My hope for trying to change this infinity hate system which has become the dominant paradigm (of this century emerging like a rocket in your pocket): all the expletives are being championed for the (mis) use of technology to revert society to a most brutal form of tyrannical "benevolent" despotism. AT this point it appears "benevolent" because the terrorist petty (sleazy sick empty meaningless) tyrants of the excess of the deregulation of all real principle in society degenerating into absolute violent usurpation of graft and theft of the wealth of the nation to enrich the few. This sounds so progressive but it has many names and titles. This system you all are a part of at this point in history. The expletives are being championed, they sucked my life force out so their empty sexual-based gyrating mainstream selling of sexualization of culture into submersion into the impending 4th Reich State--now my ideas, from my background of literature from an Ivy-league family from my own searchings, readings and experiences. They have literally used a torture sucking of meaning and soul and spirit out of me, literally leeching off my life force to exhibit the power that I have as they are trying to break, crush and torture me into being so submerged in the wallowing of hopelessness of my own aspirations to aspire. //And thusly, fighting for much longer than the 15 years of this vile Whorewood leech prostitution rape system exalted by those who are consigned to protect the country not empower the vicious, grasping and criminal feeding off the millions as has been the power structure long sought-for by those who abhor the chance for the previously oppressed to have a "dream" that is not caked with more candy-coated oppression poison and suppression of the actual joyful spirit that resides within that is quelled and crushed by the conformity to authority that is imposed. The "minorities" are subjected to non-stop oppression, and my family comes from that background although they have striven to rise out of that "class" by pushing me forward as their "ticket to ride". //My fight, to which I now am reclaiming from Hitlers' Mein Kampf, which many scoff at in derision, is to write and expose the reality of the downfall of America through this system which truly is bringing much of the country "to it's knees" in desperation and chaos. Although you now applaud the very perpetrators of the traitorous rise of Totalitarian violent murderous overtake of the country by those who want to envelope the country into a dictatorship operating under the auspices of the former 3rd Reich group. Although what I write is rife with hyperbolic ranting due to unbelievable drugging, poisoning and non-stop murder torture, literally they want to abuse me to death. My hope is that by having written and having fought I can shed some "light" into the meat of the rotten carcass of this system. It relies on fresh meat as it's sustenance it must feed off innocence it must feed off life force. The expletives who have literally used this tech to feed off my energy my beauty my health are now being applauded for the ideas and energy they LITERALLY sucked out of me from this death technology. Moreso they were applauded by the governing forces needing it's fascist operatives to feed off so the empty vacuity could be re-energized into a fabricated Nazi-mannequin appearance with my depth of soul and purpose my beauty (which they want to crush abuse poison mutilate and beat into horrid deformity, which I fight against every day).
2 hours later: discovered this Democracy Now interview, aired today, concerning the issues I write of. I read the titles that appear in the daily lists of miserable rantings. I believe almost all are rewritten to appear choppy and badly written. I know that my writing is mostly rewritten. The hacking is so awful that fighting to click on the mouse is almost another exercise for all hand strength and etc
Besides viewing the rows of daily posts, and seeing that they were rewritten---
the interview is about the true danger of this upcoming Brave New Techno world of tax breaks and jobless homelessness. Robots replacing humans (no minimum wage requirements any longer) and billionaires clamoring for more tax breaks and more hegemony. The teleportation of anyone they can inflict this upon will result in families literally selling their children, people injecting others with microchips via (perhaps) Nanotechnology and people being just cruelly murdered or destroyed. Or the mediocre enhanced as I have seen endlessly happen with these parasites able to feed off the talents and life force of the victims endlessly for years and years--as they have done to me.
The only "hope" is climate disaster when the infrastructure and critical infrastructure will collapse, the power grids will no longer feed the inhumanity of the endlessly grasping life-sucking parasite class. This is not a "progressive" or "Marxist" mentality it stems from my experience of seeing them literally grasping clawing at me and to get more and more and more literally sucking all they can out of me to my death; laughing about it glaring in hate for me fighting endlessly to get the next clawing sucking disgusting ugly dirty sleazy filth parasite off me. They have used my ideas and called me a stupid bitch while having me beaten and raped for over goddamn 15 years. Society has been building up to this point for a very, very long time. The sleaze rape culture hateful bigots and their merry minions are completely programmed already into a massive mass extermination extinction to their utmost luxury lifestyles.
