Toni Morrison was never a slave and never an extended rape torture victim and I don't know why that caged bird sang---a nice sentiment of a person exalting in being a byproduct of slavery released. I tried to dance this morning in front of the would-be slavers and pimps former whores currently. They only made mocking comments about my breasts which were not in any sports bra, I am in pain if I wear anything constricting my back which is lined with hard poisons similar to serpentine bars of steel curved around my spine in every single direction so wearing a bra literally creates a dent in my back because of the pliability of the poisons. There was no way to sing in the "cage" they had put me in, using this foul technology. Toni Morrison was a nice poet, her life was in all fairness nothing similar to what I am undergoing. Her rapist was killed by her family, she was protected with love and warmth. No one then could blame her for being the victim who had done something to "deserve" it.//A post of laments and complaints--1. My hair has a huge grey streak now, every time the German abuser raped and slapped my face while he was sodomizing me (or whatever it's called,--forcing himself on me in a nasty pornographic hate fashion in an absolute sleazy hate sexual abuse situation which was cheered on by the teams of feminists and anti-racists. I kept saying no and he would punch me in the face and slap me in the face and then stick his hate into my body calling me bitch. I was in a state of drugging no one can understand and I know it is like the sensation of being swept up in a huge wave and being thrust about but in a state of delirium and the attack on the part of my brain---I would guess the "Reptilian" or core of the brain stem was under severe attack--accentuating an extremely "painful" sense of sexual desire that nothing could daunt and the punching slapping I could not feel only the need to release the stress that this hate tech and drug interface forced upon my otherwise endless "NO NO NO NO NO" as I was beaten punched they burrowed a hole in my floor shit was put in my bathroom daily behind the toilet--abuse abuse threats death threats name-calling. I could feel the spot where the grey hair is now a streak literally aching from the life being sucked out of me. It was a literal energy transference of my life force by this parasitic German hater--as with dirty foul shitpigapealina--the pair of endless leeches torturing me to obtain ideas the ugly beady eyes of filthy ugly sick shitalina opening when they tortrured me into stating ideas about feminism which I had studied not only from my upbringing with my mother a leader of the feminist movement (around the country, she is listed on Wikipedia for that but only as a small player, her name only) and the endless sucking of this Nazi leech group, and the horrid documentaries of how the Nazis and the Imperialists operate when applied t o me---seeing how it really operates and how people truly love it, this Heart of Darkness now being a social engineering project and the horrid Apocalpyse now movie really doesn't deal with the theme of the actual book by Conrad AT ALL it's a sensational flick undoubtedly reinforcing Imperialist fascist mentality through barely following the actual story or poignant points. This is the same thing that filthy ugly sick stupid shitalins did when she stole the concept I had written only very briefly about Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge--she made a movie focusing on the delights (the subliminal content, to which she fully subscribes as do MOST of the investors now in SE Asia who are of the white 4th Reich entitlement deluge who wholeheartedly embrace stealing raping plunder killing and mass extinction for their luxury villas in Cambodia now--very cheap for the poorer and the worship of whites in that country and in Vietnam and in THAILAND is almost slavish behavior.//That is what these movies really depict, the delight not only in murder but in the exploitation, disguised as a charitable humanitarian docu-drama but the fascination upon the murders and killings is really what the "people" wanted to see--those of her sleazy filth contagion on this planet, now fully in charge (not to forget dirty filthy pig pitt, really they are abomination you all worship them and continue to wreak slow death upon me for fighting in my defense). I have no idea why anyone would assume that Toni Morrison is a victim of racism compared to what the Black activists are doing to me in combination with the Nazi Mafia white supremacist plantation death 4th Reich society they all strive to defend against my endless fight to not be enveloped in a slave murder sex rape poisoning situation created entirely by the men and women whose parents raised them to worship Nazis and who really raised their Right Hand in privacy for the German Bund of America. That includes my "Jewish" secular family and the entire community of their wealthy "Jewish" cohorts in Great Neck, and also Brooklyn. Toni Morrison knew NOTHING in comparison. This is such a death torture system they have contrived. My grey hair from my LIFE LITERALLY BEING SUCKED OUT BY VICIOUS PARASITES DUE TO THIS HEINOUS TECHNOLOGY--I am not going to sing I am going to f-ing complain. The list of more filth attacks, my body greying aging and dying from murder every day more of my grey hairi my life sucked out by vicious parasites who are just given millions of dollars and applause for it.

