
Showing posts from December, 2024

My hope for trying to change this infinity hate system which has become the dominant paradigm (of this century emerging like a rocket in your pocket): all the expletives are being championed for the (mis) use of technology to revert society to a most brutal form of tyrannical "benevolent" despotism. AT this point it appears "benevolent" because the terrorist petty (sleazy sick empty meaningless) tyrants of the excess of the deregulation of all real principle in society degenerating into absolute violent usurpation of graft and theft of the wealth of the nation to enrich the few. This sounds so progressive but it has many names and titles. This system you all are a part of at this point in history. The expletives are being championed, they sucked my life force out so their empty sexual-based gyrating mainstream selling of sexualization of culture into submersion into the impending 4th Reich State--now my ideas, from my background of literature from an Ivy-league family from my own searchings, readings and experiences. They have literally used a torture sucking of meaning and soul and spirit out of me, literally leeching off my life force to exhibit the power that I have as they are trying to break, crush and torture me into being so submerged in the wallowing of hopelessness of my own aspirations to aspire. //And thusly, fighting for much longer than the 15 years of this vile Whorewood leech prostitution rape system exalted by those who are consigned to protect the country not empower the vicious, grasping and criminal feeding off the millions as has been the power structure long sought-for by those who abhor the chance for the previously oppressed to have a "dream" that is not caked with more candy-coated oppression poison and suppression of the actual joyful spirit that resides within that is quelled and crushed by the conformity to authority that is imposed. The "minorities" are subjected to non-stop oppression, and my family comes from that background although they have striven to rise out of that "class" by pushing me forward as their "ticket to ride". //My fight, to which I now am reclaiming from Hitlers' Mein Kampf, which many scoff at in derision, is to write and expose the reality of the downfall of America through this system which truly is bringing much of the country "to it's knees" in desperation and chaos. Although you now applaud the very perpetrators of the traitorous rise of Totalitarian violent murderous overtake of the country by those who want to envelope the country into a dictatorship operating under the auspices of the former 3rd Reich group. Although what I write is rife with hyperbolic ranting due to unbelievable drugging, poisoning and non-stop murder torture, literally they want to abuse me to death. My hope is that by having written and having fought I can shed some "light" into the meat of the rotten carcass of this system. It relies on fresh meat as it's sustenance it must feed off innocence it must feed off life force. The expletives who have literally used this tech to feed off my energy my beauty my health are now being applauded for the ideas and energy they LITERALLY sucked out of me from this death technology. Moreso they were applauded by the governing forces needing it's fascist operatives to feed off so the empty vacuity could be re-energized into a fabricated Nazi-mannequin appearance with my depth of soul and purpose my beauty (which they want to crush abuse poison mutilate and beat into horrid deformity, which I fight against every day).

2 hours later: discovered this Democracy Now interview, aired today, concerning the issues I write of. I read the titles that appear in the daily lists of miserable rantings. I believe almost all are rewritten to appear choppy and badly written. I know that my writing is mostly rewritten. The hacking is so awful that fighting to click on the mouse is almost another exercise for all hand strength and etc Besides viewing the rows of daily posts, and seeing that they were rewritten--- the interview is about the true danger of this upcoming Brave New Techno world of tax breaks and jobless homelessness. Robots replacing humans (no minimum wage requirements any longer) and billionaires clamoring for more tax breaks and more hegemony. The teleportation of anyone they can inflict this upon will result in families literally selling their children, people injecting others with microchips via (perhaps) Nanotechnology and people being just cruelly murdered or destroyed. Or the mediocre enhanced as...

