The violent rhetoric associated with the "Jew-baiting" contest of barely subliminal genocidal Nazi hate spewed at Zuckerberg. Terms used to question Zuckerberg are, : "unleashes on".."grills"...."Forces Zuckerberg to apologize"..."Mr. Zuckerberg, so you belive you have a Constitutional Right to lie to Congress?".."Josh Hawley gets applauded" etc etc. The language conveys a beating, a burning, that Zuckerberg is an endemic liar, that he has blood on his hands regarding the death of children...that the audience applauds this grilling, roasting, forcing an apology to the cheering audience--these are the headlines of the Forbes channel on Youtube, their videos. Each one transmits a complete story-line that truly re-affirms Nazi programming conditioning that Hitler and Goebbels used. Jewish men are child defilers, They are lairs. They are child sex offenders (they tacitly place the blame for child sexploitation on Zuckerberg, only him). IN fact, Jews are child murderers. That was one of the first selling points of the Nazis to really take over Jewish businesses, homes, and then their lives in mass murder, now termed genocide. The YELLING is profuse. I was viciously yelled at by greasy and nasty Graham, a most SLEAZY and dirty propagator of future child rape and molestation in the teleportation "paradise" for sex offenders he is fully endorsing, especially when it comes to Jews. He had prostitutalina strip for him and then two weeks later pig shit pitt obtained a $40 million mansion in Carmel, not a coincidence as the poisoning and mutilation and rape and torture increased in the form of most disgusting and sleazy sick Baryishnikov, who succeeded in the terror contract right after Graham. I could go further on Graham, but the outright fascist yelling is what was thrust at Zuckerberg who sat silently, without any preparation for defense seemingly he just mumbled and stuttered throughout the entire Nazi procedure of yelling and "roasting grilling and accusations of being a child molestation helper liar" following with the "yes or no" yelling in violent fascist Nazi style that Hawley flung at Zuckerberg, timidly sitting with terror in his "Jewish" programmed stance of bowing and apologizing with a host of Nazis sitting in the background looking like an assistant lynch mob. There was Klobuchar who also joined into teleporting me, as well as Ted Cruz who made motions to rape me after I cheered on Jeffries when he was close to becoming House Speaker, way back last year of another year of endless violence that these same scum fascioNazi terrorist incompetents in Congress have fully supported. THey are supporting child molestation and human trafficking, but it's being done surreptitiously through teleportation that is being ignored and silenced so it's never being challenged in any way, whatsoever. So coveted is the "right" to rape and molest, especially "minorities' and the utter violent murderous genocidal hate these expletive politicians have for Jews I know all-too-well it's disgusting, they are foul. I write this to detail the situation not to condemn Zuckerberg, but he played his role in the antisemitism by just bowing down as Jews always do, thusly accepting the abuse and humiliation, apologizing like a beaten-down mentally-enslaved pawn, just hoping that he will continue to have his wealth and status. Zuckerberg has completely participated in this contract out on me and fully goes along with it. I can't defend him, I am only pointing out the various perspectives that no one else is revealing as they, unlike me, have not lived in Germany for 5-6 years speaking German and living only around Germans so I understand the mentality of Nazism much more than any of most of you ever can. But I am castigated nevertheless as embracing Nazism and genocide is now The American Way. But I continue://.An analysis of what I correlate as another fascist Nazi interrogation/yelling psy-ops campaign of antisemitism in Congress, aimed at the trembling, visibly intimidated, unable to answer succinctly and unprepared Harvard-educated "Jewish" men who are hated, hated for having so much money for having created a global social media platform. //Not questioned was the good ole boy Elon Musk who fully supports the fascist 4th Reich techno-terror wave of pre-genocidal conditioning, the terror agent out of South Africa who has fully partnered with genocidal Nazi-spewing celebrities of all races and skin colors but he's not under the "ya odor nein" yelling intimidation tactics of the Senators who have fully participated in teleportation Nazi fascist /Mafai terrorism aimed at me, ostensibly only for the reason that I do not want to continue the "programming" that "Jews" are demanded to embrace--being insulted, humiliated, treated with condescending hate and then hated because they don't fight back. All conditions as precursors to the final genocide the 4th Reich is plotting and I experience DAILY from the filth of Whorewood, all ensconced in fascist Nazi overtake of the government and society, one gyrating Nazi skank performer (black and white and Latino) after the next celebrity psychopath swagger after the next Senator or Rep from Congress. The line-up of Senators grilling Zuckerberg is like a list of the expletives who have joined in the terror team to rape, torture, poison, mutilate and laugh and giggle, all obtaining exoneration for their crimes and promotions and whatever else the 4th Reich hands them for just being sick and disgusting parasites instead of responsible human beings doing their sworn duty for a country founded on a principle of elevating humanity out of the dregs of human degradation of enslavement to a small coterie of corrupted slime parasitic "overlords".
