
Showing posts from February, 2025

Dano teleported me to offer his post-punk skills from an idea I wrote of regarding REAGAN YOUTH as a movie--the real-life drama" of the lead singer (Jewish, from the same NYC suburb Forest Hills I should have been in his same class but my fam moved to Champaign) but...a movie with Dano playing the lead Jewish guy fighting Nazis---although I am just a "player" on a chess board (still at Pawn level) his interview here lets me get a glimpse that he does have the spirit and the talent to perform this movie role which is as of yet just a "pipe (bomb) dream"

"Nota Bene: hackers have blocked access to downloading the video (below). I wrote a paragraph about the deletion in general of strong Jewish men who will fight Nazis in the modern sense. My experience--a lifetime of it--has shown me "sheeple" bowing instantly to Nazis with deference that is truly shameful and a discredit to the entire history of any race. Their sell-out of me is so disgusting and perfidious but yet it is endemic on all fronts, in every country around the world I have experienced Jews viciously laughing as they hand me over betray and lovingly stare into the smirking faces of Nazis demanding that they betray me in order to be approved-of (for business, but also for survival at this point in history this is now a general threat for anyone not fully submitting to Nazi overtake of all). Everything is being blocked for this subject in terms of the actual video portraying this Forest Hills son of an Auschwitz survivor and soldier (his parents) and that the vid...

John Cage brings out the discernment of clear sanity insanity poised on the edifice of structure unbound of society's discontents and approvals & "Much Madness is Divinest Sense--To a Discerning Eye--Much Sense--the starkest madness--This the majority--in this, as all prevail--Assent--and you are sane--Demur-- and straightaway you are handled with a chain".--Emily Dickenson.//

  "John Cage about silence". jdavidm. July 14, 2007. "Is This Even Music? John Cage, Schoenberg and outsider artists". Sound Field. April 11, 2019. "2001: A Space Odyssey--and Beyond the Infinite". L05tinTRAn5lati0n. February 4, 2013. "Gyorgy Ligeti--Atmospheres--2001: A Space Odyssey". Vector Spector. June 25, 2019. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Much Madness is divinest sense Much sense, the starkest madness....(Emily Dickenson) ??????????????????????? John Cage deregulating noise and sound as music or uncaged epiphany perhaps sometimes a square sometime an infinity of nothingness if he can love all sound I wonder where his madness is derived John Cage was an "experimental" noise manufacturer musician combining various discordant noise and sound with classical clips I must admit it's a bit noisey and inharmonious sometimes this is suitable but if you are not healthy and hear horrid noise it is unbearable I think in a vulnerable state when you...

