Screaming out into the artificial void of the synthetic reality cyber world of turned-on feeding frenzy advocates to stop the leeches stop the parasites from injecting their toxicity into me and sucking my soul love beauty health wealth and then they get "ideas" they steal from me, every day they inject their hate and toxic mental illness I am not sure if the DSM of any iteration could define just basic parasitic energy life-sucking poison filth suppressed oppressive "wanna be" nothings, empty voids. The cyber world laughs and pushes for more, they want to hear more cyber screaming from the victim (me) they/you feed vicariously on the torture you watch the videos of me physically fighting literally day after day to get the fucking parasitic sleazy sick leeches off me who you have all allowed to feed of human life in this most egregious techno-terror fashion, but alas, I am dealing with....Prozac Nation America: watching the tube of U & Getting a taste of the bitter sickness on the American reliance of chemical drugs to "heal" which appears to become an addiction necessity as people slowly decay from the chemicals and find that some other ailment requires more chemical pharmaceuticals and the body trying to adjust to chemical death finds some outlet for disease or malfunction until the boat is capsizing: a sinking ship of addiction to remedies which require more remedies because the remedies are so toxic. Toxic people and toxic shock, that is my experience with America at this point: through "random" anti-depressant ads on YouTube while not in front of the tube boob---hole. The Conclave ad features a woman spiraling into depression because she had "always been large-boned" and just was ready to die, which is the plan for anyone not slim enough if you ever want to have love ever you had better not be fat. Suicide was mentioned (not by the woman commenting) and then I think side-effects were deadly serious things, perhaps blood clots, or something extremely dangerous as potential side-effects. I thought instantly of my joking laughing at such topics, because I mean, I think I would rather kill myself than take Conclave! I thought of a movie called Prozac nation, which is not so remembered but it was written in a type of Scarsdale Diet aftermath frenzied fast-paced yuppie post traumatic stress suburb sardonic view of life in America---how stressful what will you take or do to relieve the pressure of Life and being fat omg! Kill yourself through anti-depressants as long as you are not FAT when people see you in your last repose. I am in the valley of the shadow of things like fresh kratom leaves, which alleviate stress, help me to loosen tight muscles and sort of happily numb pain and I can exercise and thusly "lose weight" more easily. I refer to the organic leaves not to capsules which people have died from overdosing--in America. Not in Thailand that I have ever heard of, where the leaves are indigenous. It is called the "Land of Smiles" and I see one reason why. I feel sick watching the drug culture pharmaceutical straightjackets of American "health care" and I know it is totally refined chemicals and people rely on this artificiality for their sustenance. I remembered the years of traversing to depressing Medicaid health care clinics designed to feel and smell like poverty and sickness which the atmosphere would make someone feel nauseous just by the energy of these depressing places. I was never diagnosed correctly and given artificial pain relievers which probably were extremely unhealthy and were worse "drugs" for mood than things like organic Kratom leaves and other organic products. It is shocking to hear these pharmaceutical drug-mercials that are sickening to hear, the shame of being fat leading to depression and "large bones" what a crime to have large bones so depressing suicidal thoughts and taking this chemical turned her life around. I felt dizzy remembering the horrid doctors at these clinics I went to struggling to obtain answers to what some of the doctors actually knew what was going on--I was being poisoned. One "alternative" acupuncture clinic had an ordained acupuncturist trying out her herbal formula finesse by experimenting on me. When I tried some of the other services at the clinic (a totally "rad" and hip clinic for all kinds of people, it used to be a tiny house renovated into a free-for homeless and low-income teens and others, I was welcomed with acupuncture that was free--literally, of course for me because I have a serious problem and was waiting for an outcome to a claim they saw my financial means and let me in--it was so beautiful before the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation poured in a huge amount of money so the atmosphere was enlarged to more terrorists operating under the non-profit structure rather than the tiny little peace-nik loving place around the corner--new people some of whom were excessively nasty--some extremely wonderful. One woman and many others gave me incredible Chinese Traditional Medicine formulas which you must brew for 20 minutes, can be drunk for about 2-3 days and I arrived at that clinic in a lot of pain and afterwards I was able to do many more things---until the poisoning forced me into a worsened state. The clinic has since been closed for acupuncture services because of the new administration, but the original featured this and holistic healing and herbal remedies. //The sickness of the money culture and the artificiality structure of living on a concrete jungle existence prevails when it comes to healing and the body's connection to life and nature. I still honor much of the pharmaceutical remedies I would choose an antibiotic over acupuncture if necessary--=but hearing these commercials for these drugs is so depressing that I think of jokes like I would rather commit suicide than take that kind of sickening chemical pill stuff. It is so foreign to me now after years of only relying on herbal healing. Because of using herbs over traditional medicine (with exception of thyroid and antibiotics) I have not needed to see a doctor for over a DECADE. When I relied on the American health care system and it's drug slinging artificiality, I was constantly sick and going to the doctor not knowing what was going on--the poisoning was at the murder stage and in retrospect some of the people working in the clinics (which I suspect were part of the terrorist organization aka 4th Reich) were scoffing with anger when I told them that I was moving to Portland to get acupuncture for free at a non-profit. Chagrined and stating like hissing that I would be put "last" as there are always "waiting lines". It felt like he was angry that I might not be killed as he and "they" had been planning at that health care clinic (the shaky ground upon which I base this hypothesis relies only on my observation of the reaction that I was goin to obtain natural healing for free--in Florida you must pay a lot for anything related to natural healing "through the roof" one could say).