Screaming out into the artificial void of the synthetic reality cyber world of turned-on feeding frenzy advocates to stop the leeches stop the parasites from injecting their toxicity into me and sucking my soul love beauty health wealth and then they get "ideas" they steal from me, every day they inject their hate and toxic mental illness I am not sure if the DSM of any iteration could define just basic parasitic energy life-sucking poison filth suppressed oppressive "wanna be" nothings, empty voids. The cyber world laughs and pushes for more, they want to hear more cyber screaming from the victim (me) they/you feed vicariously on the torture you watch the videos of me physically fighting literally day after day to get the fucking parasitic sleazy sick leeches off me who you have all allowed to feed of human life in this most egregious techno-terror fashion, but alas, I am dealing with....Prozac Nation America: watching the tube of U & Getting a taste of the bitter sickness on the American reliance of chemical drugs to "heal" which appears to become an addiction necessity as people slowly decay from the chemicals and find that some other ailment requires more chemical pharmaceuticals and the body trying to adjust to chemical death finds some outlet for disease or malfunction until the boat is capsizing: a sinking ship of addiction to remedies which require more remedies because the remedies are so toxic. Toxic people and toxic shock, that is my experience with America at this point: through "random" anti-depressant ads on YouTube while not in front of the tube boob---hole. The Conclave ad features a woman spiraling into depression because she had "always been large-boned" and just was ready to die, which is the plan for anyone not slim enough if you ever want to have love ever you had better not be fat. Suicide was mentioned (not by the woman commenting) and then I think side-effects were deadly serious things, perhaps blood clots, or something extremely dangerous as potential side-effects. I thought instantly of my joking laughing at such topics, because I mean, I think I would rather kill myself than take Conclave! I thought of a movie called Prozac nation, which is not so remembered but it was written in a type of Scarsdale Diet aftermath frenzied fast-paced yuppie post traumatic stress suburb sardonic view of life in America---how stressful what will you take or do to relieve the pressure of Life and being fat omg! Kill yourself through anti-depressants as long as you are not FAT when people see you in your last repose. I am in the valley of the shadow of things like fresh kratom leaves, which alleviate stress, help me to loosen tight muscles and sort of happily numb pain and I can exercise and thusly "lose weight" more easily. I refer to the organic leaves not to capsules which people have died from overdosing--in America. Not in Thailand that I have ever heard of, where the leaves are indigenous. It is called the "Land of Smiles" and I see one reason why. I feel sick watching the drug culture pharmaceutical straightjackets of American "health care" and I know it is totally refined chemicals and people rely on this artificiality for their sustenance. I remembered the years of traversing to depressing Medicaid health care clinics designed to feel and smell like poverty and sickness which the atmosphere would make someone feel nauseous just by the energy of these depressing places. I was never diagnosed correctly and given artificial pain relievers which probably were extremely unhealthy and were worse "drugs" for mood than things like organic Kratom leaves and other organic products. It is shocking to hear these pharmaceutical drug-mercials that are sickening to hear, the shame of being fat leading to depression and "large bones" what a crime to have large bones so depressing suicidal thoughts and taking this chemical turned her life around. I felt dizzy remembering the horrid doctors at these clinics I went to struggling to obtain answers to what some of the doctors actually knew what was going on--I was being poisoned. One "alternative" acupuncture clinic had an ordained acupuncturist trying out her herbal formula finesse by experimenting on me. When I tried some of the other services at the clinic (a totally "rad" and hip clinic for all kinds of people, it used to be a tiny house renovated into a free-for homeless and low-income teens and others, I was welcomed with acupuncture that was free--literally, of course for me because I have a serious problem and was waiting for an outcome to a claim they saw my financial means and let me in--it was so beautiful before the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation poured in a huge amount of money so the atmosphere was enlarged to more terrorists operating under the non-profit structure rather than the tiny little peace-nik loving place around the corner--new people some of whom were excessively nasty--some extremely wonderful. One woman and many others gave me incredible Chinese Traditional Medicine formulas which you must brew for 20 minutes, can be drunk for about 2-3 days and I arrived at that clinic in a lot of pain and afterwards I was able to do many more things---until the poisoning forced me into a worsened state. The clinic has since been closed for acupuncture services because of the new administration, but the original featured this and holistic healing and herbal remedies. //The sickness of the money culture and the artificiality structure of living on a concrete jungle existence prevails when it comes to healing and the body's connection to life and nature. I still honor much of the pharmaceutical remedies I would choose an antibiotic over acupuncture if necessary--=but hearing these commercials for these drugs is so depressing that I think of jokes like I would rather commit suicide than take that kind of sickening chemical pill stuff. It is so foreign to me now after years of only relying on herbal healing. Because of using herbs over traditional medicine (with exception of thyroid and antibiotics) I have not needed to see a doctor for over a DECADE. When I relied on the American health care system and it's drug slinging artificiality, I was constantly sick and going to the doctor not knowing what was going on--the poisoning was at the murder stage and in retrospect some of the people working in the clinics (which I suspect were part of the terrorist organization aka 4th Reich) were scoffing with anger when I told them that I was moving to Portland to get acupuncture for free at a non-profit. Chagrined and stating like hissing that I would be put "last" as there are always "waiting lines". It felt like he was angry that I might not be killed as he and "they" had been planning at that health care clinic (the shaky ground upon which I base this hypothesis relies only on my observation of the reaction that I was goin to obtain natural healing for free--in Florida you must pay a lot for anything related to natural healing "through the roof" one could say).