**Belated correction to the post below. Under "mind control" influence my memory was stymied and I "forgot" the name of the Insurrection group--The Oath Keepers, who were so influenced by Game of Thrones and the "Oath Keeper" was one of the "pure" characters defending country and honor, respectively as the matron of protecting Country, according to a mythological fantasy. I had written The Proud Boys because that was the most publicized group, with it's minority minion "brown" Latino leader fighting for white power to kill Jews--but the Oathkeepers were a semi-"religious" group using literal Game of Thrones terms, even on stand Stuart Rhodes said, verbatim quoting from GOT script, "By all the Gods" he said on stand. This type of oath to country and spiritual pursuit of holy war, is almost a replica of the oaths that the SS took to the Fatherland and to the "purity" of the Germanic heritage and the needs to cleanse the "vermin" that had "poisoned" Germany--paraphrasing only in parts and tying this to what Trump just recently uttered in front of a camera with the "vermin" quote. None of the Games of Thrones producers or writers have been questioned, and in fact, the show is obtaining years of promotions and next generation series to continue in the programming so people will not forget the original intention. They want "A king for life" (dictatorship) and bloody conquest for power (Insurrection) and women can be involved if they are pure white in extraction, some may be able to play polite interpreter but they are some of the first to go when a power struggle ensues. The programming for death, political dictatorship, and mass murder and pornographic degradation is packed into each and every Game of Thrones episode. Never questioned. But Mark Zuckerberg is somehow guilty of the pornographic exploitation of children in the multi-million viewer audience of Facebook at speeds of viewing that I doubt quantum computing could ever harness or even survey.
"Judge Freisler's People Court 1944". RobertHJacksonCenter. April 19, 2020.
Each and every Senator "advertised" by Forbes has participated in the rape, torture, mutilation and ongoing never-ending torture of me in this "covert" "experiment" in teleportation rape, mind programming conducted by rape culture Whorewood, in partnership with these very senators, and behind them are a host of parasites, peers of the Senators and in the House, the Executive Office, and etc. All following precisely, exactly in the footsteps of the 3rd Reich in it's assumption of power. condemning and shaming Jews in public was one of the first steps, but it began a few years ago with the shaming and destruction of Weinstein, made so popularized in the media as a sensational Jewish lynch mob attack by the prostitutalinas of Whorwood and their rape fasco-bigot scum male partners who I have been writing of for years. the Senators have fully engaged in sexual violence endlessly aimed at me, with every minority minion coming to violently assault me, including from Congress, for favoritism of white supremacy, inc. in the dark recesses of the orgy torture voyeurism of Congress with all the surveillance technologies that they also fully endorse upon the public. They can pry, teleport and rape and mutilate and destroy and kill using this tech apparatus and the death squad "gang stalking" funded organization (funded by them). Zuckerberg endlessly hacked photos of himself on Facebook many years ago, and then did nothing, like all the "Jews" who join in and then later are victims of rampant violent racism, disguised as outrage against various "offenses" that Zuckerberg participated in allowing to flourish, just as he "allowed" fascism to increase, knowing and seeing exactly what was happening to me.. He was, in fact, a "silent partner" in this terror rape and sexual abuse program that the Senators now "grilling and roasting" him are engaged and applauded for having done. The rotten parents take no responsibility for protecting their programmed children from the endless movies of depictions of sleazy and loveless sex in movies such as the highly Satanic programming tv series of Game of Thrones (I am not merely citing a quasi-conspiracy theory use of the word "Satanic" but I mean all holds are barred, every kind of violent and paganistic murder and sacrificial raw sex lust for blood and power scene is glorified in that tv show, with it's adjoining rotten and obnoxious mostly English crew operating as now "celebrities". Just