 The grey streak is on my right-hand side---I feel it "greying" literally while I am screaming and physically fighting shit filth scum trash white pig apes and Nazis and Mafia sick fucks and black dirty Nazi filth and sick slime out of Whorewood--again I physically fought the next scumbag in line which I wrote of this morning. Ugly parasite shitalina smiles in delight because she wants me ugly broken old paralyzed and then sucking penises in agony of mind control drugging and torture while the English, German men slap my face call me bitch and I am in an agony of sexual agony and I can't control the reaction out of non-stop abuse pain agony of poisons ripping out of my body internally every day shitting poison my body laced with fused bone tissue which doctors used to fuse my spine--what came out of my body a few weeks ago which blocked the toilet were pieces of white completely hard material. I know that they fused my spine in 3 major scoliosis spinal fusions entirely down my spine have hardened and the hard poisons which ugly sick shitalina laughed about as I had to run shitting piles of black and brown diarrhea every day and stinking sewage stinking liquids which were pumped into my body--every day she would smirk and laugh about it--(not always openly smiling but smug--her glaring ugly sick eyes glaring with hate because she has been programmed that she has every entitlement to murder me and steal ideas and have me dismembered poisoned torture raped by sleazy dirty opportunistic men--one of whom Scottish born is now nominated for a top award while before he came to viciously rape me in the by now endless rape abuse porno theme with ugly shit filthalina watching on literally hugging the shit filth pig whore men on--always out of Europigapeland

me fighting violently to get this to stop. Senators and House Representatives invited by ugly shitpigapealina to threaten my life, from Pelosi to the glaring hate of AOC who had me sitting on the ground as she glared with blank deadly hate down at me--her standing over me. Mike Johnson raping me a huge evil grin on his face while I only "woke up" in the middle of seeing his satanic grin. He told me that because I read tarot cards, but dirty former prostituted shitalina the now pimp says that me working for the unionized, feminist club in San Francisco, the Lusty Lady (you must look it up, a total unique place not male-dominated intended to empower women to their own sexual choices not to be told to serve the abusive men dehumanizing--"the customer is right" no, not at that place in that place the women were right. Body guards who only needed a little nod to get abusive rude men thrown out. It was a total shift. I worked there because I was literally being murdered by the State--they forced an "accident" upon me, the metal rod I had had surgically implanted into my body, my brain so drugged up I could not make any real decision and I was also being killed by my spine being pulled in all directions by the poisons that no one would warm me about as it was making me literally in a pretzel formation physically. They put in a metal rod, after the doctor fractured my lower lumbar in surgery I could feel that he had literally shaved part of the lumbar off--so destabilize my spine so I would become literally paralyzed and my spine broken. They created an accident after I tried to get a date rape parasitic abuser off me (who later was accused of homicide for a woman who died from a drug overdose, "sleeping" next to him--I know that he used drugging on me endlessly and had access to these date rape drugs. The woman he undoubtedly killed was poisoned by him, he assumed that my tolerance level was the same as hers. She died. I was born being drugged and poisoned I have barely survived.

But, they left me with a metal rod slowly and literally coming out of my spine. My family became deadly in their effort to exploit me and I had no options for work, I could not stand I could not sit. and thusly, I worked there not "dancing" but never being some "prostitute" and the entire atmosphere was much HEALTHIER than any of the scumbags of the Whorewood ensemble they are sick and prostituted sickness of sexual abuse and degeneration of the human spirit. Everything they do is an energy-sucking power exercise intended to puff them up as they mutually feed off other human beings. Their sexuality goes in line with that mentality.

They claim that because I worked there, and because I read tarot cards, according to Mike Johnson gang rape and poisoning to death is fully wonderful, how Satanic and Evil I am a witch to be tortured and raped to death. So he personally raped me just to make sure I would burn as a witch with him lighting the match.

the rape had been non-stop prior to that but it never stopped and has not under their entire jurisdiction and was non-stop before and after.

