When we celebrate the 4th of July, we are not welcoming EUropigape trashy "aristocrats" to come into Whorewood to train stupid mediocre bigots on how to behave like "crushing" fascist Nazis--as is the case now but no one will even begin to acknowledge it while most of the "power structure" rushes to join in--all the "liberal" celebrities are the first in line to prove how much they are full of straw-colored wish-fulfillment appearance lifestyle of the dubious and famous pretenders.
"Steal This Book by Abbie Hoffman: Book Review". Joel Swagman Reviews. February 12, 2025.
Abby Hoffman was a humorous defender of human individuality and independence. I do not believe he "committed suicide" he was instead "suicided" a practice that even FBI whistleblowers use when they refer to such operation against targets. Suiciding is a convenient way to silence opposition. In some cases the opposition is sliced into pieces by "foreign" entitles in Embassies such as in Turkey for a certain Saudi (albeit American) journalist. Exonerated because it was done outside of a regulated American Constitutionalized system, but absolutely under the approval of the alphabet spaghetti agencies of the US control. The fight against independent thought can be done is so many nefarious means now with these technologies. The stupid blank hateful 4th Reich mannequin performers steal the ideas so as to appear like they are not blank selfish stupidity, which is all I have witnessed of Harvard, Yale, Columbia and homeless scum of this group--all the same exact bots using scripted language but in private the same grasping hateful demons possessed by selfish acquisition (as a collective). To suicide someone who offers resistance that "anyone" can do and in groups working on active resistance to tyranny--he was suicided, I am tortured death threats are constant homeless threats are constant. They forced disability on me blocked health care were poisoning me to death laugh about how mutilated my body is as they continue to smear and inject and slash my body and torture me for hours after drugging every single day so another sleazy rotten pig ape can be put into this higher echelon of mind control usurpation of the population all mind programmed that this is all "great' because they can all just fuck rape make "bad" minorities become raped and discredited or just suicided and killed off. I highly suggest to the Democrats to get the travesty of Hillary/Obama/Oprah and Kamala THE F-OUT and put in something other than scripted jokers who have gained millions in entertainment access out of this contract out on me, which no one will stop-- into the next upcoming elections. Get people who are actually not desperate to use platitudes and scripts and performative antics you are all so brainwashed by entertainment you can't dissociate that from political integrity and most of you don't care. You all want to loot and plunder or profit thereof. The looting and plundering is now being forced upon The American People who thought it would be happening to those they believed were "lower" than they. Everything is about pushing people down into death now from the entity in media and politics and whorewood.
What we are celebrating, on the 4th of July, whether we want to acknowledge it or not, are people from antiquity our "Founding Fathers' or their affiliates who were politically-inclined who dressed in Native (Indigenous) attire and "stormed" a British Tea Company boat harbored in (Boston) as rejection of English Monarchy unjust taxation for a basic commodity==tea at that time a staple of life. It is akin to EGGS--now. The cost of Eggs is now synonymous with the imposition of taxation without representation by the U.S. Government upon the Targets for destruction in America. An aristocrat overtake has become obvious and the mass murder due to "legal" means of over-taxation and unaffordable basics is now into a full implementation stage. Unconstitutional illegality has become run amok as a form of government now. Do not look only to the current obvious because Kamal was never voted for by a single person until there was only a two-choice system, rigged before Kamala was seemingly randomly chosen by the defunct mop-head who is now in the entertainment business due to his terrorism upon me with the anti-constitutional illegal throng you all cheer on because they are only adept at posturing anger righteousness and fake concern. The mind control tech is being used on them as well to project anger and righteous "fight" while their brains also are artificially induced as mine is. This contract out on me has been a staple of mind control over the populaton with actors who have zero emotional anything other than sleazy greed using this tech to display fake emotions with tears artificially running down their plastic surgery fat cheeks like their fat a$$es of porn sleaze slut slum and Euro-Nazi 4th Reich (mafia) indoctrination into their groundless "supermacy" based only on terror and mind programming for white supremacy, endlessly the theme of every shit stupid dirty ape movie coming out constantly all is a joke of a pretense and constructed fake content put out by those who are grasping at the trillion dollar industries of American military-industrial-entertainment-political complex (in that order).