need to point this out as the problem lies with the dirty Nazi parents fully allowing children to watch this crap and not lambasting Game of Thrones but instead glueing themselves to the boob tubes to get every sex and blood sacrifice scene with children watching on right alongside them, being influence and then by parental lack of concern, programmed that sexual exploitation and sexual violence is ok. I would bet that many of the parents in the hearing were fans of Game of Thrones, just like many of the Proud Boys who used Game of Thrones terminology to justify their "Trial by Combat" by killing officers and trying to kill Pence and many others in Congress. Too bad they missed some of the most egregious conveyors of murder and sexual violence who are now "roasting and grilling" Zuckerberg for his media platform which reaches out to millions upon millions of customers but they expect the central monitor to be able too survey each and every online predator. If the U.S. Government were paid to do that job, the bigot Nazis would scream about "Big Government" censorship and lack of their "Freedom of Speech" But when it comes to the genocidal hate towards Jews, especially if they are wealthy, they ole Nazi claims of Jewish men being sexual predators upon children, and having far too much money (the comments below the videos on Forbes) is almost an exact replication of Nazi holocaust programming rhetoric.
My perspective and analysis at the most succinct way I can put it, is that these white supremacist Senators are acting purely out of racism and not out of concern for any children, as their other politics and policies absolutely points out that they do not care about lives, even in regard to abortion "rights" of the unborn. Their agenda is for a wealth/poor division with all that people like the wealthy Jews in America fully funneled into their State apparatus and/or into their own personal pockets, absolutely following in the 3rd Reich Shoah that these expletives are trained and programmed to fully instill into American society. Their use of fascist Nazi celebrities of all races and nationalities helps to bind together all disparate groups with their own representative fascist Nazi mind programming celebrity (I just had to get assaulted yesterday by another Latino who has been fully indoctrinated and bought and sold as a puppet for that regime, influencing the Latin community to dye their hair blonde, become absolute groveling deferring "yes" slaves to white supremacists and viciously, violently assaulting Jews. That is the program The Senators are also incensed that this Jewish man has more money and capability than they do. They could never, for a second, create a single original or creative concept. Their function is to follow orders, They are there to convey lies and deception in the guise of being staunch supporters of Freedom and Fairness. Yelling and screaming exactly like the very famous Nazi "Judge" who yelled "ja odor nein" ("Yes or no?") to the defeated victims standing in the dock below, heads hung down because they understood that the rate of death sentence for this Nazi judge was at about 95% of all defendants, under the 3rd Reich. And Zuckerberg looked terrified and acted like he had no preplanning, this Harvard Executive of one of the largest companies on the planet. I have to wonder if he had been instructed to go along with the terror tribunal and appear like he was a fumbling and weak apologist? I also suspect that the crowd of haters are also of the 4th Reich and were assembled to blame the Jews--as a lynch mob, which is why they applauded and cheered at the ostensible Nazi performance of the bigot fascists like Graham who has demonstrated to me a yelling violent disposition of racism and sickness. The things he said to me were outright genocidal fascist. He praised the "system" of attack upon me and said that he and his group were very "proud" of it--so covert, yet so omnipresent worldwide. They are proud of death squads which are now a modern equivalent of former lynch mobs who would kill black men in the town square, openly and advertised it in the local paper beforehand. This is now the modern iteration of the same lynching.
"MUST WATCH: Lindsey Graham Mercilessly Interrogates Mark Zuckerberg And Other Social Media Execs". Forbes Breaking News. January 31, 2024.
"MUST WATCH: Josh Hawley Gets Applauded Multiple Times Ruthlessly Grilling Mark Zuckerberg". Forbes Breaking News. February 1, 2024.