I just hope and ask that these disgusting celebrities I have been writing of never are allowed, nor anyone else, to teleport me ever again. Please stop this technology the murder aspect that this vile group is fomenting through the subtle suggestion of their energy their mentality which is being completely reinforced by those who are funding this operation for a death cult culture of such division of extremes. I just can't stand their filthy ugly faces endlessly hacked into my internet and social media and onto every news source. They are so repulsive let this be a complete end forever of this enforced contact betwixt me and this vile cesspool of endless hate and murderous sleazy rape death sickness My ideas, at least I should have a chance to enjoy my creativity without being tortured for being independent and creative and I have been attacked literally almost my entire life and just ask for some humanity and decency so I can live in peace, prosperity and enjoying my mind and what is left of my body health and life. Please goddamn this inhumanity is a soul-sucking endless dragging down into old age and death they are such repulsive sick crap. THey feed off destroying people and laughing over murder and destruction they are empowered they are puffed up and glowing with hormones. ..
Everyone wants to join in. The human race seems unable to understand or grasp that nature is something that must be respected they are such life fuck sick crap--.
THIS VIDEO IS AN EXTREMELY ESSENTIAL COMMENTARY ON ALL THAT I HAVE ONLY BEEN ABLE TO BARELY RANT ABOUT, much I could write is being obfuscated by the tech blanketing my brain and body and nervous system I cannot access my vocabulary or thought patterns. But this video is a clear and concise explanation of the situation of dire consequences (you all ignored all the years I wrote about the death cult and about how Musk is not a cool tech guy and on a severe fascist Nazi power trip, but it's really what is backing him, and I believe it is not really of origin out of the United States.
"Big Tech Backs Trump to Cut Taxes, Boost Crypto, Replace Workers with AI: Roger McNamee". Democracy Now! December 28, 2024.
I did not intend this post to be about my daily laments at the loss of my health, home, my most beloved cat who was my loving partner as I have had no one and nothing else, and I consider that the cat La Moux is more precious than those deemed the most desirable in society. I find that they are worthless in terms of personal endearment and the rotten corrupt violence and ugliness they truly are underneath all they posture as is more hideous than I can bear to have to be exposed to any longer.
I have watched people submit to this system and get slowly poisoned to death all the while lovingly servicing those who are absolutely unworthy of what they have been given not only by those I loved who followed and obeyed but in general terms as well of unqualified and rotten hateful thieves of concepts and anything else they can pilfer. That is the system now as it exists and that is the standard personality type I have encountered not just in the 15 years of this hell spree of celebrity and politician but also all the preceding years of having been a target.
I hope that my fight, the real fight, against what Hitler claimed was his fight--my Austrian "heritage" which I almost never think of but it is true nevertheless--not too far away from where Hitler was born and raised, as a matter of fact in comparative terms (compared to the vastness of the American contiguous States).
How to state this with hacking and my brain attacked? My fight is to not allow more of these parasites to just waste my life so they can be furnished with my life force and it has so far not worked at all. They are being applauded for the ideas they tortured out of me with loving cheers and hate hissing abuse from all those who also obtained huge awards for having participated. The pumped up power surge in these vile parasites is unbelievable the effort of an entire country and it's political and "intellectual" class, which supposedly is to include the entertainment but so far the lack of concern for humanity in a general sense and only the "tribalism" of either being a part of the 4th Reich or slated for enslavement and certain slow horrid death crushing abuse but concealed as benevolent dictatorship with a smile and making America great and the brutal oppression for speaking the truth and honoring of all the lying haters.
I hope that my writing will do at least something to expose the horrific dysfunction and that I will help to alter the fabric of the rotting carpet that is trampling the decency of the former fabric that I had experienced of the United States long before the technology brought a wave of fascist Nazism into the Heartland. I saw a huge shift even in the atmosphere of the place I grew up, and perhaps there were huge unseen technologies exerting Extremely Low Frequencies to the general population at that time (ELF's can be used to alter brainwaves in the lower Hertz range, which is where the brainwaves are on that spectrum).
