetings" and set up a very bad sort of discrediting for me on the job. They were poisoning me there. Before they all suddenly arrived with this new terror boss, I had no problems whatsoever and was alert, but once they came, I almost passed out and was drugged endlessly and now in retrospect I understand.

This is all to give a small background to the situation in Israel with the Christian Identity/British Israelist movement which strives to usurp the Holy Land.

American style, they would build a religious theme park, I wrote really not very seriously but I assumed it was in someone's mind, a money-making scheme. I wrote of this only a few weeks ago, but in which blog and white Facebook post, I can't recall.

And it is happening. Holy scheisse. I was correct. I am very often correct in my assessment of the Nazi infiltration and American version of that group and it's purported plans and now I understand a bit more about how covert operations work. 

I was so completely "spot on" in this prediction.

Story begins at 5:08 into the clip--about the Holy Land Biblical Theme Park planned in Occupied East Jerusalem.

I am neither condemning nor condoning this. I am only stating that my prediction was correct. And it shows the absolute control that the Christians have in regard to this operation/war and the overtake by the 4th Reich/Christian Identity faction/British Israelist with the American Evangelical Church. It also holds, in my opinion, another claim I have made that the plan to overtake Israel by Nazi "Christians" is also in the intended ultimate aim. Jews will be secondary, it will be another "colonized" tourist spot, beachfront luxury plantation vacation and conference sites are also probably being planned.

"Top U.S. & World Headlines--February 14, 2024". Democracy Now.


Of course, after I had written my post--maybe the second or third post with this prediction (not having heard anything about any proposed theme park, just assuming and knowing which forces were behind this engulfing divide-and-conquer chaos, control and rule strategy I believe has been ongoing dividing both sides (Palestinian and Israeli, but mostly Palestinian but controlling Israelis to be as blonde, white and "Aryian" as possible; thusly the contract out on me is a by-product of that continuation of the 3rd Reich in the "Jewish" diaspora.

But my informed and essentially correct prediction was offset by the very seemingly uninformed group from Whorewood who put Farrakhan the hateful bigot antisemite into the attack position (and he has been "awarded" by the Trump Evangelical faction ever since--meaning one part of the whole package of Trump is this Evangelical movement, with the rapist abuser Johnson from the House as one prime example of the hostility and hate for 'Jews" but claims to inheritance of the Holy Land.

Regardless of how accurate or to what extent my theories and thoughts--now proven correct but they will probably never even hear of this theme park and if they do, they will never think of what I wrote because they were only told to attack me, they never read what I wrote they are just told what to do by Nazi Mafia central command.
So I was attacked and called not only a racist against Blacks for having ACCURATELY called Oprah an Aunt Jemima (a firestorm a "shitstorm" of blacks descended upon me claiming that by the use of this term, a plantation slave helping "master" to enslave and beat down the "field" slaves--as they are trying to force me into this status in one way or another
as Oprah and all the rest fully behave like fascist Nazis and cling with delight and joy to the white supremacists making genocidal Holocaust statements at me. The whites of course instructed the blacks to come at me, and even Steven Spielberg came at me but he was attacking me before I even said this to Oprah or realized to what extent she was involved.
He defends her, by the way because they are both billionaire "minorities" in Nazi whorewood and their "reputation" of identifying racism has to be protected by attacking me and defending one another and the entire structure of barely veiled racism of Whorewood.
So I was attacked for having written this. Because the white bigot Nazis instructed the black minion Farrakhan to attack me calling me insults and hate phrases, claiming I am racist in every way possible
and using the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to demand that I bow in reverence to Hamas and to the Palestinian cause. Any statement in defense of Jews or Israel was met with violence and hate and torture and I was being passed aroudn to be abused and raped by the Scorsese actor white male tribe in partnership with Farrakhan who watched on smiling.
But my predictions are correct, at least in terms of the theme park which this group tortured me for having written, but not even knowing I wrote it, they were only acting on behalf of their Nazi handlers who never want this actual Christian Identity to be even mentioned much less associated with all the real terrorism which has divided and conquered the region--and in the near beginning of this war, they can't wait until it ends to begin to build and reconstruct, as i had written of, which these idiot savant celebrities tortured me for having written, because their Nazi/Mafia superiors can't have reality and truth exposing their real operation.


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