Horrible thoughts for X-mas: f-u if you can't take a joke & f-u if you can!! Another entire year of daily and nightly torture with senators hacking their bs blather about fighting everything except for the actual problems they have helped create as in supporting this terror operation against me which is a terror operation against the "American People" but a support of fascist International "globalism"--I am uncertain what "globalist" means, it has connotations within groups which I do not belong, and as I have been forced into outcast status, there is nowhere I can belong any longer. So I wish this for the main terror agents who have attacked me all these years on this X-mas where yet another rat parasitic filth leech viciously attacked me for no fucking reason other than I am screaming NO MORE to him and his group sucking my life out, deforming my body, aging me destroying my home my everything with full support of the entire United States government which is funding this so fascist Nazism and Mafia cartels can conjoin with the terror government to install a "benevolent dictatorship" with all the fake opposition still playing the roles they've been playing all these years while seemingly they are "helplessly" watching as Elon Musk grabs more power than the presidency because he was handed every top techno-terror operation brain implant satellite hacking election interference with QUANTUM COMPUTING a system of delivery of such high speed that hacking probably can never be detected or not soon (if now, it's not being disclosed)..Thusly I wish the following

 1. Dirty, sick prostitutalina the shit whore who you have all cheered on as she stole ideas she and her Nazi bunch of rapist pig ape "men" blonde Europige shit raped and beat and poisoned and drugged out of me from daily hours and hours of torture via teleportation. May she break her ugly dirty neck falling down the stairs for however it may happen, hopefully in front of a camera audience when she is walking out of the theaters where she lost the top awards for the ideas she stole from me, my sexual beauty passion and health this dirty miserable ugly parasite has sucked out through DAILY TORTURE feeding off it. I so hope you have a horrible death today but if not today, asap I ask that the victims of the racism the death and genocides that this filthy lying piece of sleazy greasy filth is stealing with her fake altruistic presentations which really are giving rapist murderous Nazi Mafia filth permission to continue to enhance technological rape torture mutilation and murder in the future--playing the false advocate of rights on as many ideas she can torture out of me because all the standard concepts have been stolen by her and others for so many decades while the actual inventors and activists were slaughtered in so many ways, usually with covert poisoning and drugging as this filthy dirty skank parasite laughs about while sucking everything of my beauty health sucking it out like a leech feeding off it absorbing my energy my beauty my life as filth creep rapes me brutally and then calls me bitch and beats me in front of this filthy piece of ugly shit--glorified by the shit put into highest office repeatedly as they all get promotions (i.e. into the Presidency via Trump and Musk, et al)

May your death be horrific and horrid ,ugly dirty skank.

If you fuckers reading think that more than 15 years of some stupid dirty empty blank parasite feeding of my ideas and having me brutalized and raped repeatedly and now the violence for the past 3 months has been a German scumbag piece of shit brought to rape me from the Gotti scumbag greasy filth machine of movie bullshit crap about serious themes played by filthy lying fuckers

beaten raped brutally as she literally embraced this German Nazi-spewing fitlth bucket of stupidity and mediocrity and conformity. He has directed unending greasy scumbag losers who are famous  for their sleazy gyrating presentations they are all life fuck sinister filth and the old adages of the Christians who warned against Satanic influence in cock rock music and pop music has proven to be  a billion times correct. Greasy shitalina is a seriously sick and demonic personality and has fed off my integrity my sense of justice my sense of life my beauty she has had me poisoned and mutilated for over 15 years laughing about it, feeling pumped up on adrenaline and dopamine and seratonin non-stop every single day of torturing me for years, making sure my body is covered with slashes poison mutilation and the abuse has been 10-16 hours per day--every day

2. Pit shit pig ape shit pitt and the spawn of that fucking pair of empty sick crap---may they all burn in a horrid crash. Simple. Same stupidity and empty meaningless as shitalina but more openly smug and loud about it than ugly dirty shitalina who is a blank nothing but her theft of my life force my sexuality by watching me under hypnosis "making love" to filthy ugly men who slapped and tortured me--this is about 30 men by now, after years of torture---and smug and laughing shit pig ape pitt is the same thing but not sinister slithering greasy like beady-eyed filth skank shitalina.

3. The german ape filth who raped and instructed the stupid apes of Whorewood to punch my face abuse me viciously with extreme violence--which he did after raping me and raping me as much energy as this ugly dirty creep could suck out with shitalina sitting watching smiling at him as he looked at her lovingly and told her he would break my spirit and force me to do what they wanted. I so hope that SOMEWHERE on the planet there are Jewish men and women who are not sell-out stupid shit like Ben Shapiro and Benjamin Netanyahu and Jamie Raskin and Bernie Sanders who ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT NOT ALLOWING NAZIS TO FUCKING COME TO INFEST THE UNITED STATES WITH NAZISM. Maybe they could kill this fucking pig scumbag instead of allowing more filth like him to continue to go through the dirty pair of filth above-mentioned so they can exploit America and bring MORE NAZISM INTO THE COUNTRY so Germans can take over America with the English and Italians while Americans only think of Disneyland fantasies from movies about how "sophisticated" and "wonderful" Europigape shit are (not) THEY ARE lying fakes and just following orders in how to appear and conduct their lying manipulations.