I hope that this is planting a seed to stop this death culture.
If I could I would be akin to a Hitler and just exterminate those who are truly despicable, after years of murder attempts I find that I prefer them to die and not me.
But that people who are jumping to join in this train do not understand that you are just "pawns" to the players who themselves are mostly pawns not just following orders but reciting scripts. It is a universal mind programming for societal engineering that is as ancient as organized society, but in the modern context it is now on a level of exertion of invasion of thought, action and desire, the trinity of motion of life for human beings and perhaps for many or most or all living things.
To have people poisoned drugged and then covertly traumatized constantly in order to program them to serve while retaining a fake semblance of sophisticated "elegance" as these vile dirty skank whores are doing now, having stolen my concepts, putting my body in a filth broken down poisoned bloated deformed shape with scars and blemishes covering my entire body, aging from torture to death dying from stress they are glowing having watched me most passionately making "love" to men who are calling me bitch while slapping my face. All for their promotion into the English Crown German Nazi Italian Mafia and American conglomeration of all intertwined---
while they literally parasitically feed off my energy in the subatomic particles they literally feed off energy they abuse and torture out. They pour their hate and filth into me perpetually. But it is me who should be elegant and most beautiful they broke my spine cut out part of my uterus (literally through a surgical procedure while I was in a deep comatose sleep state) and there are ugly hideous injections of silicone in my body scars from poisons smeared onto my skin that they then tattooed on. I truly am beautiful and glamorous but not with more than 15 years of poisoning abuse and rape and no health care nothing not even my cat
but I am not digressing but stating to those who have been so supportive of their Nazi fascist icons that this is a system they intend to expand exponentially.
If you care so much about your selfishness and your self-interest, then perhaps you can care about how if they don't like you, and you are even part of their group, they can still and will still have you mutilated raped poisoned or drugged if they want to "win" another rigged contest. That means if they want your house if they want your ideas if they want to screw you and have you "make love" to them, now that their despotic tyrannical immature sleazy whims have been endlessly gratified by politician who suck millions out of the general reserve of the country, in partnership perhaps with the non-governmental Federal Reserve, for instance just as one entity of theft upon the people of the United States
and their petty tyrannical sleazy immature whims for enhanced sex through mutual orgies or nonconsensual violence against anyone they don't like, anyone they can get their filthy claws on to beat abuse torture and bring down.
They have thus far used a careful strategy of isolating just a few people per certain percent of any demographic of a population because they "know" that people will joyfully engage in a real witch hunt upon any excuse or lying rationale and will dump their hate against that target. Now the widespread use of technology enables literal unescapable murder for the targets.
Perhaps they will keep this system of targeting a few isolated people. The people who claim that they are studying this phenomenon say that most of the victims, the targets are women and mostly they are "middle aged". I can state that this group has aged me almost exponentially and they have fed off that as well.
But women are most at risk of murder with no repercussions in society or the law. Statistics bear that premise out as well.
That these vile trashy skanks who have assaulted me with gang rape circulating for years who are then handed the microphones and celluloid appearances of being representatives of "feminism" is most clever of the men who these "women" succor themselves to in order to obtain these cherished roles in politics, society, in whatever power position they can muster.
I have written about this so endlessly.
I hope that some day my writing or the effect of it will bring about a change from this seemingly aeons of hate and despotism that has been inculcated throughout generations.
I hope that the effect will be a total annihilation of not only the foul creeps who have attacked me, as Justice should have mattered but it truly does not for those who hold the positions of supposedly reporting on the crimes and the realities of the power structure of society.
I have tried to find alternative news sources as well so I don't have the filthy foul faces of the endless line-up of skanks pigs whores apes and shit who have assaulted me. I used to work for one such source which was an independent fanzine out of San Francisco. The owner/writer/everything else genius who made this zine was murdered I believe by the source that enables covert poisoning and drugging to induce false cancers in targets.
That zine has been taken over by McNothingness it still exists in not even a fraction of 1 percent of it's former style, content and power it is "lame" in other words absolutely meaningless and horrid. I can't find anything else to look to for any reality or truth anywhere in all the media and news sources and in society in general.
