Such an ironic insult to intelligence of The American People: 1938--Orson Welles narrated War of the Worlds (pls omit the latter Whorewood version, set in a different State or city than the original with a 4thReich performer starring and a stupid plot about blonde Nazis escaping genocide--just another programming "entertainment" meaningless folly to obscure the original. The original never brought up but when Welles narrated this radio broadcast, remember 1938 was BEFORE the boob tube---people believed in an alien invasion over the farm of a NEW JERSEY family (white bread, of course) and people literally committed suicide, others formed militia groups to counter the alien threat--in "real life". As I have written, documentation about UNITED STATES technology exactly detailed by William Cooper in Operation BlueBeam, a documentary I cannot find on the internet YouTube any longer, no mention is made. Technologies are not alien they are coming from the secret stores of America drone technology yet to be "invented" by Elon Musk in yet another "miraculous" "invention" he has created in between his non-stop political machinations to usurp, for the 4th Reich Apartheid State of Europigapeland investors, a complete take-over of the United States. The "insider" joke of the manipulator fear-mongering "leaders" is that the "attack" of unidentified drones is happening over NEW JERSEY just to mock the radio broadcast of War of the Worlds--the real startling psy-ops production which came from a REAL ARTIST not a Nazi blank meaningless scumbag slime operator of bs stupid vacant sick mentally ill pumped up on power in collusion with top politicians to assuage the fear of the people and instead to lure them into licentious slavish sexual gyrations of "freedom" whilst being "enslaved".

"WAR OF THE WORLDS--Original 1938 Broadcasts (2011 Remastered Version)". Orson Welles (Topic). February 24, 2015.

:) :) :) :) :) *:( :( :(

**I'm fighting to gain access to the William Cooper MP3 collection from and I am being blocked, the site will not come up with "denied access/firewall block" notices. Of course, I am not a hacker and even using a TOR I cannot gain the access I had the last time I accessed the site, a few months ago. NO information on the Cooper documentary is coming up for Project Bluebeam when I do all searches possible on Google and on Youtube. The information has been deleted and the webpage which may contain the info has been blocked.

There IS A DOCUMENTARY about Nevada test sites for what are called "UFO's" using AMERICAN MILITARY BASES in which the information is undisclosed to the public but the types of maneuvers that the pilots of defensive NORAD, which have responded to directives to counter the "mysterious drones" hovering, mainly over New Jersey, cite that the advanced technology far surpasses that of the defensive and scrutiny capabilities of their systems. However, these same capabilities were openly expressed in the documentary and the MP3 collection by Cooper, now completely blocked from my view by hackers--I may have to do a complete system restore and lose all c-drive data just to try to have access to surfing without the block, but they may put it on again instantly now that I have written about it. No one is concerned about the lack of privacy or the threat of destruction that this group poses when I write about all the various means of exciting hyped-up murder and death and destruction in the name of sleazy "freedom" to grab take exploit rob rape from the sleaze meaningless idiot savants only capable of fake performances of depth and meaning.

Regardless...There IS a YouTube site with video recordings from Hour of the Time regarding the UFO "Alien Agenda"--and not sure if I have listened to this before or not

not all is hacked thanks to the REAL patriots who publish these hour of the time broadcasts--I can make a guess that NONE OF THEM ARE MAGA but that could be a huge distortion in my hope of a real Patriot Movement out there in America--it sure as HELL is not in Whorewood, absolutely being patriotic and caring about one's country is a joke as far as the Americans are concerned. The Europigapeland scumbag who rush to join in this attack upon me are goddamn serious about their own patriotism and openly make reference to their great entitlement white superiority from whence they came, and one must instantly subscribe to the hegemony of the assumption of their stereotypes and all the lucre and money they continue to pilfer endlessly from the duped and the stuped around the planet, absolutely programmed through trauma and sexual subservience, in that order precisely, to service and allow more of the filthy vile shit to penetrate and infiltrate. The Americans remain stupid and dumb and believing in Europigapeland supremacy and trying to foist it upon me--I have lived on that Europigapeland continent as a target of Nazism and I have seen the underbelly of their disdain for America--perhaps aimed at me, but the subservience of the blacks in particular feeling that they now "belong" to the elite has been the programming for America ever since. You can gyrate your pussy for freedom now as a political act but the stupidity remains: people are shocked that "aliens" from China, Iran and Russia have landed in New Jersey, the "insider" joke as to how people committed suicide they believed the propaganda that some H-wood artists created as a "joke". While the artistry was excxeptional under Welles, that same conditioning is being used NOW in order to induce the "threat" from these "enemy" countries so that the actual REAL WORLD WAR can continue in the stock market death knell that Trump just rang to ring in the endless profit. The environment, btw, is going into hell, snowing in Spain and Turkey now in snow drifts but the erasure of environmental preservation has been cut so more and more greedy stupid pig apes can just rake in and kill and destroy but they will be living with the sucking fucking Whorewood scumbags in Whorewood as their Prize for being stupid, but calculating death knell operators. The people are rushing to have Trump BOMB the drones, which in reality are a sick joke in reference to the long-forgotten War of the Worlds, which was usurped as the Nazis always do with great art, by a team of rotten actor scum, one of whom and his filthy Australian skank whore wife have been adulated ever since especially in rotten France, aloing with the rest of the death squad scum team of "actors" celebrity stupid filth. The American people are being programmed through entertainment constantly. The Whorewood Congress has now adopted the same entertainment strategies. I must wait for the total destruction of life on Earth in order to have any real freedom from the sick stupidity of this foul, dirty sick group of demonic sleaze gyrating stupid scum.


