I still can't believe that this kind of sick shit is still going on and on, with every day either a white trash piece of sick shit scumbag celebrity filth whore creep attacks me, usually pigshitalina the trash pair of over-rated sick fuckery scum and parasitic filth, and the black jewish and other sleazy filth minority oreo cookie crusted rotten hate enforcers of hate, all claiming to be victims of racism "fighting" against racism in these filthy vile tv movie and podcast bullshit scripted crap sob story while they are the most rotten unethical bigots fighting, in actuality, to become as fascist abuser racist bigoted sexist as possible so as to join the white trash contingent. Dirty foul what I consider to be stupid celebrities rushing to attack me, to steal ideas because of this contract some Europigape piece of sick shit I met and didn't like, avoided didn't want anything to do with, was polite they drugged raped and I had no idea what was happening I avoided them--they have not stopped latching on to prove that white shit pig apes can rape beat and all governments around the world will fully allow it and they will be promoted. No one no one no one does a fucking thing to stop this because it remains invisible, no one defends my human rights. My chances to compete have been stolen by a bunch of sleazy stupid ugly shit from Whorewood who can't think of any original ideas, the filthy dirty blonde whore skanks are violently attakcing me to get roles, often stolen from my ideas, and the shit rape pig whore men who used to abuse women like them are abusing me instead because of this sick fucking technology. The rotten "men" so-called in power are so keen on supporting this so that other rotten dirty "men" like them can rape beat and tear apart women "llike me" who pose a threat to their dirty ugly women, who are glorified and then obtain every kind of pumped up ego trip by having me poisoned for YEARS and years mutilated nightly tortured while sleeping and awake--over 10 hours per day or longerof poisoning mutilation torture and they all laugh. It's never stopping. I never want to be around any of this shit group, never liked any of their stupid fucking rotten movies or their fake contrived personalities the Nazi shitI always recognized but I gave them too much credit, not understanding what absolute sleazy dirty bigoted sick fuck shit they truly are. All I can do is try to not be forced through non-stop drugging, in which they inject my body every nigh while sleeping, usually by injecting liquids into my bladder, I believe--with the drugs and poisons--I must rush up every night in the middle of the night, and once I eliminate the poisons it goes through my blood stream and I lay down again feeling VERY sick from the drugging and the torture in teleportation goes on and then when I wake up, within 10 minutes they begin to abuse and abuse me, for over 6 hours usually the murder statements the insults the threats the yelling the punching slapping abuse hate goes on and on as I figtht eventually the blasting ugly dirt of these piece of sick shit goes on and on.EVery day every single day another rotten fuck rushes to get it's promotion. Now it's a slew of shit out of England--but it's been the shitpigtrashalina team for 15 years. The sheer stupidity and sickness of this group is astounding. They have been torturing me to obtain ideas for 15 years and before that it was the English ugly dirty pig who I have written of for years, who began this idea theft intellectual property theft mind sucking destruction as these sleazy sick fucks just go on and on every single day. Invited by Biden laughed along with by Trump and Obama and all of these pig apes being paid in millions and milions for this. THey are so inhumane and so empty so sleazy and sick and stupid they can't even stop they used to be fully cocaine addicts and alcoholics or whatever other drugs they constantly took--now addicted to the "high of rape abuse torture and being paid for it. The politicians are the same thing--obviously they are on drugs alcholic and sleazy porno purveyors as well. Nothing ever stops this. They inject me with drugs and poisons and begin a torture session equivalent to the most hateful prison torture type abuses poisoning attepted murder and they are just chapioned. The ugly pig men who defended the ugly sick filth shit whore of Depp yesterday I never liked them, their filthy music, nor Ben Shapiro who is now just a stupid sick goddamn crap creep and I instantly thought he was a yapping jerk-off, but when I was looking for information about the Oct 7 and Hamas attack, he went into righteous victim mode, which is so comforting to someone truly being victimized by Nazi racist bigots and their shitty filth black minorities, fr the most part the blacks are the most vile and disgusting, but in places like Miami the most disgusting are the Latinos and in NYC it could just as easily be Jews--just locational filth according to demographics but always the same oreo white brownie blackie subservient enslaved vicious violent minion attacking me for the bigot white piece of worthless shit they worship, but I don't. Never did. The filth shitalina and ugly sick dirty creep spawn of Depp, I consider them absolute stupid ugly shit being handed everything to abuse me so their filthy vile skank whore shit can be promoted by the filth men who adore them for supporting their rape and racist abuse policies--that is the only reason for all these blonde nazi whores who are put into lead position in whorewood-they so absolutely support the rape hate racist bgotry--and the black women go along. I never liked Oprah and I have had to see that rotten parasite be put into every single election for the past 8 years and NO ONE calls out her decpetion the shit crap she did for the last Democrat convention and no one made any news or documentary reference to how STUPID and sick she truly is--an absolute nazi supporter for which, like the filthalia and dirty depp spawn, is absolutely worshipped by white trash America for the hate they really are supporting, enabling white trash to rise into fascist Nazi death squads through entertainment scum mediocrities like these filthy whores As I wrote about the spawn of Depp, it is demonic it is sick so is Depp--he's so foul and malignant, as they all are they are not acting they are just letting their demons show through all the money and plastic surgery. And I never liked any of them and they are forced upon me because they cannot succeed without this contract out on me. Every one of them was in the decline of their career into middle age, in the case of rotten Ben Shapiro he's obviously losing ground in somem way or trying to rise as the scum rising up that the Nazis are now. And my internet has just been turned off as usual--pounding down on each and every key with all my hand strenght as usual