My body life force literally being sucked out of me. Telling ugly sick shitalina who for years I have written online for SOMEONE TO GET THEM OFF ME but alas, they must be the icons for feminism and macho culture white supremacy and sacrosanct according to all politicians.

NOt a single law, constitutional protection nothing of the United Nations declarations nothing of common sense all is a fascist Nazi power-sucking exercise in them stealing ideas from me because they can't think of a single unique independent concept.


And the hateful men, oh their rape as a means of supposedly dehumanizing me while they are credited as being "super-human" by the worshipful minions who are completely brainwashed, absolutely programmed it is shocking how much they can't think outside any of those boxes but are supposed to represent the resistance against it all.


My list of complaints

getting into the elevator after accepting my deliveries today, white males huge out of Euro-land or Russia or something of that continent all came out like animals rushing to block my path with aggression, reeking of hormones of excitement after they were paid to go into my living space and pour stink and filth and destroy and steal. They are all hormonally turned on by it.

They are unscrewing the wheels of my clothing rack and spraying some kind of hair/thread combination into the wheel gears. This is ongoing every time I have to move the clothing rack in front of my door so I can try to block the rapists from entering my room--the front door loaded with items I have spent a few years trying to gestimate how to stop the opening of my door from the mechanical arms which break into my room from the panels on all sides from top to bottom of walls on both sides--the entire room a created series of portals of entry.

They are putting something like growing green moss on my patio floor and spraying black permanently staining stuff on the tiles. Filth and debris are everywhere, every day after I clean it appears in huge piles and junk and scraped off paint from the walls. The trellis I made by hand they are unraveling and my plants are half dead, as usual they have been killing my plants for over 2 years.

My grey hair from torture poisoning--my body still loaded with poison. It is so painful I can't exercise or do anything to try to break it out. The entire time of healing I am tortured non-stop for over 16 hours per day with deadly abuse that alone would be death to people unaccustomed to this much abuse and hate. I am forced to react in rage screaming and hitting them after the 3 hour mark of non-stop "stick the scissors in your eye" "smash your head on the toilet/stick your head in the toilet/stab yourself with your knife" etc etc constantly and bitch bitch bitch stupid shut up hissed with absolute hate into my brain, my "inner ear" I cannot block it out.

But I realized today that my nervous system is being literally remotely controlled so I must react and eventually my body physically cannot tolerate the stress of  being alone, constantly alone with NO ONE wanting any damn thing to do with me, so discredited that literally I am completely alone bereft of all human companionship. Anyone who approaches me inevitably will attack me. There is no doubt it is a fact.


I really don't want my hair turning grey. Years of writing about unbelievable torture, and the people put in control over care of the country are absolutely thriving off participating for their more millions and mansions and tv interviews and political jockying for power.

I really don't want any more of my life force sucked out, more white trash creeps attacking me where I live any longer their hateful sneering brown and black and poor white "trash" minions gleefully attacking me with literal "satanically possessed" smiles of either glowing Demon blue or black black if they have brown eyes.

My cat La Moux, the only loving thing I had and have which is a soul mate they tortured and stole from me back in 2013 when I kept telling Depp that he is posioning and forcing me into more sickness. I didn't understand that he was murdering me and laughing about it as ugly shitalina watched on with her demonic laugh and smile. She has fed so much for so many years on my life force my ideas she is perpetually coming out with as well as, but not as much, pig ape pitt who is not a cute fun dude whatsoever--never once heard a single intelligent anything out of either of them as they endlessly torture me into grey hair and death to obtain more screaming ranting ideas out of me

every day they must get more, their scumbag partners must also get ideas out of me

it goes on daily now with a line-up of shit creeps who are famous with millions of dollars each and a few billion amongst them all collectively

My home is stinking and filthy and every single day they are making my home more filthy stinking vile and broken down--I am supposed to be financially responsible for the damage they have endlessly created.

I gave up trying to earn money online years ago. They blocked all attempts and I still am trying to get my mail information and even that is blocked.