**please note that hackers are busy deleting words after I type, and that my brain is under assault by "mind control" tech while the keyboard is under similar hacking assault to render typing very slow and difficult.  Conclave, seems to advertise that you don't have to suffer any longer, just take this little pill don't kill yourself take this chemical anti-depressant you will feel much better until it wears off, and then the boomerang effect may make you worse than before!!! (my advertisement for this product which sounds like some scary poison from a hell of American innovation for profit off people's misery for being too fat due to the cooperation of such drug manufacturers with the depression fear and anxiety programming of the weight loss and anti-depressant cartel--truly it appears like a severe drug cartel replete with murder but of those committing themselves to their own slow destruction. That is how I view it, the woman appearing here is raving about thi...

Horrible thoughts for X-mas: f-u if you can't take a joke & f-u if you can!! Another entire year of daily and nightly torture with senators hacking their bs blather about fighting everything except for the actual problems they have helped create as in supporting this terror operation against me which is a terror operation against the "American People" but a support of fascist International "globalism"--I am uncertain what "globalist" means, it has connotations within groups which I do not belong, and as I have been forced into outcast status, there is nowhere I can belong any longer. So I wish this for the main terror agents who have attacked me all these years on this X-mas where yet another rat parasitic filth leech viciously attacked me for no fucking reason other than I am screaming NO MORE to him and his group sucking my life out, deforming my body, aging me destroying my home my everything with full support of the entire United States government which is funding this so fascist Nazism and Mafia cartels can conjoin with the terror government to install a "benevolent dictatorship" with all the fake opposition still playing the roles they've been playing all these years while seemingly they are "helplessly" watching as Elon Musk grabs more power than the presidency because he was handed every top techno-terror operation brain implant satellite hacking election interference with QUANTUM COMPUTING a system of delivery of such high speed that hacking probably can never be detected or not soon (if now, it's not being disclosed)..Thusly I wish the following

  1. Dirty, sick prostitutalina the shit whore who you have all cheered on as she stole ideas she and her Nazi bunch of rapist pig ape "men" blonde Europige shit raped and beat and poisoned and drugged out of me from daily hours and hours of torture via teleportation. May she break her ugly dirty neck falling down the stairs for however it may happen, hopefully in front of a camera audience when she is walking out of the theaters where she lost the top awards for the ideas she stole from me, my sexual beauty passion and health this dirty miserable ugly parasite has sucked out through DAILY TORTURE feeding off it. I so hope you have a horrible death today but if not today, asap I ask that the victims of the racism the death and genocides that this filthy lying piece of sleazy greasy filth is stealing with her fake altruistic presentations which really are giving rapist murderous Nazi Mafia filth permission to continue to enhance technological rape torture mutilation and murder...