4. IN an entire group: dirty filth Depp and his spawn and then the Tylers are really part of the same group with the Stallones and then the cascading tiers of parasites rats leeches which support and surround and also attack me. Just horrid death for you all--how? How could it be done to so many? Maybe for the stupid filth of Stallone and Tyler the rotten high-rises in Miami Beach which stupid apes like you absolutely supported, rapist German Nazis like Thomas kramer who was a huge star at your cheesy greasy disco who brought rape and Nazism into Florida which Americans have embraced--the fast path to power and money. All the high-rises are now SINKING you stupid APE FUCKS because of your stupid short-sightedness your ignorance your greed your racism your sleaze and your mediocrity which must be supported by this criminal network who ONLY want to exploit stupid ignorant fucking mediocrities like you.

May your businesses and lives be utterly destroyed in horrid deaths, hopefully the tsunami and the collapse of the buildings on Miami Beach that rotten Nazi Mafia shit like you out of America handed to the rotten careless Europigapeland investors collapse while you are making your greasy dirty deals in the penthouses you obtained for SELLING OUT THE COUNTRY TO NAZI MAFIA. for your shit movies about rambo and  your sleazy dirty meaningless immature songs about sex greasy hormone highs and cocaine really is all that you have turned into--rancid lines of cocaine you snorted like the pigs that you are, now rancid dirty ugly old men with teams of shitty incompetent children you all need to have instantly promoted through this system. The Depps, rotten evil filth, satanic and possessed already--hope somehow someone connects the evil of Whorewood with you, perhaps some Nazi fanatic who goes on a rampage and just eliminates shit like you because they believe in the conspiracy theories of satanic possession and evil being pumped into the brains of the viewers through shit like you--and it's correct you are doing this you are sick and evil you do not deserve to live any longer you put  hate and death into the world with your shit Nazi allegiances and fascist Europigape alliances through your filthy movies. Some Americans really actually care about spirituality that isn't satanic dirty foul evil and hope you get blown away you fucking whore apes.


my, don't I sound just insane by now?

If ONLY SOMEONE WOULD GET THEM OFF ME AFTER YEARS OF BEGGING ONLINE; ONLY TO HAVE pelosi threaten to kill me (before she obtained a huge deal from both Covid relief bills, rushing like so many greasy apes to get a deal out of abusing me which she did). Unfortunately your hip replacement and your husband being slammed didn't get you out of Congress.Doesn't matter because there are so many other sleazy dirty lying pieces of shit still in both sides of the government that it would not matter if you were there or not. Hope you die a horrid death and the rest of the shit politicians who have rushed and continue to hack their fucking bullshit on my youtube channel. All I hear and know is that you are lying and playing a false opposition and fully support fascist Nazism and racism to a genocidal degree.


I can't go on any longer. I truly have written only for the last few torturing dirty filth who have in the last recent months--oh yes, dirty greasy Gotti and Deniro and pesce--fuck off and die horrid deaths (one I may exempt a tiny bit is pesce but not by much)

the Gottis are a pile of grease stain sickness that the government has relied on for decades to conduct illicit drug trade and criminal pursuits. No one can be surprised that Hillary Clinton is on first-name basis and intimate with them on a personal level (as in they are much in contact or have been and doubtful that it was in connection to movies but more towards international criminal trades drugs and now they are dealing with sex trafficking in the form of this teleportation)

Hillary, go die and go to hell you are an evil leech on the country, as is bill clinton. I listen to Hour of the Time and the broadcasts during the Clinton years are rife with referenced lectures on documented Whitewater crimes and murders of associates and drug dealing and the law firm that Hillary ran called "The Rose' in which her crimes were infamous in Arkansas, now completely ignored as she runs the gamut of entertainment under the protection of the hugely swollen reach of the Gotti empire which has expanded probably exponentialy from the Years OF this non-stop torture under jurisdiction from FOREIGN CRIINAL NAZI AND MAFIA OPERATIONS.

Death to this system and death to the sick fucks who have seen what is happening to me and laugh and enjoy watching it happen like a witch hunt and any other innocent victim pursuit. 

I was very beautiful very talented very healthy very strong

all of these whores have worked every day to have their filthy minions poison my body and break my spine my hips my hair my skin

all damanged and then terror and abuse every single day and night ofr over 15 years and this was handed to them by the partners of them all--high-ranking white pig ape shit whore man who I saw and rushed to get away from, they used this system to teleport and poison me to death and once I told them to stop and stop and stop and stop for over 3 years every day stop stop you are poisning me you are killing me

they handed this to the whorewood group, and now the endless protocols which the dirty nazi feminists all laugh about employing against me by the penises they hire as rapist scum who then get promoted is to rape and beat and poison and pump poison into my body and abuse me so I cannot heal.

now all I do is sit in agony day after day as they abuse me so badly that I rush to the computer to change my brainwave patterns out of trauma and deadly stress- once I get on the laptop they turn the wifi connection remotely off literally ever 20 seconds or every minute for at least 2 hours per day as I struggle to continue to sit here until the sick fucks finally shut up and stop attacking me.