The list of expletives who rushed to compliment this vile and porno woman-hating German rapist, a thug if any word could characterize him in a euphemistic way thug would be the nicest compliment--to any discerning person concerned with any human decency.

The list is of Obama firstly as a "retribution" of his tour with Harris pushed and urged and laughed in solidarity with the German who was beating raping and torturing me, "because" I had said in rage that Obama had participated in by then (a few months ago, maybe 2) of unending rape, poisoning, mutilation and just endless torture like Abu Ghraib (sp?)--something similar to real torture not just me stating some abusive "rape" for which I was drugged into a seeming sexual reverie but it was completely not my authentic mode--

but, Firstly it was Obama fully enthralled, then Michael Douglass with a sinister ugly sick grin smiling as I was fighting to get the rapist off me--he would rape me in front of all of them, me in the "submission" posture him slapping and calling me bitch as I repeated anything--the drugging obviously a component of how and why my hair turned grey within one week it was so deadly such a cocktail of whatever was used on a non-stop basis so this filthy vile parasite could get his "rocks off' and get promoted by the filthalina who he appeared totally in love with, absolutely looking to her for affirmation and in a solidarity of partnership while he was sticking his filth into me and slapping calling me names beating punching me in the face as I fought and they all laughed.

Then it was Whoopie Goldberg, who sat next to me while the German sausage slime filth creep bag sat smug and smiling as she asked me if I enjoyed the rape--I said no, she was silent and the rape continued. Whoopie had rushed at me with a huge wooden stick while Farrakhan sat by instructing her to do so. I grabbed the stick from her hands. Since that day non-stop violence has been thrust at me almost every day which I must literally fight to defend myself from--or I am put into such a rage after the 3-4 hour mark of non-stop murder statements, began with this German scum filth slime whore who they all adore--he is extremely murderously violent on a Nazi level which this group of shit literally worships like brainwashed adherents to a cult.

Then it was Megyn Kelly, who sat next to him insulting and abusing and threatening me, ordering my property damaged as she was instantly embraced by Bill Maher, a decade of his posts and videos hacked daily into my social media, my ideas literally repeated by him a few days after I wrote them--repeatedly for years (not so often but often enough literally verbatim--only twice that I know of, his show is cable he hacked his show using a piggyback of asian podcasters who made shows about painting--or they were agents as well the shows were ridiculously effete which were used by the usual brown minions or black or whatever--the poor working for the rich white 4th Reich

then it was Hillary Clinton who forced me on my knees while I was unconscious, ,as they have done in the sexual abuse situations and upon waking I am in the middle of being exploited, in the sleep state teleported under severe toxic poisoning afflicting my kidneys and liver--so my hair turned grey in about one week of non-stop rape and me fighting with my body feeling like a leech was literally sucking my life out.

So that Obama, Michelle his wife, Hillary Clinton, Whoopie Goldberg, Megyn Kelly all fully endorsing brutal rape of me by an openly Nazi-spewing German scumbag sick fuck actor out of Germany--undoubtedly will be featured in movies in Whorewood and probably to the Oscars for some show celebrating how much he as a German is so sorry about the Holocaust--which is why I watched the tv series about Auschwitz but I should have known better as Keitel is obviously of the Gotti Deniro Pesce terror Tarnatino group

and what else?

who else put into presidential position fully endorsed Nazi spewing filth creep rapist who behaves (he has undoubtedly not stopped so I use the present tense) but he behaves like the most vile creep immature ugly dirty porno scumbag and they herald this! The feminists the black activists fighting against racism

so fully do they embrace this that they almost appear to be fighting to sustain it, and they truly are. For each of their greasy selfish motivations they all have been handed millions of dollars for the roles they portray of 'fighting" for equality and whatever other snake oil con they are selling, which is endlessly applauded by those who know and by those who probably sense and want it but pretend and lie to themselves that it can't happen in America and they are such warm smiling informative intelligent people they would not be such criminal slime fuck rape endorsing filth, would they? But the people who support them are that way as well. My life of moving around the world has proven this absolutely true. That there is no higher ledge of dignity or understanding in the 4th Reich and a truly lowest common denominator theme prevails from upper crust to lowly crusty musty.