 I have to try and try and try to not engage with demons DEMONS hurling death threats, making sleazy sick comments about my body while I'm undressed and in the shower, making murder comments for any object I hold to kill myself with it or they would

to the poison and drugs they inject through my bladder or however it's being done with my nervous system endlessly tweaked so it's in a state of hypertension

to all animals I could have as pets killed and taken away

to all finances blocked so I am stuck literally in sub poverty with no way to earn money and no health care, nowhere to live and endlessly they are threatening my life as I defend myself every day from racist abuse

still for all the years of the "good" Democrats it was rape without end torture my money being cut off and poisoning to death rape and poisoning rape and poisoning. Biden inviting and openly hugging people who abused me viciously for years as Biden would openly congratulate them in public, in some cases, within a day of viciously attacking me.

Trump sitting with the pig ape shit from Whorewood laughing at the rape and violence and the sneering of how bloated and disfigured my body is, as a sick psycho joke which no one ever even has a human shred of decency







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I wasn't defending you (DeNiro) I was attacking "them" (douglass murray who made a public statement to English Colony Oz-land reporters on, "who does he think he is?"/referring to DeNiro's speech regarding "Democracy". I wrote a comment that DeNiro is commenting on a situation occurring in New York City--his city (my family's city which expletives like the "Italian-American" mafia have attacked and abused and humiliated and assaulted out of their home town only to be attacked in teleportation after having been attacked by this same heinous group in Miami and out of New York--people I never met in NYC, people I only had very quick encounters with trying to avoid them and just trying to make a living as they kept following me around, now I understand creating sabotage and extreme violence against me to endlessly profit off this contract out on me): but I digress and the hacking interference is constant and horrible so hard to concentrate. 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So I wrote, "who do you think you are interfering in American politics or business go back to your cesspool in England) and to which DeNiro having to fully support the old Nazi network came to me abusing me, in teleportation of course, accusing me of being a witch responsible for his family member's death because I screamed after about 5 years of non-stop poisoning and torture and sexual assault and the theft of my ideas from this expletive--yelling I hoped he and his family died because of the violence this group of NYC mafia have inflicted upon me family and upon me. 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So okay, I wish that the Nazis will burst your goddamn image and that you are shunned and then become a target as you have done to me. I hope your food is poisoned as you have done to me, I hope you are gang stalked to forever as you ordered upon me by the MAGA filth crowds you PUT INTO POWER through your greasy greed and hate and addiction and selfishness. I hope that your addiction to cocaine, which was fueled by your obvious addiction to whatever (alcohol, sex, working, controlling, etc) becomes your imprisonment of failure as you have been laughing about what you and your ilk have done to me for so many years. Your addiction will be turned into whatever you are addicted to being poisoned by the gang stalking groups which you helped to expand through all the years of your Oscars and deals with rotten Scorsese who sent you and Pesce and many others to violently assault me as he and you both went to the Oscars and on and on and on. I hope this for Scorsese as well, but he has never said anything about politics as the Whorewood celebrities are like the sleazy rotten whores who will be paid for any and all administrations, which are almost identical anyway in fascist Nazism. That is why you assumed that what was happening to me was because I must be all the negative stereotypes that you affixed to me to justify your violence. Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. But duh...they don't listen, the pig apes just want everything to go back to their endless allowance to fuck rape torture steal kill rob with full back-patting by the filthy greasy greedy incompetence of the crap from Congress-Whorewood and you just want everything to go back to the time that actually re-inforced the current gang stalking mobs just dying to mob you and stalk you and hack into your phone and block your finances and poison you literally to death. Dumb as hell. What can I expect from any of these creeps? You all worship addicts high on power and corruption.

O.J. did identify with Black activism when he played a role about violent resistance being preferable to peaceful demonstration to KKK activity. Richard Burton as the lead star of the film. He made activist statements (O.J. I am referring to) and "fought the Man" in the film as a rep for Black Rights. The film was made in the 70's. O.J. was married at that time to a Black woman (contentedly, as she claimed there was little friction in the marriage even thought they divorced). This clip from the movie shows O.J. playing a violent extremist/terrorist for Black activism rather than quiet and peaceful protests and lectures. The advocacy of violence as a weapon against racism preferable to any equal justice movement where debate is futile and the system is forever rigged. That is the gist of the clip and the movie is about racism. Like so many, O.J. got brainwashed into trying to live the wealthy elite lifestyle of Brentwood and LA but the violence was sublimated nevertheless and it came out eventually due to the falsity of the stress of appearing like he enjoyed playing the inter-racial good guy role.