There are no aliens, but if there were, how I wish they actually would bomb the hell out of the Capital building it has become a cesspool of lying scumbag porno stars pushing for orgies and cocaine and debauchery parties, teleportation of unwilling victims, so much "FUN" for the sick scumbags.


Every vice applauded, every lie turned into a media spectacle. For caring about it, I am tortured and beaten raped and my ideas robbed by scum sleaze stupid shit out of Whorewood who are being treated like royalty as they continue to sell the country to the worst scum of Europigapeland always paid homage because of their lying propensities at theatricality. Actors used to be considered low-class in the old days--now they are on higher levels than world leaders and the merging of theater with politics is creating a war of the 4th Reich with technology not just destroying the planet but everything--as the greed stupid sleaze you all put in power because, like me, you "believed" in the bs they were singing out like dope to the circus crowd--

"UFOlogy Exposed--Bill Cooper". May 21, 2021.

NJ Mayor believes 100% drones are American-made. Most other news sources claim the drones are every other "enemy" of American-made, perhaps they speculate. Trump claims he will blow them down in an act of bravado. All performative theater.

"'It's pointing to something ' New Jersey mayor on where he thinks drones are originating from". CNN. December 14, 2024.

NPR--one day before Halloween, 2013 publishes:

We interrupt this blog to bring you a special bulletin: Martians have invaded New Jersey! OK, as far as we know that hasn't happened. But we wanted to issue that faux alert because 75 years ago tonight, as our friend Korva Coleman pointed out on the NPR Newscast, Orson Welles and his troupe of radio actors interrupted the Columbia Broadcasting System's programming to "report" that our planet had been invaded.

October 30, 2013 NPR releases a short blithe report on the impact of War of the Worlds by Welles, not the stupid Nazi-created movie about NOTHING which obscures the real artistry of one of the great performers and directors of American cinema--Orson Welles. Meaning and artistry appear to be lacking in the 4th Reich Whorewood ensemble my ideas gone unpaid for and tortured with murder out of me--attempted murder obviously---so the stupid dumb whore apes can pretend to be artists with "meaning" otherwise

the People are so blanked out by sensationalism and hype and entertainment politics that they cannot differentiate any longer between outright lies and concealed lies, they only know they prefer to "honest lies" over the bullshit "hope change joy" crap replete with gyrating Nazi minority minions shaking their money-makers as a form of political endorsement--sick of it all, they believe in all alien threat and America first but when it comes to actually following these creeds, as I am doing, I am shunned because "America" is only supposed to be for the plantation white Nazi supremacists, the only "real" Americans and the rest---well, death squads follow me around poisoning and raping and torturing me as proxies for writing any kind of defense for American sovereignty (meaning, not being controlled by alien presence i.e. English Crown operatives in the  Whorewood industry, German scumbag pig ape shit controlling the black brown and Jewish asian dumb scum who are posted as the leaders of alternative culture fighting against 'isms" while they only promote gisms of delight for the white supremacists in how their ignoramus puppets absolutely conform into selling slavery disguised as sexual freedom.

This is a long-winded diatribe to state that the gullibility of Americans is at a high, because this "movie" was played before the horrid forgettable Nazi-actor performed stupid white supremacy movie. The actual real artist who could NEVER make it now in Whorewood or in politics and would be castrated gang stalked and murdered via "cancer" or an "accident" Orson Welles radio broadcast has been long forgotten.


AS AN INSIDER JOKE the hovering of American drones shock "alien Chinese Russian Iranian" threat is being played out to the public who are up-in-arms Trump is threatening to shoot them down. The ploy to introduce a huge war as a psy-ops has begun before Trump has officiously taken over, but he was always there pulling the strings fully under incompetent Biden and his team of minority minions following orders.



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Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. 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