I'm trying to think of how many others rushed to embrace him. KAMALA HARRIS, of course and Tim Walz. I had to spend a few days screaming at Harris about her pledges for "women" in her campaign before she would stop giggling and snubbing her nose at me literally smiling lovingly into the face of the smirking German scumbag which she treated like royalty. Some to America, the prosecutor of SF welcomed and beckoned him to be invited to the rape and racist culture upon which she has thrived for so long.

And then...who else, or is that enough of the "top tier" of the lowest common denominator of the lowest level of mentality that has ever been put into power in the United States. I believe this truly represents the most reprehensible of American society. People who had suffered through slavery and public lynchings would probably disagree--it seems that way to me, but this is LEADING TO PUBLIC LYNCHINGS I suggest fully. The public lynching of the technology (teleportation, gang stalking, drugging and poisoning to death) leaves no "evidenced" and all police and society protect the death squads and the rapists.

I'm trying to remember how many others of the filth corruption league came to hug, love and attack me viciously smiling into the face of the German fuck who they appear to want to put into every orifice of American society so they all can obtain a huge criminal power cartel of absolute viciously ordained monopoly over all institutions.

I am sure there are others but my brain is under attack as is the keyboard pounding down constantly to get a single word out.

I hope goddamn fucking hell that I will not be tortured into writing any more posts so I can return to reading books and not having to beg online detailing the murder and rape, which puts these filth whores into more prominent positions they torture me until I write to relieve the stress of my physical agony from the poisons they put in my body which I fight to get out every day--they are cemented into my spine and if they finally come out, it tears skin tissue internally, it releases horrific toxins into my blood stream while they torture me for 16 hours per day until I am in a frantic state of rage--for hours, every single day. Just that factor is a murder.

How many others have rushed to watch besides Jane Fonda and Helen Mirran, who has come out with yet another "pro Jewish" film about herself playing a benevolent "fighter" against Nazis after the Holocaust, or during the Holocaust, just like her Irish friend and I know his name but it's just blanked out--he played lead role in Schindler's List, the "benevolent" German Schindler--he had my head in a car door making a slamming motion of killing me after I, after years of him raping me with Mirran obtaining the endless protocol of plastic surgery, endless spotlight in the media endless "lifetime achievement awards" after they brutally attack me (for years and years and years and years--15 years of her as part of the English Empire Crown corporation--or Limited, whatever it's technically called she is the conduit of the Monarchy to Whorewood, or just one of the many. Her endless roles of playing benevolent towards Jews and Israel pairs with English overtake of Israel--(British Israelism, extremely murderously racist claim that only white Christians out of England are connected to the House of David and thus the only real inheritors of Israel, the "Jews" being just ousted from God's love)

and in America it is Christian Identity--a genocidal cult which has a huge following they are waiting for "end times' and the Rapture--Israel being really their land, they believe. Death to the Jews, they all really believe in this, I believe (not "all" but it appears so from my stance of non-stop murderous attacks by one-and-all).

I can't think clearly any longer. I am constantly retyping words, the space bar will not work and etc

it is pointless fighting to get anyone to care enough to stop this murder of me

my hair turning grey, already grey but I feel it more greying every day as they are viciously torturing me so the dirty filth can once more be handed awards for their 15 years going on and on of slowly torturing ideas and my love my passion my energy and dumping their sick filth hate on me and being praised handed every single thing they never could obtain otherwise from this vicious murder operation.

Now there's another viciously latched on hate person who has been feeding off my torture for over 20 years

\the death threats the hate and the "entitlement" appear to me to be brutally murderous on her part


2 hrs later: the brain attack subsided and my memory was somewhat restored. To continue the "bipartisan" support of Nazism pounded onto into and around me by the German "every" porno purveyor so-called man (child)

Ted Cruz, not openly showing support but there next to Hawley, not openly stating full support but sitting observing and none stopping the rape

but it was Sen. John Kennedy who told me that I really "liked" and the plot to force me to be a sex slave gang rape torture victim and go to Germany to be just endlessly destroyed--the statements the German said was how much he could not wait and it would be "so much fun" I would have to give him all kinds of every sleazy thing he just believes he shouldn't have to pay for, instead his career and an endless mountai of awards given for this

John Kennedy from the Louisiana Christian "Right-Wing" absolutely against trans and feminists and woke--was so awake in supporting abuse rape torture antisemitism and sex trafficking slavery poisoning mutilation and torture. None of these are part of the anti-woke campaign.