I rescind what I had said (written) about hoping the Dylan movie wins anything. He's a terrorist, and has been part of this attack upon me for decades--since I lived in Minneapolis back in 1982. A selfish user like all the rest of the male rapist pop music alternative hippie "heroes' of N OTHING. //I just watched Anora. This should win, of course because I like it it won't. What will win is a horrid pretentious "woke" movie about trans or black Nazi black magick stuff rather than actual reality of how the me-only greed wealth who all these actors represent truly operate. Anora is a "scathing" indictment of the wealth culture and the exploitation of women as well. IT is not a posturing rape cheerleader like filthy stupid disgusting trashalina--who for years has been torturing me to ideas for her films which are featured year-after year along with dirty nasty pig pitt. //But not to "hail" the lead female actor the depiction is what grabbed me. IT is a movie about reality versus fantasy and wealth exploitation versus denigration of women. The same attacks upon me are handed out constantly by the filth prostitutalina team--truly they are prostituted scum, stupidity and trash--as the Mikey Madison character calls the hateful mother of the little boy she married assuming he was a man.//I have many other things to write about this, but I have spent the last 2 days cleaning 10 times per day, literally, semen-dead-meat substance poured into the tray behind my refrigerator. My room has so many holes dug into the walls and the kitchen sink is impossible for me to block they created some kind of place I cannot reach or look into above the basic layers of the pipes and bottom of the sink basin. They also have broken the doors and then literally used a laser saw to cut out the formeica in the bottom of the cabinet in order to insert the mechanical arms and just wreak damage (death) to my body, endles spraying stinking semen rotten meat in some gell whitish substance behind my fridge which is in a little cubbyhole buried in the extending rows of cupboards along the wall_no wall separating my room from the rom on the other side. They are lifting up literal sockets from the wall to spray other nasty odors constantly in corners, under furniture--and today I have spent most of the day cleaning this up. ONce I clean it they spray it on again. i have been workin all day to plug up any holes but they made plugging up the entry space which is beyond my reach underneath the cabinet--it is behind some wooden ledge with a space my hand can't fit into (also like the space behind the toilet which I can't reach--seeing they poured debris and items in 2-inches of filthy stuff behind the toilet--it's so hard for me to bend and clean this perpetually andI cant' even type the hackin is so bad. //Anora should win because the bullshit, absolute bullshit I have seen of the other contending movies or actors is the usual discrediting of what people used to say with confidence "being woke" now these filthy dirty trashy prostutited favorites of the rape 4th Reich culture are makin damn sure to destroy any real "woke" analysis or movie. The trans movie the black witch gay Nazi occult movie the older Nzazi blonde "feminist" having an affair with a younger man as if this is astounding "sexual liberation" on some level, and she's so gross if you knew what kind of an evil rotten skank this creep Nazi performer truly is--but she reflects the Nazi Whorewood control over America and they keep potting these dirty meaningless stupid idiots into power. Anora h as at least a realistic portrait of the power dynamic that is the standard rule of the "woke" Whorewood establishment and the money prestituge that controls all the terrorists of the government and of Whorewood. Bob Dylan's movie is played by people who bear no resemblance to Dylan except only in appearance. Bob Dyland does not represent himself any longer he's such an ossified rich "white" male (Jewish b ut converted to Christianity iin case no one knows about this--probably that aspect of his sell-out is not portrayed in the biopic --just a glorification of what is now a sell-out dino along with the rest of the cock rock male rape cartel and their nasty rape cheerleaders---the movie Anora will probably not win because it is too realistic doesn't glorify bullshit and shows the tragic callous nature of what Whorewood is--they want a fantasy black women joining the "Kabbalah" Nazi Jewish woman (they call her "Jewish") and that is the programming more important than actual artistic rendering of society and the throw-away nature of "trash" and the power they have using their money. Meaningless and rotten, it portrays the h ate and the loss of actual superiority, and the superficial is all that matters. Why would Whorewood ever expose itself. They will put the transgender or black lesbian all being indoctrinated into the 4th Reich (in particular the next installment of Oz---so unlike the original and so insidiously opposite I believe of the intention of the original author).//But I must reverse what I had written about Dylan, he's so fake and like Paul McCarthy and the rest of the cock rock hippies and Pink Floyd's Roger Waters a rich man on his white English power cartel racist trip (over me) and Dylan like so many of the Jewish men (so-called) happily going along with out-spoken Nazis who put him into a biopic that looks like a bunch of pricks glorified). Like the wealthy men of Anora, they love to exploit and then discard women. Dylan''s songs are all about discarding women once he gets tired of the thrill of reaching into the soul to suck as much out. McCarthy is like McDonalds in comparison to a multi-marketing franchise lacking all depth that Lennon had originated. And that's all, folks. I'm sure my choice will not "win".