Controversial post---will receive attacks for writing this. Don't read if you can't handle anything that is always kept silent by the majority blind-siding the obvious. ANTI-SEMITISM "won" the rigged awards at the British celluloid mind programming awards the other day (and every day, every year, year after year). Some of the most viciously antagonistic of the terrorists involved in my lifetime of attack come from that foggy Isle and it's dominions and minions who are viciously trained to behave like rabid rabies-laden.//One film that "won" (or the actor "won" or the movie "won" but the destination for extreme programming in obliterating Jews by reverse engineering "won"). Two examples of psychological manipulation were displayed. One was of an actor (has been involved in attacking me, not overtly viciously but hacking and in the group in the midst) but he is "American" (obviously programmed as the A$$-list is in how to behave like Europ-a-land fascist aristocrats, Nazis and Mafia brutality combined) he has been portrayed as being "Jewish" in the past, his aquiline nose would conform to the stereotype of Jewish appearance--yet he is not of "Abraham's kin" or perhaps he is in his geneology--I have no idea. He is not known to the public as being "Jewish" that is what counts. His roles are of "Italian" mafia out of NYC for an English-based mafia movie extreme brutality killings revenge--the usual. Portraying the Irish/English as being "superior" or at least from what I saw of a few of the clips. The lead who hacked his "stuff" into my youtube I have tried to ignore because I know the agenda by now. No matter what, he "won" an award for playing a highly sophisticated American scientist which, like the American playing the Jews, obfuscates the reality of who the actual personalities were and what group and what they actually came from, their origin and instead replacing the actor with an identification of the ingenious traits of the representative, which they actually have very little in common with at least superficially as their personas and career. That an actor who is known to not be Jewish but plays a "tough" but traumatized Jewish man having survived the Holocaust--and forgive me, I did not watch the film, only this is a superficial analysis of the trends, the patterns not an examination of the movies. To be seen as a "Jewish" man but really to be associated by the audience with an "Italian" man playing a tough Mafioso and other such roles---just, seems like a negation of any Jewish man who may have that kind of strength and I believe that is the actual message being portrayed in the dissemination of such a movie, and then elevated to this top position. Combined with the English support of Netanyahu's "genocide" (my personal experience of a really wealthy hateful anti-Semitic mind screw out of London who urged Netanyahu to sexually assault me and then fascistically abuse and yell at me even though I had been very supportive of Netanyahu's fight against the massacre that had occurred in Israel by Hamas--all of this transpired before the real bloody destruction of Palestinians and I had been brainwashed in the belief that somehow the fight to preserve Jewish strength would be synonymous with my identification with Netanyahu, but alas the English influence was of abusing me to gain promotion and funding for the genocide--for the purpose of British Israelism and funding for a new State of luxury development projects, et al and "security" that Israel has NEVER known. I wrote of this extensively but the agenda is for the Christian Identity movement in America and the British Israelism system to usurp hegemony over the "Holy Land" all claiming that they are the rightful inheritors of God's chosen and the Jews merely stewards of the physical land only to serve white supremacist Nazis n their zeal zealot urge to claim themselves as "God's Chosen". The BAFTA awards was just another mind screw program to instill non-Jews into roles of strength and top professional ability. The other nasty movie depicting Jews as being sleazy stupid incompetent and dirty and nasty was about the prostituted sex worker whose goal of being a rich b-tch turned into her clinging to the obviously non-Jewish man who offered her "reality" rather than the flamboyant and then weak and reprehensible, obviously jewish-looking "boy" with his Money-clasping Jewish stereotypical Nazi family the cliches that the Nazis used about Jews stealing being sexual predators and destroying the country the unit the fabric of society--etc. Please note it is very difficult for me to type the hacking is non-stop and my brain is under attack. I am writing about "sensitive" topics and always the terrorist celebrities and politicians are extremely violent for criticism but usually they steal the concepts I am tortured out of, my observations that I write they are censoring and torturing and murdering me for having written after murdering me via poisoning for just being part of a group they want to exterminate (using the term Vernichtung that they so grasp onto with delight and schadenfreude because their goal is to become the 4th Reich post-German New World Order Nazi State with Germans training them and moving in to brutalize rape and murder with teams of minoritiies operating as their death squad operatives with the white aspiring to be Nazi Christians right there backing them all up. Oh, English and those of the rest of the Isles are right there, alongside the German Nazis very expressively spiteful and violently murderous I have been fighting all of these groups so famous in the media for over

**Nota Bene: written one day later---if "you" read below, I could not remember the English menace which is the "real power" behind the Palestine genocide, a reference I made and my brain was blanked out in memory for the name. It came with a "whoosh" back into my mind as I lay down to sleep. Suddenly the name came out of "nowhere" because, I believe, the memory retention made it pop to the surface of my brain like a plugged flow which was unleashed and DOUGLASS MURRAY--an insidious and nasty (so typically nasty English) name popped to the surface. It had been suppressed by mind control technology as happens every time I am in public and especially when I have to add for sums (i.e. money exchange). I wrote of him as being D-la$$ Murray--his endless interviews with Netanyahu and members of Jewish and Israeli Youtube'dum(b) (like all the yapping youtube presenters of all religions who pose as commentators they are all intertwined in the 4th Reic...

An amazing story about how incredible teleportation can be (but really as usual for me., in my case, always not so good but only because of what "they" are inflicting it's not of my own doing): My life story is a truly movie-making theme, and I have to say that it is amazing but not in the spectacular way one hopes for as a life story. One thing is certain: if the H-wood 4th Reich aspires to make a movie based on my life, it will be a travesty flub of a f-up of the reality and an unremarkable discrediting to me. Obviously the lead star will be a blonde-haired, blue-eyed person maybe with hair dyed a bit darker to symbolize the "rebel" aspect of fighting a horrific system upon which, apparently, H-wood is based purely on. Dissemination of misrepresentation of any truly authentic idealism and right against tyranny (if anything, the spoiled actors undoubtedly mind controlled without their recognition of the possibility of that happening to "entitled/special" "them" is never even a shadow of a thought in the otherwise endless grasping mode they are constantly in.