It begins every night again, they inject drugs and poison into my bladder by inserting liquid through my vagina, I get up to urinate, the poisons and drugs then go through my bloodstream, I fall back asleep and from a peaceful sleep prior to eliminating the drugs and poisons to hours of abuse in teleportation--so the drugs they need to attack me are pumped into my body and go through my lympatic system through the process of elimination-I am drugged which helps the barriers of brain or cells to be affected by the tech more easily

(I surmise all this, obviously as NO ONE WILL HELP ME I can only base this on the non-stop daily event every single day it is the same thing, not prior to getting up but only after and it's always the same)

then, as happened this morning, I get up, the pig apes then accumulate (usually the drugging forces me to sleep way too late)

they then use the tech to so subtly abuse me that I respond in my "inner ear" with instant reaction because I cannot control it due to the drugs and poisons they just put in my body, still in a high point of saturation into my blood stream.

It turns into me rushing at them punching and trying to kill them. It turns into death threats and screaming for another 2-3 hours until I get on the laptop and it never ends for one second until I do so. Youtube is rife with hacked videos from the youtube media personalities analyzing politics who have rushed to yell fascistically at me only because it helped their channel to remain at top algorithms--obviously artificially produced thanks to Musk and people like him.

And it goes on and on. So much greed and sleazy opportunism and so much lying; all aspects of any bipartisan balance have been completely taken over, all the Democrats are just props for the take-over of the country for fascist Nazi takeover. so many of the head-scratching "Trump is a fascist we must fight him vote next time" sick sleazy fuckers have participated in teleporting me and watched me get brutalized as they did nothing but get more algorithm bonuses by the Trump -Musk quantum election and media rigging operation.

Death to them all, death to this system. They have killed and killed and killed and want to kill and kill, they were killing me trump and musk have been murdering me all these years dirty filthy shitalina pig pit and their nasty satanic group of shit have been murdering me all these years

they will want to continue to torture and feed off beauty health and life force of many others, I predict. I can't imagine them wanting to stop ever doing this they are literal life-fuck parasites. They will not stop. 

I wrote for so many years that some people will regret not having stopped this group, and so far most of the shit whores who helped bring it all along, in particular on the Democrat side are happily ensconced in their new homes new mansions in Europigapeland new deals new promoted offices and they are happy as crabs who clawed their way up by lying using and abusing while I am an honest person and tried to have my life on my terms of just doing what I can do what I want and this cannot happen; if left to compete I would continue to "win" and be beautiful and happy. SHit like all of the above cannot tolerate seeing that so they must destroy and kill. 

And so you are all fucking the planet over anyway the deaths I hope for you will come about due to climate change or some huge catastrophe you idiot savants have helped to create.

I.e. the buildings sinking and collapsing in Miami Beach because you dirty stupid apes had to allow Nazis to infiltrate so they would use their mafia and money to influence your crap mediocrity in entertainment. The stupid "sheeple" also have their death squad units and they have been eliminating the true intellectuals and the real patriots so there is very little left. They watch this shit and believe in it have no way to analyze it. The stupid actors have no ability to analyze anything other than how to avoid taxes. They have tortured me, coming from a literature professor background, in order to have any concept of anything.

Break your dirty ugly whore neck filth shitalina when you do not get the top  award you do not deserve the nomination all the power and strength of your performance is due to sucking my beauty my energy my intellect and my depth and profundity as much out from sucking life out through this life fuck technology.

That goes for the Depp shit as well

and now the Tylers who I could not see in the groups and rows because my vision is stunted in teleportation please fuck off and walk away do not walk this way greasy sleazy fucker

please get that vicious dirty ugly sick creep off me. He is completely programmed by the German Nazi who I wrote of above who has threatened my life repeatedly threatened to rape and kill me and is a dirty foul scum parasite. They all love this stupid sick fuck. They are shit, truly. The Senators like John Kennedy are absolutely enthralled with him and have put him into this situation to inflict real Nazi terror and programming.

Oh yes, death to you too greasy yelling ugly creep John Kennedy Ted Cruz and Hawley--what bullshit you are shouting about in your dirty Nazi-themed presentations about "American values". Please someone be actually patriotic these are murderous TRAITORS the penalty for being a traitor to the constitution when you are a sworn representative is FUCKING DEATH you goddamn yelling lying scum and shit. It's what you tried to have done to Mike Pence let some real patriot fucking do it to you fuckers. And the rest of the disgusting filth of the Senate and House of Reps and can't leave out biden and trump--both the same things just performing the tasks that their respective lobbies have paid for. Both on the same sleazy death trip power trip anti-American parasites TRAITORS. Obama, the same traitor traitor 

Clintons traitors

death to traitors who are issuing death squads brining Nazis into the country destroying the economy lying about everything creating non-stop wars shifting money from the people to wars and funders of your fucking endless rapacious rape of the economy rape of the people thug cartel. 


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