What is sad is that the actual real critical analysis of racism has been obscured and discredited by the efforts of the Whorewood ensemble but it is never they who are blamed for the awful "woke" movies, it's "dark" people like Rachel Zegler who make open statements and want to change the whiteness of Snow White who is grilled by public hate--probably death threats the usual reaction now against anyone not fully supporting the 4th Reich.

Those who are the "feminists" who are happily cheering the vicious men on to assault me are never criticized by any of the "anti-woke" podcasters, they always point to the Black "feminists" and Trans nose-ring purple-haired "losers". Thusly the analysis of racism remains untouchable through the opposite programming that the minions of the 4th Reich are being paid so much to promote.

It was so evident in the p**sy tour of Kamala Harris, and many were insulted and refused to have anything to do with the "woke" joke that they felt highly creeped out about.


Thusly Nazi indoctrination remains more strongly than ever as a result.

It is so fully embraced by the Whorewood teams and the politicians that it's impossible almost to differentiate the feminist Democrats from the Christian rape racist enthusiasts.

I am writing only of the extreme amount of opposition I am facing alone it seems. Why this Nazi mentality has been so completely embraced by almost all of American leadership and society is still amazing to me in that the ignorance that Germany and Italy were enemies of the United States and the concept that perhaps the Germans, who are heavily into traditional adherence to the old school, may STILL harbor death wishes upon America just suppressed or repressed, if you will, under the domination of the U.S. Military presence for 70 years in Germany--now that pressure is off, has been for over 20 years and the rise of Nazism and the embrace of it by American society at large remains the looming question, why Americans can't hear the phrases I heard so often in Germany about how 'stupid" Americans are? I am not the only person who heard this even those not of my target group have repeated that they heard this too.

I must say that the Americans speak like they are ashamed of their culture and worship all things Euro. It is sad that the culture has been overtaken in large part by the 4th Reich with Eurocentrism, and fashion has been destroyed in America which is forced to rely on Paris and other fashion places as the Mecca of all things "beautiful" and glamorous. NY Fashion week is famous but not so much.

It is a transference of power, I write in this meandering way it would seem I am digression and going into tangents but it's all related to brainwashing. The full embrace of fascist Europ-a-land aristocracy which is Feudalism which is becoming not a "crazy" observation or statement on my part. The peasantry is now on the verge of desperation and homelessness and the Supreme Court has issued a ruling that homelessness is mostly illegal (cannot sleep in public places). Money spent is deemed to have been ferreted out to grifting actors instead of those in need. I was threatened with death by Pelosi when she sat next to the former Austrian-born CA governor. She came one week before one of the Biden Covid Stimulus bills was passed, and she obtained luxury swimming pool funding for her "pet project" for her elite wealthy jet set in San Francisco--the homeless and the desperate have since been made dying in the streets. 

It is a sickening trend, the embrace of fascist Nazism and Euro-centrist oppression and destruction of the United States.

I am screaming this every day to this flock of parasites (or nest of them) and they take notes so they can steal the concepts, and then are torturing me to death for having the resistance to their encroachment on my life and on the country as a whole. The rest of the country embraces this as well. They want to see people living in Hell.

Oh well, what to do? When people just remain silent. The country suffers but those attacking me remain being handed more millions of dollars.

Just by the way, yet again another person who attacked me has been accused of sexual assault (upon a minor)

he is a huge Europhile abuser using Nazi statements and antisemitism of murder and genocide. Next to yet another of the Prostitutalina German abusers who punched and raped me like all the rest of the endless line-up under the beady ugly eyes of sleazy dirty (stupid sick crazy as fuck) shitalina the prostituted pimp. A construct of rape enablement and Europigape imitation to become as violently oppressive as the worst of the dictators of old ancient regime Europigapeland in the worst of the slaughters upon the decency of humanity--put into UN roles as "Feminist" and it's so awful

and still so ignored. The evidence must be archived from the 15 years of non-stop presidents politicians and celebrities all rushing to join into the fun and torture and promotion for FREE everything given for FREE. 