**please note that hackers are busy deleting words after I type, and that my brain is under assault by "mind control" tech while the keyboard is under similar hacking assault to render typing very slow and difficult. 

Conclave, seems to advertise that you don't have to suffer any longer, just take this little pill don't kill yourself take this chemical anti-depressant you will feel much better until it wears off, and then the boomerang effect may make you worse than before!!! (my advertisement for this product which sounds like some scary poison from a hell of American innovation for profit off people's misery for being too fat due to the cooperation of such drug manufacturers with the depression fear and anxiety programming of the weight loss and anti-depressant cartel--truly it appears like a severe drug cartel replete with murder but of those committing themselves to their own slow destruction. That is how I view it, the woman appearing here is raving about this drug --are they paying her or what to make this claim? I wonder what the real statistics are, if any study has been conducted on the results and deaths through overdose or the reverse effect of the anti-depressants making people literally crazy, liver failure or anything else. Just before copying this video, I look at the choice of wording: "submission" and "placement" sound a lot like social engineering for submission to being put in your "place". Linguists would also make perhaps such notice of the choice of words.  Also the name of this drug, Contrave is like a combo of conclave and rave. Cont sounds phonetically like c--unt (perhaps I am stretching the metaphor a bit, perhaps the rape and torture of me through all this drugging and experimental torture mind control tech hate and dumping of poisons onto me by apparently toxic-as-hell "alpha" personality types is very akin to the analysis of the wording of the video and the drug and everything else. Also that she is wearing a predator type fashion statement makes it appear that she has gone from submission to being part of the alpha team by using this drug...etc etc. I consider it all a joke but this is taken life-threateningly serious by many. It is a truly deranged mind programmed culture, America is --of course, as every society but it is particularly toxic when you are confronted with such advertisements put in front of the ubiquitous YouTube random choice while you are waiting for the show about some other toxic subject to appear so you can feel better that perhaps someone cares about life and humanity in America--or that is what I do when I need to get the teleportation hell life-sucking leeches off me, your icons of culture in America!!!).

"PRC_submission_alisha_placement". Contrave Official. April 17, 2024.

"Elizabeth Wurtzel: Depression Princess/Prozac Nation". antiheroines. May 26, 2024.

 In other parts of the world, the use of traditional herbal healing is still in practice.

I am unsure if the American psyche is "ill" or "worse" than a culture which bases much on herbal remedies and herbal ingestion in their food intake---

I can state that when you look at "scrawny" Thai people but get a massage, you will find that American body builder massage therapists don't "hold a candle" to the thin Thai practitioners who use herbs daily iin their cooking--every day powerful herbs they use as food sources. The inner strength is amazing and even though so many Thai people appear to lounge around a lot of their 12-hour working days they appear like they are sleeping, eating and not hectic dying from stress as in America. But when you test the strength of these people who never go to the gym, appear to just lay around until they have to give a massage, compared to the body builders of America who are licensed massage therapists that I have come across (so highly priced and rated) but the strength truly is on the side of the herbal remedy, herbs-every-day ingestion food intake Thais who never lift a barbell or go out jogging. They don't have saggy cellulite, even those who are "flabby" it's not like something appearing like a rug falling apart hanging off the body, as in some American somotypes.

My body of course they forced to appear like a flabby broken down thingy--from this poisoning that the celebrities laughed about as they kept me poisoned to become broken obese huge bloated contorted misshapen otherwise "fat" which I never was. 

The stress they deal with, these murderously "I'm thinner than you" gastric-bypass celebrity leeches that I encounter to my great dismay every day--like toxic waste products poisoning my life with the hate and poisoning that they imbibe through the falsity of their fake smiling appearances. Also quite toxic and underneath is a rotting substrata of decay and rot--stagnation of the spirit they have been dumping this on me as well for over 15 years, every day.

It is the symptom of the society they are just rotten bots following orders and dumping their poison onto me my body and home and life so they can alleviate the poison that they also are forced into living around through their struggle to not be "normal" American--the society is perhaps extremely ill and "toxic". 


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