-------this post was very hacked so I rewrote a bit above, and the below I have not checked. My WiFi was turned off whilst I wrote this so they could delete and rewrite everything possible to make this unreadable and confusing (keyboard also not working must pound and backspace rewrite constantly without end).
the below is fraught with hacking discrediting revisions I am not going to spend more time writing all of this**
The raising of prices to an unjust level and then cutting all assistance programs for the homelessness and starvation of the poorest and those who cannot afford to buy even half a dozen eggs on Minimum Wage must be met by a real action taken by "the people" because "baby"-the Democrats who say they are fighting are waiting for you to vote them back into power. In the meantime, if you lose your home and your life it will be too late.
Steal This Book was written by Abby Hoffman and I was invited by my mother to go listen to the "Yippie" movement lecture back in 1977--at SUNY GENESEO but because my mother was a 4th Reich terrorist and was constantly trying to control me, I would not be able to listen she would have commented and tried to force me to only "believe" her fake commentary with sighs of "how much we fought at that time as well" which was just endless PARTIES with students and that was her "fight" plus some highly giggly "protests" in large groups and putting bumper stickers on her car. She was so hypocritical as that generation has become now visibly in the corrupt horrid Democrat Party that so many have eschewed that even back in '77 I couldn't bear hearing her k-rap any longer and thusly missed out on a great opportunity to hear a real patriot who had the real mentality of patriotism of rejecting austerity rejecting absolute control which is now deemed "Hippie dirty" filth and one of the most disgusting pig ape groups of celebrities took MY IDEAS about how Charles Mansion was really a programmed (CIA?) bot with the issuance to create Manchurian Candidates to kill the Hippie movement. The ape filth Nazi Mafia "ItALIAN" mobster movie bigot(s) wrote another hate mind programming movie about shit ape pig pitt brutally killing "dirty hippies" and protecting white trash NAZI straw-colored dirty stupid mediocre ape pigs who also stole my ideas for the next Oscars a few years later.
So please remember that JULY 4 was not about cretin rapist white trash storming the Capitol using LIES to justify a power grab and the patriot movement and ersatz unconstitutional militia movements to claim their justification for overtake.
The REAL revolution of the American War for Independence was actually fought by less than 10% of the American population and shrugged-off and rejected by the remaining 90'% who fully aligned with English Monarchy and totalitarianism and authoritarian aristocracy--the plan for the English to overtake the colony; which is NOW BEING FOMENTED but the reality is that the media has been overtaken by fake opposition and my posts are met by lethal deadly force of poisoning and abuse (happening long before I began writing, by the way)
Do not let dirty mediocre hateful shitalina pig ape pitt and Tarantulaino convince you that the "Hippies were dirty" and to protect straw-colored horse shit cretin rapist anti-God bigot scum any longer remember that America was created by intellectual supporters of freedom and not of tyranny. They used methods of sabotage such as ransacking establishments that were controlling the oppression and overtake of a plantation slave society--which the white bigots could not begin to fathom stopping when it came to other races and women. But "we" must progress
Post Script: the commentator of this video states that Abby Hoffman "committed suicide" at the end of the 80's. It was the beginning of the Reagan Era and surely truly Reagan offered a resolution to stopping all Hippie movement and the culture changed almost overnight in the transition of Carter to Reagan. I know tis in my high school and the peeps dressed completely differently from one year to the next, the clothing given to them by their mommies and daddies (a wealthy area of Milwaukee I attended, a suburb--it was famous back then as being one of the top performing public high schools I think that designation has lowered since but back then, it was new very expensive Mercedes sports cars driven by the students who dressed "Yuppie" from one year to the next) and then it was Bush--from the CIA and Hoffman supposedly "killed himself" which I think was what is called 'SUICIDING" by the CIA and FBI. It is a suicide programming that also was instilled upon me for a while--endless subliminals and drugging to kill yourself your nervous system injected with a very pallor of death electronically your brain forced to emit "depression" signals to the body--they do this every morning to me with hate and rage after the scum and shit you all worship inflict their sickness and stupidity upon me. There is a bottomless pitt of pig stupidity and hate from this group which "represent" American "elite" bs k-rap. They truly are evil and disgusting can't wait to "crush" as one of the latest scumbags said in reference to nogoing never-ending torture of me. ONly because I am not a straw-colored sick fuck from their dirty filth pig group or a black minion fully dedicated to servicing white master in the plantation as all of the famous blacks are and so many of the other "races" (like all who are famous in the media and in politics, regardless of their yapping yelling into cameras in private they are, at best, evil lame do-nothing that is the very best and the rest is vicious violent racist affirmation of white supremacy.