Terror 4th Reich operatives put most foul semen/dead meat chemically penetrating liquids/gel-like thick liquid, my entire room stinking upon waking this morning so it was done with mechanical arms during the night---it had almost solidified and stained the white tray yellowish--nothing gets the stain out using bleach, etc I wrote a few posts yesterday on my blog, focusing solely on the extreme racist/Nazi element of this group, en toto (which includes the various skin colors "representing" the opposition and the now-vocal "opposition" of mostly white dudes of the "Left" who are now speaking out, in unison using the exact same phrases about Musk. I wrote of the English group of terror, absolute lynch mob mentality racist and sexist violent enforcers of white male supremacy with female companionship (literally, figuratively) and I also wrote about Musk and how I was attacked by the white dude network and other colored minions who rushed to join in with the "fun" giggly abuse of me in the teleportation, because I was writing about, amongst other things, their system of lies and reverse psychology but also endlessly, for years, stating that Musk was imparting a disguised system of Apartheid in America and was a 4th Reich infiltrator out of S. African Boar society. My experiences from the Amber Heard days and up to now have proven in teleportation and the attacks upon me from Musk and those around him that this is a correct observation of reality, not assumption.

 Deutsche Welle News: German politicians criticize Musk backing for far-right AfD //After Elon Musk posted his support for Germany's far-right AfD, the party's leader Alice Weidel expressed her gratitude. Other German lawmakers have criticized "interference" in the country's upcoming federal elections. **After having tried to insert the article and image, hacker scum semen-spewing filth white trash bigots in this building who are part of the proxy terror team blocked the upload and then turned the WiFi system off (router still all-lights "on" the system showing the "WiFi" icon on the bottom right of the monitor all "on" but as with hacking of the voting booths I believe Musk helped with his satellites for the total "trifecta" win) and thusly, this post obviously will be rewritten, parts hacked changed grammar deleted discrediting ******************* Don't buy into the white Nazi 4th Reich English Commonwealth infiltrator...