The current paradigm is to lie and deceive and claim superiority in a mimicking of fascist Nazi postures.
I hope my writing will shed some light even if it has only reached the small percent of the guilty and then, those who do not have access are mostly guilty as well, not by association but because most people knew and know about this system and are not going to do any single thing to jeopardize their stability within this deliberately shaking, unstable economy and structure that appears on the brink of total failure at this point. They refused to do anything when the economy and society was at a much more apparent stability in the first place.
I suggest that it will get much worse and the concept of a total catastrophic shift and the entire structure being pulled out will potentially be "in the works". Then the nightmare of death squads and terror dome tactics will emerge openly. As I wrote years ago, the technologies that these parasitic leeches have to ensconce their wealth over-abundance that they never deserved in the first place are so technologically devastating that mere automatic assault rifles will do nothing to stop sonic weapons and laser technology that they are building right now, calling it making America Silicon Valley Great and reducing government waste but the military budget is far more important than Social Security to the poor.
This is not a digression or a "Progressive" rant it is a perspective of the machinations that are currently underway, sold off as a disguise of benevolence but faintly stating openly dictatorship (day 1).
What the reality is, is so awful and I have tried to write about it despite great torture, murderous torture every day which would have happened if I had done every single little thing those whore worthless scumbag parasites wanted while they were sucking everything out of me because they are shallow and really non-intellectual have no original ideas I have ever seen.
I hope I can change the conformity to this filth system I hope my writing will some day spur people to stop allowing them to take freedom and life away and the United States is a place that I grew up in, and don't want fascist Nazi Germans Imperialist English Gestapo death squads of fanatic bigoted Americans yearning for oppression of people like me so they all bring in as many fascist foreigners as possible to help train the rest of America into how to kill and destroy, with an arsenal of technologies and drugs provided by the United States government from all areas of the country.
That is the reality. Literally the reality. I hope what I have been tortured and abuse and poisoned and mutilated for, by fighting my actual real fight, the fight that is the antithesis of Hitler in many ways although I have never read Mein Kampf. I know that Hitler wrote that the bigger the lie the more people will believe in it. I wrote that and then Biden also stated that a few days later for one of his lectures and then honored all the liars who put the Big Lie into power in the first place. At this point, people have stopped believing the Big Lies that Biden spewed out for many people they feel as cheated as the Biden legacy of Obama and I hope that my writing will bring people into more awareness.
And action to make a real system that does not allow fabrications of stolen energy stolen ideas and absolutely evil and sick fascist abuse to continue to become the law of the land--the not-so-fit are put into power, their lies are put into power but because they truly are not superior they are helping to crash the entire structure of the concept of America and of a free society.
I want my energy back to live in joy, real joy not a pussy gyrating political campaign actually really representing rape culture white supremacy donors. The money flowing Harris was giggly and sleazy and nasty, her gyrating death-threatening "minorities" were abusing me in front of the Germanic scumbag who they adore --his money his banner they all gyrated to it and turned on me with death threats. They are now featured once more in Forbes as being the strongest women in the world (Forbes always features the most weak and despicable of "women" as being the top).
What am I trying to convey--that the lies are not what you really want, ultimately when the death teams come to shoot and kill, as they have begun to do in Cop City, Atlanta with the killing of a cross-sitting activists with hands-up, peacefully protesting in silence he was met with about 50 bullets by tactical gear police for protesting the destruction of a forest and the building of a cop city, replete with military and technological terror weapons like no one who believes his or her "little" automatic rifle and gun armory will be able to compete against.
In front of this, backing it is the filth and sleazy empty sick shit of the creeps from Whorewood and their fascist Nazi Mafia partners who want America to become a VASSAL STATE of Europigapeland and part of the 4th Reich. They so despise that Jews can be beautiful more talented more creative and they want America destroyed.
I used to think I was an American now I just live in a floating self-imposed island of concepts of freedom and resistance.
I have said and written for so long that no one will even begin to believe in what I am saying, writing until the very system has destroyed their own lives. For the meantime, your spiritual base is so defunct that compassion is only for your sappy movies and those who you believe are worthy of your compassion, which is based on your Nazi programming.
