Dano teleported me to offer his post-punk skills from an idea I wrote of regarding REAGAN YOUTH as a movie--the real-life drama" of the lead singer (Jewish, from the same NYC suburb Forest Hills I should have been in his same class but my fam moved to Champaign) but...a movie with Dano playing the lead Jewish guy fighting Nazis---although I am just a "player" on a chess board (still at Pawn level) his interview here lets me get a glimpse that he does have the spirit and the talent to perform this movie role which is as of yet just a "pipe (bomb) dream"
"Nota Bene: hackers have blocked access to downloading the video (below). I wrote a paragraph about the deletion in general of strong Jewish men who will fight Nazis in the modern sense. My experience--a lifetime of it--has shown me "sheeple" bowing instantly to Nazis with deference that is truly shameful and a discredit to the entire history of any race. Their sell-out of me is so disgusting and perfidious but yet it is endemic on all fronts, in every country around the world I have experienced Jews viciously laughing as they hand me over betray and lovingly stare into the smirking faces of Nazis demanding that they betray me in order to be approved-of (for business, but also for survival at this point in history this is now a general threat for anyone not fully submitting to Nazi overtake of all). Everything is being blocked for this subject in terms of the actual video portraying this Forest Hills son of an Auschwitz survivor and soldier (his parents) and that the video which shows a very defiant punk singer strong and authoritative is beyond what Nazis will "allow". The usual weakness of Jewish men has been so inculcated and through death threat gang stalking torture and financial ruin and actual covert murder and mind control the actual face of a Jewish man openly addressing issues of antisemitism and Nazis is far beyond what the hackers will tolerate. Any movie necessarily must have a non-Jew as the lead to play this role, as that is the endless trend of H-wood that I have seen. The Jews I have encountered (and my family also comes from H-wood, or part of my family and I have had enough exposure to have seen this trend and heard him talk --my "cousin" Steven who is more inbetween my father's age and mine than a "cus" but..)
not to digress--you must copy the link and find it online because the years of this function being blocked by hackers has shown me that I must spend 2 hours doing a reset of the system--Windows must be deleted and then re-installed in order for me to use this function. I can't just uninstall the browser (brave) and then re-install it the malware hack will remain.
It is part of the discrediting censorship of Big Daddy rapist Joy Division Nazi blocking my ability to display any strength, to portray the actual reality of their tryst with deception and the subversion of the American Jews in order to have what they have accomplished now: complete submission to control by expletives of the 4th Reich and to hand me over as a sacrifice, giggling and smug and smiling as they do so. The lead singer of Reagan Youth I assume would have not done so, I am only surmising and hoping that perhaps 40 years ago there were still fighters against Nazis coming out of the Jewish NYC affluent community. He had to be silenced and the band buried under not even nostalgia like with only the most sell-out mainstream representing "punk" remaining (for the most part) under the advertising agenda of the 4th Reich what a green day it's been for the Nazis and their studio musician ilk with fashionably spiked pretty boy hairdoo's. Thusly, I had reservations about Dano in the hypothetical playing the "strong" Jewish male openly denouncing the hypocrisy of a nation that is now openly cheering on saluting sieg heil images...back then it was the "Fringe" and it had to be silenced by covert assassination and targeting. I suspect highly that if Whorewood made such a film they would focus on the most sleazy and non-threatening to the 4th Reich issues of the entire story. The hypothetical lead role of Dano playing the outraged outspoken Jewish male from Forest Hills (I Lived there the first year of my life, btw) seems implausible to me, and typically he would not have the basis of understanding but that would be the "point" for the 4th Reich to put him in that slot to misrepresent and another discrediting of Jews as only non-Jews can "play" strong Jews fighting the hate that is now becoming openly visible but always was there and the fake "liberals" have completely helped to create the current 4th Reich assumption of power. They helped to get rid of people like Dave Insurgent, I suspect he was denigrated by the Jewish community of Forest Hills and the surroundings except, perhaps, at CBGB's.
"The (really) dark farewell of Dave Insurgent from Reagan Youth". Tome. August 9, 2023.
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