Toni Morrison was never a slave and never an extended rape torture victim and I don't know why that caged bird sang---a nice sentiment of a person exalting in being a byproduct of slavery released. I tried to dance this morning in front of the would-be slavers and pimps former whores currently. They only made mocking comments about my breasts which were not in any sports bra, I am in pain if I wear anything constricting my back which is lined with hard poisons similar to serpentine bars of steel curved around my spine in every single direction so wearing a bra literally creates a dent in my back because of the pliability of the poisons. There was no way to sing in the "cage" they had put me in, using this foul technology. Toni Morrison was a nice poet, her life was in all fairness nothing similar to what I am undergoing. Her rapist was killed by her family, she was protected with love and warmth. No one then could blame her for being the victim who had done something to "deserve" it.//A post of laments and complaints--1. My hair has a huge grey streak now, every time the German abuser raped and slapped my face while he was sodomizing me (or whatever it's called,--forcing himself on me in a nasty pornographic hate fashion in an absolute sleazy hate sexual abuse situation which was cheered on by the teams of feminists and anti-racists. I kept saying no and he would punch me in the face and slap me in the face and then stick his hate into my body calling me bitch. I was in a state of drugging no one can understand and I know it is like the sensation of being swept up in a huge wave and being thrust about but in a state of delirium and the attack on the part of my brain---I would guess the "Reptilian" or core of the brain stem was under severe attack--accentuating an extremely "painful" sense of sexual desire that nothing could daunt and the punching slapping I could not feel only the need to release the stress that this hate tech and drug interface forced upon my otherwise endless "NO NO NO NO NO" as I was beaten punched they burrowed a hole in my floor shit was put in my bathroom daily behind the toilet--abuse abuse threats death threats name-calling. I could feel the spot where the grey hair is now a streak literally aching from the life being sucked out of me. It was a literal energy transference of my life force by this parasitic German hater--as with dirty foul shitpigapealina--the pair of endless leeches torturing me to obtain ideas the ugly beady eyes of filthy ugly sick shitalina opening when they tortrured me into stating ideas about feminism which I had studied not only from my upbringing with my mother a leader of the feminist movement (around the country, she is listed on Wikipedia for that but only as a small player, her name only) and the endless sucking of this Nazi leech group, and the horrid documentaries of how the Nazis and the Imperialists operate when applied t o me---seeing how it really operates and how people truly love it, this Heart of Darkness now being a social engineering project and the horrid Apocalpyse now movie really doesn't deal with the theme of the actual book by Conrad AT ALL it's a sensational flick undoubtedly reinforcing Imperialist fascist mentality through barely following the actual story or poignant points. This is the same thing that filthy ugly sick stupid shitalins did when she stole the concept I had written only very briefly about Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge--she made a movie focusing on the delights (the subliminal content, to which she fully subscribes as do MOST of the investors now in SE Asia who are of the white 4th Reich entitlement deluge who wholeheartedly embrace stealing raping plunder killing and mass extinction for their luxury villas in Cambodia now--very cheap for the poorer and the worship of whites in that country and in Vietnam and in THAILAND is almost slavish behavior.//That is what these movies really depict, the delight not only in murder but in the exploitation, disguised as a charitable humanitarian docu-drama but the fascination upon the murders and killings is really what the "people" wanted to see--those of her sleazy filth contagion on this planet, now fully in charge (not to forget dirty filthy pig pitt, really they are abomination you all worship them and continue to wreak slow death upon me for fighting in my defense). I have no idea why anyone would assume that Toni Morrison is a victim of racism compared to what the Black activists are doing to me in combination with the Nazi Mafia white supremacist plantation death 4th Reich society they all strive to defend against my endless fight to not be enveloped in a slave murder sex rape poisoning situation created entirely by the men and women whose parents raised them to worship Nazis and who really raised their Right Hand in privacy for the German Bund of America. That includes my "Jewish" secular family and the entire community of their wealthy "Jewish" cohorts in Great Neck, and also Brooklyn. Toni Morrison knew NOTHING in comparison. This is such a death torture system they have contrived. My grey hair from my LIFE LITERALLY BEING SUCKED OUT BY VICIOUS PARASITES DUE TO THIS HEINOUS TECHNOLOGY--I am not going to sing I am going to f-ing complain. The list of more filth attacks, my body greying aging and dying from murder every day more of my grey hairi my life sucked out by vicious parasites who are just given millions of dollars and applause for it.

  The grey streak is on my right-hand side---I feel it "greying" literally while I am screaming and physically fighting shit filth scum trash white pig apes and Nazis and Mafia sick fucks and black dirty Nazi filth and sick slime out of Whorewood--again I physically fought the next scumbag in line which I wrote of this morning. Ugly parasite shitalina smiles in delight because she wants me ugly broken old paralyzed and then sucking penises in agony of mind control drugging and torture while the English, German men slap my face call me bitch and I am in an agony of sexual agony and I can't control the reaction out of non-stop abuse pain agony of poisons ripping out of my body internally every day shitting poison my body laced with fused bone tissue which doctors used to fuse my spine--what came out of my body a few weeks ago which blocked the toilet were pieces of white completely hard material. I know that they fused my spine in 3 major scoliosis spinal fusions entirely d...