The trend is for the slated for extermination to jump at participating in the upcoming slaughter fest that the Nazis are pounding their beer jugs into the tables of plenty as they have mass murdered and stolen for so long and gotten away with it, even with America paying for that country's endless excess for decades (which gratefully even Trump has acknowledged but not really evil stealth like Biden will even begin to acknowledge). The Big Lies of Biden have been so damaging to the country and have so helped to bring more fascism and Nazism into America.
I can't pound down any longer.
This is my fight. My resistance. I hope it has been for a great change. When the dire emergency hits many people who have seen my situation (and done nothing) but it is now threatening their self-absorbed greedy clinging to "security" and that will be in dire threat probably soon. The sick shit pig ape filth you all adore as your celebrities are planning on how to have more mansions more endless luxury out of the mass murder they are actually promoting with their every movie. That I can analyze in a careful but very hacked and deteriorated fashion due to the attacks on so many points of delivery, but I am capable of analyzing so that death threats and torture is the result--
means at least from anyone familiar with tactics of fascist oppression that there is some kind of threat to the system by the mere open examination of the methods, the symbolism used to convey old systems of oppression disguised as being "benevolent" (dictatorship).
So far, though, I continue to fight death and murder alone.
When I see the potential for mass death in America ensuing from the system they are now building with death squads drugs poisons and military police cop cities and the tech that no one in the news discusses--high tech laser weapons high tech sonar blasting technologies that can sweep an entire area by blasting out eardrums for crowd control--literally your eardrums can be within an instant destroyed as a means of "crowd control" and that means permanent loss of hearing your inner ear totally destroyed. This is a tank system that I read about over a decade ago when I first began to read about "non-lethal weapons" which are lethal as hell (tasers are supposed to be Non-lethal but when the cops blast a person for about 5 minutes while 4 huge thug cops are standing on a black man on the ground the man dies--) that is a tiny example of the arsenal they are building up now.
I can assure you lethargic compliance pawns that the filth I have writte of, the Beverly Hills Nazi puppets who are being glorified are laughing about murder laughing about rape while being paid to represent the support of "women" (but only blonde or those minorities who fully bow and scrape to white superiority--i.e. the list if very very very long in Whorewood and obviously it's parallel institution the U.S. Congress).
They laugh and giggle at torture they laugh about murder they laugh about sadistic rape they laugh about stealing they laugh about being able to do whatever they feel like to satiate their vampiric sleazy leech need to feed off other human beings. That Los Angeles is so filled with homeless dying in the streets and now being criminalized for it makes me remember the 15 years of this shit you all worship from shit whorewood taking away my body through this poisoning after I had completed my graduate degree studies--they destroyed my ability to work they destroyed my ability to move they laughed about dirty filth pig men raping the poison into my body they laugh about me shitting stinking poison out they laugh about killing cats and animals I take in they laugh about making my body and home broken down and destroyed they laugh about having stolen my ideas and then using them and laughing as I scream in rage to get off me every day using this tech to force more murder abuse upon me.
This, I hope you narrow-minded out there reading this, is the programming that is being put into them and it was there to begin with from the sexual debasement that they willingly underwent in order to be initiated into higher ranks of Whorewood. Congress, I suggest, is similar in initiation into lack of compassion lack of truth and lack of actual authenticity.
But they want it all. The feeding frenzy began many years ago but now it is reaching a murderous frenzy to suck the life out of as much as possible for their endless feeding off the misery they create.
And the weapons they have and are building and building (not to mention just what Musk has been allowed to get away with and the real technologies of absolute dictatorship that he is directed to mass manufacture is truly a heinous affront to all the history of humanity--)
I can't pound down any longer and backspace to write to a blank audience who has sat watching and cheering on these filthy truly ignominious criminals, thugs, sleazy crappy low-life thuggery you all watch posturing with the Nazi pig-sniffing-the-air postures. They all do it, you can almost identify how low-life they are when they all imitate this posture in their publicity photos advertising how "great" they are and what promises they are making for the future development of the planet--a total lie, so big it's such a grotesque distortion of all that Humanity has ever aspired to in the entire history of the planet.
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