So, all are programmed all drugged and all programmed, even the stupid dirty white supremacists they are all bots have zero originality and say and do nothing without being handed a script on how to abuse and torture.
I am injected my body is slashed every single day with horrid chemicals smeared on my skin to destroy and damage and inject drugs into my bloodstream, while I am sleeping they inflict hate skits upon me for hours. Yesterday one of the new haters joined in and for over EIGHT HOURS while I told him for the first hour that he is disgusting I can't stand him or them, and for another 7 he and the other who recently joined in sat for hours commenting "politely" on every single thing I did non-stop and I did not want to live in a constant state of telling ugly sick violent murder bigots who have torture death squads and technology that they are shit and crap and they inject their filth upon me so subtly that I respond in the subliiminal inaudible endless truth serum" that is injected into slashed cuticles under my fingernails every single fucking night day after day I am subjected to over 8-10 hours of abuse and torture because of this drugging that forces a state of rage and hate and is "truth serum" drugging. "Suicide" programming is silmilar but never, of course, mentioned anywhere the fucks of all the news outlets are fully in participation of this mind fuckery pig ape cartel as well.
So, Abby Hoffman was murdered by the CIA or FBI who parcel out these drugs and microchip implants to ever doctor possible--the more established and the more impoverished it doesn't matter the greed is the tantamount American ideal by now.
The silencing of dissent with fake opposition with every dirty stupid sick scum lying ape being handed mansions yachts and their dreams of becoming Europigape aristocrats handed to them by lying scum who stole money from Jews mass murdered and want to do the same in America-the greed of the scum you all look "up" to in AMerica are all a construct of conformity to the "sheep being lead to the slaughter
I had to rewrite, backspace and fight to type so strenuously that I "forgot" to add from the mind control blocking memory and critical analysis that the ape who just joined in, after more than 8 hours (the first hour screaming that they are crap to get off me for one hour until I just didn't want to live in that ugly negativity so they spent hours "warming me up" for the abuse section once my guard was dropped--a full 7 hours later of endless sitting on their brains yapping and asking me benignly questions about everything they could steal as information and etc, constantly for hours until I was "relaxed" a technique they were trained in by their manual of mind fuck torture mutilation rape and mass murder a la Nazism Stalinism and et al.
After that, the ugly bloated famous Nazi American wanna be exclaimed in extremely hateful porno trams sexual abuse calling me very horrible names and me having to scream because I never wanted this ugly fuck in my life or to be around him tried to get them all off me endlessly for hours--which the dirty skank daughter of the other man sitting next to him had just done to me, pretending to be friendly and open and concerned until my guard was dropped--with the aid of mind control drugging hours and decades of torture endless violence mutilation and murder me barely escaping non-stop presidents and senators and politicians rushing to torture and smile with glee at the rapists congratulating the ugly shitalina pig ape pair of fucking filth who are bringing in the English and Europigape Nazis calling themselves "aristocrats" who have no bearing and are mostly all fakes--who are paid in multi-millions to project fake aristocracy for reciting Shakespeare ad then infiltrating the U.S., and the Germans and French behaving like fascist oppressors in the name of entitlement aristocratic endless steal all from everyone and be called "great" for it.
I responded with rage and the pig ape has been featured in news articles within one day of spending hours, his first priority after having gotten out of jail for the past few months only to rush to join his partner who is supposed to lead a major military operation and is spending most of his time having me tortured with his family for their media movie promotion but they rely only on stereotypes and cliches--all. They rely on stealing my ideas and then feeding off torturing me as the "perk" of feeeing off human torture and murder.
Steal the government back and that goes hand-in-hand with the banality and bullshit of Whorewood which is a direct mind programming partnership of most vile and corrupt politicians from all "sides".
Elon Musk was never elected but neither was Kamala Harris--the same boring sickening platitudes that Vance is using now were used by Kamala for years and for her flailing campaign with horse-neighing Oprah bellowing out "joy" like a drugged horse high on the millions poured into her dirty plantation presentations of black empowerment.
And so, dear do-nothing participants of this contract, once more I send out this message that activism is not looking to the defunct politicians who are paid to mimick statements about Freedom and Democracy which they do not adhere to just like the Repugs now are not doing. What happened under Biden (and Obama) was a pretense and a sham leading up to their endless monopoly on entertainment politics.