"Amy Klobuchar Grills Mark Zuckerberg About Reports That Meta Is Targeting Children Under 13 As Users". Forbes Breaking News. January 31, 2024.
"BREAKING NEWS: Ted Cruz Unleashes on Mark Zuckerberg In Senate Judiciary Hearing On Social Media". Forbes Breaking News. January 31, 2024.
I have to further point out the lack of scrutiny over certain tv and entertainment shows, programs and sexual indoctrination and Insurrection programming that has come about almost directly as a result of shows such as Game of Thrones as discussed under testimony from the January 6 insurrectionists (The Proud Boys) who revered the "Trial by Combat" slogan that was directly used by Giuliani prior to the violent attack upon the Capital, Jan 6, 2021. The term comes directly from Game of Thrones, which is rife with endless sleazy and debaucher sex scenes which were shown and reshown on public tv (or cable) and then any of the episodes training people into pagan affiliation with various sacrificial "Gods" and "Seven Hells" and endless naked sex and prostitution scenes is never discussed as any factor in the programming of children, or the population.
I simply watched this series only because of the testimony from the J-6 Committee hearings (The Select Committee) and I was besieged with mostly English yelling fasco creeps, famous now for their displays of aptitude for pagan sexual titillation porn displays onscreen. Influencing people into "trial by combat" instead of any Democratic process, as they prayed to the "Gods" of Seven hells to save them from what they were using as a front to claim that the election was "rigged". Feudal paganism and overtake was absolutely an indoctrination factor, and as the same expletives from that show were yelling, abusing, violently assaulting me with fascist yelling exactly as Josh Hawley did to the meek-appearing weak and incapable Zuckerberg, playing his role as well of Jewish succumbing weakness personified--thus assisting in more antisemitism because Nazis abhor any sign of "weakness" displayed and consider any form of apology without any self defense as a person you can easily steal from, r ape the women and then kill them off to obtain all the money.
The responsibility also lies with the Nazi 4th Reich lynch mob, undoubtedly pre-selected for their antisemitic hate for Jews in power. I read some of the comments in the sections below where the bigots wrote that Zuckerberg had far too much money, more than the bigots "grilling, unleashing" at Zuckerberg and that in itself was a crime. The hate for Jews having money also was ubiquitously used as a pretext for genocidal theft of their wealth.
Epiphanies, for anyone reading this. Is there anyone out there who is not a sick expletive giggling as I endlessly write these posts?
The concept that Mark Zuckerberg is absolutely microchip-implanted and was under extreme mind control by the very conscious of how this is done rotten greasy Graham? Obviously Graham is using his techniques handed to him by Trump and by the filth from Whorewood to exert absolute blank weakness in the target.
I experienced not just my brain being blanked-out but still functioning to the degree that I appeared to "accept" being treated pretty badly in stores, a form of discrimination that would be illegal in the United States but here--Nazis proliferate the brown-skinned dirty hateful minions are like all the famous and wealthy blacks and browns and Jews and asians back in good ole USA--so hateful and violent a country and sick and degenerating
Zuckerberg, obviously very well-educated, capable beyond what he appeared to be for these videos I posted above. I realize he probably has been implanted when getting a filling, having a procedure, or probably also drugged prior to the Senate Hearing about the Nazi accusations of him being a lying predatorial Jewish wealthy scourge upon the white pristine likes of Hawley and Graham.
I realized how badly I had succumbed without realizing it, but understanding what had just transpired ONLY after leaving the place where this attack happened, /The creeps who are assaulting me all perform the same sick and stupid hate acts like my brain is absolutely blanked out as I sit or stand staring in blank silent incomprehension while they keep repeating stupid things like the price of something. They tell me the price, I nod and say ok, they then repeat it 4 more times as if to imply I can't understand their stupid sick broken English, which is a complete farce as they speak perfectly. But that is the most innocuous attack that was made, but it was endless in places I had forethought to go.
