An amazing story about how incredible teleportation can be (but really as usual for me., in my case, always not so good but only because of what "they" are inflicting it's not of my own doing): My life story is a truly movie-making theme, and I have to say that it is amazing but not in the spectacular way one hopes for as a life story. One thing is certain: if the H-wood 4th Reich aspires to make a movie based on my life, it will be a travesty flub of a f-up of the reality and an unremarkable discrediting to me. Obviously the lead star will be a blonde-haired, blue-eyed person maybe with hair dyed a bit darker to symbolize the "rebel" aspect of fighting a horrific system upon which, apparently, H-wood is based purely on. Dissemination of misrepresentation of any truly authentic idealism and right against tyranny (if anything, the spoiled actors undoubtedly mind controlled without their recognition of the possibility of that happening to "entitled/special" "them" is never even a shadow of a thought in the otherwise endless grasping mode they are constantly in.

 I am thinking of this while reading about how Social Security is now on the chopping block heads are rolling but it's not a fraternite liberte type of revolution of egalite (cutting off heads until the gutters ran with blood I can't presume had much to do with those concepts in the first place).

I won't write his name, but he is being held responsible. The lead person for the Social Security Administration has "stepped-down" which is a euphemism for being threatened and bowing out to mitigate the threat of worse happening. 

That most people are under non-stop surveillance is never mentioned and information about personal details has probably been already fully covertly ascertained by various agencies but the open and above-board details being given access to the Doggie committee like the Terror is creating panic amongst the population who have been blindsided by the fact that surveillance was a "thing" concerning all people on the planet years ago, if not decades ago.


The day that I saw this man, who I have been teleported to many times, was involved in the onset of the current Terror regime out of H-wood with the divorce scandal that created the exposure of how lacking the domestic violence awareness actually is, was back then (it feels like decades since the infamous "trial" of abuse generated by the former girlfriend who partnered with the terror actor to teleport rape torture poison drug and terrorize me in teleportation deep sleep with horrific disfiguration and dismemberment occurring and near-death once this man now known for his infamous salute on the day after #47 was officiated---and I wrote of it, in my blog and the very next day his act was to join the teleportation to confront me. He was in a very good mood on that day, having obtained unbelievable access to every single thing on the planet since the years of his transition from being a Los Angeles Car salesman to the world renowned figure that he now is, for ill or not

and while I was sitting there pondering about this Social Security debacle facing me at the end of this month, which this terror group (I imagine the person I am referring to, of Tesla renown, was too busy to be involved in the "petty" tyrannical threat to cut my money off--which began months ago before the actual and open officiation of the #47 regime which began long before November 5, by the way and it was clear that all the people involved were aware of the outcome before the day and months prior to it, and possibly for years)

I was reading my tarot cards asking if my money would be cut off. The person now famous for laying open that agency where I felt that I had some slight security for years--the administrator of which had been there for 30 years I always felt that I had a safety net. He this person now dreaded by many for his Parisian razor guillotine to cut and slash the lives of many

sat on my bed, his ephemeral body because it was teleportation sat seemingly on my bed, translucent although he was, he was somehow sitting while I sat on my one-and-only solid place to do any work, which has been slashed stained with fungus I have plastic covering it the plastic has been multiple times slashed so nothing is stable solid clean or workable in my room (due to THEM not me)


I saw that my money would continue. I had written before the election that I did a reading on the outcome of my sub-poverty and I saw that I would have a very positive outcome. In fact, that week I had been given an increase that I had not expected and that was what the reading was about--I misinterpreted it as a long-term message it was short term.

In front of the person now having access to Social Security and in his presence I did a reading and saw that my money will not be cut off. I told him this, he only smiled slightly I had no idea at the time about what DOGE was about to inflict upon all these "top secret" agencies. 

For many years I knew that all my information was like an open book to this group and every single aspect of my life was known. Therefore it is no surprise to me whatsoever that the public is being made aware that their privacy is no longer sacrosanct. 

I studied Criminal Justice and learned that as far as 2000 all information on every person in America had already been accessed to some degree--or those registered in "the system" and that information although believed to be "private" by the public absolutely was not.

The program that preceded all the Homeland Security surveillance apparatus in the name of combating terrorism (and every year that act is voted on it is still retained, ask Edward Snowden about how much privacy Americans have had for decades the shock that critical private information is being accessed and is a shock to the public is almost laughable if you have studied these systems and listened to Snowden lectures).

I think that this happened is worthy of some mention in a movie or it's still remarkable although the teleportation is a horrid privacy vampire (that is putting it mildly like comparing a grotesque grinder machine to a beauty treatment at a kindly salon)

I can't trust any "tarot" reading even if I repeat and try to make it as testable as possible. "They" can change my life at any minute. I fight for the sake of not allowing this group to continue to destroy my country my life and body. They do it all anyway.

I do it because someone has to do it, at the level I am doing it which very few are doing. Perhaps that will change soon.

I don't see it as a sacrifice I see it as a bloody struggle to stop the murder and destruction. What "they" are making is unworthy of sacrifice and offering up my life for their endless sucking apparatus of life and love beauty my life my efforts and their racist hegemony.

Yet, still, the situation of me doing a reading while he sat watching and commenting that he could pay for about 500,000,000 of these tarot decks (I told him I can't afford to buy another new set and that the terror squads made the deck I was working with stinking, broken down, ripped, stained and frayed--it's a special deck I have to order it online I can't afford to do so).


I told the terror group a few days ago that I got a reading that stated that I could not get away from the past of this group---which is what the reading stated but I have always read that I will, one day, get away from these terrorists and there will be an end to this hell and that (I hope I analyzed this correctly) I will not be forced into the sex slave mommy designation that they are trying to force upon me. They cut out part of my uterus and have poisoned me so badly that my body has shrunk and withered the muscles are flaccid and deteriorated the hate has made my face shrink inward my hair they have poisoned every day for over a decade or longer my skin doused with horrid chemicals and tattooed to make the destruction look permanent, and my toes and fingers are mangled my hair turning grey from unbelievable HATE that is forced into my brainwaves by their insidious technology and non-stop hate literally dumped on me as they all look years younger after about a decade of non-stop abuse of me they all get new lovers new lives awards their careers which were in stagnation skyrocket they are invited to presidents and in magazines for the few sentences they state which are echoed endlessly

to get away from them and to live in peace and perhaps regain at least some of the youth beauty and joy in living on a daily basis that I once had before the hate and hell of this group just swamped my life and does every day with murder--the hate they inflict upon me every single day is them pouring their hate and stress on me like an exercise in releasing their ugly pent-up frustration for striving but not achieving the top position and now the hate poured  upon me has made them positioned into every top slot by the 4th Reich. Money has poured in to people like the Tesla personality and the rest, my efforts all have been stymied and thwarted to the absolute degree possible outside of the lowest degrees of persecution and destruction possible. As the years wear on from daily abuse, the lowest levels of dehumanization and the onset of this truly Nazi personality with genocidal extreme violent murderous actions and discrimination and racism that is the extreme of his ilk has brought on love endless hugs towards him and people increasingly genocidally violent towards me.

the tycoon was almost benign in comparison. He has been gifted with the most money in the world. His rage and violence has been somewhat assuaged in the meantime but compared to the starving for fame control money and power Nazi he is a wonderful kind man.

All this should be in a movie--they will flub it  up, undoubtedly if this group tries to recreate this situation which they never can it would incriminate them horribly.


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