The price to be paid is me, and then society. Still no one is concerned. Obviously they want to screw America into the ground and they are being welcomed in like ---by--just ---it's unbelievable. 15 years of this ongoing. I listen to the Hour of the Time MP3 collection and every time Bill Cooper lectures on the "New World Order" which will be a " Socialist Totalitarian One-World Order" of absolute cruelty which he stated would make the 3rd Reich Holocaust appear like a "walk in the park" in comparison. 

The technology is so deadly and so stealth and so embraced by this suppressed sick psychopathic group and the rest of the lemmings follow gladly to have Nazi control over the entire planet.


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I am now his target for being a "witch" who knew what I was doing when I put this curse out and has been threatening me with very culpable violent intimidation as if I am responsible for his family member's addiction--although he (DeNiro) is and has been addicted to torturing me every day for years and the Oscars he has obtained for his violence against me and for torturing me for years as I wrote and said constantly that Trump was going to create a fascist Nazi state as DeNiro attacked me with extremely violent hate and every time I was in the shower or naked it was body shaming and sleazy sick insults about my body which has been injected with silicone smeared with fungus daily for years mutilated and my hair mostly chemically destroyed and gone and etc. But I was attacking this filth English Nazi and not defending DeNiro but I was attacked by Deniro who doesn't want any connection of me in any way, shape or form he and his group have so completely destroyed my image and connection to me. So okay, I wish that the Nazis will burst your goddamn image and that you are shunned and then become a target as you have done to me. I hope your food is poisoned as you have done to me, I hope you are gang stalked to forever as you ordered upon me by the MAGA filth crowds you PUT INTO POWER through your greasy greed and hate and addiction and selfishness. I hope that your addiction to cocaine, which was fueled by your obvious addiction to whatever (alcohol, sex, working, controlling, etc) becomes your imprisonment of failure as you have been laughing about what you and your ilk have done to me for so many years. Your addiction will be turned into whatever you are addicted to being poisoned by the gang stalking groups which you helped to expand through all the years of your Oscars and deals with rotten Scorsese who sent you and Pesce and many others to violently assault me as he and you both went to the Oscars and on and on and on. I hope this for Scorsese as well, but he has never said anything about politics as the Whorewood celebrities are like the sleazy rotten whores who will be paid for any and all administrations, which are almost identical anyway in fascist Nazism. That is why you assumed that what was happening to me was because I must be all the negative stereotypes that you affixed to me to justify your violence. Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. But duh...they don't listen, the pig apes just want everything to go back to their endless allowance to fuck rape torture steal kill rob with full back-patting by the filthy greasy greedy incompetence of the crap from Congress-Whorewood and you just want everything to go back to the time that actually re-inforced the current gang stalking mobs just dying to mob you and stalk you and hack into your phone and block your finances and poison you literally to death. Dumb as hell. What can I expect from any of these creeps? You all worship addicts high on power and corruption.

O.J. did identify with Black activism when he played a role about violent resistance being preferable to peaceful demonstration to KKK activity. Richard Burton as the lead star of the film. He made activist statements (O.J. I am referring to) and "fought the Man" in the film as a rep for Black Rights. The film was made in the 70's. O.J. was married at that time to a Black woman (contentedly, as she claimed there was little friction in the marriage even thought they divorced). This clip from the movie shows O.J. playing a violent extremist/terrorist for Black activism rather than quiet and peaceful protests and lectures. The advocacy of violence as a weapon against racism preferable to any equal justice movement where debate is futile and the system is forever rigged. That is the gist of the clip and the movie is about racism. Like so many, O.J. got brainwashed into trying to live the wealthy elite lifestyle of Brentwood and LA but the violence was sublimated nevertheless and it came out eventually due to the falsity of the stress of appearing like he enjoyed playing the inter-racial good guy role.