I was lied to in banks, the managers who also were just terror agents replacing the actual competent managers (I hope) likewise lied and repeated the lies when I tried to "complain" politely, quietly
My brain and nervous system was absolutely put into a state of shock when white trashy Nazis came to affect my nervous system and have subvliminals of hate, calling me all kinds of nasty names I could "hear" and sense and feel while they silently all had interface weapons of cell phones and were supported by teams of people with all kinds of bulkly packages. I would pull up to a completely empty convenience store only to have 6 people instantly pull up just to walk in front of me and block the cashiers and make me wait while the brain altering tech blasted into my brain. the white Nazi trash from Europigapeland would then do things like put their bags on the counters while I was trying to pay for my electric bill (at 711) while this purse was sitting on the counter and the cashier just nodded and I tried to pay. A huge hormone-growth white pig ape female who looked like a boxer but thin and aggressive then walked next to me within an inch, taking her bag off the counter while I was trying to pay. She glared into my face and my entire body was infested with a wave of electromagnetic and microchip influence that was like having my nervous system socked with hate and negativity. It was electronically done, the microchip or something. she lingered next to me glaring with her team of minority hate all with their weapons trained at my body and brain while she transmitted hate and threats of violence at me. I finally felt my hands flicker telling her to go away as I waved her away. She then had her minions scrape black grease on my motorbike, which I saw after I went outside. The rest of the day was me not able to follow my instincts and get out of negative situations which I could have done, but it was every self-defense mechanism was literally wiped clear out of my brain almost the instant I formulated how to react--I went blank, I froze, I began to smile as if it was okay and waited sheepishly for the shit creeps who were talking to me, who then walked away as they were "helping" me to instantly help a white trash minion or Nazi pig ape--completely stopping mid-sentence and walking away from me and turning their backs while I was asking questions or making complaints about being harassed at Macro at the front door because I have a backpack in my cart and two other bags--so heavy because I must carry and carry all my vital items I can't have poisoned any longer due to my entire body dying from poisoning that has gone on and on and on and on for years nad years and years and years.
So, this is WHY I believe the very competitive Mark Zuckerberg froze, appeared like he had tears in his eyes and looked like he was in terror BECAUSE Lindsey Graham and undoubtedly the rest of the hate team from the Repug side were having subliminals of murder and extreme threat issued subconsciously through the technology that sinister nasty dirty Graham obtained and has been trained to operated through the greasy "graces" of shit pig pitt and prostitutalina and the crap of Trump and his nasty murderous bigot 4th Reich teams.
How Zuckerberg could have seen what was happening to me, as I wrote endlessly while he was hacking in, that this was a precursor to a huge Nazi influx of corrupt overtake and destruction of the united States (right now it's getting near impossible, literally to type more than one word every minute the hacking and my nervous system are completely being attacked"
Another epiphany is that the terrorists are slowly breaking my computer. they replaced the computer I had bought and wore down all the bright stickers and erased the keys and now the monitor is being slowly destroyed. they did this to my last computer. I took the computer into a shop which I have gone to and I was lied to, they ignored me in the middle of sentences as terrorist wealthy men came in and they walked away from me as they told me they would help me and were answering questions-they simply walked away.
I told myself to leave but I could not move. I was determined to get the information out. I finally had to get more aggressive but it took me at least 10 minutes to get past the blocks to my defense mechanisms and nervous system and brain under artificial suffocating blockage of thought and awareness. It was like a soft envelopment of weakness completely took over all my defense and ab ility to speak up against the endless insults and attacks. I saw this in Mark Zuckerberg and I realize that Graham was utilizing the mind control apparatus of subliminal threats, terror, nervous system attacks, tears forming in the eyes all done from remote tech, and then blocking of cognitive capabilities while the target is being yelled at, and then threatened probably with murder subliminally.
They are breaing my computer--they told me it would cost over $100 to preplace the monitor which was perfect last month. One day I returned home and there was a huge red line that hadn't been there that morning. The computer looked much older and worn out--so it had been replaced or they just went about deteriorating it completely while i was out. Today, after going to this shop, there is a new red line on the left side of the screen that had not been there two hours ago. So they are making the computer worse.