The computer is now being frozen continuously so I can't open my blog and copy this post because for over 15 years the pig ape pitt shitalina team have stolen my ideas written on facebook to create Blonde, Malificent, Once upon a Time in WHorewood, Nosferatu, The Handmaiden's Tale, A Beautiful Heart, the stupid movie the spawn of depp and the Jewish Nazi from Israel made about being "psychics" and tarot readers but they are blank prostituted meaningless lying skanks with access to mind control tech to produce their tearing displays of hyperbolic "acting" I can't remember the name of this shit movie--and there are many others. I am trying to copy and as I fight to get into my blog, the computer is spinning freezing which means "they" are rewriting this post and I will not spend another 2 hours (this has taken more than 2 hours of fighting to backspace pound every key out not able to even get the keys to work then "forgetting" my entire point, which I have done again
I thought of an "idea" that the ape filth will want to steal, which was I thought as this next white trash bigot after calling me a prostitute a dirty prostitute a cockroach (the Nazi terms" and they put filth cockroaches and they are rapists and dirty pornographic sick scum and dirty sexual abuser life-fuckers and they killed another pet of mine and plants as well--they are sleazy porno purveyors and they are cranking out constantly white supremacy entitlement of straw-colored horse shit as the preferred and degradation of any other "race" or minority especially if it is not straw-colored dyed or not or brownish (shit straw fodder horseshit stinking on every level but they spew filth at me from their own waste which is not me, they are porno sleaze rapists but call me for working in a feminist behind-glass adult entertainment venue for not having health care after shit like them and they also had me poisoned had a metal rod from back surgery coming out of my back and denying me health care until I had to earn money not able to sit and work not able to carry anything it was "private pleasures" at the Lusty Lady until I left the fucking United States to get health care. Since then they have crushed my vertebrae made me permanently disabled and forced me because I had not paid into Social Security into the lowest of payment schedules and are now threatening to take that money away, endless "dirty whore" references from the "Harvad-educated" swine who is now featured as some kind of actual intelligent pundit orchestrated the J-6 take-over by white trash unconstitutional Nazi and Mafia bigots calling themselves patriots and militia defending the Constitution with no evidence and none of them having been injured just a sleazy lie power grab
and thusly, this morning after a few hours of them abusing me and me having been injected, the sweltering red bulge under one of my fingers from the injection which was placed under about 5 layers of mesh socks and layers of socks and etc not able to stop the micro-thin needles of their endless mechanical arms even while I have blocked (I hope) physical access to my body in the front door without them literally breaking the defenses I use to block and shield from being perpetually raped and mutilated but the mechanical arms suffice--so I said to try to joke (which is why I wrote so many creative ideas on Facebook years ago, they came in my room and stole all my electronic equipment or broke it and made it unusual. All discs were destroyed and broken, I thusly wrote on Facebook to try to keep a record but they stole ideas and probably deleted all posts--Nancy Pelosi is a co-investor to Facebook and Zuck has also participated the pig apes have stolen my ideas non-stop I wrote on Facebook to try to not have them destroyed, instead they were just stolen. The inability to write more than a few paragraphs remains as it does now with pounding of my fingers all slowed down at least 100 times by the hacking it is impossible to make any output at all except a few paragraphs. the blank stupid ape porno whore rapists then steal all they can when I try to lift my energy from their ugly stupid low dirty mentality which they force upon me through this heinous tech that you all do nothing about--glad it's happening to me, assuming it 's not happening nor ever will to you (dumb sheeple)
I thought not speaking it but using the indisious teleportation voice-to-skull interface that SNL should have a "Vice President" platitude script writer because hearing VAnce speak today about Democracy and Freedom sounded like the same trite tripe of Kamala for years and for her campaign.
If they do steal it as a joke, it came from me. They wil only continue to torture me, not even stopping for a single minute of more shit whores scum and crap with their dirty mediocre family and friends to capitalize on this ever-growing cartel based on human slavery with microchip implants and teleportation orgies (for them) murder and torture (for me and some of you do-nothing stupid fucks)
realize that American freedom and democracy was founded on activism of stealing and acts of sabotage to the system not relying on lying scripted politicians making promises but they handed the government over to the fascists years ago and fully all enjoined to attack me for their promotions (it was lead first by Trump and then Nancy Pelosi which brought a cascade of rotten Democrats and now REpugs of the MAGA hate cartel all death and hate and destruction poisoning and rape all of them all)
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