I still can't believe that this kind of sick shit is still going on and on, with every day either a white trash piece of sick shit scumbag celebrity filth whore creep attacks me, usually pigshitalina the trash pair of over-rated sick fuckery scum and parasitic filth, and the black jewish and other sleazy filth minority oreo cookie crusted rotten hate enforcers of hate, all claiming to be victims of racism "fighting" against racism in these filthy vile tv movie and podcast bullshit scripted crap sob story while they are the most rotten unethical bigots fighting, in actuality, to become as fascist abuser racist bigoted sexist as possible so as to join the white trash contingent. Dirty foul what I consider to be stupid celebrities rushing to attack me, to steal ideas because of this contract some Europigape piece of sick shit I met and didn't like, avoided didn't want anything to do with, was polite they drugged raped and I had no idea what was happening I avoided them--they have not stopped latching on to prove that white shit pig apes can rape beat and all governments around the world will fully allow it and they will be promoted. No one no one no one does a fucking thing to stop this because it remains invisible, no one defends my human rights. My chances to compete have been stolen by a bunch of sleazy stupid ugly shit from Whorewood who can't think of any original ideas, the filthy dirty blonde whore skanks are violently attakcing me to get roles, often stolen from my ideas, and the shit rape pig whore men who used to abuse women like them are abusing me instead because of this sick fucking technology. The rotten "men" so-called in power are so keen on supporting this so that other rotten dirty "men" like them can rape beat and tear apart women "llike me" who pose a threat to their dirty ugly women, who are glorified and then obtain every kind of pumped up ego trip by having me poisoned for YEARS and years mutilated nightly tortured while sleeping and awake--over 10 hours per day or longerof poisoning mutilation torture and they all laugh. It's never stopping. I never want to be around any of this shit group, never liked any of their stupid fucking rotten movies or their fake contrived personalities the Nazi shitI always recognized but I gave them too much credit, not understanding what absolute sleazy dirty bigoted sick fuck shit they truly are. All I can do is try to not be forced through non-stop drugging, in which they inject my body every nigh while sleeping, usually by injecting liquids into my bladder, I believe--with the drugs and poisons--I must rush up every night in the middle of the night, and once I eliminate the poisons it goes through my blood stream and I lay down again feeling VERY sick from the drugging and the torture in teleportation goes on and then when I wake up, within 10 minutes they begin to abuse and abuse me, for over 6 hours usually the murder statements the insults the threats the yelling the punching slapping abuse hate goes on and on as I figtht eventually the blasting ugly dirt of these piece of sick shit goes on and on.EVery day every single day another rotten fuck rushes to get it's promotion. Now it's a slew of shit out of England--but it's been the shitpigtrashalina team for 15 years. The sheer stupidity and sickness of this group is astounding. They have been torturing me to obtain ideas for 15 years and before that it was the English ugly dirty pig who I have written of for years, who began this idea theft intellectual property theft mind sucking destruction as these sleazy sick fucks just go on and on every single day. Invited by Biden laughed along with by Trump and Obama and all of these pig apes being paid in millions and milions for this. THey are so inhumane and so empty so sleazy and sick and stupid they can't even stop they used to be fully cocaine addicts and alcoholics or whatever other drugs they constantly took--now addicted to the "high of rape abuse torture and being paid for it. The politicians are the same thing--obviously they are on drugs alcholic and sleazy porno purveyors as well. Nothing ever stops this. They inject me with drugs and poisons and begin a torture session equivalent to the most hateful prison torture type abuses poisoning attepted murder and they are just chapioned. The ugly pig men who defended the ugly sick filth shit whore of Depp yesterday I never liked them, their filthy music, nor Ben Shapiro who is now just a stupid sick goddamn crap creep and I instantly thought he was a yapping jerk-off, but when I was looking for information about the Oct 7 and Hamas attack, he went into righteous victim mode, which is so comforting to someone truly being victimized by Nazi racist bigots and their shitty filth black minorities, fr the most part the blacks are the most vile and disgusting, but in places like Miami the most disgusting are the Latinos and in NYC it could just as easily be Jews--just locational filth according to demographics but always the same oreo white brownie blackie subservient enslaved vicious violent minion attacking me for the bigot white piece of worthless shit they worship, but I don't. Never did. The filth shitalina and ugly sick dirty creep spawn of Depp, I consider them absolute stupid ugly shit being handed everything to abuse me so their filthy vile skank whore shit can be promoted by the filth men who adore them for supporting their rape and racist abuse policies--that is the only reason for all these blonde nazi whores who are put into lead position in whorewood-they so absolutely support the rape hate racist bgotry--and the black women go along. I never liked Oprah and I have had to see that rotten parasite be put into every single election for the past 8 years and NO ONE calls out her decpetion the shit crap she did for the last Democrat convention and no one made any news or documentary reference to how STUPID and sick she truly is--an absolute nazi supporter for which, like the filthalia and dirty depp spawn, is absolutely worshipped by white trash America for the hate they really are supporting, enabling white trash to rise into fascist Nazi death squads through entertainment scum mediocrities like these filthy whores As I wrote about the spawn of Depp, it is demonic it is sick so is Depp--he's so foul and malignant, as they all are they are not acting they are just letting their demons show through all the money and plastic surgery. And I never liked any of them and they are forced upon me because they cannot succeed without this contract out on me. Every one of them was in the decline of their career into middle age, in the case of rotten Ben Shapiro he's obviously losing ground in somem way or trying to rise as the scum rising up that the Nazis are now. And my internet has just been turned off as usual--pounding down on each and every key with all my hand strenght as usual