This month they broke three earbuds that were perfect and new. They broke a new pair of laptop speakers. they broke the patio chair so I must buy another one (I use it for the endless cleaning of stinking filth that is sprayed consatntly on my clothing while sleeping and when I clean it and hang it outside, they spray it again using mechanical arms from all the sides the terrorists use this mechanism on all sides.
They broke TWO expensive music players i use to try to drown out their hate, the filth shit whores from Whorewood
and today I was the target of smug, really gloating white pig ape trash very wealthy who have been handed every single thing and a world of brown and black and impoverished and greedy and stupid minions to do all this filthy hate work for them. Smug and gloating and puffed up on power.
I also realized that the horrific titles that I had pasted above supposedly from Forbes were all probably a hacked attack on my personal web browsing. I had thought about the really ugly and Nazai nasty yelling that Hawley had inflicted upon Zuckerberg and realized I wanted to write something about it and voila@ horrific titles with physical violent insinuations levelled against Zuckerberg. I know these were not the official and professional titles that Forbes had actually published
I am now constantly fighting to get words to print out corectly and it's like wading through mud to get this to type out
so I end.
I keep wondering when anyone like Zuckerberg will observe the violence being inflicted upon me, try to profit off it, and be completely unaware that it's probably happening to glorified him--yes, it can happen to wealthy famous Jews too, not just targeted witch hunt outcasts like me.
But I think Zuckerberg could never come to that realization and will only "blow off steam" once the Nazi humiliation episode has passed, just thinking he was too stressed to react as well as he could have in a less hostile environment. Never once, with all his tech training, coming to the slight realization that all the years of me writing that "this can happen to you too" to the void of blank and staring giggly haters reading my posts, probably including Zuckerberg as he undoubtedly feels like an "entitled" Jewish male and I must have done something so "bad" to deserve just endless rape, poisoning and everyone allowing it to happen., Nothing like what they are doing to me could EVER happen to a famous and "great" person like him, right?
Perhaps some of you reading this, or not, need to come to a few epiphanies of your own in regard to the violence and murder that WILL transpire en masse if none of you ever come to the conclusion that this tech of terror and death is spreading as I have been writing an their aim is another genocide Holocaust.
So like Zuckerberg in these videos, I appeared completely weak, incapable, like I was compliant to abuse and humilation and not able to speak or move to defend myself. I recognize now what I had condemned in Zuckerberg earlier today. I then realized that he's probably a target and even with all his fame and billions, Nazis are extremely keen on tearing down ALL Jews. A wealthy Jew who has performed more quality and has more than the white trash like Graham is like a dog whistle to destroy. Please recall that lynch mob assassinations were due to anyone becoming "uppity" and zuckerberg has been a thorn in the white supremacy ego for a long time. Now with graham having access to this tech, thanks to the sleazy gyrating duo of shit pig pitt and skank ugly sick and stupid prostitutaline they can do to Zuckerberg what they accomlished en masse with Wesinstein. The skank women who all gathered to burn the Jew of Weinstein now have their own production companies, that includes the filthy blonde skank from Australia who had two men rape me and is almost on par with Swift who has been part of this attack upon me for over a decade--and the silence of the stupidity of people who just go along, and they won't even begin to contemplate that they are being mind programmed to appear weak, ineffectual, and complying with the stereotypes of the weak and ugly "jew" which so helped to dehumanize and then gave people the schadenfreude of having them eliminated and then stealing and usurping all they could.
the Nazi pig apes are smug as hell. When will anyone ever not assist them by remaining silent, ignoring the extremely potent information I am writing only to be endlessly tortured and attacked and poisoned and beaten drugged mutilated and under non-stop assault without a single expletive from Congress coming to actuallly defend human rights, Democracy and when it comes to "Jews' when will you stop allowing Nazis to gain this much power only to turn on you, while you believe you have bowed to them for so long they would "never" try to destroy you and take your money, businesses and property your pets your children and then your lives away from you--no, not you, not ever no. They are your good "friends" these bigot white trash nazis ., You love them. You intermarry with them and yearn only to be accepted into their Nazi elite theft and genocide cartels.
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