  I am thinking of this while reading about how Social Security is now on the chopping block heads are rolling but it's not a fraternite liberte type of revolution of egalite (cutting off heads until the gutters ran with blood I can't presume had much to do with those concepts in the first place). I won't write his name, but he is being held responsible. The lead person for the Social Security Administration has "stepped-down" which is a euphemism for being threatened and bowing out to mitigate the threat of worse happening.  That most people are under non-stop surveillance is never mentioned and information about personal details has probably been already fully covertly ascertained by various agencies but the open and above-board details being given access to the Doggie committee like the Terror is creating panic amongst the population who have been blindsided by the fact that surveillance was a "thing" concerning all people on the planet years ago, if ...

Light-skinned minority minion 4th Reich programmed Plantation "puppet" Uncle Tom (not just for one race this designation is now universal with globalization) mind controlled and programmed bot shoots total strangers driving a car on the same road, but they were dark-skinned of the same "group" confusing them for the "enemy" (in Miami): This is A corollary to the Nazi American & Euro-p-a murder threatening celebrities & politicians constantly teleporting me to get this contract out of me, of forcing people from the "liberal/Democrat" side who have been raping poisoning mutilating me with giggly and hateful sneers of contempt for their promotions into the fake display of "equality" in America. I focus on the collateral effects of such mental subterfuge of manipulation: A light-skinned "Jewish" Miami man shoots 17 bullets into the car of visiting/vacationing dark-skinned Israelis, which the light-skinned American "Jew" misconceived of as being Palestinian. Just in case people can't understand, according to the dictates of mind programming, light-skinned for ANY nationality is considered less murder-worthy than the darker hues. The darker hues must therefore openly display murderous aptitude for Nazi approval. The Jews and Israelis are extremely concerned with putting as many light-skinned and blondes in positions of power as possible, in both the U.S. and in Israel and anything resembling "the enemy" which is dark-skinned dark hair is to be killed (subconsciously it has been mentally inculcated land programmed).

"South Florida man shoots 2 Israelis he thought were 'Palestinians', cops say". WPLG Local 10. February 17, 2025.   "Manu Chao--Clandestino (Official Music Video)". Manu Chao. September 12, 2019. Also in Miami, as I perused the "Miami Times" online magazine (free reading and photos of endless luxury food displays and orgy promotions, literally endless sex "debauchery" displays as "haute" lifestyle choices). A list of the brown and black celebrities who threatened my life in teleportation were listed as main-line entertainment and promoters of sex, marijuana and luxury "party" lavish life. On the same front page of the magazine was a tiny blurb concerning the Consumer Protection Agency being dismantled by the "not Socialist" government. However, the mass programming of demand for minorities to represent sleazy sexual gyration and marijuana indulgence as their main selling point along with sleazy "comedy...

When we celebrate the 4th of July, we are not welcoming EUropigape trashy "aristocrats" to come into Whorewood to train stupid mediocre bigots on how to behave like "crushing" fascist Nazis--as is the case now but no one will even begin to acknowledge it while most of the "power structure" rushes to join in--all the "liberal" celebrities are the first in line to prove how much they are full of straw-colored wish-fulfillment appearance lifestyle of the dubious and famous pretenders.

  "Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman: Book Review". Joel Swagman Reviews. February 12, 2025. Abby Hoffman was a humorous defender of human individuality and independence. I do not believe he "committed suicide" he was instead "suicided" a practice that even FBI whistleblowers use when they refer to such operation against targets. Suiciding is a convenient way to silence opposition. In some cases the opposition is sliced into pieces by "foreign" entitles in Embassies such as in Turkey for a certain Saudi (albeit American) journalist. Exonerated because it was done outside of a regulated American Constitutionalized system, but absolutely under the approval of the alphabet spaghetti agencies of the US control. The fight against independent thought can be done is so many nefarious means now with these technologies. The stupid blank hateful 4th Reich mannequin performers steal the ideas so as to appear like they are not blank selfish stupidity, which i...