  I have to try and try and try to not engage with demons DEMONS hurling death threats, making sleazy sick comments about my body while I'm undressed and in the shower, making murder comments for any object I hold to kill myself with it or they would to the poison and drugs they inject through my bladder or however it's being done with my nervous system endlessly tweaked so it's in a state of hypertension to all animals I could have as pets killed and taken away to all finances blocked so I am stuck literally in sub poverty with no way to earn money and no health care, nowhere to live and endlessly they are threatening my life as I defend myself every day from racist abuse still for all the years of the "good" Democrats it was rape without end torture my money being cut off and poisoning to death rape and poisoning rape and poisoning. Biden inviting and openly hugging people who abused me viciously for years as Biden would openly congratulate them in public, in so...

Such an ironic insult to intelligence of The American People: 1938--Orson Welles narrated War of the Worlds (pls omit the latter Whorewood version, set in a different State or city than the original with a 4thReich performer starring and a stupid plot about blonde Nazis escaping genocide--just another programming "entertainment" meaningless folly to obscure the original. The original never brought up but when Welles narrated this radio broadcast, remember 1938 was BEFORE the boob tube---people believed in an alien invasion over the farm of a NEW JERSEY family (white bread, of course) and people literally committed suicide, others formed militia groups to counter the alien threat--in "real life". As I have written, documentation about UNITED STATES technology exactly detailed by William Cooper in Operation BlueBeam, a documentary I cannot find on the internet YouTube any longer, no mention is made. Technologies are not alien they are coming from the secret stores of America drone technology yet to be "invented" by Elon Musk in yet another "miraculous" "invention" he has created in between his non-stop political machinations to usurp, for the 4th Reich Apartheid State of Europigapeland investors, a complete take-over of the United States. The "insider" joke of the manipulator fear-mongering "leaders" is that the "attack" of unidentified drones is happening over NEW JERSEY just to mock the radio broadcast of War of the Worlds--the real startling psy-ops production which came from a REAL ARTIST not a Nazi blank meaningless scumbag slime operator of bs stupid vacant sick mentally ill pumped up on power in collusion with top politicians to assuage the fear of the people and instead to lure them into licentious slavish sexual gyrations of "freedom" whilst being "enslaved".

"WAR OF THE WORLDS--Original 1938 Broadcasts (2011 Remastered Version)". Orson Welles (Topic). February 24, 2015. :) :) :) :) :) *:( :( :( **I'm fighting to gain access to the William Cooper MP3 collection from and I am being blocked, the site will not come up with "denied access/firewall block" notices. Of course, I am not a hacker and even using a TOR I cannot gain the access I had the last time I accessed the site, a few months ago. NO information on the Cooper documentary is coming up for Project Bluebeam when I do all searches possible on Google and on Youtube. The information has been deleted and the webpage which may contain the info has been blocked. There IS A DOCUMENTARY about Nevada test sites for what are called "UFO's" using AMERICAN MILITARY BASES in which the information is undisclosed to the public but the types of maneuvers that the pilots of defensive NORAD , which have responded to directives to counter the ...